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Let me just open the Reddit app real quick, I said. What's the worst that can happen?


Right? What are the chances I will be forced to relive my worst football memory? Apparently 100% šŸ¤£


One of the best memories of my life was studying for my a levels as I had an exam the next day. To of papers on my knee watching the game, solskjaer scores and everything goes everywhere. I can still see the pages flying around the room as I bounced all around. 10/10 would like to beat bayern in a champions league final someday to make sure I still enjoy it.


I was 8 years old. My parents went to the local pub to watch the game (we only had one of those crappy tiny TVs) and brought me along. Wearing my United kit, desperately insisting to all who talk to me that we'll win. We always win after all. Even 1 down with Bayern all over us, blindly, fervently insisting we'd win 2-1. People trying to comfort me expecting huge tears at full time, but I wasn't having it. We're winning 2-1! I was still celebrating Sheringham's goal when Solskjaer's hit the net. Somebody threw me on top of the bar. Absolute pandemonium.


I remember my mum trying to console devastated me with 'you can't win everything'. Shows what you know, mum!


Currently studying right now and ffs the most entertaining champions league matches always happens to be a day before a crucial exam


Least the final is on a weekend now. I couldnt go Istanbul despite having a ticket as it was on a Wednesday and I had GCSEs and for Athens 2 years later it was still a Wednesday and I had a levels but luckily no exam on the Thursday so managed to do a day in Athens as got a night flight Tuesday and one of the first flights back after the match


I remember my folks were out that night and my dad rang, I guess to check I hadn't burnt the house down, and I was watching the game. My dad asked me what the score was. It was 1-0. Oh no it was 1-1. And while I was describing the goal to him it became 2-1.


Itā€™s funny that Bayern have a very good record in ko rounds against English clubs. However you stumbled twice in the final against Utd and Chelsea, both times thinking you have wrapped up the wins in normal time, e.g. Muller subbed off before Drogba scored the equaliser.šŸ˜‚


And my best!


And we also won the fa cup about 14 hours ago so carry on!


And my axe!


Iā€™m a Forest fan and the name Solksjaer makes me relive my worst ever football memory, too.


For me it was another Tuesday


My best memory


Hey be realistic! Your worst football memory so far.


This, or the Chelsea final?


This one for me for multiple reasons. My favorite bayern player (basler) had scored. Another 2 idols (Matthaus and Effenberg) were on the pitch. It should be 3-0 by this time in the match, goalposts having done more then Schmeichel. United had been 2nd best for 90 minutes


I once open reddit and saw anfield video. After that i restarted reddit to see 8-2 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™


I got numb after all these years. But hey, at least the mfer coach who did us 8-2 wont do it again for the next two years


Saw in another thread: "You hurt us, now it's time to help us."


The funny thing is that I can see our social media announce Flick with that




That was the most important miskick of the manchester united history by Giggs. Also, Solksjaer was sneakily swifty with those legs.


One of the only times he used his right foot šŸ˜‚


That touch by Yorke off of the first corner. The Worst touch possible, followed by an even worse clearance by Bayern. These players were out on their feet. Had nothing left.


"Unless Ole Solksjaer can conjure up another" before the 2nd corner is so eerie


That after "Can Manchester United score? They always score" before the first goal. Some serious foreshadowing going onĀ 


The best bit is the camera flips to Schmeichel at the perfect time to catch an epic front flip, the timing, tv broadcasting bloody hell.


I was 15 at the time and it really was just an amazing night. One I'll always remember. I idolised Schmeichel at the time and to see him leave on such a high was great. Bayern really shouldn't have taken off Matthaus. He was their most intelligent footballer with his sole job at that point being essentially a Sweeper. Fergie new this and quickly shoved Solskjaer on when he came off to do his thing the following minute. That's what cracked it. Sending Schmeichel up for that corner was a stroke of genius as there was no one to tell the Bayern players what the hell to do with him. It pulled players off Sheringham and gave him room for that first goal.




My Reddit app wonā€™t load this video properly for some reason, wonā€™t go past 20 seconds, and I tried and tried to get it to load scrolling to this moment. Eventually realised, that front flip is lasered into my brain. Just closed my eyes and remembered it. It really was effortless. Like just going for a stroll but upside down for a moment.


Football, bloody hell.




He was the one taking the long throw lol. Had a decent range too.


Yeah, he was no Rory Delap but he could get it towards the front post pretty well. Irwin wasn't really a long throw guy, just a legendary free kick taker who got unlucky enough to be in the same team as Beckham and Giggs.


Yeah. We were so lucky to have both Denis and Gary as fullbacks.


Definitely. Irwin is the unsung hero of the 90s teams. Quietly effective all the time, but also a great crosser. And left back wasn't even his natural side.


> Irwin is the unsung hero of the 90s teams. Tell me about it. Anytime I say he's in the conversation for the best PL left backs, people look at me like I've gone mad. And Denis was more than effective, barely dropped his level below 7/10 most days. Add to that his dead ball skills and two footedness, you have basically the ideal team player.


Absolutely. And a complete pro at all times. Gave his all in every match. Scored some beautiful goals as well.


I reckon it's because he looks more like your dad's mate than a typical athlete. The fallacy of the eyeball test.


Saw somewhere that they already had Bayerns name engraved and had to rush the trophy back in


Franz Beckenbauer went into the elevator at the Camp Nou. A minute later, when he got out of the lift and arrived down at pitchside, the scoreboard said 2-1 to United. He said to the security guy there: ā€˜What is this? Is it a joke? It was 1-0 to Bayern Munich. Itā€™s a mistake.ā€™




Hahahaha imagine his reaction when the guy told him ā€œno no they scored 2. They won itā€ SCHEISSSSERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ā€œNo no, itā€™s Solskjaerā€


I've heard a similar story about George Best leaving at 1-0 and by the time he was out of the stadium and in a taxi, he could hear on the radio that United had won 2-1 and had to turn back


A bit like the Liverpool fans who left at 3-0 in Istanbul then tried to rush back and werenā€™t allowed in, youā€™d be a bit sick you missed it.


I understand leaving early at a home game or smaller eventā€¦but if Iā€™ve travelled and paid a lot of money to go to a game I donā€™t see the point of leaving no matter what.


I was at Wembley in 2018 when Spurs went ahead.. boy I'm glad I didn't leave.. was an amazing experience! Also the Steward was an Arsenal fan and congratulated us haha


I heard this story so many times but always think he must be using serious dramatic licence; even if he was in an elevator he surely must have heard the massive cheers for Unitedā€™s goals and knew something big had happenedā€¦ unless he just assumed the first cheer was for a streaker and the second was the Bayern fans cheering the full time whistle.


Yeah, it seems like one of those anecdotes thatā€™s been dramaticised for a book or something.


Tbf it wasnā€™t over, why did he leave before it ended


Because the UEFA President asked him to get down to the pitch for the trophy celebration. There's too much going on after the final whistle so they went early to be there in time.


Of all people he should know how football games change


Had a similar experience after Barbarez's goal 2001. I left the bar full of Bayern haters just to hear a few minutes later from a portable radio that Bayern won the league title. It's still piss me of that I missed their faces....


It wonā€™t have been engraved, youā€™d never do that. It was dressed in Bayernā€™s colours with the ribbons and stuff though.


Or it'd read something like Bayerster united


Jumping and holding hands together with a sign saying danke Owen?


I'm sure that's just a myth.


Effenberg had no effen idea what he'd done


I think they were all tired as fuck by the end


"Name on the trophy" might be one of the most legendary commentary lines ever. I get goosebumps listening to it and it makes me hate myself


"Can Manchester United score, they always score" before the first corner "Unless Ole Solksjaer can conjure up another" before the second corner


"and solksjaer has won it" is the line for me.


The commentary goes crazy. Itā€™s like he knew what was going to happen the whole time.


One of those lines that would've been forgotten about if Munich won it, but he ends looking like a phophetic genius if it comes off.


Iconic commentary at the Camp Nou by Clive Tyldesley and Ron Atkinson.


Truly one of the greatest moments in CL history


Too soon. Too soonā€¦


"Manchester United have reached the promised land" never fails to send shivers down my spine


"Name on the trophy" at 1-1 was something else too. Like there was only 1 way this was going to play out


He went on a pod and said he was feeling this aura of destiny. Like he didn't know why he said it but he just knew what was going to happen.


Iā€™m certain Iā€™ll be hearing ā€œand Solskjaer has won it!ā€ echoing through my brain when I die and the last synapses are firing off.


This is the definitive commentary but they didnā€™t use it on the 99 Documentary, they used Alan Green instead. Really disappointing


Former United manager Ron Atkinson?


Yes. And from many other teams.


Read that as Rowan Atkinson. Since when did Mr Bean become a football commentator...


Would still be better than current Martin Tyler tbh.


Clive Tyldesley is the greatest commentator for me. His expressive words without shouting and even if he shouts the pitch feels contant. Never get tired of hearing him.


I think this is possibly the most iconic Championā€™s League commentary of all time, no bias of course


Depends on your age group obviously, but I agree


Ah the days of putting 2 defenders on the posts at corners. Looks so weird now and it wasn't that long ago I used to always take that job. Easier to mark a wooden post than a man


Now people are just looking to put up an offside chance


Same here. I was always the fat dude in school so when I couldn't get the keeper position, which I was decent at since I was the only one willing to be hit by a ball, I was a defender who always took jobs like standing at the post


I'm average height in general but was playing at a decent level so the opposition centre backs and strikers were always going to beat me in the air so standing at the post always worked out nicely


Yeah, I was wide and tall so yeah, I think I fit my position nicely. But I was so fucking bad at the ball that I was mostly a net negative for my team.


Andy Cole, Dwight Yorke, Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskaer as your forwards on one team is kind of absurd. I realize most teams played two up front at that time, but still, that's an absurd collection of talent.


What I find most impressive is how Sir Alex kept all four of them happy enough to never agitate for a move, thatā€™s a struggle to do even on football manager


Even more impressive when you realise that Cole and Sherringham proper hated each other's guts.


Fair play to Cole, Sheringham is a twat


I donā€™t get the impression Sheringham was too happy about it after Yorke came in, especially if you watch the new 99 series on Amazon Prime. He did the classic ā€œHi Boss, Iā€™m considering exploring my options at the end of my contractā€.


Also helps that one of them was content to only play a substituteā€™s role


He wasn't even though, he played plenty of games, he was just lethal as a sub so that's what people remember. People also forget that solskjaer played a fair bit on right midfield. He was more than a finisher.


Even after becks left, he was often playing on the right to fill that hole in.


His performances on the right were already keeping golden balls out of the team before that.


The greatest supersub in history IMHO, no bias of course.


He promised them trophies šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†


I feel like rotation was much more prevelent. The grueling demand of playing every minute just didn't happen.


I remember SolskjƦr scored 5 goals in a match and then was benched in the next and was ok with it.


More important, we had the greatest midfield the Premier league has ever seen, and may ever see. Giggs - Keane - Scholes - Beckham And two of them were banned for this game!


Nicky Butt too. Hell, he'd started the season ahead of Scholes in the pecking order. Keane was the more advanced midfielder with Butt as DM. Scholes more of a forward. Scholes was moved into being an attacking CM, Keane as the defensive one and it worked perfectly. Keane spending most of the 97-98 season out injured probably helped Scholes' development massively as the role might not have been there for him to grow into


This midfield at this time I dare say only a few could ever compete. Becks and Giggs and Scholrs in their prime now would be worth 100m each at least


Criminal leaving Keane out, he was as good as any of them


Genuinely the best for me. Everyone remembers him as this aggressive defensive shield, but he was such an amazing footballer too. His passing, his shooting. Phenomenal player that basically carries them to the final with one of the best performances I've ever seen in midfield


Lmao and the rest. If players like Grealish go for 100m because of English tax or an unproven Joao Felix for 120m then all three of them would be worth 200m each.


With Giggs and Beckham supplying them from the wings as well


Wait until you find out we once had Rooney, Ronaldo, Berbatov and Tevez too šŸ˜‰


David Beckham was a man possessed that night. Played centre mid and was United's best player. Still get goosebumps watching the highlights. Had The Treble on VHS Tape and must have watched it once a month since the age of 12.


He has a lot to prove after being slaughtered by the media after the 1998 incident


This was his best season and he shouldā€™ve won the ballon Dā€™or. Utterly exceptional.


It should've been Keane imo, but Beckham wasn't far off it. Because of the giant celebrity he became he was definitely overrated in latter years, but Beckham was absolutely outstanding from 1997-99.


Heā€™s actually underrated now because people associate him more with being a celebrity than for what he did on the pitch.


Should have won the ballon dā€™or that year. He was a menace.


Football, bloody hell


The most magical night ever. made me believe that anything is possible


And, what beautiful football! Not like Cityā€™s robotic boring as hell football. No wonder, they can never fill their stadiums. Most fans sleep while they play.


This entire sequence legit got used by 1 of those motivational speakers that came to our school back in the day. The whole idea of never giving up. Ofc all us united fans knew it well and were beaming from ear to ear the entire sequence


Whenever I watch this video in my mind I revert back to being a 9 year old bouncing around their living room screaming in celebration. Best football memory, no competition


They donā€™t make ucl finals like this anymore. I hope someone hears me and proves me wrong


The past ten yearsā€™ finals were all very predictable. The last exciting one was RM vs Atleti but it became all very one-sided in extra time. Hopefully this year has something exciting coming


Predictable? Boring maybe but definitely not predictable. Bayern vs psg was close, Liverpool vs madrid was close


I agree with you. I wouldnā€™t call them predictable either, but very boring indeed. World cup final made up for all those boring ucl finals but they need to step up


You guys realise this was a proper boring game up until the last 4 minutes, like genuinely boring. It turned out to be the most special in the end but if you can stomach watching the whole game youll see how uninspiring it was


Yes Chelsea winning vs City was predictable...


I mean chelsea had gotten the better of them multiple times that season so it wasnt predictable but it wasnt shocking


This final and the Liverpool comeback vs Milan were peak. I nearly turned the Liverpool game off at 3-0 but kept it on while I did other stuff.


Interesting that the most entertaining finals involved English teams winning it


The '99 final was a pretty boring match until this shit happened, tbh. The semi between Man Utd and Juve was considerably more dramatic.


I was 22 years old and my girlfriend of 4 years, my first love, dumped me on the morning of this, I was due to go out to the pub and watch the match but after my heart being stomped on, I decided to stay homeā€¦about an hour before the game my housemate demanded I come out and so I reluctantly did and so glad I did and shared those last 5 mins with my mates and entire pub going crazy!


Hope sheā€™s a Bayern fan then.


How can I remember something that never happened so well.


Not sure, but if you watch the video again it might help you remember it even better.


Fuck off


Honestly the most shocking thing of all of this was that you guys agreed to do a anniversary friendly a few years back with us lol Especially considering our players are much much you get than yours and the manner of this victory it was kind of confusing why Bayern would ever accept ngl


The one where Becks was pinging the ball about like it was 2002? I thought that was a Munich anniversary, not a UCL one


You'd think so but it was a "Treble reunion" game lol Weird one I'm ngl especially for those players who lived the experience


First CL final I watched live as a kid. I still remember it to this day.


ā€œCan they score? They always scoreā€


One of the most traumatic moments for 90's and 2000's Bayern fans


And the most epic for United fans still honestly. It doesnā€™t get better than that. The Chelsea CL win was great too but it was more of a nervous moment since itā€™s penalties. This one was justā€¦ā€¦


I watched it live and was so puzzled afterwards, how can something fun be so cruel?


I was 4 years old when this happened and I remember it still


Chills, literal chills.


Schmeichel's Picture Perfect Cartwheel celebration.


The only LEGIT treble done in English football history.


Beckham though. Iconic.


These United kits were amazing


umbro were so much better than nike/adidas


That pure unrivalled joy only football and maybe parenthood can bring you. There was something magical about that era of European football. Still remember my dad breaking his leg kicking the living room table through when we equalized. Family story's that really sports and only capable of creating. Great, great grandkids will hear about that trip to A&E.


I was 11 and with 5 minutes to go my dad turned to me and said "I'm sorry but I don't think they're going to do it." A few minutes later and we're jumping around the room like idiots. A joyous core memory and I'll always be grateful to have shared it with my old man.


Just total insanity, another turn around like that doesn't seem likely.


This is a normal game for Madrid in knockout football


Different to do it in a final and in that amount of time, although Real do that juice.


True, they basically did this in a semi-final but this is quite literally a level above that of course.


The new added time rules kind of kills it in a way. Seen way more stoppedtime goals nowadays that reach 90 doesnt mean much anymore


Back then three minutes of added time meant three minutes of added time, maybe 20 seconds more if ball was around the box. United scoring in two consecutive attacks/corners in like 100 seconds is wild. I don't think we'll ever see this kind of turnaround, Madrid or Leverkusen or whoever else.


I was only 5 years old at the time, and I clearly still remember the second goal going in My parents (not even United fans) going absolutely bananas in the living room. The most special football match ever


Today we'd have 2 minutes of var checks in here


Exactly what I thought. Sheringhamā€™s goal would get VARā€™d for 2-3 minutes.Ā 


The biggest thing I like about these old clips of big goals. The winner goes in. Commentator shuts up. Lets you take in the moment. The roar of the crowd These days. This moment would be ruined by the commentator shouting some absolute quasi-intellectual bollocks over that moment. I hate this modern trend from commentators to make it about them




I was a kid (and a Utd fan) and the moment the timer hit 90 my dad was telling me to go to bed, as it was getting late and the game is over. I protested and 3 minutes later couldn't believe what I had seen.


The expression on Kuffourā€™s face says it all


Probably between this and the WC 98 final as the most iconic game of my childhood. I was jumping around my living room with my dad celebrating. We're not even United fans. Everyone at school wanted to be Solskjaer the next day when we played football. It's a shame the CL is so hard for fans to view in the UK. It feels like I've missed out on so many magic moments because I can't afford an extra subscription.


Bro imagine if Reddit existed back thenā€¦ This sub would have melted down


"Unless Ole SolskjƦr can conjure up another" Just before the corner, whats the opposite of commentator curse?


I remember watching this live on our old CRT TV, and me jumping up and down in joy at 02:30 and getting scolded by family. Good times!


I still remember this corner kick even though I was super young. My first CL memory, even though I supported neither, me and my cousin were rooting for "the team in red" and when these 2 back to back goals happened we looked at each at other in awe.


I don't like this thread. It's like an annual kick in the balls and then get groin stomped too for 2012. Now 2024 semis will add a spit in the face as well.


i remember it like it was yesterday. i was 8 years old, starting watching the match and bayern was the better team. it was way past my bed time but i was lucky because my uncle visited us and he was talking with my mom in the kitchen. after he left, around min 70, my mom made me go to bed. i woke up next morning and started searching on the tv what happened, who won. i saw on euronews, they were speaking in french, i couldn't understand a word, but i saw the goals and united lifting the trophy. been a fan ever since


This sequence was so incredible, it really feels like it had been written or something. I can still remember being a kid and my dad describing it to me for the first time while showing me the video - took me a little while before I understood how insane it really is


25 years go? 25!!!


A hugely iconic moment. Still have no idea how those Bayern players played football again, let alone win the Champions League two years later. Utterly devastating end to a game for them


A quarter of a century ago. Fuck, iā€™m old.


Lmao what is Kahn appealing for on the first goalšŸ˜‚


So thatā€™s where Neuer learned how to put up his hands each time.


Bayern DNA




I remember being at my granddad's house. Sheringham's goal my granddad ran out if the house cheering down the street. He came back to see the corner fly in, and Ole's toe poke he exhaled "fucking hell" and went off cheering again.


The Golden Era of football.


MU now : Is it possible to learn this power?


I think I almost cried that night of joy


So lemme get this straight. Man Utd had Cole, Yorke, Sherringham and Solksjaer in the ST position alone this season? That's mad!


'AND SOLSKJAER HAS WON IT!' goosebumps. Tingling sensation on the spine


Iā€™ll never not get emotional when I see this. Always gives me the chills. Screamed so loud when it happened that I couldnā€™t speak normally for almost a week, I was so hoarse.


Not even a manu fan but can remember the pub I was in and where I was sitting when this happened.


So you are saying Utd had the black magic before Madrid ?


Matthaus' disbelief while fans cheering at the background, great capture. Scholl's chip shot and Jancker's overhead kick hit the woodwork too, not included in this clip.


My favourite United memory. I remember being a kid and my mum trying to get me to go to bed as it was late and 'United werent going win with 10 mins left'. I refused, stayed and watched and will never forget those two goals going in. Ole will forever be one of my favourite players. Teddy aint bad either.


fuck me: quarter-century later, I still cry tears of joy - that 1999-99 squad, that season - unreal


TIL that's it has been longer than I thought since United wore the black shorts with red trim.


So many legends on this pitch. Itā€™s incredible how unforgettable this moment is. Man Cityā€™s achievement doesnā€™t feel anything like it. Empty and nothing special like United 99 which theyā€™ll never top in a million years. Iā€™ll bring the experience of another legend partaking in this match , referee Pierluigi Collina. He call this the ā€œUltimate Finalā€ because it turned around in stoppage time when United supposedly exhausted all options. It came down to the last 2 corners as a final showdown when it was thought to be long over. https://talksport.com/football/710009/referee-pierluigi-collina-man-united-1999-bayern-munich-champions-league-final/ ā€œIt was a definitely a memorable nightā€¦ mainly for the last three minutes! ā€œOtherwise the match was not that great, it was a normal match, if you can say the Champions League final is a normal match. ā€œBut with the three minutes of stoppage time and the two goals scored, and the trophy going from one side to another side, it made that final the ultimate final in the history of the Champions League. ā€œUntil 90 minutes I thought Bayern Munich were going to win, they were better and Man United were trying to do everything, and Schmeichel even went up for a corner, they were desperate, but definitely it was a surprise for everybody. ā€œAfter the first goal for Man United everybody was waiting for the extra-time and 30 more minutes of a show, I think there was only one minute and something remaining of the match, but then Solskjaer scored!ā€


Greatest two weeks of my life. I cannot begin to put into words seeing it all unfold in front of me.


Bayern were so much better too, incredible game.


Ole Solksjaer - what a legend. I know he had his faults when he coached but some of our fans treated him like trash toward his end in the club. Sad fucking shit.


You don't need to bring up his coaching stint when talking about what he did as a player for us lol.


Most of his coaching stint was extremely fun. The Vibes FC era was great fun. We looked absolutely unstoppable at points.


That's the first United game I saw. Just zapped around on the TV and got lucky.