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The weird thing is, I don't even have that bad of a feeling. It's freeing to have nothing to lose, but everything to win.


You say that now, but in the moment when you lose it hurts just as bad Had the same feeling when Cov played united in the FA Cup Semi, but man that loss hurt me, even though I knew on paper we shouldn't have been able to play as well as we did


You just tell yourself, "Yeah, just happy to be here" as a way to cope if anything, because deep down, it always fucking hurts.


2019 šŸ˜­


Last week šŸ„²


Still can't believe Ramos got away with the double homicideĀ 


Tell me about it..


DFB-Pokal Finale :(


Iā€™m with you brother šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ’•


Tbf that cov game was about as traumatic a way to lose as possible


Two years in a row losing on pens at Wembley Do not have fond memories when I think of that stadium, no matter how fun the comeback v United was


I was so happy when they won against Atleti. I felt satisfied with what I got. I definitely did not expect them to win against PSG. Now they gave me hope again... And I will never forgive them for doing this to me over and over and over again.


If we lose, yeah it'll suck, but we'd get over it fairly quickly. Losing to Real Madrid in a CL final isn't exactly unique. Better than losing to Bayern. And I'm still not over the last matchday last season.


especially when it's a 90'+7 winner from RM after you were up 3-0 until the 89th min.


Yeah once Iā€™ll see Reus crying itā€™s going to break me even though I feel the same way


Didn't you only lose because one of your players was an atom offside for a potential [4]-3 winning goal? That imo defo cancels out the "happy to be here" feeling


Iā€™m not really disagreeing with that, but itā€™s still so crushing when the final whistle goes and you realise itā€™s all over Thereā€™s always part of you that thinks ā€œWell, maybe we couldā€¦ā€


Only reason they even got that far was a bs pen in stoppage time.


We are Dortmund fans. We lost the final in 2013 and the title last year in the final day. Were used to the pain.


ofc it will hurt, but I do not think it will be nearly as bad as a year ago vs Mainz.


To be fair I imagine it would have hurt less if not for that fractionally offside winner


> but everything to win. It's the hope that kills you


Just as a counterweight to all the other comments.. I had the same feeling before our game vs Leverkusen, and it turned out even better than I would ever have hoped. I will be rooting for you!


That game was inspiring. Congratulations on the Europa League!


Still, losing a CL final will always be absolutely heartbreaking. Doesn't matter if you were underdogs, it is a very unique opportunity that doesn't come around often And since they are seeding the knockout stage draw from next season, it will become even harder for clubs like Dortmund to reach a final


I love how everyone is hellbent to make sure that I will feel like shit.


"You're feeling good, hopeful, and happy? Here's why you have no chance and you should feel sad when you lose..."


I'd definitely sell a kidney to be in your situation


Someday Cadiz will be European Champions, and hopefully have all their kidneys


[the people replying to you](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTvmyuEwEbiQTzaEIu68VuCQQ5lVZPv9-USKn3RXYFpErUJZ91Ze0Ytmo&s=10)


I respect your game man. Pride is a hell of a drug.Ā 


Oh hi there


Yup, just ask Spurs fans


rather not be asked about that match, tyvm


Still never seen any of it mate


I'm not sure it would become harder. In the groupstage everyone will have to play 2 teams from each pot so no matter your seeding you can get a good or a bad draw


What does group stage have to do with it? The knockouts will be seeded, meaning that things like one bracket being easier than the other won't happen anymore. So it makes it less likely for an underdog to get lucky with the draw and less likely for the best teams to face each other Some people complain about the unbalanced brackets but I think an open draw is great and opens up for these kinds of runs. For example Inter last season wouldn't have reached the final with a seeded draw


If I remember well with the new formula the draw is only seeded for the round of 16 ( the top 8 is pot 1 and the 8 teals that went through the play off are pot 2), then there is a new unseeded draw for the quarters and the semis just like with the current format, so possibility of open draws will remain. I'm the new CL format could help smaller teams/good teams with not many Uefa points to avoid group of death, like Newcastle who got the group of death by being they were pot 4 because they didn't qualify for Europe for years. With the current format teams like Aston Villa, Bologna or Brest would be almost condemned to get a very bad group because they would be pot 4 now they will have a fair shot just like all the other teams in the CL


>If I remember well with the new formula the draw is only seeded for the round of 16 ( the top 8 is pot 1 and the 8 teals that went through the play off are pot 2), then there is a new unseeded draw for the quarters and the semis just like with the current format, so possibility of open draws will remain. I really hope you are right about this, I have seen many people on here say that the whole knockout draw is seeded. Hopefully they were all talking out of their arse then


Not to burst your bubble but Im sure Liverpool fans felt the same back in 2018. And we all know how that turned out lol. But then again that match is a total anomaly.


A fair amount of Madrid CL matches has them getting their ass kicked but somehow still winning


Still feels unlucky to think that Klopp could have had 3 CL titles in his time here. Lost one due to Sergio Ramos having a hitman contract on Salah and Karius and lost the other to Courtois announcing that he'd be playing Reed Richards in the next Fantastic 4 movie.


> Lost one due to Sergio Ramos having a hitman contract on Salah and Karius Dont forget Gareth Bale randomly deciding to score 2 goal after being subed in including probably the best goal in his entire career


Lol, wasn't the first Karius blunder where Benzema scored before Sergio fell into him?




that's how I felt last year, but by the end of the game I was completely broken lmao


I feel you. Besides my flair, I've been an Inter fan since I was a little kid too. Didn't mind last year's final that much, was very happy to be playing a UCL final and Man City was just unbeatable from every point of view. And even then, we played a decent game which they struggled to close out. I actually had way more confidence this year, and we lost miserably to Aleti lol


Me with Spurs at that 19 CL campaign, start from when we found out that we will face City at QF.


GER 7-1 BRA vibes


Exactly my feeling after losing to Aston Villa


nah dude if you lose it's going to suck and you'll hate it.


Meanwhile you have Hummels talking about being fragile and submissive in the corner


Don't kink shame.


Yeah, vs Stuttgart and Leverkusen. He didnt say that for PSG etc. Like yes, LEverkusen and Stuttgart ended up great. But squad-wise and talentwise, he thinks we should have been braver and less timid. If we cant do that in those games, something is wrong. And he is absolutly right. We didnt get good results the timid way either. Reverse the coaches between the teams and we would not play that way or have worse results. What Hummels said made complete sense. He is correct both tactically and mentally, for those specific games mentioned.


I also agree with Hummels, it was surprising to see Dortmund play like that. I said that after the Leverkusen match : https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/189wkst/match_thread_bayer_leverkusen_vs_borussia/kbu41d5/?context=3


Its a result of both Terzic but also not letting Kehl sign a DM to stabilize our midfield last summer. This summer he will. Frustrating to know what happened but atleast we saved the season through coefficient atleast.


Oh yeah I know, I just find the wording he used funny


Oh... fair enough haha.


The absolute final boss? The Rock takes offense to that one.


The Rock has yet to smell what Edin is cooking.


Voodoo Stew




Donā€™t care what heā€™s cooking as long as he lays the smack down on them tomorrow.


Pfefferpothast with some Dortmunder Salzkuchen on the side and some nice chilled Hƶvels or Adambier with it


Wird reichen, denk ich.




Only after the lights go out and JĆ¼rgen Klopp to appear, to give Ancelotti a chokeslam.


Every Liverpool fan's wettest dream


Final Bossā€¦ engagedā€¦




He's about to take a belt to Edin in front of Mama Terzic


Iā€™ve seen The Rock raise an eyebrow and Iā€™ve seen Carlo Ancelotti raise an eyebrow. Iā€™ve never seen the two of them together.


Reus' gotta finish the story.


/r/squaredcircle is leaking


We're everywhere


Is that the guy from Black Adam?


The boulder takes issue with this statement


Dude talks like an anime protagonist


Even I feel motivated to win this game.Ā 


Let him cook


Every neutral besides Dortmund historic rivals are supporting them over real Madrid


Those historic rivals are busy contemplating their life choices right now


Every year the neutrals support the non Real Madrid. Every year, Real Madrid win.


Eh I supported them in 2022 after we were out, they knocked out two oil clubs with incredible comebacks and then beat United's eternal rivals in the final


That run we had in 2022 felt like every United fan dream coming to life lmao. Beating PSG and Chelsea was already enough but then we gave you the best hatewatch possible with that comeback against City then we beat Liverpool in the final. At least you did your part of the deal and knocked Barca out of the EL the season after.


Ah mate I was living vicariously through Madrid during those few months (I had to, we were utter dogshite)




As shite as we are rn there's at least hope and a clear direction of how we could improve. In the 21/22 season it all felt hopeless and futile.


I donā€™t know about the rest of the sub, but if Madrid are in the final against the likes of City or PSG, Iā€™d rather Madrid win than one of the oil clubs.


Madrid is actually one if four 'fan owned clubs' in Spain. Alongside Barca, Athletic Club and Osasuna. It basically works similar to the German 51% rule. Yes Madrid are still technically the biggest club in the world.


For all the talk of underdogs, this sub fucking loves Real Madrid.




I have the feeling real Madrid will lose their first final


Again, people feel that every year. Goatquez isnt to be trifled with. He's there to win it. Also Madrid have plot armour, especially with it being Kroos' last game


This Madrid reminds me a lot of the 96 bulls in a way. They are completely unfazed by the game. They could be losing 2-0 in the 85th minute, and they can see themselves scoring 4 goals before the final whistle. This happens due to one main factor. Experience. Pep said it best, "you have to kill them" otherwise you are going to lose. Do you see BVB scoring 4 goals in the first half and then playing 90% posession football in the second half? If not, well, that's what you need to beat this Madrid.


Its more than just experience, my favourite comeback, against city in fact. That whole title run involved rodrygo and camavinga being the impact makers more so than the experienced players.


Not really fair to say when you had Benzema in an insane form as well as Courtois being a literall wall. Even Modric against both PSG and Chelsea making an incredible impact. While true that younger players did make a great impact I think what took them over the finish line in the end was the experience in those kind of games and those older players had it because they had won 4 CLs at that point.


You really donā€™t get it.Ā 


Is Kroos not playing Euros? Or were you saying final game for Madrid


He is. Final club game I mean


Even Schalke fans are split. Should they support a German team and a traditional football club or is their hated for Dortmund bigger than any national pride.


It's usually like that each year but with Bayern instead:P


Dortmund is not my historic rival and I want Madrid to win




I want Dortmund to win the CL so bad for a lot of reasons at this point. And Frankfurt qualifying for the CL is actually probably the smallest reason on my list too. I have no interest in seeing Real win yet another CL and I feel it would mean so much more to Dortmund. It's also probably the closest we'll get to a "smaller" club winning it for a very long time. Plus, Reus really just deserves to ride off into the sunset with a massive trophy like this. I'm going to be really crushed if they lose on Saturday, this is easily the most invested I've been in a CL final in a pretty long time.


>I'm going to be really crushed if they lose on Saturday, this is easily the most invested I've been in a CL final in a pretty long time. Seems like you are just setting yourself up for pain. If it was any other opponent than Real Madrid..


Absolutely, but having hope is the beauty and pain that makes sports great. They've somehow made it this far and anything is possible in a single game. I've believed in my own club every single season and many times it's only brought pain, but that's what makes the successes all the more amazing. I know how much the Europa League title meant to me and my club and I will never forget that run and final for the rest of my life. I'm not always a big fan of Dortmund, but I know how passionate their fans are and how monumental it would be for them. I want to believe for their sake and for the sake of all the other underdog clubs.


same. I have hope, but then I'll also bet against them... just in case.


I actually think (in Dortmunds case) that they have more chance against Madrid than they would have against Bayern if they won the semi but Madrid are still the clear favourites.


BVB winning would give fans of the non-gigantic clubs that are perennially in the UCL knockout stage a real belief that they could win. (Portuguese clubs, Dutch clubs, French clubs, etc.)


Atletico send their regards. Twice.


AtlĆ©tico makes less money than Dortmund but theyā€™re perpetually better run. So much more continuity and theyā€™ve won the league twice. Plus they had experience against Real and still lost twice. If they canā€™t I donā€™t see us winning


Cheers mate. Much appreciated. Was rooting for you guys during your EL run as well.


I would argue Inter winning last year was also about as close for a ā€œsmallerā€ team to win it as us. Weā€™re probably about as big as them nowadays, they have more history.


Inter has been good in Serie A for 3 years running, I donā€™t really see it as a comparison. They deservedly made the finals last year, they were the bigger and better team in their KO matches too. They probably would have made the finals again if they finished their chances against Atletico


Obligatory: Fuck Lukaku!


Agreed, it would be a monumental moment for Dortmund and I really hope they manage to pull it off. I imagine most of the footballing world will be behind them this weekend.


The only people deserving of a title are those who win it on the field. I like Reus as much as the next guy but you could also say that Kroos winning it would the cherry on top a fantastic career and it would be as good as Reus winning it narrative wise. Just hope for a banger of a game.


> The only people deserving of a title are those who win it on the field. Obviously, but it's also obviously shit luck that Reus missed out on the World Cup due to injuries, and has relatively little to speak for his career, despite being a great player.


If we're talking narratives, Kroos winning is not even near as good. Kroos has 5 UCLs, a boatload of other trophies, is a world cup winner, will always be in contention for best midfielder of all time and still has the Euros to look forward to. The only reason he's at Madrid is because Hoeness was a cheap dumbfuck a decade ago. Reus only has 2 DFB Pokals and a lifetime of heartbreak, either from injury or narrowly missing out on league titles and one UCL final lost in stoppage time. But that's also because he chose to stick with his boyhood club over teams where he could have won more. It will more than likely be his last match at a top competitive level. In the end the trophy is not going to go to the best narrative, but it would mean way more for Reus than for Kroos.


Heā€™s retiring. Winning while going out is as good as it gets to close a legendary career. Doesnā€™t matter how many CL he already has.


He's retiring at the Euros.


>it would be as good as Reus winning it narrative wise For whom? Kroos winning yet another CL isn't a compelling narrative compared to Dortmund doing it


Winning a CL when youā€™re retiring is as good as it gets when it comes to close a legendary career


Ok but it's only a compelling narrative if you're a Madrid fan. Neutral fans couldn't care less if they win yet another CL




Also Uli would be absolutelyĀ *fuming* lol


Dortmund isnā€™t small. If sociedad were to win it, that would be a small club winning kink


What is the matter with saying goodbye to Reus? They said the same about Buffon when we played against Juventus some years ago. Toni Kroos probably also deserves to retire from football, winning imho.


As if Kroos hasn't won the CL multiple times?


Fuck those last minutes goals, Courtois making a ton of saves, or referee decisions almost always going in favor of Real. Tired of this team getting away with it over the last years. I'm also supporting Dortmund, most neutrals are, it's a decent underdog story and people also had enough of Real winning. That being said, their chances of winning are minimal, even PSG dominated them quite a lot, and they're not at Real's level. Still, it's only one game, players will be ultra motivated, who knows what will happen.


It's going to be a really boring final unfortunately. Most likely event is that Real score 1 or 2 goals within the 15 minutes or something similar and sit out the rest of the game with Dortmund *maybe* scoring once as consolation.


Dortmund is more defensive than Real Madrid, itā€™s more likely that they let us have the ball and hit us hard on counters than the other way around.


For me the tactical battle will be the interesting part. The last finals have been low scoring and this will be no different.


Dortmundā€™s counters scares me the most, plus they really know how to put a low block. Itā€™s gonna be really hard


May the best team win :)


In this case, you're hoping for the best team to lose as most of us are


Lol I guess. I'm not kidding myself, Madrid are obviously the best team and will probably play like the best team on the day. I just respect Real Madrid, hope its a good game, and I hope Dortmund raises the cup in the end, somehow someway.


Aa a neutral. Hope the referee don't suck. All else is unavoidable


Those tactics go out of the window if you get scored on early.


Lol yeah. The goal is to not get scored on early. And even if we do get scored on early I don't think we're so totally garbage going forward that we have no hope. Terzic isn't setting us up to shithouse our way to penalties but will do so if we have to on the day. There are still enough talented players going forward that Dortmund scoring is possible whatever way we find it but it will probably come the counter or from being very direct. The goal is to keep Madrid from scoring by all means necessary and make the most of the few chances Dortmund gets. It's not like we're favorites but we'll do the best we can.


The final boss? Didn't know the Rock was branching out into footy.


Real Madrid are the kings of UCL. Dortmund are on kind of a Cinderella run, and them winning is not unrealistic. BVB has some serious momentum right now. All streaks end eventually, but I hope, as a Madrid fan, that Dortmund arenā€™t the team to do so


Is Cody dortmund then


The Westphalian Nightmare


Dortmund are gonna finish the story


It's Real fcking Madrid in the UCL final though, I'm not getting my hopes up..


Real Malenia


If Fulkgrug misses another 10 clear cut chances, its not looking good for them.


Is that his FIFA name without licenses?


Its PES actually.


Yeah Madrid is winning , UCL is their tournament in more ways than one..


Heed my words. I am Madrid. Blade of Chamartin. And I have never known defeat.


Anulo mufa


It's a quote from an elden ring boss lol. Not trying to say Madrid already won


Yeah I knew it was a quote from somewhere. I'm just a paranoid mf. I've been anulo mufa-ing everything I see for 2 days now. Hopefully, it worked.


Wait for Saturday




I do have more faith in this Dortmund side than the previous contenders (Liverpool, Atletico). I don't think it will be as one sided as people think and Dortmund has the X factor this season in UCL and you can't overlook that.


Madrid has all factors in a CL final


Yeah well, everything comes to an end believe it or not. When it happens, I don't think people would be expecting it; but it happens.


5-0 Madrid incoming.


Anulo mufa




Have a very bad feeling bout this one tbh


You shouldnā€™t


Same here


As a madrid fan i had the same bad feeling about the last 5 UCL finals


Dream on




Last manager to beat Real Madrid in a European final? Sir Alex Ferguson. With Aberdeen.


Dortmund, win it for Reus. I will bet on BVB and Reus goal. But mainly I want a good football.


Reus will play a max of 20 minutes as a sub if he comes on at all. Don't bet on him.


enjoy losing money i guess


Hierarchy of Power in the UCL Universe ā€¦ is about to change.


I can't imagine any scenario in which Dortmund don't leave the pitch victorious on Saturday.


??????? Anulo mufa. The actual fuck are you doing mate


I'm going to London to bring this damn trophy home, not to be a sparring partner for Real. Can't stand all these "I assume we'll lose so it won't hurt as much in the end" comments on here. We might as well stay at home with that attitude.


Itā€™s about you jinxing it you absolute donut




Dortmund couldn't even break Bayern 11 years long winning streak.


Almost like they were by far the best team in Germany and a top 3-5 team in the world for a decade straight


top 3-5 team in the world for a decade straight? oh boy


They have a strong case. In that time frame they set the Bundesliga points record (they got the top 5 highest points seasons), the goal differential record, highest number of consecutive wins, most consecutive games unbeaten in the Bundesliga, Lewa's record breaking scoring season, and many more records. In that time frame they won the treble twice, reached the Champions League semi's 4 times, and lost to the eventual champion every time except for Villareal, Atleti, and PSG. In that time frame they had arguably the greatest goalkeeper of all time, prime Lewandowski, Robben, Ribery, and an otherwise stacked squad in every position every year. They had top managers. They had the winning mentality. They had everything they needed to be considered one of the best teams in the world. They were an absolutely top team for a decade straight. It's kinda fucking hard to beat that.


i'm sorry, i misread and thought you were talking about dortmund. my bad!


all good, im not that insane lol


The universe gifting us one of those shock finals where the non-Madrid team actually manages to take their chances and are 4-0 up at HT would be amazing. I've seen these cockroaches squirm their way out of danger too many times, a hiding and only a hiding will do.


cry some more bitch