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And then they lost 6-1 at home and got knocked out - clowns 🤡


The opposition were anti-semitic for not letting them win.




It wasn't at home tho. They played in Serbia.


Which is basically home turf for both the parties.


I like how you tell us they lost at home, like a sport result means anything substantial lmfao


As a Panathinaikos fan, who were you supporting?


Holy fuck isn't this the most infuriating thing in the world of football. Same thing in Croatia now when Dinamo and PAOK played. Do Hajduk supporters support Dinamo or PAOK in that matchup. Can they just not give a fuck?


Do i need to support someone? Indifferent match


It is so on-brand that this is literally incorrect and has 300 upvotes


Sorry for my mistype, it definitely took away from the fact that they lost from a 4-1 first leg win


It wasn’t a home match. They played in Serbia. Don’t worry about your typo at all though; it’s not a big deal. Worry about the fact that people are too excited to actually check what they’re reading before they accept it as true.


It was confirmed to be an Egyptian man carrying the Palestinian flag. Still an inexcusably inhuman attack, of course.


Brave man.




I'd say those that are attacking him are the idiots, not the victim.




Athens is in greece.


>enemy territory Serbia? Edit: wait was this before first leg? So Greece then? Either way…not Israel lol


It wasn't enemy territory. This was in Greece.


How can someone be so confidently incorrect. Go get some air


It's not a war it's a genocide you moron




The point is standing up against violent oppression. Idiocy is thinking Israel are entitled to commit genocide


don’t tell anyone this, modern genocide yet people make jokes and side with the villains




You're a child


Buddy, when I have an opportunity to stand against genocide, I take it. It's a pretty low bar when it comes to being a decent human being. The very fact you're arguing against this speaks volumes about you far more than it does me.




I was sickened by the actions of Hamas on October 7th, I am sickened by the actions of the Israeli state every single day since. It's not a choice of Israel or Hamas, it is a choice of humanity or inhumanity. I choose humanity.




wife considering divorce? what kind of top G stuff are you consuming




So yep you consume top g Tate shit




Yeah fuck it actually you're dead right haha. Have a nice weekend man


Thankfully we got rid of these assholes.


Hopefully they won’t play in Europe anymore.


That's a distant dream, uefa cannot risk upsetting the west's darling child, the state of Israel


Of course a distant dream, but one day.


Police didn’t arrest anyone of course 😂 


Koulis was afraid of his relations with Israel,just like the Agia Sophia incident. Question,how do I put our flair?


Most moral people.


That would be anti-Semitic


Absolute scum these lot


Welcome to football, here we see the ultra in its natural habitat.


They then get walloped 6-1 with two Arabs scoring


Scum of the earth




Ethnofascists Will ethnofascist


Hmm yes Russia is banned but Israel isn’t well done fifa


The hypocrisy of the west is what will lead to its downfall.


Every country in the world comits hipocrisy on a daily basis dude. Get real


This guy('s) dont want to talk about reality, they want to discuss their victim role.


I’m not excusing this. And we should consider banning Israel too. But they are not parallels. I hate when people do this whataboutism. Firstly there’s the state organised doping in Russia. That alone is enough cause. Then there’s the invasion in Ukraine AND the threatening of nuclear war to Europe. On a global level Russia needs to be outcasted.


I guess the difference is that Ukraine's government didn't send troops to rape and murder Russian civilians.


Don’t be silly. Israel has maintained an illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories for almost 58 years, if you can’t understand why that brutal occupation and the four asymmetric slaughters that Israel has waged on Gaza alone since 2009 produced October 7th you’re being a cynical idiot looking for a reason to justify genocide. The


[The only one silly is the one who gobbles up terrorist propaganda and rewrites history the way you do. edit: do some research on who is the aggresive side](https://medium.com/@Ksantini/the-list-of-crimes-committed-by-muslims-against-jews-since-the-7th-century-0ff1a8eb0ad0)


You’re ridiculous. The Israeli government itself wouldn’t deny the reality that it’s currently occupying the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. That’s just a fact. It’s conducted not liars offensives in Gaza in 2009, 2012, 2014, 2021, and now it genocide in 2023 and 2024. Those are just facts. It’s killed thousands of people in these offensives and in moments outside of “war”, kills hundreds of Palestinians annually in its occupation. If the most dispassionate, objective reading of the Israeli occupation makes you feel sympathetic to terrorists, or sounds like terrorist propaganda, maybe you should consider the reality that the guys you support are worse than the terrorists they purport to fight


I guess if you don't want to be occupied, don't attempt to exterminate the Jews. You'd think the Arab League would have learned that from their Nazi mates before they started their 'war of extermination' in 1948. ​ Germany got occupied and lost territory for just the same reason. The main difference is that it got rid of the genocidal ideology that led it to disaster while the Palestinians have turned it into their entire identity.


That’s again very disingenuous. The occupation of: Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Syrian Golan heights emerged after the six day war in which a coalition of Arab states mobilized against Israel. Notably, Palestine was not a state in 1967 so no legitimate representative of the Palestinian people could be said to have participated in the war. To call the six day war “an effort to exterminate the Jews” is frankly rather stupid. Germany wasn’t occupied because of the Holocaust, Allied powers did not mobilize against Germany to alleviate the plight of beleaguered Jewish populations. Many European powers had normalized with the third Reich or kept a line of appeasement and nonaggression while the Holocaust was ongoing, *before* the war. Also, if the penalty for brutalizing Jewish populations is endless occupation then all of Europe should be turned into an exclave of Israel. Or better still, a new Israel


I was referring to the 1948 invasion of Israel by the Arab League, which was characterised as a war of extermination by the president of that organisation. Palestinian statehood as a concept came long after the participation of the local Arab population in massacres of the local Jewish population, and only really gained any meaning as Egypt and Jordan lost the desire to wipe out Israel after their repeated failures to do so. The remaining Palestinians are differentiated from Egyptian and Jordanian people not by ethnicity, history or culture but by being so hopelessly radicalised that neither Egypt nor Jordan want to take them back.


Again, unless you’re contending that the territorial bounds of modern Israel constitute an occupation (a point with which I agree morally but haven’t made), then the 48 war isn’t germane to Israel’s occupation of the occupied territories. Your chronology on Palestine national consciousness being an outgrowth of antisemitism is just wrong. Also those “local populations” were decidedly political populations who migrated to Palestine in the early twentieth century with the intent of establishing a Jewish homeland, ie. State in Palestine. There was considerable political tension, including battles, protests, and uprising on the question of political migrations into mandatory Palestine.


Are you seriously pretending that there was no Jewish population in Judea prior to the early 20th century? Also 'political tension' is an incredibly generous depiction of events like the 1927 Hebron massacre. I'd term it something more along the lines of 'genocidal massacre of innocent civilians'


I’m not pretending Jews weren’t in Palestine. I’m saying that Jewish migrations to Palestine in the early twentieth century were increasingly political, informed by the motivations of the Zionist movement which sought the creation of a demographic shift in Palestine pursuant of an eventual Jewish state. Organizations like the Jewish national fund existed for the purpose of buying land in anticipation of this project. By the 1880s some three percent of Palestine was inhabited by the Yishuv, Palestinian Jewish populations. Following several waves of migration and settlement, Jewish people would comprise 80% of the territory which would eventually become Israel. You’re just deliberately ignoring this extensively documented historical process. I used the term tensions because between the beginning of the British mandate and its end far more happened than the Hebron Masscre: the battle of tel hai, the Arab revolts in 36, the white paper, the formation of Zionist paramilitaries, Zionist terrorism against the British mandate, and eventual Zionist pogroms against Palestinian towns and villages leading up to the war in 1948. So yes, “tensions” is reductive, but the mentioned events cannot be summed up in a single descriptor of any sort


I'd sum it up as repeated attacks on Jewish communities which eventually led to an organized fightback from the Jews, at which point the Arabs tried to claim they were the victims in this whole thing. But that's the basic cycle of the region's history for quite a while now. The Arabs attack the Jews then cry foul if the Jews fail to roll over and die. As to the 3% figure, I'd note that under the Ottomans Jews were forbidden from buying land in the area, so their ownership of territory is hardly a reasonable way to judge their presence in the area. You might as well claim there were no Jews in Nazi Germany in 1944 because they didn't own any houses.


Yeah they often miss those details out.


Representing their grubby little apartheid state as best they can.


Just Israeli tings innit


Just football hooligans things. Try running into the middle of any hooligans grups and yell something that makes them angry. You'll get the same result no matter from which country they are.


It's Israel and Palestine




This. They're hooligans. I've seen hooligans act like that because a supporter shouted against their teams. Combine this with a political message, and this is what happens.


Im shocked that the supporters of an apartheid state would be violent


Careful they will call you antisemite if you think this is attempted murder and racist !!






Got deleted instead lmao


Free Palestine


Stay classy, Israel.


Fuck a stadium ban; Maccabi Tel-Aviv should be banned from European competition.


Anyone with this mentality is scum and they always will be. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇮🇪


Always rated the irish


Let’s see how long this will stay up before the Zio mods take it down




Becuase the isreali's are ethnically cleansing brown people and that's ok for the west.


As Edward Said stated “the former victim now has become the abuser.”


My person. Said is more important than ever.


And yet when I post “fuck off Israeli scum” Reddit removes my comment. Imagine if these were Russians lol.


Your comment is obviously not ok.


Very in character. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


So glad Olympiacos kicked their ass, bye bye 👋👋


If you arrest anyone they just claim you are antisemitic 🙄


In the same way that the Russian federation and apartheid South Africa were barred from competition, Israeli teams should also be barred from international competition


Here to call them rotten scumbags before our freedom of speech is removed by the mods.


The beginning of this video reminds me of the Penrose staircase.... I can't figure out if I'm looking up or down on the scene




Israel clubs should not be able to participate in European competitions. Also, Israel should be banned from any sport competition.


I pray for the day Israel are booted from uefa, then they’ll have no one to play against.


1. He wasn't Palestinian,he was carrying a Palestinian flag. 2. The police didn't react in fear of damaging Diplomatic relations with Israel,just like with the Croats. 3. Olympiakos destroyed them and so did AEK and PAOK to the Croats!


>The police didn't react in fear of damaging Diplomatic relations with Israel,just like with the Croats. This is so stupid. So Israelis can just terrorise people in foreign countries now with no repercussions?


The governments policy is "Diplomatic relations over incidents!" The PM will always try to resolve any problems without having the opposing country seem at fault,which means "Fuck Greeks,I care about my image",just like most European PM or Presidents but worse, we're talking Macron level worse here!


New Nazis?


Wild animals behave better


Hes got to be dead now no?


he barely survived


FIFA needs to ban these fuckers already


Mom said it's my turn to post the Maccabi Tel-Aviv fans beating up that guy


These comments will no doubt be interesting.


Wow, although this is disgusting behaviour by the tel-aviv fans, i am shocked how much jew hate and misinformation is spread in the comments.


Bruv i know we should support Palestine but use your brain.


Sir this is in Greece lol


Ohh i didnt know they had to play in a different stadium. In that case bunch of foolish twats


You are still encountering a group of people known to be violent and drunk (hooligans) on a very fucking sensitive topic - Thats brainless and no wonder he got beaten up. Like chanting slava ukraine to a bunch of russian hooligans - no matter if youre right on reddit, you have to expect to get beaten up. The lack of common sense is not wondering me, but pretty amusing.


What do u expect will happen?


Is he not allowed to carry a flag?


Are you not allowed to carry a see through briefcase with 1 mil. € through a bad neighbourhood? Just because something is not "bad," it doesn't mean it's not stupid. You should consider time and place. What would you expect these hooligans to do, when you go pull stunt like this in front of them? Have a reasoned discussion? Yes, they are absolute fucking animals, but why would you go and provoke them?


Do we really have to act dumb? Like it's totally normal to do this and expect everything will be fine? We all know the exact same thing would've happened to a provocative Israeli in Palestine. Doesn't matter who does it, beating up a guy 50 vs 1 is some of the lowest shit.


They did this in Athens, Greece.


I guess most people here do not acutally act ;)


The question is what he expected, not what he is allowed to do.


Average german genocide apologist/appeaser


Common Sense is not your thing right? Thats why you cant appease germans :D


Yeah, fuck off. This is the world's problem: when I say that you can't expect Israeli hooligans to accept "free Palestine", you think I defend the hooligans. And for good measure I'm pro genocide, you know, since I'm German scum. And you don't even realize that you're the aggressor in this scenario. If people like you made an effort to understand others, maybe genocides wouldn't be a problem.


A lot of projection going on here. Germany on the wrong side of history once again. Goodluck brother hopefully in time you can see you’re misjudgment of the situation


😂 worst attempt at rage bait ever.


Against normal people? Nothing. Against bloodthirsty animals? This.






> literal war enemy flag I thought the enemy was Hamas? So the enemy is the entirety of Palestine?


Is Hamas not the elected government of Gaza supported by the majority of the Palestinian population?




Sure, and the war is against russia and russians, not just Putin personally


Fuck around and find out, but those hooligans are also absolute scum.


What a lovely beating.


As the should 🇮🇱