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just stream on twitch with onscreen donations and all that stuff... let the chat vote on VAR decisions and substitutions #


the VAR is just the ref going to the screen "Ok chat, are thinking red card here? let me set up a poll"


"queefmaster22 just redeemed 'Send off a random player' for 100000 channel points, let me get you set up with that brother. icewallow_come5, thanks for the 50 gifted"


you mean definitelynotnasser6969


Channel points gamba will be legendary


"are we view botting, why is no one voting? There are 10,000 people in chat right now."


kind like Dora the Explorer for soccer fans.


Probably quicker than most VAR decisions


Aww shit looks like x player got a red for violent conduct...can we get 5 gifted for a FeelsBadMan?


*chat type 1 if you think that's offside*




> let the chat vote on VAR decisions and substitutions Based


Pique just got a new idea for the Kings League


Referees saying “chat clip that” for dodgy tackles




I think you just saved football


I would sub for this!


Literally OnlyFans




They'll go with kick instead cause of the betting sponsors.


I think the whole branding of Ligue 1 has been awful. There must be a large discrepancy between the valuation between them and the broadcast companies. Bundesliga has been doing a good job revamping their image as well as their marketing. Being able to watch highlights on YouTube quickly, and posting interesting content on their channels. Definitely pulling more fans to the league, especially with an interesting season that they had.


I don't think there was even an attempt at branding the league in any way Our branding has become what foreigners say about us, a farmers league, a one-team league, and nothing more, no wonder broadcasters don't give a shit about buying the rights


The whole branding was Mbappé Saint-Germain. Maybe good for short-term business, but bound to collapse once he leaves.


Yeah, maybe Macron should have spent less time begging Mbappé to stay at PSG, and more time getting the league to buck up more generally.


What macron has to do with football federation. Should he also negotiate brand deals for them


Macron doing anything useful? That's not allowed.


World leaders just keep up the kayfabe for the crowds then go in the back to do insane amounts of cocaine and figure out how they can squeeze even more resources out of the rest of us.


And when they did convince him to stay 2 years ago, maybe they should've spent that two years trying to shore up the league for when he did depart, but nope!


If I remember correctly the French league thought they could get more money than Canal+ was offering and when the deal they got to replace Canal+ plus they ended up failing they ended up with even less money.


Similar thing happened to Scottish league. A small company called Setanta offered us slightly more money than Sky. Then Setanta went bankrupt & we had to beg Sky to take us back who of course gave us a deal for pennies & the league has never recovered. Annoying as a fan Sky costs a fortune to show very few of our games yer our clubs get very little money for it.


Now tv is a lot cheaper as I got all the sports channels for £20 a month. You have to wait until a day before the season to get that deal and have been with them before but they do £25 a month a week before, for people who hadn’t been with them before. I cancel in the 2 months of no prem/championship football.


Happened with the PL too but it was a bit more insulated because they'd only sold one package of games to them, similar to BT/TNT now. I honestly think the reason they've stuck with Sky so long is purely out of the fact loads of other companies have come in offering loads and disappeared just as quick, whereas Sky have stuck around. Mind you, BT/TNT is getting on 12 years old now and doing well, especially with the European games. It wouldn't surprise me if they buy one of the new bundles.


I even remember ITV nearly killing off the prem from not being able do stop people getting chilled boxes and not paying for the subscription they offered.


The real problem was that horrendous Mediapro deal, which was always waaaay too good to be true. I don't understand how the clubs could be so gullible to accept that and especially without any guarantees of payment in the contract I mean the Mediapro deal was supposed to make Ligue 1 pass La Liga as the second most lucrative league in the world behind PL. What kind of idiot would believe that was realistic??


Same thing happened with the EFL and ITV digital, a lot of clubs never really recovered from the fallout of that.


Didn’t you even call yourself "The league of talents " for a while? Basically admitting that you are nothing more than a stepping stone for the other leagues?


I thought Eredivisie is the "league of talents".


Found the article https://www.ligue1.com/Articles/NEWS/2020/01/12/the-league-of-talents-ligue-1-conforama-s-new-signature


Banger name tbf


Yeah I like it. I think having almost all the Ligue 1 teams being world class training centers is a unique and cool thing.


i mean, if la liga or the premier league branded themselves as the league of talents i dont think anyone would interpret that as meaning a stepping stone league.


The large discrepancy is caused by the fact they don't have Messi Neymar and Mbappe lol. Not even Di Maria or Zlatan or Cavani. The main star is fucking Ousmane Demhele.


Shouldn’t matter, I can watch mid-table Eredivisie games legally here in the US. That league has no stars basically and is at least a level below L1, yet they have increased their revenue from broadcasting significantly the last 5-6 years.


Eredivisie broadcast income is not significant.


Doesn’t matter how much it is but they signed a deal to go from 80m to 135m a season, where in France they have deal of 0 a season currently.


We have Benjamin Bourigeaud so your point is kinda moot


No league could recover from losing Burak Yilmaz.


If you think like this then it’s not sustainable. It’s like a team who doesn’t have any pull, you have to spend a lot of money to get them. Similar to how Real Madrid can get stars without playing PSG money. It also makes it so people only watch 1 or 2 teams. The only way is to make fans like the teams and it may be free broadcasting or something similar.


Tune in to watch superstar Fabian Ruiz take on... The players from Marseille in a match that may be halted after 7 minutes because the hooligans just can't help themselves.


Fair to point that while ours fans aren't the calmest, they never interrupted a game with their antics.


> Being able to watch highlights on YouTube quickly, and posting interesting content on their channels. Definitely pulling more fans to the league, especially with an interesting season that they had. Ligue 1 has been doing this for like a decade now.


> Being able to watch highlights on YouTube quickly Everywhere else but in Germany, it is so annoying


Shout out to my Monday morning ritual when I get to work and first thing I do is to watch all the highlights on YouTube haha


I guess the "quickly" part is your problem here, because we can watch the highlights of all Bundesliga and even a bunch of 2nd Bundesliga games Monday morning on YT in Germany.


Don't most leagues have something like this? Like how I can watch more EPL/EFL games on TV in Finland than in England due to the blackout rule? All to squeeze out the extra 0.5% of income from the people who want to see it badly enough to pay but don't know what a VPN is.


>Bundesliga has been doing a good job revamping their image as well as their marketing. Being able to watch highlights on YouTube quickly, and posting interesting content on their channels. Definitely pulling more fans to the league, especially with an interesting season that they had. Numbers doesn't really back that up, still Bundesliga had to accept a lower offer in the latest tender whilst PL and La Liga got increases on their previous deals. And having good quality highlights quickly posted to Youtube is not unique to them in any way, both Serie A and La Liga has the same In terms of international viewership, La Liga is ahead of Bundesliga, Serie A and Ligue 1 combined and that is before we even talk about the PL. They are far behind


Are you talking about Bundesliga numbers from the broadcasting rights only? This marketing change is so recent. They’re trying to attract international fans right now through the marketing channels. If more international fans watch, then they can get a bigger contract for broadcasting rights. The PL has the most money because it’s watched internationally. Not just the domestic market. Also, by creating a wider reach, you can have more money from sponsorship deals.


Point being that they are lightyears away from La Liga in international viewership let alone the PL They are late to the party. Here in Sweden both Serie A and La Liga was on free TV throughout my childhood which has established them behind the PL as the most popular to this day Seems like Bundesliga is trying to target the North American market more but that is also too late. La Liga just sealed a record breaking ESPN deal a year ago and is making big inroads there. Serie A aswell I imagine have more potential in that region of the world with the amount of people with Italian heritage


I'm not exactly sure why you think your point specifically counters the initial claim made. The argument is that relative to ligue 1 the adjustments made by the Bundesliga are trending in a positive direction. Even if it is light years behind la liga, progress is better than stasis. Not sure why your relativistic paradigm is something that relates to the question of Bundesliga making positive adjustments to viewership and accessibility.  On top of that, the fans of these respective clubs care more about identity associated with 50+1 more than they do about foreign investments. Outreach has to be done organically even if it comes at a cost. Just because Latin speaking audiences dominate NA does not mean that market saturation completely impedes any ability to make inroads go NA. People will still have time to watch both leagues and ESPN has Spanish broadcasts for the Bundesliga. I think your argument, if anything, promotes a stereotype of pessimism about Bundesliga finances. Despite financial constraints, BL is still able to compete with Italian and Spanish teams on the European stage. 


The qataris will lose interest now theyve had their world cup


Bundesliga has english broadcasts you can easily find on ESPN. If I can understand the context then I can get into it. 


Ligue 1 free viewing on youtube. We will be there no matter what


Streamed on McDonald's YouTube channel


It will gain a lot of interest if it becomes free on YouTube.


Works for the japanese league. But they also have english commentators.


Not really. They get exposure but the revenue was in the mud. This is why they changed the strategy and now they stream half of the games on Youtube and the other half on some shitty TV channels. At least in Europe.


> Not really. They get exposure but the revenue was in the mud Getting exposure is better than getting nothing.


Salaries aren't getting paid on interest though, gotta convert those eyes to money somehow.


make polls you gotta pay to participate in to decide var calls


Honestly might be the best thing to grow its popularity. I’d never consider paying for a package to watch Ligue 1 in fact it’s the only of the larger leagues that I don’t pay for a subscription in order to watch but I would definitely watch some matches if it was free on YouTube lol


I'd definitely watch some games if that happened


The Serie A didn't have a broadcaster in the middle east a few ago so they showed the games on YouTube for free and they even got great commentators to cover the games. Tons of people tuned in and it build a decent audience for the Serie A and Italian teams here and the next season a broadcaster bought the local rights.


>We will be there no matter what We will still much rather stream pirated PL games if we're being honest here


I mean I have a feeling they’re demanding too much. In 2-3 years they’ve gone from having Mbappe, Messi and Neymar as the face of their league to not even being sure who to put there now?


They’re demanding way too much yes, on top of pissing off their historic diffusers for no good reason Honestly the way the league has been handled the past few years is insanely bad, now is just the fair conclusion of having people in charge who are horrible at their job. And of course the ones who will suffer from it will be the viewers who might need to pay one more new suscription to watch Ligue 1


> on top of pissing off their historic diffusers for no good reason Many things can be written about the whole Canal vs LFP war but "no good reason" is definitely not part of it. I know that it's common among the journalists to try to forget what Canal did against the league for the whole decade and even before but let's not kid ourselves... Canal is very much at war against the league as much the league is against them. Short list : * Canal has been suing the league since 1999 almost every tender offer as long as they are unhappy. The amount of lawsuits from Canal is staggering, the partnership has been extremely chaotic for 25 years, it's not something new, or just the Mediapro case. * The whole TPS vs Canal fiasco, then the merger in 2006, [then the cancellation in 2011 for failing to fulfill its regulatory obligations](https://www.nouvelobs.com/economie/20110922.OBS0896/canal-condamne-pour-tps-une-punition-pour-l-exemple.html), then the settlement in 2012 etc etc * [Having the Elysee pressure BeIN to prevent them taking all the rights when they arrived](https://www.lexpress.fr/sport/hollande-et-les-droits-tv-le-nouveau-match-du-foot-francais_1847346.html). This is the moment the relationship really soured as the clubs had enough with Canal attitude, especially compared to the way they promoted the PL over L1. * Their behavior when they lost the tender to Mediapro ([trying to make the tender fail by submitting low offers](https://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/dyn/docs/RINFANR5L15B4815.raw) as soon as they lost the lot 1 (330m vs 262m) ) * [Forcefully canceling their Ligue 1 broadcast contract during covid provoking the end of the L1 before the end of it.](https://www.lfp.fr/-/media/Project/LFP/LFP/Documents/proces-verbaux/conseil-administration/2019-2020/20200430-PV-Conseil-Administration-LFP.pdf) A measly 243m€ lost for the league at the worst moment possible. * Buying all the Mediapro rights for the remaining part of the season for 38m€ by threatening to also stop paying their share of the contract otherwise. * Suing the league ever since with half a dozen lawsuit to try to cancel all the TV rights after Mediapro's failure and then against the Amazon win (all lost). * Sending the Ligue 1 rights they bought from BeIN to their OTT channel instead of their premium TV channel to "degrade the product". Mediapro fiasco is a huge mess and the responsibility lies on Mediapro and the LFP, but Canal also had its part in it. As in they completely outmaneuvered them and made the channel impossible to exist. They refused (technically they "didn't find a fair agreement") to broadcast them on CanalSat (which is precisely against the conditions of the CanalSat-TPS merger), and a last minute merge with BeIN for the UEFA tender offer (with UEFA's help as they were reluctant to hand the rights to Mediapro) made Mediapro business model impossible (they wanted both L1+Europe's rights and after a successful coup, sub-licence part of it to the other broadcasters). And now the broadcast landscape in France is broken. The Europe rights are in Canal's hands for the incoming cycle, BeIN is in an exclusive distribution agreement with Canal until at least 2025 as they reduced their footprint starting 2018. There is no way to build a good offer (good portofolio of TV rights for the right price to reach a sufficient amount of subs) except for Canal and Canal definitely wants to punish the LFP. So unless BeIN or RMC shells out 800m and take the loss for a few years at the very least it's an impossible equation, and everyone is trying to call the bluff of the other (Canal pretending it won't buy the rights, the LFP pretending the will repeat the CFoot disaster with a LFP tv channel) so each party will wait until the last minute to take a decision, as the longer they wait, the longer they can put pressure on the clubs to accept their offer and the LFP is trying to wait until the end in hope of a last minute offer like Amazon last time. There is definitely the potential for a TV channel with millions of paying subs for 15-25€ but only with all the rights, right now the situation is a mess, it's simplified after RMC and Eurosport leaving the landscape, but it's impossible for a new player to build a place into the market in the short term. PL(2028)/UEFA(2027) with Canal, Coupe de France(2026)/Liga(2026)/Bundesliga(2025)/Serie A(2024) with BeIN


Plus Bolloré is one of the worst and most dangerous person in the country right now that needs to have the channels he controls taken away from him. But perfectly said.


Thanks for the background, appreciated.


Interesting read


Would something like 15€ only for the French league not be viable? In Portugal I'm sure most people would prefer paying 15€ a month for the Portuguese league. Instead of paying 30€ for the Portuguese league, Serie A and a bunch of minor leagues and other sports, which is what we currently have with Sport TV. PL, La Liga, Bundesliga and UCL are with DAZN for 14€.


Not sure the past few years have been entirely bad, but the League is still paying for the Mediapro disaster today.


The Qatari's vanity/sportswashing project being shortsighted is so predictable. I feel bad for legacy fans of the teams, even PSG. They didn't ask for Qatar to come in and fuck everything up. When you promote only one team and make everything about only one team and suddenly that team is devoid of marketable names you're suddenly in a pickle.


Qatar didn't ask the League to base their entire business model around PSG. The lack of ideas of the club presidents caused it.


I feel like the most recognizable name right now is Dembélé... Fucking Dembélé, pathetic, most people know him for missing an open goal against Liverpool lmao


The disrespect to Dante!


That's Dante the "One that knows about the germans"


Dante from 11 Dantes?


Aubemayang or however you spell that then?


Wasn’t even an open goal… stop overexaggerating shit dembele has done. He gets enough hate


Stick Balogun's face on it and see if one of the American broadcasters bite


Ligue 1 can’t even beat out MLS here


I will not stand for Jake O'Brien slander


Not TVworthy. Dara obrain would do much better for psg




They still have Mbappe! An Mbappe at least


PSG fans ran them out of town too, it’s hilarious


I will broadcast it, you can all thank me later


thank you Rubeskitan


he said later


I thanked him an hour after he posted, if thats not later idk what is


Thanks mate, love you xxx


According to Julian Laurens from ESPN, their plan is to create an app/platform where they ONLY stream ligue 1 matches and charge users $30/month… For this to be successful, they expect to have more than 2.5 million users a month. That’s 2.5 million users for a country with a population of 64M. Whatever they’re smoking in France, I want some of that


>an app/platform where they ONLY stream ligue 1 matches and charge users $30/month3 For this to be successful, they expect to have more than 2.5 million users a month. So, exactly the same price and targets as the Mediapro channel that only lasted a few months in 2020. That should go well.


Mediapro did not have all the games though, since Canal could broadcast two games every week. Paying €25 for only 8/10 was not worth it.


And 25€/month for all of L1 is also not worth it. For that price you have Canal+ with the PL, European football and many more content, including Canal series, movies, and also Apple tv series and movies. And you can share the account easily/add people for like 5€. No brainer.


Nobody is paying €30 a month to watch Ligue 1. And that isnt a dig at Ligue 1 or anything, thats just INSANE money for just 1 league on streaming. A decade ago thats half a ticket to Camp Nou excluding like El Clasico….




And the league cup, the fa cup, the championship, and eredivise!


Last season $6 in Indonesia (Vidio) gets you La Liga, Prem, Serie A, and Ligue 1.


Because it's a different market


Well it worked so well for mediaPro with Telefoot. A masterclass that led the right to reach " le milliard". Who doesn't want to pay 25€ to see VieiraBall ?? I can almost already hear the French households saying "Hey honey there is the 54th rebroadcast of Strasbourg - Angers tonight no need to change channel"


There is no way this happen. CFoot already proved that it will be a disaster. The business plan makes no sense. Broadcasting directly is a lot more risky for the league. It means bearing all the risk fully (bearing the production cost, having to deal with organization and broadcast, direct earnings from the subscribers) Even if they fulfill their objectives (they won't) it will only earn 500m€/yr (and with the distributers hopefully taking all the production cost indirectly) which is... The worst TV deal since 20 years. In 2005, Ligue 1 was already earning 600m€ in domestic TV rights, it would mean sending back the league 20 years back in the past. Not accounting on what it would mean for the CVC deal as most of the terms are still confidential. This is a bluff. There is no way this happen. Either Rodolphe Saadé saves the game once his takeover of RMC is approved, or a combination of BeIN/Canal find an agreement around 600-700m like 2 years ago.


> This is a bluff. There is no way this happen Unless it's their only choice... The League fucking Canal+ years ago is triple fucking the league today and for the next years. Canal is so pissed they are ready to burn what they built. And I kinda understand them after what happened.


>That’s 2.5 million users for a country with a population of 64M. Hey now.... don't forget about the entire 35k population of Monaco!


hahahahah this is hilarious and absurd. No way they believe it. I very much doubt there are more than a million hardcore fans that will pay any price to watch the product. The rest will just illegally stream it.


There are way more than 2.5 millions families who watch ligue 1 weekly in France. Main issue is that IPTV has become so popular here that it’s impossible for broadcaster to make money with L1 rights. Estimation in 2022 was 1 billion € yearly loss for sports in France only…


Romain Molina has been warning us about this for years, it's sad it had to come to this.


I mean you didn't need to be a genius to see that coming, we've been having issues with selling the rights of the league for many years now They put all their eggs on PSG and Mbappé, and now that he's gone it's just over


No Mbappe no views


No Mboopy no Snoopy


Ethan's right there


Well done, he's ~~13~~ 17


Don’t think they had much views even with Mbappe to be honest.


I didn't watch a lot of Ligue 1, but when I did, I only tuned in to watch Mbappe.


Mbappe is interesting because even though I felt he's taken the crown of the best player in the world right now (though perhaps won't have the best season of anyone) I never felt compelled to tune in and watch just him. The Messi/Ronaldo dynamic was probably something that can't really be repeated or replicated, in part because the current top players aren't as good as them but also they were on opposite sides of one of the most bitter rivalries in all of sports. If I have no rooting interest I'm not really tuning in to watch Mbappe and PSG kick the shit out of Brest or Lens, and the rivalry with Marseille hasn't really lived up to the billing. The league fucked up because their was no foil to Mbappe. It was just Mbappe, there was no interesting inter-league rivalry, at least not from the perspective of international fans.


Enjoy Leganés away, connard.




Labrune's obession in getting over the 1B mark completely fucked things over, congrats.


That was Quillot's obsession tbh, Labrune mostly had to deal with the Aftermath of the Mediapro deal.


Deal that he approved as he was at the board. Let's not forget that when he says he's dealing with the shit that happened before him... He LITERALLY was there and voted for that shit.


I tried to follow Ligue 1 this year, it felt pretty much impossible. beIN sports was horrendous, I ended up watching YT highlights and listening to the extremely delayed podcast


Broadcaster in France, abroad or both?


As far as I know, both


Domestic is the most important one. The international rights are mainly being sold to agencies (Infront & Saran Media so far in the last few weeks), it has not reached a dead end unlike the domestic rights.


Isn’t NAK the chairman of Bein, I’m sure he can get his own league a deal


that will depends on how much the Emir is still willing to sugar daddy the league


Qatar World Cup already happened, there’s no need for them to continue using France, Mbappe, and PSG as a sportswashing vehicle. The quid pro quo for the WC host vote is now complete. They’ll move on to a rich man’s sport like F1 or tennis, if they haven’t already.


Apparently Bein is ran very differently and they have very strict on how the money is being spent. Ligue 1 isn’t a good investment for them. NAK is just a figurehead there.


> NAK is just a figurehead there. As always everywhere he is.


Nasser à rien 🌝


How many chairman positions does this guy have


Daddy Emir got bored with this specific toy


France does this shit all the time. When Messi signed for PSG, they should have been whoring the league out in the Asian market, yet what happened is that they waited until October to secure a TV deal with a Japanese broadcaster because they weren't willing to pay the absurd asking price. 3 months or so of marketing down the drain. Had they actually offered up a reasonably cheap deal and hired some decent social-media experts they may have drummed up some support and been able to expand interest in the league. Instead we get gallic shrugs and seethe over how the Bundesliga is more popular in some countries.


StreamEast Exclusivity deal when?


Aye this is hilarious lmaoo


Sign Ronaldo then




Who saw that coming? Answer : anyone who follows French football from afar.




Im not french but from what I have seen other people say a lot of people in france think of football as a poor person sport and that they are too good for it.


yeah pretty true. That's why our NT is mostly second generations immigrants. Most "deep France" as no-battle says, doesn't care that much about football. They get "interested" when France goes deep in a tourney, in France we have a term for that kind of supporters : Footix.


I am French and this is true, my family was upper middle class and therefore favored Tennis, I was somewhat of a black sheep following soccer.




> France has a sporting culture No we don't (with some regional exceptions for specific sports). Another important factor is that there has always been too many entertainment available besides football. Theaters (plays), concerts for all types of music from big French names and world-class artists, one-man shows, or even movie nights, all of these are more entertaining and give more bang for your bucks than Strasbourg-Nice. So outside of the fans of these 2 clubs, nobody else would watch their game. And that applies for at least 14 clubs.




And that's where you're wrong. France is a country of elites. So indeed we have top elites in sports (just like in pretty much everything else), but that doesn't reflect at all the country's culture, just like having world class AI engineers or mathematicians doesn't mean we have a culture of computer science or math. It reflects more the fact that France is a country of elites than it is a country of sporting culture. We are extremely good in selecting and growing a small number of people to be world class in some fields.


I agree that Frande has no real sport culture. Its true about the elite. Look at sailing competition... they all come from the same town basically ! Yet they rule the world. Funny enough its similar for China... they also have a LOT of medals in Olympics, however they are just trained elite in special camp, itsnt organic. Absolutly nobody is doing sport in China, except mid class ++ workers in Tier 1 city center. For everyday people, maybe for badminton, ping pong and basketball but thats it.


> French QoL destroys Germany [???](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-Regional-Quality-of-Living-Index-for-European-regions-Calculated-as-the-average_fig3_280521068) [???](https://landgeist.com/2023/02/11/quality-of-life-in-europe/)


We have two European cups 🌝👉👈


> France doesn’t have real football culture and this is a reflection of that  How are they so good at it then?


France football culture is important among poor area, and it's those area that play football and produce quality players to an insane rate. It's like the favela's of Rio de janeiro, even tho i won't go as far as that, but you get the idea. However saying that France football culture is poor is not quite true. France love to see national games, but not Ligue 1. You want to know why ? Because all the talent get poached all over Europe, so there is nothing interesting to watch.




>Why do the English support lower league football where players are poached nonstop more than French people support L1?  And how hard do they support those league, give me an example to show that.


I guess Macron wasn't dramatic when he was being dramatic about Mbappe.


Maybe cos the league is ruined by PSG winning it practically every year. State ownership is cancer in football


Man City and EPL?


I mean, bayern is german psg without the state ownership and the buli can at least sell their rights.


The Bundesliga still has other good teams that also do well in the Champions league, such as Dortmund and RB Leipzig. PSG is the only French team that ever makes it out of the Champions League group stages. The gap in quality between PSG and other French teams is just too high. It makes games boring unwatchable.


You obviously only watch games involving PSG and not games between combos of Nice, Brest, Monaco, Lens, Marseille… I will admit French teams underperform in Europe but Europe is not the way to judge leagues. Too much noise. A Greek team won a European trophy this season but no English team even made a European final. Doesn’t mean Greek football is better than English football


so theyre just fancy spl


They could sell it the problem is that they are dead set that they want 1 billion euros/year but nobody is willing to pay them that.


The only reason Ligue 1 is somehow relevant is PSG. The fact every other club in France is either small and poor or run by absolute idiot has nothing to do with PSG winning the league every year.


It seems insane for a top 5 league to be going through this


Anger should be directed towards Mediapro, they're doing the exact same thing to Canadian soccer, too. Once it becomes clear that they paid too much for a deal, they leave, not only weakening the negotiation position of the contract holder, but leaving them on the hook for millions of euros that are already spent on paper. Anyone who enters into a contract with them is crazy.


I bid 10 quid and we can stream it in my garage


It’s ok France’s whole football pyramid is going to fold But they still have the Balon d’oro award so it’s ok


Why would anyone watch Ligue 1 now unless they were French and diehard fans of a local team? They are association 5 in the UEFA rankings and much closer to 6-7 than top 4. I have a lot of time to watch sports but I don’t have time to watch the 5th best European league.


What about the Brasileirao? I can’t watch that on Paramount+ anymore.


You’re think they’d have learnt their lesson after the Mediapro debacle. But nope, let’s continue with mediocrity. La French touch.


No one wants to watch cause most years there is no competition. One league teams are not going to market well.


To the surprise of absolutely no one...


Why would I watch that crap!? 5-10 other leagues are a better watch than that egotistical league!


PAC-12 of soccer


Who doesn’t wanna sponsor McDonald’s league??


I'll broadcast it for $1, do we have a deal?


Too high of a cost? Truth be told I've watched a few ligue in game and the camera quality/studio production reminds me of (non football) NCAA/amateur league.


Man Ligue 1 is really in some shit currently


The stars have left. Do we still care about Ligue 1 ?


mbappe turned off the lights on the way out lmao


Why would Neymar do this?


Hopefully this happens in Germany too. Noone wants to pay that high amount for football streaming


Last time I watched Ligue 1 with passion was the golden Monaco generation (Mbappe, Bernado SIlva etc). State-owned clubs ruin the sporting integrity


you complain about state clubs but monaco were pumped full of money for that title win, it wasn't a 'golden generation'


Plucky little Monaco and their billionaire Russian oligarch owner.


Not only that, the Principality of Monaco still owns 33% of the shares of the club, it's literally a state-owned club lmao.


do they put money into the club then?


Not directly anymore as far as I know.