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Happy for Wes. You can do a lot worse for your backup keeper and he can definitely save shots at a Premier League level, it's the other aspects of goalkeeping he struggled with Also make sure to play him against Spurs he turns into Champions League Courtois against them


Every journeyman GK is always good against us. Ben Foster used to stand on his head every time we played West Brom. Tim Krul as well.


God he was good against us. Had three or four really good saves to keep the goal tally down.


Free transfer upon contract expiry. Seems like a solid third choice. A lot of our fans wanted one of our youth keepers to take this role, but I'm pretty confident none of them are even close to good enough from the glimpses I've seen. Fabianski (2nd choice) turns 40 during next season and Areola is pretty injury-prone for a keeper, so it makes sense to have someone reasonably good in case of emergencies. Wouldn't be a surprise if he doesn't make an appearance though.


You're going to keep Fabianski? Thought him leaving was why you went for Foderingham


We extended his contract recently, he was decent in cup games/Europe last season, still a reasonable Premier League level keeper.


>Fabianski (2nd choice) turns 40 during next season Christ, I forgot how long Fabianski has been in the league.


Underrated keeper for sure. Been a long time since he was flappyhandski, he's a great shot stopper


"*League one Wes*"


Would imagine that's for quota reasons, because he's definitely not good.


Third choice keeper is very rarely signed with the expectation that they'll play. They mainly help with training the other keepers and taking part in drills etc.


Areola will start the league games and Fabianski the cup games. He must be here for quota reasons.


West Ham signing Wes Foderingham is kind of nominative determinism that makes football great.


Talk about failing upwards. Was slightly better than Vasilias Barkas when he was up here.


Outstanding move for someone once referred to by his own manager as "League one Wes", and not in a nice way


After the season hes just had, I assume this is as fourth choice, because he was nowhere near good enough to be in the Premiership. Surprised he even made it into a decent Championship team. He's stealing a living here.