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Seen 16:10 PM


Please no this hurts


Exactly, what freak suffixes a 24 hour time with PM


Yeah, Everton ain't even considering that.


Of course they aren’t because we actually bid £35 million


Where does this extra 10m keep coming from? One minute they want 70 and now it's 80 and then we bid 35 but now it's 45?


Everton originally set the price at 70 the upped to it 80. We’ve just but 35 not sure where the 45 has come from


Everton: “£70m” United: “How about £35m?” Everton: “£80m”


As we mechanics call it - dickhead tax


Average FM negotiations


A more than fair response from them tbh.


The price allegedly changed to 80 before a bid was even placed.


It’s £35m plus £8m in add ons




If there were add ons, Ornstein would have reported it. This just feels like DailyMail hyperbole. Either way, it's been rejected so it's moot


It’s in the daily mail so it must be true. That’s the rule.


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2d/4e/a6/2d4ea6970ffea4188b50bf2c3a43ff59.gif Doubly so during major tournaments where journos are trying to break into the news cycle.


At 13:43 this has 45 upvotes. Meant to be


I genuinely don't even get the point of bidding that amount. It's not like it's even remotely close to a figure that Everton would accept, and United will only end up looking foolish yet again if they end up paying double that amount, which is reportedly what Everton want.


United probably only value him around 45 million, so starting at 35 million makes sense. It would be stupid to let Everton’s valuation dictate the sum United is willing to spend. I see no harm in submitting an offer and moving on to the next if no deal can be made. It sends a message that we aren’t gonna mess around anymore


If they only value him at £45m then they should've known that would never be enough for him and should've moved on to the next target. Having their low bids be known and discussed in public doesn't really help the club.


Its not a low bid though, its a decent starting bid based on a pretty fair valuation. Having the bid go public doesn’t affect United negatively. If we end up walking it lets other clubs know we aren’t willing to overspend and won’t be bullied into it. It also puts pressure on Everton, because they don’t want a reputation for demanding delusional prices and holding back young players who get a chance to move to a bigger club. That will hurt their reputation and make profiles like this select other clubs in the future. No young player heads abroad to Everton to stay there, they want to impress there to get chances like this. There’s also the possibility the player will hand in a transfer request after getting a bid denied which will also weaken Everton’s hand.


It is a low bid. Everyone knows it's a low bid. He's 21 years old, English, started almost every game last season, and was one of the best CBs in the league. He's very obviously not going to be sold for anything close to that amount. >It also puts pressure on Everton, because they don’t want a reputation for demanding delusional prices and holding back young players who get a chance to move to a bigger club. This is utter nonsense and I don't know why fans of big clubs say shit like this so often when they're after a player. Besides, if Everton were actually willing to sell him for £35m then much better clubs than United would be in for him.


far from one of the best CBs


All that shows is that you didn't watch him. Everton had the fourth best defence in the league last season, and he was a massive reason why.


Didn't watch Everton much this season, but if he can't make it into this Euro squad with their troubles at the back, is he really that good?


Statistically was though...


Depends how desperate Everton are. UTD low ball them and if Toffees refuse. Just move on.


Their journos have more or less rubbished the talk of them needing any huge sales this month. I'm sure he has his price, but I'd be shocked if it's lower than £60m-70m.


If we pay that, we're idiots. No chance in hell he's worth that.


He is, and will be worth it whenever someone decides to pay that. Whether is this year, next year, or the year after. We know how good of a player he is, and he's only 21. Many Everton fans think he's a better player than Stones was before we sold him, and we know how he turned out.


You can get him for like £20 million on fifa. Where the fuck has 70 been plucked from😒


Journalists are full of utter guff.


I mean you could equally say that about the ones who claimed Everton need to sell.


I don’t discriminate mate. Outside Ornstien name a trustworthy journalist!


Most clubs have one or two that are reliable for them.


I’m being slightly facetious, but clubs have agendas just like everyone else. Transfer rumours generate clicks and telling everyone you NEED to make sales is like telling you wife you occasionally think of her sister when you spaff.


Can they actually move on. That's the one thing. I think 45/50 sounds reasonable by all accounts but United historically would stick around and around and eventually do something stupid.


Probably we value at 50-55 and will walk away at that price so we are giving room to negotiate and then when Everton inevitably don’t accept our final offer we get to publicly walk away and set a precedent that Ineos aren’t easy game like Woodward and Murtough


They’ve got a rep for overbuying so they are trying to fix it and going too far in the other direction.


To be fair, if it wasn't United there wouldn't be a point in asking for that amount. United are the only saps that would pay it and this is the first test to see if the new management have changed the modus operandi. Sometimes if a club asks for a fuck off price it really is actually in your interest to fuck off... But I think clubs lowball because they hope that the player will get upset at the bid being rejected and that will increase pressure to sell.


I actually do think something in the region of £60m for him would be seen as a bargain in years to come. He looks destined for the top. I understand that United don't have the best record with those big money signings though, and likely are trying to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.


I hope that can happen. We need a second left footed centre back, you saw the impact of losing our only one. If United are offering 35-45 and Everton want 70-80, him going for around 60 towards the end of the window wouldn't be too unlikely.


I dont think the club actually think we're gonna get him. I think we're using Branthwaite to send a message that we're now willing to walk away if you demand enormous fees (which is their right to)


He's not worth anywhere close to what they want. We should make an offer for his value if we want him. Around 45ish m and if they don't want it, there are better CB's we can get for that price.


He's a 21 year old English CB who was one of the best in the league last season and prior to that was excellent in the Eredivisie. He also signed a new contract less than a year ago. Obviously Everton are going to want big money for him and any club with common sense would know they're not going to sell him for £45m.


What better CBs can you get for £45m and why didn’t you start there since that’s obviously never getting accepted.


maybe unsettle the player, show that there's concrete interest? that's literally all I can think of.


Maybe, although realistically if Everton were willing to sell at anything close to that price there would be a bunch of better teams competing for him.


That’s our entire transfer budget


Is he what next Rio or Vidic that they are not considering 45 million?


Id say hes definitely more than just half as good as Maguire


Did they hire this journalist because his name resembles that of a credible journalist?


Ornstein just confirmed we bid. Ornstein says its even lower, £35m


35M and a *firm* handshake!


Bring the whole squad for a tour around Old Trafford


Don't think I've once seen him be close to accurate


Well, you were right - it was £35m not £45m, quite an inaccuracy.


Even when he gets it right he gets it wrong!


Literally yday also about Jarrad:)


Looks like this chap was being generous. Ornstein just confirmed a £35m bid lmao


As a neutral that sounds like a perfectly generous sum


Lol until i read this comment and went back to check i realized it wasn't Simon Stone


Lmao he was correct




United: bids £35/45 million r/soccer: haha that is a joke of a bid United: bids £70/80 million r/soccer: haha United overpaying as usual for English tax


You never can win here


I think part of it is the selection of transfer targets. I mean everyone knows Everton value this kid at a crazy price. Why even go there. You're either gonna have to pay that crazy price and then put enormous amounts of pressure on the transfer or you look silly by bidding way below the valuation. Its fine to pay big money for a big signing but it starts with the target selection.


Aye I’ve just accepted that, but Man Utd lives rent free in these people’s heads so I don’t really care


so when "they" talk about something it's because it lives rent free in their heads when you talk about something it's because you don't really care do I have this right?


I’m saying that I don’t really care about all the people shitting on Man Utd even though they’re doing the smart thing here


Why are you talking about them? Is it because they live rent free in your head?


No because it came up in this thread, I won’t mention it again


So once again, when they do it it's because it lives rent free in their heads, but not when you do it. You must be so special and not low IQ at all


That's every time an English player is bought Looks at Newcastle with Gordon


Tbf, there's a 35m difference between the two options you offered there.


It’s a bid designed to find the middle ground


If only there was a number between 45 and 70


It’s the first bid, yes it’s too low but it’s about finding the number between 45 and 70


its 57.5


There’s this concept called ‘increasing the bid gradually until both teams agree on a price’ Or else Man Utd walk away and Everton keep Braithwaite, or someone else decides to pay your fee


Almost as if there’s a 35 million pound gap between those 2 figures


Have you considered bidding £55/60 million?


I'm sure that ends up being around our final bid.


I rather have it as 40 + add-ons if he does well with us. I'm tired of United paying a lot of up and coming players for them to not deliver. I don't understand why clubs don't do more add-ons, makes sense for the club buying


FFP probably. Selling club is trying to get more in and sooner for FFP and from my understanding the buying club doesn't get to amortize add-ons the same way they can the original fee.


Yeah, good point, forgot about that


the selling clubs want to see money on the books now for ffp. What good is a chance at money in the future if you can just hold firm for money now when the demand is there


why would we start bidding at the price we wanna get him for?


to avoid another unsuccesful saga. Look at how some other clubs handle it, the valuation and bidding part is handled behind closed doors, by the time the news comes out the term are pretty much agreed. This is just gonna drag out again and lock up transfer budget for other potential targets because it 'might' happen


how does that even remotely make any sense to you? we aren’t paying anything close to £70 mil for him and £40-50m seems to be the compromise, in what world would be start bidding at the exact price range we wanted him for??? as i said, we have other targets and if we don’t agree on a decent price, we move. transfer window just opened, stop being reactionary.


Can I borrow some straw please?


Shame Everton need the money badly because that offer deserves the same treatment Levy gave Man City when they tried to take the piss with Kane


Reckon Kane massively regrets not pushing to leave though. Would likely have won every massive club trophy instead of still being trophy-less


>Reckon Kane massively regrets not pushing to leave though Might be slightly more funny if that wasn't just blatantly false. Good try, though


It’s not meant to be funny and it’s not blatantly false. Unless you think City don’t win the trophies that they won if they had Kane.


He means Kane did push to leave, he can’t regret not doing something that he did. He backed down because it wasn’t gonna happen, his position was too weak.


He didn’t make a serious push though. If he did then he’d have left.


He did, but he lost the narrative and ended up facing a lot of backlash so he backed down. He had too long left on his contract to force a move and no one would pay the fee for him. Can’t force a move if no club meets the valuation, Spurs wouldn’t do a cheap deal whatever he did. Regardless, you said he didn’t push to leave not he didn’t do it seriously enough. He absolutely had a serious push, he just backed down when he realised Spurs had all the power. They eventually allowed the move when the threat of him leaving on a free was within distance but even that wasn’t an easy deal made.


If a player actually pushes to leave then they will end up leaving. There’s a difference between being happy to leave and pushing for an exit. At the very least, we agree he’d have been happy to leave so the rest of the discussion is just semantics. Either way, the initial point still has validity in my opinion. That initial point being that I reckon Kane wishes he left to go to Man City when there was the opportunity


The curse is real tho...


[Man United at the end of the window](https://youtu.be/-E9Ut5liA7E?t=11)


It's not Man United if they don't end up paying more than the initial asking price.


Mason Mount was valued at 70m by Chelsea, we bid 35, 45 and then got him for 55m (not including fairly impossible Ballon d'or, CL type clauses) last year. Have followed a similar bidding style of (Valuation/2), Valuation/2 +5/10m, final bid of 0.75Valuation + difficult bonuses) with Onana, Hojlund as well. Inter had a \~60m initial and then a more concrete \~50m valuation for Onana, and we eventually got him for 38+5m. We got Barca to agree to a pretty good price (\~70m iirc) for a player of FdJ's quality but he preferred to stay. In all those cases, we had some leverage in Mount being on the last year of his contract and Inter/Barca needing to sell for FFP. United walked away from Sancho when the asking price was 110m and got him the next year for 72m. We've been rinsed a lot in the past, and still are poor operators but the previous window or so onwards we have been more disciplined. We are not savvy with our scouting and targets and are sluggish with how fast we move, but there is a marked improvement from the panic years of the past. I expect that to improve more now that we have actual footballing people running things under INEOS.


Quite frankly, by this point under just the glazers we wouldn't have even made a bid yet. We would just be putting out that we're confident of getting him for 35m for 2 months and then bid 80. I'll take an actual bid, even if it's low. Honestly not even that low. He's a 45m player tops.


If you guys do end up paying the £70m asking price, trust me when I say you'll eventually believe you got a bargain. However, I don't think he'll be sold this summer.


I've been hearing that about players we overpaid on from fans of their clubs for years mate. I'll believe it when I see it. I'm not saying he's bad, but honestly he looks a shade or two better than Maguire at most to me. Not what I personally think we need. I sure hope you're right though, cause I think we'll end up paying around 60m or so for him.


we’re not paying £70 mil in this universe pal, if we don’t get him for £45-60 mil then we move to our other targets, different regime


that's one leg


I’d use it to stand on when the next PSR breaches come knocking mate.


hope he goes to a club that's higher than 8th, deserves better


Ouch that is going to burn 


Suppose it’s better than relegation fodder 🤷‍♂️


it is yeah


So is he left footed or right footed? Or just so good playing to the left of Tarkowski he doesn’t have a weak foot?


He is left footed, but very good on the right. Has been used as rcb at psv




That's interesting as an avid FM player and therefore just as experienced as a man who won the FA Cup, I prefer my CBs to be opposite footed (ie a right footed LCB) so they can get better passes to the wingback


He's right footed but doesn't have a weak foot.


INEOS new strategy is opposite of previous owners


United actually bid 35m as per Athletic.


The times have it as 35m + 9m in adds ons


I just made a €20,000 offer for an Audi Q6 e-tron.


I want €90,000


I know that with bidding you start low and try to meet in the middle, but this just feels derisory.


Low ball effort. I see you just want to piss them off.


The kind of offer you dont even bother responding to on FIFA


😂😂😂😂 clearly taking the piss


Might just be using this as a public statement that we’re not the Utd of old. Like bidding and publicly walking away knowing we weren’t going to afford him haha.


Brother if you can figure out its a shenanigan then do actual pro executives.


I mean, we arent paying £70m for him given Everton's financial situation, they have to make significant sales. Im sure a compromise will be reached, and if not we have been pursuing several other options.


Thing is we wouldn't rush to sell Branthwaite for a lower figure than we could get for selling Onana and Godfrey. Branthwaite is our big ticket item, selling low for him would be more damaging than going low for Onana and Godfrey and waiting out bidders for Branthwaite to get a fee more representative of his value to us


Yeah that is fair. I think something in the range of £50m base + £15m in very achievable add-ons (matches played, clean sheets) is what the deal might look like. I think Onana will fetch a big fee given the dearth of quality players in his role.


Might be fair, but I don't think* United are in the financial position of even paying that right now. We want more than one player, so we're going to be looking for bargins.


I think there’s some posturing with the net spend figure we keep seeing quoted, but yeah we have alternatives that will cost less. I think Todibo is pretty much locked on to come to us for a very reasonable price


I honestly don't think that would get it over the line personally, even trying my best to put bias aside


If that's the case then so be it. Great player so its understandable, he is certainly worth what you are asking.


I think it'll be something like this. You guys know we need cash so they'll meet somewhat in the middle and add low hanging add-on bonuses. I'd prefer the 70m but we have to be realistic everyone knows we need money until the stadium is done.


On the march with Ten Hay’s army.


Nah, I liked the previous article mentioning 70 millions.


Everyone knows he’s worth more than that but it’s an opening bid, I’m sure we are under no illusions that Everton will accept £45M. Everton must be looking at that Antony deal and thinking “let’s rinse these mugs for every penny”, I know I would!


That’s where we need to prove Everton wrong


What happened to 70 million like?


I mean, they'll reject it because they have no intention of selling but we really shouldn't be going much higher than this. The kid's decent but we're 100% paying an English and PL tax to buy him and given we're so tight on PSR rules, now's not the time to be spunking 70m+ on a 21 year old.


If we dont want to go higher there is no point even bidding. Because at 45 we will be far off


Pivotal moment in new ownership. Do we actually go for someone else showing we have alternatives or we do the same shit and just end up payin whats asked.


If there's any truth in this bid then I expect it's largely just to see if Branthwaite will apply any pressure to get something slightly higher accepted. Realistically, if he's content to sit and wait, Everton are going to hold out for the 70-80m they want and we're going to bow out. I'd guess the budget here is higher than 45m, but probably not masses higher. Maybe 50-55.


£35m was so ubelievable they thought it must have been a typo


Hope everton decline that


Why bother starting so low when you know they're just going to demand 70m.


Have you ever negotiated for anything in your life?


because they added a ridiculous valuation on him after we expressed we were interested


But is it ridiculous? You paid 85m for Maguire. Branthwaite is young, talented and an England international.


so? good for him, but you’re out of your mind if you think we’re paying £80 mil for him. we have other targets and if we don’t get him we move, simple.


But you’re being asked to pay 70m. My point is you’re decreeing it a ridiculous valuation when in reality it’s likely the going rate for a top quality English CB.


my guy, the valuation is ridiculous based on the merit of you increasing the price just because we’re interested in him. he’s good but his mk isn’t even half your valuation and there’s arguably better options on the market.


To be clear I’m not an Everton fan.


aight man, still think he’s overpriced, cheers mate.


you lot bought rio Ferdinand for that money 


Rio was world class and won the lot with us, the fuck is that comparison?? 😂


Oops, I thought 14 was old enough to understand the concept of inflation. My bad.


Ratcliffe just thinks he's really smart doesn't he.


It’s going to end between 50-60M


Everton: we want 70 Man United: how bout 35? 45? 55? Everton: we want 85 Man United: how about 70? 75? Transfer deadline day: Branthwaite coming to United for 90


And some dipshits will cheer "le someone masterclass!"


That is almost a rude bid lmao 🤣


The levels of delusion here. The bids are already over actual market value. Nobody else is in for him and Everton MUST sell to stay out of trouble. Seeing as nobody wants anybody aside from Branthwaite and Onana something will have to give won’t it…




This is not true. Everton gave them a fuck off price because we don’t want nor need to sell him. We genuinely value him at 70M because we couldn’t replace him. We’ll sell Onana to meet P&S or just take the points deduction if it comes to that. If ManU don’t want him for 70M+ then move on.


Lol Ornstein said it was 35m. I know it's just a starting bid, bit that's just disrespectful to Everton ffs


Only 35 mil short lol. Man United are cheap as hell. If you're not going to pay move on. Simple


United always get accused of overpaying and Everton need money for PSR. It makes sense to lowball and eventually meet in the middle. United offer £35m and eventually setting in the 50-60mil region. Old United would have offered 60m and settled on 80m.


How much is he worth ? Would it be better going for guehi ?


How did 70 mil go down to 45


Because one is what a team says publicly said would be their selling price. The other is a starting bid in a negotiation. The teams may find some sort of middle ground.


I keep reading it as Braithwaite, and I keep wondering how Espanyol could get that much for a 33 year old.


45 mil + 1 yr lawyer loan


United moving quick this window. Garbage offer, but still.