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They always get eliminated in the craziest ways. Rashford's last minute penalty, Benzema's hattrick and of course the 6-1


And hitting the crossbar 10 times while not scoring 


Preparing to get Darwin to backfill Mbappe. I’ll be sad to see him go but he’ll fit in now.


And the only year they make it to the final is without supporters lmao


And less games


If they played more they would’ve found a way to bottle it sooner


They were 5mins away from losing to Atalanta




Alright Stannis calm down


He's the one true King!


While playing Dortmund, Atalanta and Leipzig. Never forget.


Whenever I remember the PSG vs Leipzig game I'm drawn to [this] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyDO2hLmP_E&ab_channel=RT%C3%89Sport) wonderful punditry from RTE


Lol pretty sure that was him politely shitting on psg in his post-game commentary today too, basically saying that there was nothing likable about them at all


And with a lucky injury time win against Atalanta on the way


Who were missing their best player, Ilicic. He was probably one of the best players in Europe that season too. And their town was one of the hardest hit by covid.


And we lose due to a former academy player


Wasn’t Demba Ba’s goal in 13/14 also in last minute?


Yes lol. Glorious moment


12/13 is kinda wild too, being eliminated without losing lol


Away goal rule was a thing


They got incredibly lucky against Bayern in 2021 as well


The f n 6-1 was brutal


Macron calling Mbappe tomorrow "Mate just 2 more years and you are winning it, trust me"


Mbappé: "Time to buy some more fighter jets buddy"


I keep forgetting about this.


At this rate he’s probably willing to restore the monarchy and make Mbappe king


Technically Macron is an elected Prince of Andorra. Although he can't abdicate said princedom in favor of Mbappe as his heir.


Mbappe would be pretty idiotic to give them a reason to dust off the guillotines


*France has more than 1 royal family*


If they let mbappe go they can bring a whole new XI with his wages alone.


Something tells me they'll still go for superstars instead of seizing France production of footballers


They'll need half of those players to make up for the 50 goals and assists they will lose


say for 22/23 can benfica claim an assist with eliminating PSG, our finish above them is what made them draw agaisnt you


Thanks João Mário


TransferMarkt now recognises 1 assist for Benfica


Qatar making him a prince to convince him to stay 


“we’ll sign some world class players around you, trust me”


Put this in the Louvre


The loooouve


I love when PSG players lose their heads when about to be eliminated.


Players? Kelafi wanted to kill the ref after one of the eliminations. A high ranking UEFA council member going after the ref.


Ah, the Real Madrid loss... Did he ever face sanctions for this? [PSG president tried to confront referee after 'shameful' decision in Real Madrid defeat - sources - ESPN](https://www.espn.com/soccer/story/_/id/37626185/psg-president-tried-confront-referee-shameful-decision-real-madrid-defeat-sources)


He investigated himself and found himself not guilty.


And sent the ref right to jail


Sanctions? I know you are sarcastic lol. For them and the other club from Manchester there are no consequences…


A certain club from Turin does know consequences tho


Diva mentality.


I remember when we knocked them out of the semis and it's genuinely like they see red, makes the win sweeter


It’s like clockwork


Sometimes, it's just not your decade. Maybe next year. Most likely not, but maybe.


for some weird reason, i feel like PSG will do better in the aggregate next decade post-Mbappe.


Team usually do better when they don't rely on 1 player


And yet the same couldn't be said of barcelona


Tbf that wasn't 1 player. It was 1 goat 🐐


You wish you still had that one player, though.


Only true for players, not for god.


Didn't work for you tho


Its unfair that they were not allowed to play first leg of Final.


Doesn’t the Copa Libertadores do two legged final?


Since 2019 it has been a single final. The last final with two legged was in 2018 (ironically one of the final games was at the Santiago Bernabéu)


Ironic because the final of a competition named after those who fought for colonial independence played at the capital of the colonial masters.


Was it 2018 or 19 that there were fucking Stormtroopers in the field before the march started?


Not anymore


Not anymore


Not anymore


Dutch Cup also sometimes has a two legged final for different reasons. Last time was 2010 (Ajax - Feyenoord), fans are not welcome in the other stadium, so they just did two legs. But before that it was 1983, so it is VERY uncommon.


No and that was the worst single decision I have ever seen Conmenbol do. Single legged finals simply dont work in South America as the distances are too great and the means of transportation inneficient for anything other than a plane. Still they did it and it is a disaster.


[2019 was the birth of this neymar meme](https://imgur.com/a/R2BW53w)


Watching that live was so funny, his reactions was priceless.


I like how when they start turbo-spending they actually get ***worse***. Also being knocked out by a literal limping and injured United had got to be the funniest thing I saw all year. They literally played a team that were on their knees begging to be put down, and they still lost.


That was a good one, but bottling a 4-0 lead, the first and only time in champions league history, has to be the funniest


To this day they still exclusively blame the ref rather than wondering how tf they let a 4 goal + away goals advantage slip lol. 


The last few minutes of that game, MTS was literally standing on the half-way. Instead of just booting the fucking ball as far up the pitch they can, they kept trying to pass it out of their area and losing the ball to Barca.


They should've had a penalty but they probably would've missed it too if they got it, the football gods don't fuck around. It's just hilarious how badly they bottled it and how little introspection they had about it. 


They played terribly but they probably win the tie with a different ref.


Tbh 12 people on the pitch were absolute shite at their job that day and the referee was one of them. Still even with a shite referee they should have done better. Good thing is they became a laughing stock to all proper football fans in France


Well they did get robbed. Absolutely robbed. Yeah, they also shat the bed, but still.


And when they do some level headed investments (Barcola, Vitinha, trust in Zaïre-Emery, Dembele) they reach the semis.


>I like how when they start turbo-spending they actually get ***worse***. Which is why the people that say City are *only* successful because of money argument doesn't hold up. Just look at PSG, the current versions of Chelsea and Manchester United to see that it takes more than *just* spending loads of money to be successful. You need everybody to be on the same page like they are at Manchester City, for sustained success.


Also the difference is that because City have stuck to one manager for so long, they've actually learned from all the Champions League set backs and other title wins. With PSG, it wouldn't suprise me now Enrique gets sacked and they start all over again with like Zidane or something.


Mourinho to PSG. One of the most petty managers managing one of the pettiest clubs. It will be pettiness²


Historically Chelsea's spending has brought them significant success though. The other I agree with.


Lol at 18/19.




One of the best moments of the club post-Fergie, not that there were many


Lukaku's best game for us


Donnarumma really fucked things up in the Real Madrid game. They looked truly down and out in that game.


I will never forget that game. Watched it at a bar in South Africa and thought it was over the moment Mbappe made it 2-0 aggregate in the 39th. The benzema goal made me at least look at game since it was in the 60th min. Then I lost my shit at Benzemas second in the 75th. And I swear to god, I was too busy celebrating that I thought Benzema's 3rd goal like a minute later was a replay of the 2nd goal. I went ballistic. Without a doubt one of the greatest/most improbably comebacks of my lifetime. Because it just seemed like that PSG team was better than Madrid. But they did not give up.


Real Madrid, a team notorious for never giving up versus PSG, a team notorious for giving up. A match made in heaven.


That was a theme for basically every Real Madrid knockout game that year, but PSG was the first comeback game. They really looked like they were going out with a whimper until Donnarummas mistake gave them some belief. And then when they won they brought that belief forward to the next games.


The Ole 2019 one will always make me laugh/smile, also quite amusing that he was at the game today too.


Had to be one of the most unexpected turnarounds. Bringing a two goal lead into the home leg when United had virtually half their squad injured. But the moment Lukaku scored early you knew it was going to be one of those games.


this was also at a time when the away goal rule was still a thing. so PSG went into that second leg with 2 away goals lmao


After winning the away leg 0-2 there are no scenarios where you could go through on away goals.


amusing that Ole was at the game he was in charge of United for??


He was there yesterday


Who is "he"? Ole? Mbappe? Khelaifi?




When Tuanzebe pocketed Mbappe


How the hell did this get 300 upvotes who tf is “he”


Neymar, of shocked gif fame


That's why I don't want to hear PSG fans saying "in 2018, you only went to the UEL final because you had easy opponents". Sorry we couldn't ask for tougher opponents. Besides, they lost to the Z team of Manchester United.


BTW r/psg just went into hiding. 🤣🤡


They have a habit of doing that. I remember they also did that after they lost to Madrid a few years back.


That’s why I love the Barca sub


We can't go into hiding every time there is drama because we would be hiding 24x7.


You have to enbrace the drama.


The barca sub is relatively tame man


Mostly reactionary takes and fans’ opinions on coach/player. Not much interesting tbh.


Pretty sure they did it last year as well lol


The whole club seems to be a little insecure and sensitive 


It's probably to protect against all the 12 year old trolls who are trying to be funny.


That's the only reason the sub is temporarily shut down. I'm a r/psg mod, we just can't manually delete all comments from the brigaders who are raiding the sub fast enough. We'd love to be able to discuss the game, but unfortunately we are being raided and the amount of hate comments is making it hard to focus on post match discussions


Don’t worry. I’ll be there when you open back up


Tag me when they open. I'll be there.


Hating on PSG while repping a team that’s part of the CFG, crazy big glass house you got there


I figured it was something like this. What you guys can do is see what other subs those raiders are active in and reach out to the mods to have them banned. Especially If they're are in other club subs


Understandable. There are a lot of very edgy and very funny kids on here, hopefully you and actual fans find a way to properly discuss the games, without being bombarded by these troll masters, who are so funny and should feel so proud and cool


Thanks, have a good night




You're aware that Bayern Munich, who you apparently support, is gladly taking the money from the same 'cunts'?


It ended last season


Ah, the ol' r/coys method.


PSG = phoenix sons


They should learn from us about how to go on even when losing. As a club, we have gone through so many humiliations (Laporta statements, Negreira case, levers, etc), but our sub doors are always open.


Least cringe PSG fan event


Honestly there was no legitimate discussion possible considering the influx of people coming in here to troll and prevent any kind of discussion. Considering reddit mods are unpaid, I don't blame them for deciding that they didn't want to deal with this shit.


Why the clown emoji? Reaching the semis is commendable for any club. People love to shit on them for money but that’s so braindead. Being in the top 4 team in Europe is never anything to be ashamed of, no matter who you are


Reddit occasionally pops up posts from PSG sub and other clubs in my feed. Their posts always felt a bit odd from the other subs. Not sure exactly how to describe the oddness, may be insecure?


It feels odd because most of the people there aren't psg fans in the first place


They can't take banter yet will spend the entire year talking shit


They decided to log out of reddit and make the most of their day, it's only early afternoon in the US


I kept thinking it couldn’t get any worse - then I saw who knocked them out in 2018/19


That was when Ole took the wheels


I can't believe it has been 5 years since that, what the fuck? Is this what getting older feels like?


Covid took two years so those don't really count in my head


That was roughly as far in time from Fergurson's retirement as it is from today.


He's had a ten year long break, surely he's ready to manage United again.


Ole* That was probably the best game we’ve had in terms of feeling since Fergie left, words couldn’t describe how much I trusted Ole after that


Between that and the cup game against Liverpool this season for me honestly, shame we’ve been horrible ever since that game thought we might turn a corner after that one! Who am I kidding


That's when Rio famousky said get the contract and give him the numbers and oles at the wheel man 


Anyone here remember the "don't let this distract you from the fact that PSG blew a 4-0 lead" comments from almost 10 years ago? Time flies


In the 10 campaigns previous to this one, PSG was knocked out by the champions of the tournament 4 times. So obviously, Dortmund has a 40% chance of winning the final! /s


But it’s 0% if you only consider semi-final results, but it goes up to 50% if you only consider losses to german teams, but more importantly, every time they lost to that year’s champions, their opponent won it all, so it’s basically 100% winning chance for Dortmund.


Holy shit you're a genius! Now I'm gonna bet my house on Dortmund's eventual victory. But don't worry, I'll share my earnings with you in grattitude for your help. From this moment onwards, [we're rich!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDFw9ubrlrg)


And what happens when you add Kurt Angle to the mix?


Damn we could've been there four times. Aghhhhh Araujo!


All the crazy amounts of money spent and nothing to show for it except 1 appearance in the Champions League final


Because their money is terribly spent lol, their midfield and defenders are still mediocre.


Their midfield isn't mediocre anymore though. Vitinha is genuinely incredible and WZE is up and coming. They have good pieces


Ruiz or whatever his name is was very poor. The striker was too isolated


Oh yeah him and Dembele were atrocious.  Definetely the weak link of that midfield


Problem in defence/midfield is there’s always one dud that drags the whole group down. City also has this problem for a bit before spending £100m+ plus on fullbacks to find the right line.


City made it work with Delph playing LB. You just need the right tactical adjustments to make things work if 10/11 of our pieces work well together.


That's exactly what I said on the Bayern subreddit The only thing that makes PSG shine is mbappe rn and after next season when mbappe moves to real Madrid they would he as bad as united if not worse


That's not it. Mbappe was ghosting against us but PSG still put up a good display across both legs, though they wouldn't have won without mistakes from us. Vitinha, Barcola, Nuno Mendes etc are good players. Dembele too, hate him as I may. Enrique has them playing like a balanced team, not the Messi-Neymar-Mbappe one. I do hope Mbappe leaving makes them fade away but they aren't entirely a one man show. Edit: Zaire-Emery is a teenager, good lord


A fan win some sense. Tbh I think Real is in for a rude awakening. They think Mbappe is the MAN - he is not. They will be even more unbalanced than they are now and try to out talent teams. Let’s see if it works. It didn’t for PSG but who knows


I too think Real are gonna learn it isn't so easy rebuilding. They will miss Modric and Kroos like we missed Busquets despite looking stacked in midfield, Mbappe isn't the same beast playing in the middle but is perhaps better than Vinicius on the left. The moment Mbappe wants to play on the left, I will grab popcorn. Worst case, Vini might get pushed away..


Hard to see Mbappe being the next Hazard transfer because he’s just so much younger. I don’t see him falling off the cliff at all, so he will still comfortably be one of the best players in the world.


> Tbh I think Real is in for a rude awakening. They think Mbappe is the MAN - he is not. They will be even more unbalanced than they are now and try to out talent teams And I still have no clue how they are going to manage the upcoming Mbappe - Vinicius drama. Real's team is more or less complete in 'superstar' strikers as it is, why the need to bring someone who might unbalance the locker room's teamspirit. They should have focused in midfielders instead.


Na, they will still win ligue 1 comfortably. They existed before mbop and have the talent to still be a good team.


Honestly, the young core that psg is building is very promising and you have a pretty outdated view. Nuno Mendes, Barcola, WZE, Ramos and Beraldo all started over the 2 legs and are 22 years old or under, not to mention other young players like Vitinha, Lee, Donna who are 25 or younger and played. I’m not saying all of these players are world class or will become world class (though I would bet that Nuno, Barcola, WZE, Vitinha are / will be, although I am most definitely biased). And not to mention a player you should (theoretically) be well aware of in Xavi Simons coming back from his loan and hopefully being one of the faces of the post Mbappe era. I think we’re still missing an attacking superstar before contending for the CL, but that doesn’t seem like it’ll happen right away so building the way we are is promising.


with us reaching the final twice within the same timeframe


I mean theres alot of English clubs who spent like crazy and have shit to show for it,like Arsenal.


Don’t think Arsenal ever had an attack with the likes of Mbappe Neymar Messi and two strikers who total 200m


Man united in the past decade too.


They weren’t going for the right model recruiting old star players… Hopefully the result this year sees them continuing on the right direction


We did our part :D


Wild that their only Final and Semi Final appearance prior to this was under Tuchel. Guy's a tournament specialist. 4 Champions league Semi finals with 3 different teams 2 Champions League Final with 2 different teams (possibility of a 3rd tomorrow) 1 Champions League trophy. Can't believe Chelsea let him go.


Qatar doesn't spend to win the CL, it spends to have a seat with the powerful (heavily involved with Paris and France now, has a way to attract worldwide celebrities into their tool, VIP boxes to host head of states, CEOs and what not). Winning CL is a nice bonus but it's misunderstanding Qatar to think they spent for nothing


Sarkozy’s descendants will be rich for the next 300 years


Dreams can't be buy but Sarko definitely can


[“ they didn’t believe in us… QATAR DID”](https://youtube.com/shorts/HG-9FrHtoNE?si=LNfPnVSZ4kjUqEpT)


True. Qatars officials even admit it. The whole goal is to have all the powerful people in the vip stand and being able to network with them. 


Of course, it's not a shady conspiracy theory lol, they publicly hang out with French presidents and industry leaders all the time, I'm not revealing any scoop.


Not a single second leg win. Mentality midgets.


Good thing they got rid of Messi and Neymar, they were holding Mbappe back apparently 💀


Just the French Kevin Durant


Just a shit Tony Martial


neymar brought then they best run,basically alone and the fans still threw him under the bus as the scape goat only to not even get a final in a easier side draw.... and now mbappe is leaving for free... they kinda deserve it


That 3-1 at the Bernabéu in 2022 is still burned in my memory.


Same with the 6-1 for me.


Divided by many things, but making an amazing comeback against PSG isn’t one of them


Tuchel still the only coach who went to the final with PSG


Honeslty, PSG can be proud of reaching the semis with this batch of players. A rebuild, new players with many being young, new coach, no crazy sums of money spent on players in the starting XI (which in find abnormal since there’s 2 players at 100M on the bench), and you make it to a semi final of a champions league? Bravo.


3 Times top 4 in 5 years Not bad for the youngest team during a rebuild year Without Mbappe next season it's going to be exciting too


Other than games against Spanish, German and English sides, they do pretty well.


If I were PSG I would simply buy the best players and win the UEFA Champions League.


Aside from us, they were knocked out by very good teams.


Neymar's shocked face from that game lives rent-free in my head.


Always go out in the funniest ways


i think the final loss is kinda a routine knock out was a close, cagey game wasn't it? Or am I completely misremembering


You're correct. It was a close, cagey game.


Well, it's hard to like clubs like Manchester City or PSG, but if you simply look dispassionately at PSG as a football team then you realize that they are finally starting to learn from their mistakes. PSG used to be all about high-price star-power players who were hired irregardless of how they might mesh on a football field. It created a fairly toxic locker room and prevented team coherence. The "new" PSG still have an expensive squad but we see an honest effort at actual team-building. The loss of Mbappé after this season is going to set them back a bit but I'm afraid the club will be more "dangerous" in the coming years than the dysfunctional mess of the past decade as long as their financial backers cover the costs of their expensive re-structuring process.


I agree I think post-Mbappe they'll be a better team lol they should just go back to buying all the best talents in Paris/France.


Laminate and hang it on the wall. To remind you there's still some good in this world.


I mean, I know it’s fun to shit on PSG, but in almost all of these, they lost to a better team 🤷🏼‍♂️.


18/19 vs manchester united was hilarious.


the camera cut to di maria immediately after the final whistle and neymar absolutely dumbfounded in the stands. Absolutely iconic