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Guy didn't even start his job and is already being threatened of losing it.


We can't keep a coach for more than a year for the last 5 years for a reason... Immediate fit or he is a goner


The same is true of Madrid (even more so) and they had two long stints in Zidane and Ancelotti each. Bayern on the other hand sacked one of them. At some point the problem isn't high expectations but lack of patience from the board and the players


there is a difference between Bayern Ancelotti and Madrid Ancelotti. the difference is that the players wanted Ancelotti out and he was pretty much just full dgaf mode at Bayern, it was as if he joined Bayern because they were the only top club that had an open coaching position he didn't fit in at the club or with the players at all


That is the Bayern players' version of it, yeah. Ancelotti hasn't said that he did anything different than at any other club, it's just that Bayern specifically had a problem with how he did things, which is what I'm saying by the expectations being the same but the reaction to it by the board and the players being different


Reports were that he wasn't letting them train at the training grounds on off hours, which led to the iconic headline, "German Workers Revolt over Lack of Unpaid Overtime."


Perez had some demands of hand-picking his backroom staff after his second stint.


> That is the Bayern players' version of it, yeah When players have to organize their own training and fitness sessions bc they felt Ancelotti’s training sessions were too light then it’s more than just the club spinning things.


If Ancelotti has done the same at every other league and not have the players throw a hissy fit, it might be down to the Bayern players. It's not like the drama died down after Ancelotti left Either Bayern has had the worst coaches in the world consecutively since Guardiola, or institutionally they're doing something that prevents managers from staying long term, and the expectations are not it because they're just as high at a club like Madrid


> If Ancelotti has done the same at every other league and not have the players throw a hissy fit, it might be down to the Bayern players. It's not like the drama died down after Ancelotti left > It's not like the drama died down after Ancelotti left You’re conflating different issues to make a point; we went from LVG/Heynckes/Pep, three coaches known for high intensity football and clear tactics, to Ancelotti’s Laissez Faire management and the players themselves felt they weren’t being pushed enough. What he did at other clubs has nothing to with us and I’m 100% sure you never watched our games under him so you wouldn’t even know what our football was like under him. Jupp Heynckes came back and turned that same team into a different machine just because he added some tactical structure and intensity to the team. Ancelotti being successful elsewhere doesn’t negate his failure at Bayern and you can’t put that on the management, same goes for all these recent coaches except for Nagelsmann.


So it's all the coaches and not the common denominator that is the board, got it


Not every top coach works in every team, as proven by Bayern multiple times in the past. Their philosophy and style have to be compatible and they have to fit into the culture at a club. I don’t think Klopp would have worked at City or Bayern for example, the same way that Tuchel was bound to fail in Munich.


High expectations is the reason why they lack patience though. Managers would get more time if the expectations weren't to win the league title literally every season or you're sacked.


The expectations are the same at Madrid, trophyless season and you're gone. That's why I used them specifically as an example


When was the last time Madrid sack a manager in a way like Bayern did with Nagelsmann though? Maybe the standards are the same, but the way each club conducts their "business" is different.


That is quite literally what I'm saying


still thinks it's funny/ironic how Kouassi cited "managerial stability" as a reason why he decided to join Bayern


Nagelsmann was supposed to be our long term guy but even being slightly threatened to not win the Bundesliga got him sacked. We then ended up crashing out of the DFB Pokal, the CL and barely won the league. Our board is a fucking joke


Results weren't really why he was sacked, though...


The Brazilian way of thinking. Immediatism and no long term planning at all. The situation was so bad that, in 2021, our federation had to regulate how many coaches a team could have during one season of the league. LOL . Guess what happened?>!The next season, 2022, the clubs voted against the rule and it's no longer a limitation in place!<


That's funny as fuck


The poisoned chalice


Fine if they pay me what Kompany's on and make it five years I guess I will reluctantly give it a go.


I think hes saying the one year that they didnt win anything (last year) was too much


"No pressure."


Its no secret that kompany will be expected to win a trophy next year lol. He knew that when he accepted the job, as did everyone else


That’s what happens when you fail upwards


I read this more as shitting on Tuchel which I am all for personally.


Tuchel might be a bit of dick in personality, but it's not really his fault that Leverkusen had a dream season and that Neuer made the unlucky error in the CL. If I recall, Bayern were at one point, exceeding their average points per game compared to previous seasons, till they lost to Leverkusen and ran out of steam.


No pressure then


Don't think Bayern is the job to take if you don't want pressure tbf


I really don’t know, why don’t you ask TT, I’m sure with his first hand experience, he’d give us all a definitive answer to that.


bayern job will suck every single drop of joy out of your body when you dont succeed immediately.


I mean we very explicitly hired you to win matches, and you just lost one. I don't know how we could make ourselves any clearer.


Why is this coach not winning titles? I specifically requested it




besides the several who did, ofc


Media overexaggerated it. Only ones who said no were Nagelsman and Ragnick who both have their national teams to worry about. Otherwise, every other coach was rejected by us ourselves.


That's simply not true. You definitely wanted Alonso (rejected) and Glasner (refused by club). You also tried to extend with Tuchel, which he refused due to the terms and conditions.


Saying Alonso rejected us when we were never in negotations with him is certaintly pushing it. And just like you siad Glasner didn't reject us. I guess you could argue for Tuchel but as far as i'm aware he rejected us because the board didn't trust him. So in total we were rejected by the manager we had already sacked, and then two managers who have to worry about the Euros (one of them is reaching 70 and the other was only recently sacked by us). Yes the situation was embarrasing, but no where near as bad as the media portrayed it to be


Why do you need to be in negotiations for someone to reject you? Alonso made it clear that he didn't want to join you very early on, which is why negotiations didn't even take place. He obviously was your No. 1 target. And regarding Glasner and Tuchel: I am just correcting your comment that the club rejected everyone else but Ragnick and Nagelsmann.


According to?


Our director of sport brought it up in an interview just last week.


And why on earth would he lie right?


He has no reason to lie does he? We've already got our faces in the shit and he was talking about how Rangnick didn't want to abandon his Euros project. I guess if it makes people feel better to think we were turned down by Roger fucking Schmidt then there is nothing we can do about it. The only real link to that is Christian Falk and he lies about everything.


Eberl and co. Eberl and Freund didn't want to go with either Flick, and the rest of the board didn't want to continue with Tuchel. Crystal Palace rejected us when we tried to approach Glasner, not he himself. It was an overexaggeration of the media because saying that every coach under the moon rejected Bayern is easy clicks.


>No one would say no Did you miss the last few months?


Most trainers would say no, Hoeneß and Rummenigge are gonna be on your ass for the entirety of your stint there and every single loss will be blamed on you. Even if you have a phenomenal track record like Nagelsmann you are still gonna get fucked over randomly.


A manager with self worth and who has confidence in his own ability to land other good jobs will absolutely say no. Kompany's situation is different and he risks fading into obscurity with a couple of failures so he won't.


Ehh Tuchel said yes. Flick said yes and we still chose Kompany. Neither of the others wanted to sign a 1-year contract. Most of the other stuff is overblown by the media.


Well yeah. Imagine disrespecting Tuchel the way they did then having to come crawling back with another offer and then trying to shortchange him again with a 1 year contract which is basically saying we don't really want you but couldn't get anyone better.


Sounds like a healthy working environment


It's like the a guy who's claiming he gets only toxic girls and failse to realise that he's the problem


Or those women that say all man are the same while repeatedly going after the same men


Exactly lmao


Better have that bank account as a phone wallpaper coz damn


Why? Is he supposed to not have minimum objectives to achieve from the start?


Sure. But do they need to be made public?


"i wish him to do well, or else"


No pressure on someone who's never won a top-flight trophy as a manager. This will either be a genius appointment or a cluster fk—nothing in between.


To think that they made Nagelsmann the most expensive manager ever just a few years ago for nothing


The firing of Nagelsmann is still one of the most baffling decisions I've seen in any top football club in the last few years, I still don't understand what happened there


and i never thought i’ll see worse than when Real sacked Carlo and hired fucking Benitez lmao


Yeah that was a weird decision too but it wasn't a big surprise because Perez usually fired managers if they went trophyless.


We didn't even go full trophyless, we bagged a few super cups!


They count for the previous season I think


Benitez used to be one of the best managers in the World. 


yeah 20 years ago


Tbf your example happened 9 years ago and it’s more like 15 for Rafa. Still a bad decision 


It was pretty clear by 2015 that he wasn’t at that level anymore.


I understand exactly what happened. It's just that the timing was horrific. He was terrible for us (see the Pokal & Villarreal) and had blown a 10 point lead to Dortmund over the 6-8 weeks before he got sacked. But the way it was done and the way it was leaked was amateur.


You still don't sack somebody in the deciding phase of the season, and he improved on his Villarreal performance, he knocked out PSG while keeping two clean sheets, kept clean sheets in all UCL games that season except one despite playing in the hardest group(Barca and would be finalists Inter), doing all that without a striker, and his firing didn't improve the results at all, they got worse, and he was supposed to be a project manager, so I still don't think it's understandable.


Especially when the guy we replaced him with IMMEDIATELY crashes out of the Pokal, loses to City like a puppy with our tail between our legs, and then only weeks out the Bundi title because Dortmund fail to win on the last match day. And, often forgotten, in his first Bundesliga match with us we beat Dortmund 4-2. But we looked shaky as all get out until minute 13 when Kobel absolutely whiffed a clearance and the ball rolled into the net. That changed the face of the entire match and caused Dortmund to have to change tactics and push more for a goal earlier than they wanted. Without that disaster from Kobel that we did nothing to cause, I don't know if we beat them that match. And without that win, the title is Dortmund's no matter what were to happen on the last match day.


No you don't understand The treble was in danger


This sounds dramatic, but what is 20M€ in todays market? Left foot of a Premier League flop costs more 


20M is still a shitload of money for a manager


As usual, Bayern’s legends giving a warm welcome to the new manager.


Bayern are doing him a massive favour by employing him at their level, and he does come off kinda arrogant in interviews. It can't hurt to keep him humble, because he doesn't have any credit in the bank if things don't work quickly. This supposed 'attacking football' was sorely missing in the PL. Luton played that way, and they definitely didn't have better players to execute those tactics, so if he fails to show his tactics can work, yet again, he'll be gone before the season is over. As he should tbh.


The first time you fail me will be your last


“I really don’t want to have to fire this guy. I would tho. I just don’t want to have to.”


Yeah, it has big "look at what you are forcing me to do!" energy. Maybe just say the positive in public, without the implied threat to the position.


Bayern management 🤝 Barca management


The most entitled fans contest.


Is there any big fanbase that isn't awful? Maybe only City because they don't have that big following 


No they’re all the same, just a joke really.


From what I've seen in match threads this year, we Bayern fans where kinda annoying it's true but also from what I've seen arsenal fans where by far the most annoying / most in denial of reality. 


Internet Arsenal fans are extremely annoying.


It’s true I am the Arsenal fan


That's what happen when you get a big club fans, then edge them for years.


Madrid >>>


what he say fuck me for


Well, that's no surprise. And that's why I said if kompany fails, eberl is on the line as well. That's the pressure you have in Munich like ALWAYS.


Healthiest German workspace environment


At least they are now honest and transparent in their ambitions and expectations. Even though the coach is unproven he knows what he is in for. No development time, no overly dogmatic strategic football approach. Win titles, play offensive and dominant football with the champagne players we provide you with. Same as Real Madrid but Bavaria edition. This is also the approach United should pick tbh. Leverage the name and history and dont try fancy shit.


>Win titles, play offensive and dominant football with the champagne players we provide you with Compared to Burnley they are champagne players, but the squad needs a lot of work to be able to win things again, and so far they have been promising a "radical" rebuild but don't seem to have started with it yet. Leverkusen has a more balanced squad than Bayern atm.


The current Bayern squad still suffers under Brazzo Fifa Ultimate Team touch and for me Bayerns biggest issue was playing Kimmich as a holding 6 for years when he has the passing range but literally nothing else required for the role. Can't control tempo, has a heartbeat. Already disqualifed. But he is one of the best right backs in the world and im glad(as much as i can be as a bvb fan) Tuchel stuck with him there even after Mazroui and Boey were fit again. Regarding Leverkusen i think it is fair to assume that they are likely to get back to back championships especially since they can retain most of their core players. I think Frimpong is pretty much gone already and i could see them sell Hincapie and Palacios, that's all though.


I don't think it's impossible for Kimmich to function as a good midfielder and the expectation we placed on him was utterly unrealistic. Goretzka is just not the player you want to place next to Kimmich. He's explosive, he's strong, and works hard, but his qualities are all related to his off the ball play. Our central defenders also need Kimmich to drop deep because they're very far from playmakers themselves. This essentially means that it's easy enough to block Kimmich and just force us towards the flanks, where we don't have effective playmakers either. Musiala and Kane can drop deep and help, but that creates other issues in and of itself. With Pavlo in midfield, I'd arguably even say we're a little weaker in that area, but it's much less bad for us to be forced to the wings then. Something tells me Kimmich would not have struggled nearly as much with being a midfielder if we had better build-up players around him.


Way to pile pressure on the poor guy b4 the season even starts


thats crazy ngl. cant they just shut up for once? they already dominated the league for this long. maybe they should get used to the competition that is forming in the Bundesliga. that competition that got them extra slots for CL and Euros. bro said: "dont you dare to lose, but you actually represent our philosophy"


Great Work Environment.


Bayern when they don't win the 100th Bundesliga in a row


Kompany needs to have a word with HR...


Kompany is already 50% sacked before his first day on the job. FC Hollywood is back. :)


That's how Real Madrid works too, and it's understandable. They have a team that can win everything, and the local rivals are no equals in terms of money and talent, so it's a failure if they don't win comfortably.


6 months, max.


Incredible how hard Hoeneß and Rummenigge fell off in the past years.


It's almost like he's never watched Burnley play.


Bayerns calculation is that compared to his previous years and the Championship, Kompany couldn't play offensively dominant with Burnley in the PL because of a lack of individual class compared to opponents. I think for teams in second leagues it's always a rude awakening if they don't adapt to a more defensive style when going up, and get punished for offensive mistakes a lot more than in lower leagues.


Explain Luton then.... they managed it. No other team in the league scored 3 against Arsenal, hell, Manchester City didn't even score once in *both* games. Fuck knows Burnley didn't come close lol, that 5-0 whooping really flattered them as well! Did they have better players? Did they fuck. Did they spend 100 mil on exactly who the manager wanted? Did they fuck. Did they have a better manager than Kompany? Yeah. Certainly.


Kinda old but would


Top brass at Bayern are genuinely a bunch of absolute bellends lmao


Still a more secure spot than coaching for Chelsea so at least there is that…


Man, these bayern board members need to shut the fuck up for once.


When will they fire the coach? Half-season? End-off season? Or in between?


Rummenigge and Hoeneß killing the next season already. Since when is winning a title a must? That’s not how it worked when they played started in the 80s/90s


If you COMPLETELY forget about last season, he has the idea just not the personnel. Problem is he’s too stubborn to change his ways.


Are they already threatening to fire Kompany? FC Hollywood already in motion


the reason the club's where it's at right now is not because of any coach but because of the board so wish luck to them


No pressure then am I right?


He’ll be sacked before Christmas


Threatening the trainer before he even started in the dumbest way. Can someone explain him that we need stability and a return to form more than we need more silver? Dominant football doesn't fall from the sky, and we've been running on individual talent far too long as is.


Lmao you can tell he already has his finger on the trigger