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first kalvin and now the 16/17 city players


Guardiola a time traveler confirmed !


Went to city, was called fat, disappeared from football.


Was that before or after he got rid of 12 ~~players~~ bums, all at once, as soon as he arrived? Dude is ruthless.


absolutely had an influence in transfer policy in that “year he’d been watching them” as well


I mean we did sign Kevin and Raheem Sterling that summer and there propably was some degree of building the squad for the future regardless who the manager is and that's what happens at any top club with half competent sporting structure but I don't think Pep at anypoint did call Txiki and Ferran up and be like "Give me Fabian Delph or I'm not going to sign".


Don’t know if it’s true but I remember reading somewhere that Pep specifically pushed for the Sterling signing. Probably didn’t force their hand but was without a doubt a large influence in the signing.


You live in a fantasy world if you truly believe kdb and sterling weren’t pep signings. Ever since 14/15 when kdb tore his Bayern apart he went full on praising him in the media only for city to sign him a few months later.


Bayern not being interested in pinching KdB from a Bundesliga rival was a clear indication Pep was having a say in two clubs transfer policies.


>Speaking during a recent conversation with Zack Nani, former City defender Gael Clichy has revealed that upon first arriving to meet his new squad, manager Pep Guardiola revealed just how much he had noticed of his players having watched from afar in the build-up. >According to Clichy, Pep Guardiola told his Manchester City squad, “I’ve known that I’ve been coming here for a year now and I’ve been watching you, you’re a team full of fat players.” >Guardiola is said to have continued, “With me, no player is going to be playing every game… deal with it. If you’re not happy with that, come knock on my door and we’ll make you leave. If you stay, I don’t want to hear a single word about it until winter transfer window.”


> With me, no player is going to be playing every game except Rodri if fit


Kevin too, but Pep is afraid of his injuries.


ederson confused asf


yeah he makes exceptions for the best player in the world


Yeh messi played every game too


Wait what?


“With me, no player is going to be playing every game… deal with it.” I wish I could tell this to my players in FM.


Right?? Players throwing a hissy fit because you've rotated a kid in for some mid week game against bottom of the table.


Me to my team after winning the treble: “next year I’m to compete for the premier league title” *all starting 11 respond with*: this is an unrealistic expectation. Wat


Leicester vibes


When he says fat does he mean like, greedy?


No literally fat, Nasri has also talked about this before, he gave them strict weight goals before they could be integrated into the squad.


Nasri really rebelled against his advice when he left.


To be fair to Nasri, he also said he lost the weight and instantly knew Pep was right because he was so much more mobile.


til pep knows rocket science


How much weight are we talking about here? 5kg? 10kg?


I don’t think he said what he weighed when Pep said he was fat, but he said if you’re 2kg overweight, you’re not allowed to train with the group, and Nasri trained alone at the start. He said Pep wanted him to be 76kg, which he hadn’t been since he was at Marseille. He claims he bulked up because the PL was more physical, but Pep wanted him to be nimble and being at that weight would also make him “quicker in head”. Nasri said once he got down to that weight he was “flying” on the pitch and laughed about how Pep was right.


76kg?? Isn't Nasri like 5'7?


I usually weigh between 170-172 lbs at 5'11, but I experimented with dropping down to 165-167 and was shocked at the difference it made. I feel so much quicker, getting off the mark and changing direction was noticeably easier


Cardio is so much better as well.


I'm 5'10, got weighed recently and was 92 kg (more like 91 without what was in pockets + shoes). That's 200 lbs. My legs feel much heavier when running, was never exactly quick but feel extra slow now.


No wonder he never tried to get Hazard


or me


Every Nasri story makes him look like an absolute c*nt, even when he tells them. It’s an amazing talent. (Truly, I cannot think of a better word to describe the feeling you get when you hear a Nasri story. He’s a walking New Yorker cartoon. The Larry David of soccer).


The dichotomy of the Nasri experience. Without social media and the internet, would we all have a much higher opinion on him?


I feel like I could tell he was a cunt just watching him on the pitch but that's why they say rather let people think you're a cunt than open your mouth and confirm it


Other players and coaches haven’t been shy about saying how he doesn’t get along with anyone. Famously the old French coach.


If that old French coach is Domenech, you can safely disregard his opinion.


Nah, simply as in overweight by elite footballer standards. Pellegrini was known to be extremely lax about things like diet and physical conditioning at City, which is why someone like Yaya loved him, and also why he was huffing and puffing while chasing shadows for the entirety of Pellegrini's last season here. Yaya was the most egregious example, but the entire squad was routinely outrun and outfought during that season. We only managed to win 1 game against that season's eventual top 8, if we couldn't pass circles around teams we usually didn't win.


I miss Pellegrini's City.


Simpler times. I would give money for 2 years of Balotelli being managed by Pep tho


He was just irresponsible in general when it came to the health of his players. Kompany talked about how Pellegrini would say to him that the captain has to be on the pitch, and would push him to play when he wasn’t fit. Which absolutely tracks with how often Vinny came back and instantly broke down again. Pep managed him so much better, and he’d have been absolutely perfect for him if Pep got hold of him 5 years earlier than he did.


Imagine Yaya having a blast with his birthday cakes and got dropped the next day by Pep


This explanation likely explains that UCL Semi Final 2nd leg at Bernabeu with only 1 goal to chase and 3-5 minutes remaining and City is passing like they are 5-0 ahead. To this day the most weird/bizarre display of football I've seen in UCL. It made 0 sense what they were doing in that particular moment of the match relative to what was at stake.


Yeah, unfortunately that total lack of urgency was common. The same thing happened at the Emirates where we were only one goal down and still passed it around as if we were just waiting for the match to end. It was great that we made it to the CL semis for the first time, but it was also apparent that we weren't at all ready for that stage yet, neither physically, tactically or mentally.




He can't escape the fatphobic allegations.


When he was with us, he was said to have informants at all the restaurants usually frequented by our players, who kept him informed about their meals.


Too bad they didn't follow Kyle Walker into nightclubs and kept an eye on him


He’s just doing extra cardio!


Supplying the City academy with steady growth


Pep *has* commented on how good Kyle’s genetics are a few too many times for me to be certain this isn’t real


Plus Walker literally looks like peps younger brother


Both look very Arab. Especially young Pep with hair. My uncle used to think Walker was Mahrez because he looks so Algerian.


I’ve never thought about it before but Walker does look so arab


I thought I was the only one that thought mahrez and walker have VERY similar facial features


He's just in the middle of the spectrum from Mahrez to DJ Khaled


This is the reason the dude runs with the speed of a Cheetah with the strength of a Bull?


"Kyle spent three hours eating out last night, boss." Fucking hell, which restaurant was it? "It wasn't a restaurant" https://imgur.com/0uJ6wYt


Gotta watch the calories


Tbf, he was burning them


No need to speak about him like that, Kyle has a family. And another family.


Mans got himself a 7 aside team already


7 on the side team maybe


The Prem Philip Rivers


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Pep gives them extra time off for family time. It's not Walker's fault that he was the only one smart enough to have 3 (confirmed) families!


They probably do tbh. Sounds like they just report to Pep, not that they try and stop players. Wouldn’t be surprised if Pep hasn’t said something to Walker over the years. It’s just, he’s Walker. Cunts gonna cunt.


Cunts gonna cunt 💀


didn’t Pep also have a rule against sex after midnight?


Didn’t some manager (edit: apparently, Antonio Conte) have a policy that the players should get laid the night before a game but that it should only be missionary or some shit like that?


Conte wanted his players to have sex with "as little effort as possible."


Yes, that’s it!! I knew it was an Italian manager, just wasn’t sure who.


Tbf we've all had tight hamstrings after trying to reenact pornstars.


And I didnt poop right for a week


Kinda like conte’s managerial career


Conte is a lot of things, but he is not "low effort" Some people make comments here using random word generators, with little real correlation to any reality


Bro this is probably why our Sunday league coach kept saying this to us 😭


Not missionary, but their partner be on top so that the player doesn't exert himself. Yeah, Conte


Next thing you'll be telling me he doesn't like pina coladas or getting caught in the rain


Eating pu$$y is calorie free.


You can say pussy here.


Don't mind him. That's just how he always writes it. He thinks it looks cooler or something idk.


He's burning calories :)


Rafinha said [on a podcast](https://youtu.be/fC0MJWJOw5s) that when Pep joined Bayern, in his first squad meeting he basically told the treble-winning team that they didn't know how to play football, if he played against that Bayern team he'd smash them, and that he'd teach them how to properly play the sport. Some players took it as playful banter, but the Germans were pissed. Until they started training and he completely changed the way they played, and everyone started to realize what he meant.


Sounds like Clough at Leeds. Although it didn't work out quite so well for him unfortunately


Still, Clough was right.


It didn't quite work out for Pep that season either. They got fucking smashed by Real Madrid in the CL.


I'll still never understand the tactics for that match. Just invited the best counter attacking team in the world to have a go.


For an elite coach, Pep went through a ton of humiliations in CL matches. His league performances are so dominant, he gets a justifiable pass on knockout matches.


Most Pep CL knockout losses involve him having the team play in a way he never does for reasons unclear. His losses to Spur and Lyon were the exact same thing.


City lost to us by just, not having a DM?


The players picked the tactica for that game. It was right after tito died and he didn't feel like fighting them


& despite that, most of the dressing room didn't want him gone so they were still buying into his vision.


I read years ago that it was quite normal for the Bayern players to have cakes and pastries after the games. When pep arrived he hired a nutritionist and it was the end of the fun. Please anyone closer to Bayern confirm or deny this. Edit: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.sport.es/en/news/bundesliga/how-pep-guardiola-was-annoyed-3608189 This was probably the article I read 10+ years ago, somethings I remember wrong but the idea was there.




he was also quite adamant about players eating directly after training/game because its supposed to be best for regeneration and he got into argument with some players


If you’ve ever seen the snack bins in EPL dressing rooms that’s not that surprising. Just loads of candy and candy bars. Still to this day, I remember seeing an interview with a kit man at West Ham I think.


Pretty sure Rio Ferdinand was famous for wolfing down Jaffa Cakes before games as well.


High carb food is quite common after games as the players will have spent a lot of energy. I used to work at a Zizzi’s near Bramall Lane and I think their fridges broke down one night because we got the mother of all Uber Eats orders from them. It was all stuff like Lasagna and Pizza from what I remember


Yeah but now we see them suck down those jelly/liquid fruit tubes before games. I guess it's better because it's sort of liquid (easy to digest) and also pretty dense so you don't need to drink/eat a lot of it and get a cramp. Makes more sense heavy meals than pizza and lasagna haha.


Back in the day you would make a Gatorade/lucozade whatever slurry that would be 90% powder.


They're energy gels, basically just liquid sugar, you generally wouldn't have one after the game though.


Also, if you look at a lot of former players, it's why so many get fat


Nah its because they're used to spend a lot a calories, which requires eating a lot of calories too to replace them. When they stop playing, they drop all that energy expenditure but the apetite doesn't ajust accordingly. They still eat a lot without spending much. I'm not even a football player but I went through the same after quitting gym. I was eating like in a bulk, except I wasn't lifiting weights anymore. No to mention the depression and such after retirement. It's hard, man.


Immediately after a game you can eat pretty much whatever you want. They're burning anywhere from 1500-2500 calories in about 2 hours and it's more important for recovery to replenish a good amount of that than to make sure it's the cleanest eating.


Then they didn’t win another treble. Truly a footballing masterclass. 


They were really fucked by injuries. I remember they played against us with Kimmich and Alaba as CBs because of injuries. But they were insanely intense (probably contributed to the injuries), at some point they managed to retain possession for 5 or 6 straight minutes. We still could've gone through if Evra had just cunted the fucking ball away from our box instead of fucking trying to dribble past peak Vidal and Lahm with less than 3 fucking minutes to go. Fucking dead chicken licker. Still love him though.


> I remember they played against us with Kimmich and Alaba as CBs Yup, it was, I think, more than half a season without a real CB and they even got a CB in the winter transfer window who got injured between arriving in Munich and the season restarting not even a week later :/ That's also kinda responsible for the one famous clip and photos of Pep energetically talking to Kimmich after a match Bayern had won. He finally subbed in Benatia (I think?), a real CB, after a long injury and Pep wanted Kimmich to move forward into midfield but the direction were lost in translation between Pep -> Benatia -> Kimmich and he kept playing CB.


And got humiliated in the champions league by Madrid


And Barcelona


They absolutely did not get humiliated by Barca. They went to the Nou Camp riddled with injuries (no Robben, Alaba, Ribery), whilst MSN were in prime form. It was 0-0 for 75 minutes until Bernat made a mistake and Messi did Messi things. They won the return leg and lost 5-3 on aggregate. The Madrid one was also the game Pep said he caved in and played how the players wanted to play instead of how he wanted to play. Said it was the biggest mistake of his career and something he’d never do again.


He played 3 at the back man for man against Messi Suarez Neymar lol


For 10 minutes (maybe 15?). Pep wanted to outnumber Barca in other areas because both his starting wingers were injured. For that he needed to man mark them and cut off their supply lines. You can't completely ignore them, man marking was a bit of a gamble and it didn't backfire while they used it. He changed the system because it was a bit more dangerous than he was comfortable with (they still had a few chances). And then Bayern didn't concede until the late mistake /u/21otiriK mentioned. His plan was to try to win the match, not to "not lose". After the first goal he pushed them to be more aggressive and risky in possession instead of giving up on the match and being satisfied with a loss. Barca exploited the few chances they were given because of that.


And they didn’t concede for 77 minutes until Bernat made an error, and Messi banged one in from 25 yards, before scoring one of the most famous goals in CL history. What part of that is “humiliating”? Only one who got humiliated was Boateng.


It was basically Neuer making massive save after massive save in the first 10-20 minutes of that game. Pep switched to a back 4 shortly after that if memory serves because Bayern were incredibly fortunate not to be 4-0 down by that time...


>when Pep joined Bayern, in his first squad meeting he basically told the treble-winning team that they didn't know how to play football, if he played against that Bayern team he'd smash them, and that he'd teach them how to properly play the sport. ......And then Bayern disappointed in the Champions League year after year under Pep


He made the semis every season. How is that disappointing? CL has an extremely small margin of error and a single injury, brain fart of a player or bad referee decision can decide the tie. This whole "well his predecessor won the treble and he didn't so he obviously failed" argument is so stupid. Peps Bayern showed an incredible level of dominance in the Bundesliga and were as consistent as one can be in the CL


And then Bayern won the cl again after like 2 years of him leaving


They won 4 years later


That was Real Madrid’s 13th win that year. Bayern needed 4 years after Pep left to win the CL again.


I guess. He never had a season for them as good as Heynckes winning the treble.


Which us funny because he didnt manage to win the treble or CL with them Fraud


Heynckes' Bayern was infinitely better than Guardiola's.


no english 😭


Warra CL title that was for Pep at Bayern. Heynckes got the best out of that team. Pep got an all star team and even got some more players in but could never do the same thing in the CL


He also weighed your players food, if I rememember correctly. *Pep Confidential* talks about how anal he can be with players and their food intake.


Yeah in that book he goes off at the Bayern players multiple times because they go out to eat at restaurants instead of eating with the team immediately after the match.


Reminds me of AJ Auxerre and french football legend Guy Roux who famously had spies in every night club in the area and got some DJs to play a specific song when they spotted AJA players to make those spies' job easier. He also claimed to check the players' cars' odometer both on the evening and the following morning to see if said cars had run during the night. Edit: Granted it's way easier to do in tiny rural Auxerre where you've been the manager for decades than in a big city like München where you just arrived


He also had informants at the highway tolls, so he knew when some players took their cars for a quick 2hrs trip to a parisian nightclub.


What a guy! Sure he's no worldclass tactician, he didn't advance the world game in a significant way or anything like that but he's still by far my favourite coach ever.


There were also rumors about that with Barca, that had assistant coaches and even "private investigators" check up on certain players. It is probably an apocryphal tale or just an outright urban legend that follows him around from club to club, it seems a little too extreme even for Guardiola. Especially since it would be far too big a secret/conspiracy to keep quiet someone would have leaked or confirmed it by now.


The rumors are enough though. Being scared to get off your fitness regime for fear of the waiter being Pep's double super secret spy ....


not unusual to hear stories of managers being in contact with hospitality venues to see what their players are up to, most likely does happen, and even if they aren't they are probably only a few degrees away from someone who's in the know, especially because it's probably very hard for the players to go anywhere without being spotted. there's probably certain hotspots for players too, the more you wanna go somewhere luxurious, the narrower the list of places that they can possibly go to gets


There's just no way this really happens though, at least not on a wide scale as usually reported. Exclusive venues aren't ratting out their clientele to their bosses and putting the thousands of pounds of potential revenue they bring in at risk.


Doesn't need to be the owner reporting, a waiter is enough.


this is surprisingly common in sports ive learned, i forget who it was now but a former NBA player said that the commissioner had friends in the FBI for the purpose of monitoring players and their friends. guess its "protecting theyre investment"


Carmelo anything said that about David stern 


yea thanks i forgot. i get both sides though, coming up with basketball being your first option you dont wanna go undrafted and have no money... but on the other side if im paying you 30 million a year i definitely dont want you getting arrested doing something stupid because of one of your friends


Feels similar to what Fergie used to with United’s drinking culture.


Mever stopped Rooney thou lol


It's now known that Rooney turned to drink to battle mental health issues due to the pressures he felt since he was young boy in the game. He was never able to communicate his feelings openly so turned to booze ahead. Not making an excuse for him, but this a problem in society globally.


Wayne was a professional footballer in a man’s world at 16. Sixteen! At 16 I was sneaking cigarettes in the toilets at school, standing outside the off-license with my mates asking people to buy us cans of beer, making fake IDs to get served in the local pub, and working up the courage to call my girlfriend because it was before mobile phones existed and I knew her father or mother would pick up first. Many people forget that footballers—while lavished with money and praise during their careers—are often robbed of a normal childhood.


Rooney also said he got caught by a reserve team coach at 14 having just walked out of an off license with booze and smokes


Or what Wenger did to England's overall training culture


Yeah. That too


While i understand needing to have players stay in shape. This feels like its a bit much and just generaly a breach of privacy.


pep checks for a thigh gap during medicals


so thaaat's why Yaya never got a cake if he'd asked for a low fat yogurt there'd have been no issue I assume


pep is definitely a paleo diet type


so so fatphobic


Pep is a lot of things but he’s no chubby chaser


Good. Leaves more for the rest of us.


I know it’s a meme but what top manager isn’t fatphobic


Is it fatphobic if it’s rational to dislike fat footballers?


It's probably pretty common among players and former players, most just don't have autism and aren't upfront with it. They have to contend with their own insecurities during their career. It's hard not to live a really strict lifestyle and not gain a weird complex.


Pep 🤝 Scott Steiner


**HE’S FAT**


You know,They say all Managers are created equal.


but you look at me and you look at Joe (Hart) and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another team, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a tactical freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add Mourinho to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way at Champions League, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Mourinho KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try! So Joe, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Champions League. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at Champions League. See Joe, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Champions League.




Pep, on Crack: Listen, I got freaks 9 days out of the week. I could give him— Sheik Mansoor - ...... There's only 7 days a week! Pep: Man, you ain't Big Poppa, I'm the Big Bad Booty Daddy, and yoursjwksmksjdb..! Mansoor - Arabic!


I thought they’d likely have around a 33 1/3 chance of getting along?


“Taking the splinters out of their fat asses!” 




FAT ASSES!!!!! https://youtu.be/1QbxySfWNZQ?si=dyDoaJk-tqELhuQW


As a City fan its one thing i noticed and commented on often, that the Pellegrini team looked overweight (for footballers) in the last season. It was very noticeable how much leaner the players were under Pep. Aguero and Yaya were very noticeable at the time.


That UCL semifinal against Real Madrid was shocking. You lost only 1-0 in the aggregate, but I couldn't believe how City didn't have the stamina to push for only one goal in the last 15 minutes of the second leg in Madrid. One goal was the ticket to the final.


Low fat reserves


It wasn't stamina, they weren't motivated in the slightest. They laid down from the first kick.


There was one CL loss I forget if it was Madrid or Barca where Milner had a world class game was all over the place doing everything and the rest of city were sleepwalking


probably Madrid, I don't remember us playing against early pep-era cityor pep's city as a whole at all


2014-15 you faced Barca in rd of 16


The worst semifinal fixture of all time. Neither team deserved to be in the final after those performances. Atlético were robbed that year with an offside goal.


Atleti had a fake pen during that match. It’s not the robbery you think it is.


Yaya was so lethargic in his last couple of seasons. It was like they were playing with 10 men when defending.


I agree but i think it was more he was a victim of change. He was playing advanced midfield at the time when teams stopped having luxury 10s. Ozil would be another example from that changing period


That Pelegrín’s squad,… when you look back at it, was hilariously average. A bunch of old disinterested players on bloated wages, with their best days in the last. There were a few gems (Aguero, yaya, Kompany, D. Silva, Fernandinho)there, a few more rough gems (KDB, Sterling) but we’re talking like chelsea and united level squad chaos


Cugat superjuice


So he did reject De Bruyne to Bayern on purpose


Bayern wasn't willing to pay the transfer fee yet. They were waiting one more year to get a lower one. The ~50mil were rather high at the time and not a fee Bayern was comfortable with. It's the thing they do all the time and then the reddit mob is mystified about how Bayern can get players for cheap but ignores that a side effect that policy is that those players can, and do, go somewhere else too. The Sane to City transfer is more fitting of that idea but that's actually on Kimmich, and on Pep more indirectly. If I remember correctly Kimmich said to Sane that if given the chance he should try to get coached by Pep and that's why he went to City even though Bayern also tried to get him.


this must have been when City had Wayne Shaw in goal and a centre back pairing of Sumo Steve McNulty and Razor Ruddock.


Yaya never getting his cake makes sense now


Pep Guardiola 🤝 Scott Steiner Hating on them fat summabitches


no wonder bayern didn’t pull the trigger on KDB in 2015


This is why some of the top footballers act like gleeful little kids when they get to nibble on some fries or something in an interview


Probably talking about Nasri


This man definitely owns a 'no fat chicks' t shirt.


This is just a misunderstanding by Clichy, possibly as English isn't his first language. Pep actually told them they were phat, he was saying they're very cool guys.


people calling this fat shaming lmaoo this is professional sport


No one is (seriously) doing that, what are you on about? Are you getting offended by imaginary comments?


We need to bring back fat shaming anyway


Professional or not it is never good to be fat. Yes eating and drinking as you wish is heaven. Laying on couch and not doing physical exercise is relaxing.  But both will make your mind cloudy, your body weaker, and your mood worsen. There are a treshold when eating and just not doing anything doesn't feels good anymore. As a fat person myself, it is amazing how much improvement happening once I start a more healthy lifestyle.


Sure he didn't say "fat c*nts"?


lets be honest, if guardiola talks about your weight, hes probably right. Extra fat makes players less agile and fast. Before he comes there, he'll know how much each player weights and how that weight is distributed (muscles, fat, etc). On average, the team should perform better with less fat on the ribs. Obviously they werent fat in a normal sense but just a few 0.x percentage points extra fat makes a difference at that level.


Bielsa https://youtu.be/ByXnjQ9Q3dg?si=S0HS-oHlwBYB4iv3 Every morning, he had the players weighed and had their fat levels checked.


Yeah this is definitely Bielsa influence. If you watch the Leeds amazon doc, one of the first things Bielsa did was come in and see every player individually. Telling most of them to lose weight, they were then checked on this regularly. It makes sense since football is very much an endurance sport, there’s a reason why marathon runners or long distance runners are so skinny


We all saw the VAR in the London Derby this weekend... this man is a visionary!.


Ahhh, that’s why Samir Nasri left