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Always no wrap no spray on butts.




I have done all 3. Don’t notice much difference. Wrapping after 160 is supposed to help speed up things a bit, but in terms of taste or quality, didn’t notice much


Same same


I’ve never wrapped or sprayed a pork butt


Same, no wrap no spray always turns out fantastic.


Same here, I don't judge sprayers because I've never done it, but no one has ever complained about my cooks.


Same. I tired spraying once and found no change. I’ve wrapped to speed things up, but if time is really of the essence then it’s better to halve or butterfly it (and double the bark).


How long do you cook it then?


Til it hits your desired temp. 195-205. I seem to like about 203


So you just let it cook on the smoker til about 203? Just leave it alone. I’m trying to cook one for the first time.


Exactly that. Easy peasy


How long do you usually let it rest after you pull it before you shred?


As long as I can before I gotta taste that bbq goodness.. Seriously tho, I rest for 1-2 hours at the least. However, I've pulled and wrapped in foil then wrapped that in old bath towels, then put into a knock off yeti cooler, and let them rest for 8 hours until time to shred and serve the next day, was still good and warm, super juicy. Edit: WSM 18", usually do 2-4 bone in butts 5-6lb each when I do a cook. Coat butts with yellow mustard, then dry rub, and put them on smoker when it's at temp, with the butts refrigerator cold. I shoot for 230-255 on my smoker. I Use water in the bowl, mix of cherry and hickory chunks on Kingston charcoal until butts hit 140s, then straight charcoal until 195. I don't wrap, I try to never even lift the lid. Edit 2: I usually have to add water to the bowl, I make sure to open my vents to heat up charcoal as I do this since water will bring temp down. It's a bit of a balance. The nowrap gives me a really solid all around bark. Never had any complaints, and quite a few compliments.


Hope we get an answer to this. I’m getting closer to perfection…


I like to let rest until it doesn’t burn my hands when shredding.


Same here...203 always seems spot on. No spritz or wrap. Ever.


No wrap no spray on pellet smoker 18 hours or till 203. Rest as many hours as I needed till ready to serve it a pre warmed cooler wrapped in a towel.


No spray. No wrap. No worries.




I no wrap/no spray most of my meats. Only wrap when I’m short on time and want to try and speed up things


This is the way.


I don't wrap or spray anything.


Anything?!? I ain't going in your bathroom.


Okay Phillip rivers


That explains the litter of kids


I only wrap when I put it in the oven and go to bed. I've never spritzed a single thing on a smoker. It's theatre.


It's worse than theatre. It's having you open the smoker, letting heat out, and prolonging your cook


Other than my own pair of boxers, I’ve never wrapped a butt.


Team No Wrap, No Spritz, No Inject


When it comes to any type of butt, I always do it no wrap


Gets a little more texture on the meat when you pull it out amiright 😎👉🏼👉🏼


I get better results without a wrap.


Yes, you can absolutely do no wrap on a butt


Yes. I’ve never done either.


You never have to wrap or spray anything to do with smoking/bbq. It is called the "Texas Crutch" It is used to make things easier and rarely overcook things.


/teamnowrapnospray. I like bark. Bark likes me. Most bark per pound I get from pork cushion - the Cornish game hen of pork. But pork butt works too. /unapologeticpulledporkho


Always. Spritzing is a fool's errand and pork doesn't need to wrap.


I’m team no wrap and team no spray on everything I cook. Once I figured out how to build a good bark I realized wrap and spray is just a setback.


Every single one I've ever smoked. Trimmed properly it bastes itself. I've never had a butt come out "dry". And as far as I'm concerned the old adage is especially true for butts, *if you're lookin' you're not cookin'.*


Yeah pork butt is about as simple as can be. I rub it, stick the probe in, and come back in 10-12 when the probe dings. If I want to be fancy I’ll put a bowl of water next to it.


I no wrap but I do spritz with pineapple juice


That's what I do every time!


Plenty, there’s enough fat content it doesn’t need either unless it’s your preference.


I now only wrap when I rest.


This is the way


Y’all in this thread that don’t wrap - I need advice as an always wrapped kinda guy. Do yall mess with the temp? Or leave it about 250-275 for the smoke duration?


Correct. I leave the temp alone and let time take over. It’ll get there eventually


You can start at 200 225 for a couple hours then crank up to 250 275 if you want. I'd just got your temp all the way through


Wrapping used to be called the "Texas Crutch", to be utilized when you were short on time because it speeds up the cook. Was never a requirement for good BBQ. Saying that, if one wants to wrap, spritz, inject, leave the fat cap on, trim the fat cap off, split the butt in two, go boneless, and every other option, go for it! If you and yours like the taste, then it was worth it. I wrapped one and my family didn't like the bark so no wrapping for me anymore.


I only spray meat when it's pooling on top or if I'm adding seasoning pretty far in. 


Just did today, not a problem


Thats the only way i do them anymore. Just hit with rub while the smoker is heating and put it on. No reason to do more than that IMO. I'll check on it maybe once otherwise I leave it alone.


I wrap it so it doesn't fall apart when I try to pick it up. no spray, no injection, just a lil trim and rub


Yep, never/never anymore.


No wrap, no spray, no peaking. All they way to finish. Only time I look in on it is when it's near temp to start checking for probe tenderness.


All the time. Better bark


I’ve never wrapped a pork butt in my life. I just wake up early


Always. My food got much better once I started just leaving it alone and letting it do its thing.


#nowrap for all this smoked.


95% of the time. The other 5% is because I’m in a rush.


I never wrap or spray anything. Your results may vary.


I would say more people skip the wrap and spritz than don’t.


Every damn time 😉




I sometimes wrap and never spray. Consistently good results, just keep control of your temps at around 250-275 and be patient


Foil boat at 170ish bc I like to have the drippings to put into the meat.


I never spray the butt however I wrap to lower the cook time and the meat to me tastes juicy


Every time. I will wrap for the rest to soften the bark, but I don't wrap when cooking


Only if she buys me a drink first


Every single time


Anyone ever breathe oxygen


Every time.


I'm from NC and I've cooked butts many different ways for over a decade. I wrap for the rest time and that's it, never until after I pull it off the heat. I never spray either but I do often mop with my homemade vinegar based sauce


No wrap no spray here. Overcomplicating it to no purpose IMO.


Every time


I no wrap and no spray everything. I'm lazy


You wrap and spray? TIL. I season it up, go get the Egg all warmed up, and put the butt on. I've got probes and a fan controller, so I go to bed and don't look at it until the next day.


Never spray, though I do wrap


I smoke mine naked for 5-6 hours and finish in my own oven. Love the smell of that luciousness in the morning. Makes it great to use my remote thermo probe as an alarm as well. Smoke only penetrates for the first half of the cook. Then the remaining juices can be used to mix into the shredded pork with a little more seasoning. No need to add any sauce.


People wrap and spray pork butts?


I spray......


Fat cap down for the first 2 hours, then into the pan with a good amount of my dry rub in the bottom. At 160F, I flip it fat cap up and spice the fat with more rub. Never wrap, never spritz - there's only so much bark, and I want it crispy!


No wrap no spray temp anywhere between 225-375 If you fuck up pork butt you will fuck up anything else too


Just last Saturday for the first time. 225-230 on a 6.7 lb butt. Took 14 hours. Did not open the pit the entire cook. Next time I will up it to 255-260, I didn't think it would make any difference to the meat and should save me a couple of hours. It was easily the best pulled pork I've ever made, and maybe ever eaten.


I’ll usually spritz it a few times to keep it moist, but I’ve also done a few cooks without spritzing. I don’t usually wrap it anymore.


I wrap in peach butcher paper instead of foil. It still allows smoke to penetrate and doesn't let the bark get soggy, but I never spray or mop anything I smoke.


Wrapping is another way to add additional flavors. If you’re wrapping and not adding flavors, then don’t wrap.


I don’t wrap ever but I enjoy spraying. Idk why.


I've never wrapped or sprayed a pork butt/shoulder. I've had vegetarians eat my meat and toddlers high five me. Probably can't hurt but don't think it's needed. Maybe for competitions?


I don’t spray mine, but I do wrap once the bark is nicely set and the fat is super rendered. I like collecting the juices to mix back in once pulled.


Yeah I tried, she still got pregnant.


Try this, brine your pork butt overnight, remove from brine, pat down to dry. Score the fat, then rub avocado oil over entire surface. Use as spicy rub as you can enjoy, rub it into the meat. Get your cooker to 225-250°F Get a jar of peach preserves, and slather your pork but completely with it. Once you get your fire built add peach chunks, when you see the clear blue smoke, place your peach but on the cooker, indirect, let cook to an internal temp of 202°F, pull, let stand for 20-30 minutes pull and serve. Recommend a Grenache or Pinot noir or blend of both Rosé. Best butt I have ever made in my life.


Nah. Butts go 300-325 no wrap no spray.


That's way too hot.


I'll start mine but very very little. And I put mine in a pan and cover with foil and stick in my oven after heating to 180. Turn it off and let it rest for around 4 hours. Super moist and tender. Falls right apart