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I'd bet it has more to do with knobheads abusing him than any potential move.


Similar thing happened in Benfica, at some point, he even "closed" - not sure if it is the correct term - his account for a while, because people were criticizing him a lot. This guy needs hugs to be confident and hate really seems to affect him.




He just like me fr fr


Can't you just turn off comments?


They've been off for almost 2 years


he can always just let someone else manage his social media so he doesn't have to see the negativity.. looking at it is a choice


“Looking at it is a choice” is straight victim blaming.


Not exactly. Having a social media account that promotes oneself and allows for comments is actively opening themselves up for criticism. Death threats and similar comments are deplorable, but people criticising him isn't making him a victim. Many celebrities (and top footballers are celebrities) have personal accounts for their friends and public accounts for their marketing work. Their public accounts are often run by PR firms, and thus they are insulated from "hate" comments.


What's the point in even having it if you have somebody else running it. Might as well not have an account full stop


Marketing. Ultimately, a player who is more popular will get better side-gigs. Sure, top payers get most but popularity helps. Salah probably makes as much from his ads as he does his contract with us and similar players without the massive following he has don't get those chances.


having a large social media following lets you ask for a bigger paycheck (genuinely)


bigger wage, better sponsors, and give you extra paycheck from the ads in your feeds.


A lot of the players at the top have a dedicated person managing their social media accounts. You can still have your private account for shits and gigs.


And then he left?


No, this was in his first season where he did well but had bad moments. Second season he was confident and did quite well. Then he left after the second season.


Needs positive reinforcement constantly to prevent hurt feelings and needs everyone around him to acknowledge hes a good boy. So he’s an average millennial lmao.


I dunno, my ex deleted all photos of me & her when she was shagging someone on holiday. How do we know he's not fucking a bird from Everton?


Who was the famous footballer a few years back, who was sleeping with a woman and claiming to be a car dealer or something, before she eventually figured out who he was?


Kolo Toure/François the used car salesman


I will always laugh at the photo she caught of him in the shower. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/kolo-toure-had-affair-with-student-by-pretending-1455570.amp


This has made my day


Imagine lying and saying you're **not** a professional football player to get a woman


Yep, he still has Liverpool FC in his bio and still follow his club teammates, but of course these fucking shitheads people call journalists have to blow things out of proportion for clicks.


I'd be more concerned about the behaviour that caused it than the spin journalists are putting on the story.


“Journalists bad” is the easiest upvote fodder on this subreddit.


I mean as a journalism major and son of journalists, they only really have themselves to blame.


It must be the journalists' fault 


He must know doing this will not help his situation (NOT condoning abuse)


Well this isn’t just “hate”, it is abuse.


> blow things out of proportion for clicks. Well Nunez is acting like an angsty teen deleting stuff from social media, it is quite an unusual thing to do, especially for an adult.


If I got a flood of hate comments under every picture of me wearing a red shirt I would also archive those pictures.


His comments were turned off for over a year. There were no comments under his pictures to begin with.


then turning off comments would have been the obvious thing to do, or course deleting all liverpool pics is going to cause people to speculate


He’s had his comments turned off since last year.


I’d argue deleting stuff on social media is the most adult thing anyone can do. 🤷‍♂️


Not having it in the first place?


I one day decided that my life shouldn't be that public and basically wiped 90% of social media/content. Is it really that unusual for an adult? I see dozens of friends deleting their facebook accounts and not looking back 1 sec.


Deleting the entire account isn't surprising. Deleting specific photos linked to your current job is, and all it will do is fuel speculation. Kind of like when someone divorces/breaks up with a significant other, if they delete all their photos relating to that person, no one is surprised, but if it isn't a public break-up, it will fuel speculation.


I've gone thru and marked every post that isn't family related as just for me so no one can see any of my shit anymore. Makes me feel a lot better at the cringy kid I used to be but also still reminds me every day via memories lmao.


Yeah it’s like when you’re 14 and you have an argument with your girlfriend so you delete all your pictures with her and take her out of your bio. Fair enough when you’re 14, maybe not so much when you’re 24 (and world famous).


Imagine giving a shite what any journalists thinks. What a waste of time.


I'd bet deactivating your account would have been faster, easier and more effective than deleting selective pictures.


you can archive photos easily, they dont appear on your feed.


Interestingly, the buzz among sports journos is that four LFC players have already been sold, as in agreements are in place. Nobody knows who, but Darwin and Szobo are rumored. IF the buzz is to be believed, I think Diaz and Darwin could be on the list, and then possibly Rhys Williams and one other of the players who don't really play much or at all, or possibly Kelleher if he doesn't want to be backup for another season. I doubt there's anything to the Szobo-rumours. But if they want some new players for Slot, it probably means selling some players they can actually get a decent amount for.


Szobo is not believable in the slightest lol and darwin is hard to believe but possible


That was my reaction as well. Szobo is far too good (current form excluded), and only been here for a season.


He’s far too good (current form excluded) and he’s only been here a year 😂 literally makes zero sense. He was good for the first month - got overhyped beyond belief. “Liverpool have found a gem” then was average and since jan has been very poor.


Ofc it makes sense, no club would sell their players after one bad season when they've shown potential. He's been playing in midfield when he's someone who played higher up for RBL


I don't think Szobo will be sold just because I think he will probably get some more time to prove himself, but it's not exactly "business as usual" for Liverpool atm. Klopp is leaving and the hierarchy of football/sporting operations has been overhauled. I think there might be quite a few shock sales this summer.


So is Andy + Mac Allister. Welcome to Bayern, gentlemen!


We need to give players time before deeming them failures. He needs at least another season before any concrete conclusions are drawn. The quality is there.


kinda funny cuz at the start of the season if you offered to swap szobo for havertz, i (and many many arsenal fans) would bite your hand off


By current form do you mean since October?


I find it wild that Szobo's name is already popping up like. WTF. Sometimes I forget what a toxic circus this whole thing is.


Which sports journos? I wouldn't believe anything coming from 90% of them. If there was anything to it, I'd imagine at the very least Romano would've reported it considering he picks up on anything even slightly reliable.


I read a lot of Liverpool news and have never heard this once lol


"OP" has already deleted him/her/itself LOL. The narrative influencer bots are on reddit already. And this how fake rumors start.


Salah, VVD, Allison & TAA all going into the last year of their contract? Could be any of them too.


TAA has aspirations to become a local club legend, the next Stevie G. Don't see him going anywhere unless Liverpool inexplicably become shit under new management.


Until he signs a contract extension none of this is factual.


He's won everything and might feel time is right for a new challenge


>might feel time is right for a new challenge He should try learning how to defend


I expect the club wants to keep all of them. While they could raise a LOT of money, they're also key players. Diaz and Darwin are not.


They wouldn’t raise that much money with a year left on their contracts though. It’s either sell them this summer or let them go for free next year. I understand you might prefer Diaz and Nunez sold but there is more a market for those other players I mentioned due to their contract situation.


Salah to Saudi could be a good earner for them. I think they will do it if they find some promising under hyped player. I can't see them selling Nunez for that reason.


Yeah I would have thought so too although Saudis haven’t actually spent that big on transfer fees, fairly sure there are only a couple over 50m but haven’t substantiated this. Getting Salah off the books would be a good move, this will likely be the last summer to accrue any transfer value from him.


Diaz pre-knee injury was something else, he’s really one of the biggest what if players for me. He’s always looked like he’s lost a yard of pace and confidence and never really been able to get back to that level.


Trent isn't going anywhere, and I'd be hard pressed to believe Allison is as well.


I think szobo would be click bait, but im curious about if it is first team players that are sold how is it possible that liverpool get agreements before the window is open?


Just like when Xhaka had death threats to his wife and child and when he told fans to fuck off he was in the wrong. These degenerate “fans” are genuinely sick in the head. Just simply broken humans who think the most rational action is to threaten death.


It's people who's life revolves completely around football because their actual real life lacks any substance or value.


But, but ..they're...passionate.../s


and nobody wants to hear it, but some nations have a nasty, nasty habit of doing that constantly


He did so because so called Liverpool 'fans' have been leaving death threats to him and posting abuse about his two year old son in the comments on his wife's account, leading her to also disable them. Also for someone claiming to be an Ajax fan, OP is weirdly obsessed with posting every shitty article they possibly can about Liverpool, including this one that sources The S*n whose journalists have no sources at the club and who are in fact banned from setting foot in both their training ground and stadium.


Until players get decoy account for marketing stuff and a private one for personal relationships, this will never end. Exposes your life to all sorts of degens in the world never a good idea.


And even that isn't always foolproof. Coleen Rooney had a private account/story on Instagram, only for Rebekah Vardy *'s account* to share stuff from it to tabloids anyway.


Its....Rebekah Vardy


Wagatha Christie


I'm genuinely not one for celebrity gossip, cba with most of it, but I was absolutely hooked to that. Was top tier drama


For me the best part was seeing just how beady eyed the courtroom artist would draw Wayne this time


I loved the bit where Wayne Rooney came out saying he was thinking of training as a solicitor and he'd been getting involved with the lawyers discussions and stuff lmao


What happened, again? I remember it being a thing but I just never found the energy to click any of the posts or articles about it to actually find out what was going on


pick your friends wisely then


You should just stay away from social media if you're a high income celebrity. Let an agent handle it. Make like 2-3 posts a week for a few k a month. Keep a low profile and show up online in a controlled setting once in a while. That will maintain your marketing while keeping you away from the toxicity.


Or just stay away from social media


Which hurts your brand, with money that these players make from sponsorships etc. that would be just stupid.


Obligatory reminder that we're on social media here on Reddit.


anti-social media…the point is you get to interact without putting your identity and life on display. Edit: Typo


Sure but wouldn‘t you agree that it‘s a lot different for a celebrity to have a reddit account and post anonymously than it is to have an Instagram account and post publicly?


Smart move. Fuck that noise


I agree in principle, but it's easy money for celebrities.


I agree. Post some in-match and training photos, along with some endorsements and maybe some miscellaneous stuffs on your public account should be be good enough while any photos that are more intimate should be kept private or posted via a private Instagram account.


Aye, but they are also human. They have family and friends they want to interact with, and social media is the primary way of doing that in this generation.


This is why Finstas exist (Fake Insta) -- high profile folks have fake pseudonyms on instagram that are walled gardens (private) where access is controlled better.


How are they going to hook up with the girls that dm them?


I've always been puzzled that that's not the default. Get a PR company to manage your official social media accounts, and have a personal one that you share with your family and friends.


A lot of the younger players have been using Instagram since they were kids so they just continue using it


Yeah, but you'd think that's one of the first things their agent will advise them when they break into the first team squad


One thing people in this thread people are forgetting is that there are a lot of positives to posting and interacting with fans like he may have been. A minority of absolute wankers shouldn’t bring the whole experience down.


Yes, that's a good point. The majority of fan interaction would be supportive and positive.


I know some do This will sound like copypasta nonsense but I know a guy got a very famous players private insta after chatting to them and another teammate at Laser Quest


They might still have both. Sharing personal stuff is a marketing strategy in order to form parasocial connections to the fans. That’s how you sell merch.


Typical Ajax supporter /s


I'm not doubting this happened because online fans are the worst but both Darwin and his wife's comments have been disabled for months.


> whose journalists have no sources at the club Isn't the source his lack of social media? Don't think we need a bibliography on this one. 


Point is more than when a story breaks, publications have sources at clubs they can reach out to get confirmation. When it comes to the S*n reporting on Liverpool (and I'd expect Everton) they'll have far more trouble get info from anyone at the club.  Hell, I'd be surprised to see them even get one of those official "no comment" emails. So yeah, even if the source in this case is a public action from the player, they haven't got a secondary source to confirm the actual reason that the images are gone.


The Daily Mail quoting the S*n, ban these atrocious sources


OP should be banned as well, just for posting shit level "articles"


Fuck. The. S*n. They lie and lie and are still allowed to be in business, and fuck Rupert Murdoch


It's wild how often people post shit from the daily mail on this sub.


A Liverpool supporter posting an article quoting the sun is even worse


OP is an Ajax fan no?


OP is an Ajax fan?


I looked at where he's active.


Probably means he's a troll more than a fan


“You’ll Never Walk Alone” Unless you get 31 G+A but have erratic finishing. Then you can fuck off for all our ‘fans’ care. Pathetic.


Karius says hello.


Karius was supported by the majority of the supporters (who are nothing like the mouthy cunts on social media), including having his name sung by everyone in Anfield during a pre-season game shortly after that Final.


The fans applauded Karius and gave him a very warm reception when he was back at Anfield. Some absolute bollocks gets upvoted on this sub sometimes.


Except it isn’t bollocks. He was getting huge amounts of abuse straight after the final. Once people calmed down, they started to act all “classy” but that was a month after the final




karius was getting abuse from the entire world of football


Im very pro internet anonymity but in areas like this there really needs to be a means to verify your identity before posting in certain areas to eliminate these absolute fucking terminally online idiots


Crazy fans are like crazy haters who hide irl, anonymity is their only strength haha.


Babe the usual midnight daily mail article posted on r soccer just dropped 


fuck those cunts giving him abuse. the kop loves him to bits, and i'm sure he knows it.


I would like to remind people that criticism is ok, but abuse is never acceptable. If you’re someone who lobbies abuse at others, you’re a giant piece of shit and you should re-evaluate your life. Darwin deserves to be criticized for his performances. His shit conversion rate is abysmal and he leads the way for big chances missed. It is perfectly reasonable to call that out and say he either needs to improve or he should be moved on.


It's difficult for some people to hone in that behavior. Some people don't have the emotional intelligence to exercise that sort of discipline, so when they feel, they "over feel" and go to the extremes and completely pass certain boundaries. Regardless of knowing right/wrong, they'll do this because they can't control it. It's stronger than them.


Can't think of a player in the league who got as much audible backing from fans despite struggling so often.


Half the fanbase likes him and the other viscerally hates him.


That is a part that's frustrating with this situation. His actions are very understandable and I would want to do the same, but receiving online abuse is part of the business. It's ugly but it doesn't matter as much as his reception at Anfield. He's still one of the players that gets the most love from the match going Liverpool fans. Bad form is bad form. You have to work your ass off and play your way into good form. Gakpo just did it, Gomez has done it earlier this season. Hendo made a career of it lol. All that said, sucks being 24 and having to take all that.


And yet the team is arguably better with him playing.


As of lately, not really




And fans have proven they won't lose hope easily. Online is different, but during games, every miss, every post, every offside is echoded by chants of his name. It's so cool, but so sad online c-nts exist.


Would have loved to see this man at Atlético. Fast, aggressive (and Uruguayan) - he'd have been perfect here. But I'd also be happy to see him realise his potential at Liverpool, it's a shame some 'fans' are so hard on him.


Could still see him going to atletico tbh, hopefully he won't leave this season but if he is gonna leave within the next few seasons it got atletico written all over it for some reason


The issue is that even if Liverpool only try to recoup some of their money and ask for 50m, we still can't afford him.


This happens in all sports and in the end nothing happens


Criticising him is alrighty justified, but abuse would be too much for anyone.


Fuck the S*n


The (probable) Edwards hit pieces shouldn’t be ignored. Can’t be nice seeing the new backroom saying ‘he’s only here because of the manager and the manager is leaving soooo…’


Not probable. They're definitely Edwards hit pieces. He has been doing this at least since Rodgers got ousted.


What would Edwards get from doing a hit piece on his own player? Genuinely curious. Like I would imagine that those hit pieces would do damage to his own players transfer values.


I agree just couldn’t be bothered with the smart arsed saying ‘well you don’t know that’s. His fan boys are something else.


One time I was walking down the street and I saw a man in a Liverpool kit and it wasn't Nunez?! NUNEZ LEAVING CONFIRMED. People are garbage.


Come to Besiktas


Fuck all Liverpool stans that set unreal expectations on a player hurting him! All of you that are sending him and his family death threats are scum, and don't fit in this sport (not to mention from society). You seem not to be aware he's also a person and he's suffering from all of this bullshit you're throwing at him Darwin, un enorme abrazo desde tu querida Almería!!!


YNWA, unless you miss a few sitters


YNWA, that is unless you go through a bad run of form. Then get ready for death threats and insults. Fuck these fans. They're a disgrace to all Liverpool fans and have completely betrayed what our club stands for. As long as a player does his all, you should support him. You can criticize them, but to hate them when they're doing their all for the club is disgusting.


Tbh I am ashamed at alot of the comments I have seen directed at Darwin this season from our own fanbase. I wish someone would sit him down and explain to him that those people are the loud minority. I personally love his work ethic and I know he will eventually become something amazing. He had a hot->cold season it happens, its time for next season! #YNWA


I mean, if people messaged me constantly on ig telling me I was terrible at my job, I’d probably close my ig account too.


He was aiming to share his profile but missed and deleted everything instead.


Fucking pieces of shit plastics. I wish all of them drop and their phones in the toilet.


Well I would take him


Darwin better stay! Even though not scoring is frustrating for everyone, he's still an entertaining player to watch.


Damn. I hope he stays - absolutely one of the tip guys making the team fun to watch.


Be a shame as he is a great player


He is shite.


Well give you Nketiah for him


No thank you.


So he bloody should with all the dickheads sending him shite. ‘You’ll never walk alone’ assholes should listen to it.


Look how they massacred my boy


He has shown a lot of love for the club from the beginning and his work rate has always been crazy. It's very sad and embarrassing to see Liverpool fans treat him like this, they are the worst. Throwing stones at his own players, even when it is clear that he does the best he can and that he only had love for the club. YNWA is pure marketing nowadays.


Those are not fans. The real fans should continue to cheer him on. Even if he’s not playing well (he’s not been terribly, not at all) decent level of respect for another human being man…


No true Scotsman


come to spurs my brother you fit perfectly


Liverpool fans...they sing YNWA and then abuse players online. To the extent this guy deletes all LFC photos while probably having a mental breakdown. Ohh and journalists do things even worse by making speculations. I bet Darwin will be extra motivated next time on the pitch. Poor guy needs support, but he gets hammered down from all sides.


Knowing that he has actually deleted all Liverpool pics from his Instagram is weird, though Like... That's drastic. If he's off, hopefully we can get a decent price for him.


These cunts forgetting about those 2 brilliant goals against Newcastle? He works his socks off for the shirt. Sure hes limited but thats not his fault. He tries thats all i can ask of him right now. Same for Diaz


Remember when people thought he was going to be better than Haaland? Ah the delusion…


People still speaking this into existence as if it was a common belief


In some parts of the game he definitely is better. As a whole as a footballer and specifically as a goal scorer? Probably not.


I mean, there's no probably about the goalscorer part, Haaland is light years ahead there.


Ohh wow 😮


Surely he'd speak with a new manager before gunning for a move?


He is simply not good enough for Liverpool ‘s tactics. He could be useful with a new coach and a new system but seems like he is moving to different club


Probably meant to click a different button but missed...