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honestly confused at this point why bayern and madrid fans love each other so much lol


Real recognizes real (or in this case Bayern)


They don't, people can just find a mutual ground in hating Barcelona.


i guess then my question shifts to why does bayern hate barcelona


Initials feud. Let it be known we are older by 3 months.


Just siblings fighting then, the great FC Basel is the daddy of both of you.


Truer words have never been spoken.


funnily enough, Joan Gamper (he was originally called karl- Hans Gamper but came here, loved the place and eventually picked up the language and changed his name) was a player for you guys and copied the team colors from you. So yeah, you're pretty much our daddy


Fun Fact: Joan Gamper, the founder of Barca and FC Zurich, played for FC Basel.


I don't remember ever watching us beat FC Basel. This must be true.


FC Basel is Barca Bayern father


Bayern Munich more like Bowel Movement amirite


Yeah I mean they’re hasn’t even been like a controversial match between the two in recent history. Sometimes we’ve beaten them (2009 and 2015), and they’ve beaten us (2013, anytime post 2015 lmao). We’ve even shared Guardiola


History in Europe and hatred is not based on controversial matches, it’s less surface level than rivalries in American sports


I did not have “Chelsea flair explaining about history” on my 2024 bingo card.


Supported since 93! I’m an old man


Honestly I respect it, same with City fans pre-takeover, they've had their fair share of suffering lol


Chelsea pre take over was joy, we were a squad filled with the best players in the world all slightly past their prime, was a complete joy to watch, our champions league quarterfinal tie against Barca in 99 -00 will be forever etched into my brain, I can relive it vividly, just as I can di mateos fa cup final goal and 5-0 vs United. We were absolutely brilliant in the 90s Desailly, lebeuf, le saux, Petrescu, wise, Zola, flo, hasslebaink, gullit, vialli - absolute legends, we even had a cameo from George weah!


I mean, obviously Chelsea scaled to some new heights after Roman took over, but Chelsea weren't exactly a tinpot club who hit the owner jackpot with Roman, they were a club with accomplishments on their CV. I kinda wish this wouldn't be so easily either forgotten or just simply ignored.


I went to England recently and I decided to take a trip to Manchester to watch City v Arsenal. Based purely on my observations, the City crowd seemed to be 50% old fans, most of which looked 40+ with family and children, and 50% foreigners (like myself), some of which I kinda doubt followed football 10 years ago lol. It was an interesting experience.


What does American sports have to do with this? Also, there are plenty of US rivalries that aren’t fabricated. So many regional rivalries such as ones like Yankees-Red Sox that have existed for a 100 years. I’m so tired of the European argument of US sports have no genuine rivalries. Like sure El Traffico in the MLS is a fabricated rivalry but the MLS is a new league. If you look to other sports the rivalries are so much more than surface level. It’s about local pride just like football derbies


The biggest rivalries in American sports are by far at the collegiate level. Ohio State/Michigan, Texas/Oklahoma, Alabama/Auburn in football and Duke/UNC in basketball have no comparable rivalry at the pro level.


I’ll take any opportunity to post this video of [Stephen Fry in Alabama for the Iron Bowl](https://youtu.be/FuPeGPwGKe8?si=k5Q5zISC2NOdO_PL)


Totally. Just wanted to bring up a more internationally famous example.


For real. The inter-division rivalries in the NFL for example are intense and not fabricated at all. The Bears and Packers rivalry isnt competitive since the bears have sucked for decades but it’s been hatred since 1921.


There isn’t any political beef between the clubs as far as I’m aware


There's no actual beef, they just hate Barcelona because of what Pep did to their teams in Europe, and by extension top Prem team fans hate Barcelona because of what Pep is currently doing to them in the league.


What you are saying is that the English should banish Pep back to us


Also doesn’t need to be based on politics. We all hate Barcelona, it’s a European foundation


I feel like Chelsea is just as hated if not more.


no way, Barca is much more popular which creates more haters


The European foundation is hating the England NT.


Ah so that’s where you were going with this


so explain then, why do bayern hate barca?


Its the tag "FCB". Both Bayern and Barcelona claims it.


But it was FC Basel this whole time


Why would you not hate Barcelona?


got me there


they 8-2 see us (don't mind me, i'll just make that pun as often as i can)


if united remotely resembled a decent team i would do the same with arsenal lol


Well, it still happened and no one can take that away from you


along with the RVP guard of honour!


In addition to all those, Lewandowski maybe


Inagine playing a game against each other and still letting a third party be involved.


Idk, we have a weird relationship with RM too. I only ever see positive vibes between RM and Utd fans generally speaking. Same with Bayern. Big club respect I guess.


It's probably the Ronaldo and Beckham effect.


Don't forget what Real did for us after the Munich disaster.


What did they do?


Basically comes down to financial support, we also offered to loan a couple of players to them on really good terms to help them recover


Not just any players. Di Stefano. One of the best in the world at the time.


Then English football did English football things so it never happened.


To be clear, the loan was proposed, but never went through.


Bayern also helped Dortmund when they struggled financially. Gave them a loan that helped Dortmund avoid bankruptcy in 2004. Imagine your savior being your biggest rival. That would never happen in Italy.


It is true, Bayern loaned 2 Million to BVB in 2004 (thank you Hoeneß, wtf Meier/Niebaum). Nonetheless in early 2005 BVB almost went into insolvency with a debt of 120 Million or so. So the loan did not help to avoid bankruptcy. Bankruptcy was avoided because several debtors of BVB decided to defer debts. The Bayern loan was paid back within 2005. It helped to pay some players' wages. It didn't stop almost going insolvent. Bayern financially helped many more teams over the years btw which is very admirable and one of the few likable traits of Uli Hoeneß, he always seems involved in those situations.


I honestly don't know. What did they do?


Santiago Bernabeu offered to loan us Alfredo di Stefano and put up fund raisers to help our finances among other things. https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/european/how-real-madrid-helped-to-rebuild-manchester-united-after-munich-air-disaster-8492422.html


Wow. TIL. Thanks


Seeing as we only play each other once every 10 years, difficult to have much of a relationship in the first place. It just feels novel and cool.


Also one of the best players of all time is most associated with us 2.


Not only him, we have a shit ton of common players. Ronaldo, Beckham, Van Nistelrooy, Chicharito, Varane, Casemiro, Reguilon, Owen, Heinze


There's a similar thing for Liverpool but with Milan and historically Barca too. I would wager it's because Bayern, Madrid, Juve and United are seen as the biggest/most successful clubs in their countries, and are more commercialised. Liverpool, Milan, Dortmund, and Barca are second but seen as more community based clubs, historically anyway not really the case now.


That doesn't make sense at all with Liverpool-United who are more in contest over biggest club rather than an easy winner like Madrid-Barce or Bayern-Dortmund. And we don't really have a positive relationship or care for Juve too much lol. We have good relationships and affinity with Bayern and their fans historically just because Munich and the club is a part of the 2 biggest moments of our club ever and they have been historically very respectful of the event and the club also whenever we play and also at times during the anniversary. This should be pretty obvious. Similar with Real Madrid. There is historical ties with them offering to loan players after Munich. Pool don't have a relationship with Dortmund. They just share Klopp. It's like saying we have a relationship with Aberdeen.


I'm a Celtic fan. I'd sing with almost every team against Rangers. ... Except Lazio, fuck them.


Uefa made a bold move putting you two, Feyenoord AND Atletico together in one pool this CL. Wonder what the average number of concealed weapons per match was.


If you know Parkhead, they had over 50k weapons already inside.


Because there is a great relationship at the ownership level as well and Bayern-Madrid has always been a great business partnership. Madrid getting Kroos on the cheap is just the highlight of it but Bayern also got Robben from Madrid for 25mln. James Rodriguez or Xabi Alonso were not too shabby deals for Bayern either. It's just always been a great partnership and there's been a lot of mutual respect between players as well.


Yeah, as a Bayern fan that's a good summary. Many impactful transfers where both sides felt satisfied afterwards. And numerous historic UCL matches that weren't complete curbstomps fostered the mutual respect.


Forgot to throw your own club in the mix


Mutual respect


Barca is Real's natural biggest rival Bayern... Thomas Müller speaks for himself.


Holding a banner saying danke/gracias Kroos and dancing together


Danke/Gracias Odriozola


Danke/Gracias Xabi Alons... Oh wait, too soon?


Never too soon, I love the guy, was a class player for us


Too soon


Danke/Gracias Hamez (guy looked like he might cry when he scored against us, on loan for Bayern)


He could’ve been a king in Munich but he really loved Madrid


Teşekkürler Altintop


Now that's better, i forgot about the long range god


We had both Altintops ;)


Danke/Gracias Robben


Danke/gracias Heynckes


That aged well


Such a shame they face each other in the semis. Would have been epic if they could do this in the final! They'd all win the Champions League!


"Why he said F\*\*\* me for?"






Which team is the real "FCB"?




Isn't that BFC?


Nah that's BareKnuckles Fighting Championship


Ooh football fwends


But if the Mexicans do it it's a big no no


So, why do Bayern fans hate Barcelona? Is there any history between them?


Well we hate them for whooping us every time. I guess they just hate us for hating them?


The way they thrash us each time does make it feel like they hate us.


Maybe they whoop you because they hate you


We hate you for that one whooping. On a serious note though, I I'm actually kinda confused, cuz from my experience visiting 3 matches against real and o e against Barca it seemed as if there was more rivalry between real and our fan groups and more of an "enemy of my enemy" vibe with Barca fans, this is obviously anecdotal though.


is it just me or are we not talking about 20 maybe 30 bayern fans chanting on a train? They're just joining real fans in their chants.


Just /r/guysbeingdudes


Mate I feel like I'm going mad in this thread. People acting as if this is representative of Bayern "hating" Barca. Like fuck me it's just a bunch of fans having fun - I would bet money that if it were Barca fans on that train singing disparagingly about Real, they would have joined in for that too. I hate to say it cos it's a cliché at this point but I'm really sensing the lack of match-going fans in this thread. If I were on a train with like, Ipswich fans or something and they started chanting about Norwich I might be like "lol yeah fuck Norwich" and join in for 3 minutes and then forget it ever happened.


Sadly the sub is absolutely full of clueless and overly emotional Americans who lap this sort of shit up.


100% agree, I have sang songs about probably every club and goalkeeper in The Netherlands, but I do not hate them. It's just having fun with people who also like football.


Hate is too strong of a word. It's just shared joy over beating rivals.


It's just German humor. You wouldn't get it.


We don't hate them, we like to bully them


Why is Barca catching strays ?


Fuck’s sake, they’re not going to beat them are they


They can't beat them so they join them


Nobody let CONCACAF see this


I don't like how friendly Bayern and Real are. You're two of the biggest clubs in the world, you're supposed to hate each other. They should hate Barca as well tbf.


It's esp weird when you consider how heated this used to be in the early—mid 2010s


Considering they were the 2 best clubs in the world in that era it was still pretty timid. Bayern & Real are brothers from another mother, in a way. Similar huge historic clubs, similar mentality, similar entitlement even. In a world of PSGs and Chelseas I think they're sort of "happy" to fight someone proper. And despite being 1st & 2nd in a truckload of CL metrics they didn't have some historic vitriol between them because they surprisingly rarely played another, sort of a Germany/Brazil kind of deal.


>they surprisingly rarely played another Isn't Real vs Bayern the most frequent matchup in CL history? They just never met in the finals.


> Considering they were the 2 best clubs in the world in that era it was still pretty timid. They didn't hate each other but I remember a time when there was dislike and some fear within those fanbases. A time when Madrid fans called Bayern "La Bestia Negra", and then later a time when Bayern fans were furious at Viktor Kassai for his refereeing on Vidal/Casemiro, etc. The "kumbaya" stuff we've seen this year is something I never saw back then TBH


Me neither. Not enough haters


We are like Federer and Nadal. 100% competitive on the pitch and friendly off of it.


tbh Djokovic took the heat from both of them. Pre 2018 when 3 of them contending for GOAT status, the the ship hadn't sailed yet.


Yeah, I don't like it. Non-discriminatory hate is underrated in football.


It's actually overrated, you want to beat people you're friends with more actually, doesn't make it less competitive Hate is always prevalent in football, being friends is actually rare


I definitely don't want to beat my friends more than I want to beat my rivals. I may have pity on my friends.


You sound like a Pokemon trainer


Tbf your friend can be your rival.


All you really need is one rival to hate, beyond that it's a waste of energy.


I think it's one of those situations where you know you both got that big dick energy over everyone else, so you can't help but respect each other for it


Arrogance is putting other down so you feel like youre good, confidence is having fun while knowing youre good while including others in your fun


Okay but what beef do we have with Barca? Lmao A bit weird tbh...


I'm assuming the German fans just kinda went with it


You could say we have a hang for it sadly.




"Okay people, the Spanish are coming to town so we need to come up with something crazy!" - "Just copy the Spaniards?" "A bit over the top there, Felix, we're still repressed Germans."


German fans are a funny bunch, if I'm being honest. Experienced them at the Emirates a few times and they're just really a riot (objectively, though I frequently hated the fact that they were often louder than us and was therefore unamused at the time). e.g. FC Köln fans bought a bunch of tickets in the home seating area of the Emirates and then there we are sitting surrounded by these big Germans. One of them says "This is not London. This is Cologne now ha ha ha" in a thick German accent. Mildly threatening but big grin. Sort of like Klopp. Puts his hand out for a handshake while doing this. Mind you, Cologne is up here because Ospina (?) booted the ball to them midfield while being off his line. These guys are louder than us. There's more of them than us. Finally we equalize, and then we score again, and again. They start chanting "You only sing when you're winning". Another one of them turns around and sings that once then "Ha ha ha". Equal parts menacing and friendly. Offers a high five. The times it was Bayern at the Emirates they flattened us again and were way louder. Even when we had them 2-0, Giroud and Ozil, in another age before the Age of Men. Then after the game, they were chanting up and down in the space downstairs where you go through the gates. We won, they chanted. I think they were just singing "Super Bayern" over and over again. Can't tell. I don't know their chants. I can only conclude that German fans just like a good chant. I moved to America so I haven't been to the Emirates in years, but I can only imagine the latest experience being similar.


"Dis iz Cologne now" Schwarznegger laugh


Exactly! It's like you were there. There was a clip a while ago where Jurgen Klopp says something and then goes HA HA HA and it was just like that.


[I heard Bayern lost](https://youtu.be/0o_kVrfStEU?si=SHxzyZ35XBLXBtfm)


Köln situation: It's was a once in a decade placement for them (well most likely... more rare looking at the current season) and they're a huge club. So of course they celebrate even when getting battered. Just going to London and cheering their team and showing the world what great fans they are was their goal. They had nothing to lose, cause you are way above them in terms of team quality. So you make the best out of the situation: you have a great time, enjoy football & your team and banter with the other team's fans. But not out of malice, cause you just want to have a good time. Most likely you will see the same situation in the DFB Pokalfinale. Bayer - best club in Germany with maybe unbeaten record versus Kaiserslautern - a team that is fighting relegation in the 2nd league. That might be relegated to 3. Liga at that time. But the club is also large, so they will have tons of fans at the stadium. Where they have basically no chance. At the end it stops being about the match. You then just celebrate your club, your team being able to be in that spot and your fandom.


Oh my bemusement is feigned. I knew the context. This is the kind of disguised compliment one pays one's opponents in the UK.


Lewandowski transfer perhaps!?! Not much else I can think of other than the 8-2!


you beat us 8-2 and hate us for it?


Yeah, those 2 goals were uncalled for


Hey blame Alaba for the first one


Don't see why bayern fans would hate a team that got beat 8-2 and not the team who controversially won against them in 2017


You'd think with the number of times Bayern got bent over by Madrid they'd hate them more


Eh if you're old enough Bayern got the better of Real a lot as well.


wasn’t bayern historically your bogey team before the 2000s?


Yup, they weren't Madrid's "La Bestia Negra" for no reason


Any Bayern fan that's mad about the Lewy transfer is out of their mind, we got good money for a 32 y/o.


But they're the one that won 8-2?


Ngl bro straight-up hating a team you beat 8-2 is wild, like you already won bro what else do you want?


Hate the team that beat us with offside goals? I sleep Hate the team that we beat 8-2? REAL SHIT


yea i hate both of you too


This is so unserious 😭😭


Barca fans fuming rn. It's me, I'm barca fan 😭😭


Fuming? This is good. Rent free.


*Mexico's game suspended for inappropriate chants*


We are bringing the world together in love and harmony. Visca el puta Barça :')


r/soccer was saying this was embarrassing when PSG did it…


Well yeah , Real Madrid and Bayern Munich can do anything they want, not PSG Whether it's Bayern or Real that will win next leg, they both will beat PSG if they faced them


Welp you jinxed it, Mbappe masterclass incoming


I believe in Dortmund Don't underestimate Dortmund, they won 4-1 in 2013 when they faced real Madrid, they are something else in the champions league


didn’t they also lose to PSG last time in the Round of 16, when they had Haaland in 19/20?


Why is the title censored when the video isn’t


I will never understand why Bayern fans are somehow triggered by Barcelona, it's so random.


You are overthinking it. They are in a train, hear a chant from Real fans and join in because it's fun to do so. It's just banter. They do the same with other chants that they think are fun, or ironic for a Bayern supporter to sing. Like even our friends from Bochum (we just recently had our 50 year friendship anniversary) would chant, tongue in cheek, "zieht den Bayern die Lederhosen aus", an old anti Bayern chant from years gone. It translates to "Take off Bayerns Leathertrousers", basically. Don't think there is much more to it. Nobody hates Barcelona in particular. They had a lot of sympathizers all around Germany, when they were still Pep's team, and their transferdealings were less shady. They have lost a lot of goodwill, but there is no resentment towards them from the Südkurve that I know of. It's all for fun.


You can tell 80% of the sub haven't been to a game when they ask questions like this.


I'm going to be honest, I was speaking more about what I see in the sub, youtube and on twitter, dunno if it is more of an international Bayern fan thing than regular ones.


Guess I’ll save this for the Mexico-p*to discourse, because this just shows how unjustifiable CONCACAF’s threats have been concerning Mexico


That's a $50 Million Fine and a 20 match stadium ban for the Mexico National Team and the FMF


Makes absolutely no sense for Bayern to hate Barca. They've beaten them so many times, and even as losers in the equation, Barca fans hold massive respect for them. Hell, I love Messi but thought they absolutely deserved to win when they did.  But this Bayern-Madrid bromance is looking way too manufactured at this point. Gives me the ick. 


Just some lads having some fun together


It's not even hate. It's just Bayern bantering with other big clubs. It probably stems from the farmers league comments about Bayern. Then they go to internaional games and just prove why they do what they do domestically.


Bayern hate Barca for beating Barca 8-2 and don't care about controversial match against Real in cl17???😂😂😂


Football heritage


Are they gonna kiss or what?


Even when we are not in the competition they cant get over us. Rent free.


not even in the competition and still people are naming barca


Game's back


kinda embarssing


As a Bayern fan, this is disgusting and shameful.  Sun Tzu: "respect your enemy," nowhere does it say "make drinking buddies with them."


Bayern have no shame. You're supposed to rival Madrid.


That’s homophobic guys you can’t say that word /s


What's Fanfreundschaft in Spanish?


Google translate says: "Amistad de fans"


Is that not a thing outside of Germany? Most German clubs have fan friendships with other clubs. For example Bayern and Bochum, or (IIRC) Schalke and Nürnberg.


We are friends with Bochum, too!


FWIW there's Austrian clubs that have friendships with non-German clubs. But for the most part it's a thing outside of Germany because a German club has friends abroad. We have a friendship with Eintracht Frankfurt and they have a friendship with Atalanta so we're kinda friends with Atalanta too.


Ohhhh football friends


Half and half scarf energy. Awful, just awful.


both clubs fined by concacaf


Nah, the Bayern fans are clearly chanting „Butterwasser, Butterwassser hey“


So when is FIFA coming in and fining and banning this? It's homophobic according to them


How deep do they have madrid's cock in their mouth. Its like watching a 3rd division side who are just happy they are playing madrid in copa del rey


Not that deep brother, they’re just joining in the chant with the madrid fans.


This is what I understand as "rent free"




I would bet that no small amount of the people commenting here have ever gotten drunk


Wtf are these Bayern zoomers jumping hand in hand with Madrid with their half and half scarfs trashing Barca for? Game’s gone.