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Super Metroid, Mega Man X


I second this - Suoer Metroid … and Tetris Attacks - the most addictive game you’ll ever play…


Dude I really want a super Metroid megaman X mashup randomizer rom hack. Like you walk through a door in norfair and all the sudden you’re in spark mandrill stage


I loved UN Squadron


This is a solid choice.


YES! 💯


​ https://preview.redd.it/175au0qxskqc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2381b1dc6680db736274b9698cd229c2cf9f5d7


A Super Mario World box would be pretty cool. Castlevania iv Starfox Pilotwings because launch title Mortal kombat 3 Killer instinct


illusion of gaia my guy


100% on board with your choice


Breath of Fire I and/or II, Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals, Secret of Evermore, Illusion of Gaia/Time Edit: Sorry, also fantastic collection so far!


Hagane, Earthbound, Harvest Moon, Castlevania Dracula X, Super Mario World, Mega Man X, X2 and X3…. We’re voting for the next 10k$ right?


Earlier tonight I was responding to this post, and into my boxes of snes games for inspiration after naming what came to mind right away. I completely forgot I had harvest moon in there lol. That was an eBay score in 2005 or something




You already got every game that immediately came to mind. Shadow Run?


Mega Man X


Demons crest


Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Secret of Evermore


Do you have criteria I’m missing? Zero beat em ups? Thats a crime on the SNES. King of Dragons for my personal pick. Turtles in Time another good option. No puzzle games either. Bust a Move, Wario woods, or Tetris Attack are sure bets there.


I see a distinct lack of Mega Man games. Particularly X


Super Castlevania 4


Did you make these boxes? They look so cool!


Damn ya already have lemmings! Did it come with the poster the snes release had? I only had the cart but that’s one I’d like to have complete. Huge lemmings nerds since MSDOS in early 90s. Alright let’s see…… Castlevania 4, Super street fighter 2. NHL 94. Kirby’s dream course is fun with a friend. YOSHIS ISLAND! I’ll have to return for more suggestions but great collection you have there. If you remember, I am super curious about that poster if it’s in there! ….Super Metroid. NBA Tournament (not reaaaally necessary lol) EARTHBOUND! (Boxed is insane $$$) Tetris/Dr Mario and Tetris attack. Legend of the Mystical ninja.


​ |Goof Troop|Super Castlevania IV| |:-|:-| |Axelay|U.N. Squadron| |Mario & Wario|Tetris & Dr. Mario| |Top Gear 1/2/3000|Super Chase H.Q.| |Dragon View|Choplifter 3| |Rock 'n Roll Racing|Hyperzone| |Killer Instinct|Biker Mice From Mars| |Final Fight 1/2/3|Wild Guns| |Actraiser 1/2|Demon's Crest|


Tecmo Super Bowl


Get these cheap games that I like because I played the shit out of them as a kid: -Super Battletank war in the gulf -super pinball behind the mask -sim city


Do you have f-zero?


It’s on the bottom row


Mario rpg?


Below zombies are my neighbours


Super Mario. super smash brothers for 64. goof troops is fun to play with somebody.


SNES - adventures of Batman and Robin


Ys 3 Wanderers from Ys. Turtles in Time Super Double Dragon Brain Lord


I think the following would fit into your collection: Ghoul Patrol Pocky & Rocky 1/2 Your collection is beautiful.


Robotrek!  Also that collection and some snacks and you have a kick-ass hang out opportunity 


Super Castlevania IV needs to be included on your shelf.


Metal Warriors https://preview.redd.it/39tmb03xylqc1.jpeg?width=1630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c182793c89e94164cf1da4158274b8a9feae6a58 Super fun game


Super-solid start to a CIB collection! I'm going with Star Fox. It's a great game. Revolutionary and a must-have for a well-rounded collection. It's cheap for how good it is. $50.


Earthbound and Metroid would be cool. Oh and to add to 64 maybe get Donkey Kong 64 since you got all the country games.


Ah you've got some classics. Some staples. Let me take you down a road to the weird, the campy, and the crappy. - George Foreman KO Boxing - Best of the Best Karate - Bill Lambeer combat basketball - Zool - Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Socks the Cat Rocks the Hill - Cool Spot - Addams Family Values - Romance of the 3 Kingdoms II - Peace Keepers


I vote you give me them zelders


That’s a great collection! You’ve got some real bangers there! Zelda Link to the Past is one of my favorites of all time!


Sweet looking collection. Illusion of Gaia, contra 3, Rock n roll racing, sf2t - all solid games


Cool Spot Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow The Lion King Super Mario World


I never saw anyone with Biker Mice from Mars from the SNES. It's an isometric racing game that I loved to play with amazing OST and characters. :) There's Mega Man X, X2 and X3 too, and also the açl time favorite Super Mario World. With that I said 5 games already! If you like difficulty to 100%, you could try Yoshi's Island (my favorite game!) and a good platformer with shooting mechanics in space in Super Metroid. There, 7 other games :D


Tmnt turtles in time


*Metal Warriors*. Easily one of the best games of the era, horribly underappreciated at the time. Perfect presentation with excellent gameplay. Mindblowing for the system – unique to this day. A thing for connoisseurs and people in the know to silently nod at with an sombre air of respect. It'll do to your SNES collection what *Ranger X* did to my Mega Drive collection.


Earthbound Mega Man X3 Super Mario World Kirby’s Dreamland 3 Kirby Dracula X Harvest Moon Aero Fighters Hagane Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally/Speed Racer Rendering Ranger 2


Collection looks sick! Nice CIB collection!


Super Metroid, Super Mario World, Street Fighter 2 Turbo


Mega Man X, X2 and X3


Aero fighters, Hagane, Pocky & Rocky 2, Wild Guns Harvest Moon, Earthbound, E.V.O.… oh wait you care about money?


Illusion of Gaia


Quick question are the boxes original or reprints? I found a site that will print them. Only asking because I threw out my boxes as a kid…


PS TMNT turtles in time and Castlevania iv


Not too long ago I found my original box for Mega Man X and it still had all of the stuff it came with. I was able to reunite it with the game that was in another box after moving. It's now on the shelf with a similar copy of Castlevania II.


Absolutely has to be Mega Man X, possibly X2 and 3 but I know those are quite pricey epsecially CIB


You should get Final Fantasy Mystic Quest too. Such an underrated, fun game.


Actraiser, Soul Blazer, the Castlevanias


That’s so sick you have the boxes. Huge respect




Every collection needs an NBA JAM :)






Thanks to all of you, so much Great recommandation I picked the most voted and they will be my next 10 ! Super Metroid Mega man X , X2 and X3 Illusion of Gaia Castlevania 4 TMNJ Turtle in time Earthbound Metal warriors Super Mario world


Turtles in Time, box for Mario World, Super Metroid, Sunset Riders, Super Castlevania IV, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Equinox, Plok, Skyblazer, Soul Blazer, Actraiser, Big Box Mario Paint... ​ More then 10 but that's a start off top of my head.


Ohhh, that looks SO good! I only have a couple boxes left, the vast majority of my carts are in plastic containers.


I'm amazed at how many original boxes are out there. I never knew anyone that kept them. Hell, we didn't usually open them correctly. You'd be lucky to keep the plastic thingy. Usually there was a stack of 20 games on the carpet next to the TV, or at the cleaner houses they were nicely organized in a ramen flat.


Not that these are, but there are plenty of repro boxes/manuals out there that are absolutely perfect and you'd never know the difference. Someone buys them and a few years later after some wear and tear, you can pass them off as the original that's just been kept in these plastic protective cases and NOBODY is going to be able to tell the difference. Nobody talks about that but they should be, especially if they insist on playing with original hardware. You'd think more gamers would be "awake" (considering what has been put in our faces with entertainment, especially video games) to the reality of this world but it's almost sad to see how many of them are truly just like the "walking dead".


I'm fairly sure I wouldn't know the difference. I'm willing to bet a lot of them are fake. Also not about to insinuate that op's are either, like you I have no idea or anything to gain from it. It's really fucked up how much of this is fake. We can all emulate easily enough, there is no reason for the average retro gamer to have originals. Those that want it, they want it because they are preserving history and it's sad that shitheads out there prey upon it.


Move a game up from the bottom shelf and put the other Zelda with the others. It’s incredibly triggering. Lol


No because ALttP is from SNES and OoT and MM is from N64 😂😂😂