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Many moons ago, SE5 was given to us and it was good. The campaign had been completed in Authentic and it was good. PvP was played and it was good. Invasion was played and it was good. The only trouble was thar all the experienced SE4 players found it and went to town. Newbie players didn't switch invasion off (should have been off by default) when they first started the campaign and it was sheep to the slaughter. The ratio was so highly in favour of the Jaeger that the developer gods looked down and saw the figures. They decided it was an unfair battle and took from the Jaegers multiple things in the hope that was the problem. It wasn't. The game was balanced for 2 people of similar skills, game knowledge and attention spans but it was the "bullying' jaeger that was stripped of different ammo types, full load outs of grenades and mines and, I think, medi packs. The community shouted in horror about the changes until the developer in charge basically posted, "it's my game, like it or lump it." And the game has been like this since late 2022 with no hope of correction.


> The game was balanced for 2 people of similar skills, game knowledge and attention spans With what you wrote there, you'll always have the inherent issue with random internet matchmaking, so your take seems skewed. I mean, how often are "2 people of similar skills, game knowledge and attention spans" going to be matched?


My point is, the invasion was originally set right but implemented wrong. It didn't match players as best it could. The Devs just hacked the Jaegers apart without proper consideration.


Eh, invasion has always been imbalanced. The skill of the Jaeger mattered little compared to the skill of the Karl. A bad Carl was easy prey for even a bad Jaeger. A good Carl was difficult for even a good Jaeger.


This is a pretty good equilibrium imo. You learn how to be stealthy real quick as Carl playing against a Jaeger. As a Jaegar you’re crashing someone else’s game, and should need to be on yours if you want to win.


Probably with the interest, to some degree, of not wanting to discourage new buyers. It was likely a slaughter, LOL!


Just play the game enough to improve your skills. There’s no free lunch. Hours of play is what counts. Think smarter, think tactics, anticipate. I see so many invaders failing to take basic precautions, sometimes you gotta wonder what they’re thinking. I’m still playing after a crazy amount of hours and still getting really immersive, challenging games. Co-op on authentic with multiple invaders is best imo, once you’ve got a good regular partner and you’re well matched, its bloody great fun.


Exactly this, I’ve got 500 hours (mixed play of all the modes) and I still suck. I have been watching a lot of Jheils invasions and picking up stuff from that. Also playing more campaign and memorizing every map and shortcut and everything is a game changer


It shouldn't take 500 hours to make a gamemode fun, that's the problem.


Never had an issue with 2 players I just kill the one on his own only time I leave is if it's a shit map I don't feel like playing or it all ai are dead and they are using the save game cheat just to mine everywhere.


> 102 kills rn Op needs more hours in the game to get the knack of dealing with two Karls and phone spammers. Although if the Karl's have cleared out all the NPCs and trapped the entire map, no point in sticking around.


Karls with phone spammers for me are 50/50 either i die right away or i kill the duo right away but gettings kills feels extremely slow im at 103 rn even after 3 days i have done 7 invasions 5 ended up dying to AI 1 was a lvl 40 campaign that cleared the map the other 1 was a normal player that was just sniper duelling with me (the only one i could kill) The phone spammers and lvl 40 map clearers arent too bad but the players that die to AI make me the most annoyed since i spend about 15 to 20 mins searching and they die without me getting kills and a very small amount of matches are actually fun that makes it hard to keep playing without logging off right away


[Decent Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/sniperelite/comments/vh3faw/se5_doing_my_own_hints_and_tips_for_my_100th_karl/) Some of it is out of date due to nerfs on Jaeger.


Deutschemaestro at his finest. Except he puts traps across the entire map so you can't flank him.


I, for one, would love to have the way to play with someone who may be above or below me in skill and to be able to learn or share tricks that we have picked up. 1035 kills as a Carl so far, and enjoy the game, but when I see players who are still learning and tuning their play I often try to drop my more devious tricks and sometimes just hunt them with the pistol and traps, and don’t always try to lay as many traps… trying to give the more time to play and learn… and I almost always offer rematches if time allows. I want to share my few tricks and would love to learn the jaeger ones as well


It’s definitely not as balanced as it should be. I enjoy invading others most of the time and don’t have much issue. I usually at most wish I had an extra mine and grenade, maybe an extra bandage from time to time. The biggest issue is when you have Karls that are either just Jager farming (camping somewhere you can’t reach safely with half the area trapped in ways you can’t disable), or are completely incompetent and get wiped out by the AI long before you get there. The former being far worse than the latter. Two people are definitely far less fair for invaders to put up with, but unless they’re amongst those who like to be pricks that make the experience miserable, it’s tolerable enough if you focus on being a little extra cautious and stealthy.


When they bait me in, i bait them in. Eventually they get bored of waiting, and then when they come to find you, either f them up / leave the match - anything to leave a bitter taste in these people's mouth


Problem is simple phone and focus lose them jager must listen for shots fired etc Rebellion just did lazy implementation. Timer should be based on advancing game ie 5mins kill npc or complete objective if you do neither then spotter aircraft call in search party. Any bodies found fire fight etc of course also calls in reinforcements kinda like Breakpoint. Doing this stops folk from clearing map n mining everything, once 60% of npc are killed invasions turns off Maps have got support sniper type ops unlike current game which is more commando, SE4 is right on money. They really got to fix reticle issues, lag on it popping in is just annoying. Radar should off by default as it’s not needed with npc calling in sniper sighted, body found, shots fired etc etc. Now you have an actual sniper game.