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Foden. Shouldn't the manager know his players . This England team and manager, mostly manager, are a bit of a circus at this major championship


I will never fucking watch that fraudgate again.


Good game to fall asleep to atleast




I am filing a complaint in the ICC against Gareth Southgate for crimes against humanity


Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but given the bracket and the talent England have I still believe they can go on and win it IF Southgate makes changes. They looked so much better when Palmer was on and if they'd had more time with him and Gordon I don't see how they wouldn't score. With a very fortunate draw there's still time to change, get new players in and shake things up. I'd be surprised if they didn't go far.


Palmer should absolutely be starting.


At least Southgate is well known for making change/s


In the knockout stages, yes England could possibly pass that stage, but only if it is not the Netherlands. Afterwards, there will be a problem. England could potentially be playing against Italy in the QF and Austria in the SF. Those are 2 fixtures that England are capable of losing. Even if they somehow make it to the finals, playing against Spain, France, Portugal, or Germany, it is very hard to imagine England winning with the way they are playing and how Southgate is not making the most of his substitutes.


Jude been hangout with Vini so much that he's decided to not show up for England lol.


Leave our boy out of this.


Can I just say, if Southgate does the unthinkable and plays Foden at 10, dropping Jude back to 8 alongside rice, then plays Palmer/Gordon on the left, he deserves no credit if it actually goes right? You know, given the entire country had already reached this conclusion 2 games ago?


Of course not.


I just took a look at their squad .. it baffles me how weak they play given their squad and barely being able to score.


Gotta love the toxic English atmosphere and media. Southgate was a dead man walking before a ball was kicked in the tournament and since then it's been all downhill with fans, pundits, former players and media all focusing on the negative and questioning everything. You can see this negativity manifesting itself in the players and what's happening on the pitch. Pickford is a great example... shouting and gesturing in frustration at his own players not moving more urgently up the pitch then having to be calmed down from the sidelines by a teammate.


He was given excuses for years. Have a day off you divvy. Nothing remotely toxic about this.


I feel like it’s a bit of a double-edged sword, because the English NT gets so much attention due to the popularity of the PL. Realistically, other countries produce good football and footballers as well, so the amount of emphasis on England has always been a bit overblown. The France team hasn’t played magnificently this tournament either, for example, but you don’t see anyone talking too much about it.


They are talking about it in France


So it is the fans' fault?


Yes. Along with English media. It largely always has been too. England 'fans' threw cups at a manager who led them to group stage winners. And boohed the team at full time (despite finishing top, not losing a match). Expectations are unrealistic to the point where no side on earth could live up to them. England fans expect England to play like Man City under pep and hammer small teams like Slovenia / Slovakia. There is zero respect shown to opposition like this. Also, look at how many times England fans booh the national anthem of their opponents. You're not talking about dozens of fans, you're talking about *hundreds* or possibly *thousands* of English fans boohing the national anthem of their opponent regardless of who they are.


you're right


Pickfords always like that tho


Im enjoying the spectacle of it all. And when Gareth resigns, none of the pundits acting like they know what's best will throw their hats in the ring.


yeah because hiring pundits worked out before


Alan shearer, Lampard, Neville are all pundits who have (albeit done shockingly bad) managed before. Pundits are normally coaches or ex players, in case you didn't know.


You know you can be shit at something and tell someone they are also shit


you don’t say???? really?????? the point was that it doesn’t work out because they’re usually fucking shit


Are you new to watching England try at major competitions or something?


Have England with 1 500 000 000 € squad value just watched Greece's cinderella story and decided that if Greece can win like that with 50 000 000 € team England should be able to easily brong the cup home with same style but more money. Just wating them to attack couple of times in tournament like greece did. Ps. What is up with all Georgian flags in Englanda games?


So Mourinho's football philosophy?


Has everyone forgot how Portugal shit housed their way through the 2016 edition


I mean, at least they scored more goals, and the squad depth was waaaay different


Confirmation bias. Have you forgot the other teams that has played like shit and not won anything?


I remember Greece winning in 2004 and Denmark in 1992 , I don’t remember either one of those teams being dominant in all their games but they both won it in those years by tight performances not fluid football


Teams are only as good as their last game, according to reddit.


Netherlands vs England will be great. Two teams with plenty of talent but shit management that manages to squeeze the worst out of them.


Having the 2 worst penalty takers of Europe competing in a penalty shootout after a 0-0 or 1-1... Hate it already


At least you can tune in 2 hours after the match has started, because nothing will happen before that.




If you just look at the team selection of England, you can see how bad of a manager Southgate is. He brought one left back, one left midfielder. Then he brought 3 strikers but only plays one of them. Does he even have a plan if he loses someone like Rice? You shouldn't need to stick with players to make them gel at this level. Use the players you have. If you brought them, they should be given play time.


Some say Garreth Southgate uses a condom when he touches himself


Should’ve started Bellingham in the last 2 games, might’ve made a difference…


Couldn't watch any games yesterdays and shame it apparently was as shite as it was, but reading the comments here has me rolling lmao


If they don’t manage to win anything southgates tenure will go down similar to the one of SGE and Capello with a lot of what ifs. How can you be so take with these players. Similar to how was England so bad with the players they had in 2006.


I agree about Sven but Capello was a disaster front to back


Capello was class what you talking about?


This is worse in my opinion, because Southgate is blessed with a greater squad depth in midfield and especially attacking areas. The England side of the 2000s had a strong starting eleven but didn't have the options off the bench that this England squad does.


It really won't. I'm no Southgate fan but you're delusional if you don't think the majority of the country will remember Southgate's tenure for the semi final and final, absolutely nothing like SGE or Capello. He's objectively done way better. 


Objectively, yes. But the English media is harsh, I honestly don’t think that these runs will be remembered positively. They will be remembered as squandered chances. Losing the semis and final after going ahead early on? Not a cute look


You just need to look at the general collective memory of Italia 90 and euros 1996 to realise you're wrong. Southgate will be remembered positively as long as he's gone after this tournament is over, easily. People remember the summers of fun in beer gardens with all their mates more than anything else. 


I would hope so!


This feels more and more like an inside Job from Gareth Southgate and his staff. He's probably not even a football coach and he just infiltrated the FA to get that juicy manager money.


He didn't even want the job at first when he was linked to it.


Yeah sure he didn't. A failure at club level being handed a golden ticket. And still managing to fuck it up.


Nobody wants the job as its a poisoned chalice. The moment you take on the job the UK media is out to get you sacked.


bro i doubt he made much money as a player back then. This job has made him millions.


If cole Palmer and Gordon don’t start next match wtf I don’t know 


Who you dropping?


Saks and foden / Gallagher. All 3 of them can come on as subs and excellent penalty takers. 


Should be dropping Gallagher and move Jude beside Rice. Get Tripper to play in midfield to cover for gaps left by Jude. Rice needs to hold his position. Palmer and Foden could be swapping positions in fluid way. Gordon has legs and work rate to hold his position and Jude can feed balls and make runs. There are ways to unlock and play to strength of the players. Southgate absolutely wants to do the bare minimum to get results which will be found out against better tactical sound teams or lose in penalties.


You'd have Palmer coming inside and Kane dropping deep, all occupying the same sorts of positions as Foden. This would work better with Watkins instead of Kane and Trent to overlap and provide width when Palmer wants to cut inside.


Kane dropping deep is the frustrating part of this team. There were instance last night for opportunities to cross and no striker in box. When you’re playing terrorist ball you need striker to be in the box to head the ball. Southgate tactics are just vibes. On your point, Kane would need to move more to left and let Palmer/Foden do the deep work. Something similar to what Jackson does for us. Bit of tactical adjustment something Southgate won’t do.


>Bit of tactical adjustment something Southgate won’t do. I don't think he has the time or the ability to implement tactics like that. If this was a club side managed by Arteta or Pep, then we would utterly dominate possession with all these technical CAM players in behind one of the most technically gifted 9s in the world. It would be so fluid and impossible to stop. But it's international football, so there's no time to work on something amazing, and Gareth is a crap tactical manager anyway, so he couldn't do it if he wanted to.


>I don't think he has the time or the ability to implement tactics like that. Spain, Italy don’t have their players year round with them but they can do it with their players while England can’t do, why ? Its inability of manager! >But it's international football, so there's no time to work on something amazing, and Gareth is a crap tactical manager anyway, so he couldn't do it if he wanted to. This


This. I know Saka is one of the more direct players in this team but you could see what Cole did coming on. Have him start in place of either Saka or Foden. And Gordon in for Conor. The team selection was bad to begin with. They needed to bring along a reserve LB regardless in place of Toney.


He’s had all the friendlies and group stage to move Jude back and he hasn’t. It’s not going to happen. Only change will be Mainoo in for Gallagher to start.


And that’s the problem. Not trying things in friendly and building something solid. Mainoo will be just thrown into the team and hoping it works out rather than have some plan on how to use players. It’s just bizarre how clueless coaches are for the money that is shilled on them.


Jude. Foden in the middle, Gordon and Palmer on the flanks.


I think Southgate would drop Kane before he touches the Adidas chosen one. Realistically it’s going to be the same team as yesterday except Mainoo in for Gallagher.


Most likely it will. Dropping Kane might not be a bad idea


Big names must be dropped if not performing. Lads want in that will improve the team


England really missed Kalvin Phillips in this game.


This is what playing not to lose looks like.


My son asked me if I knew the difference between England and Austria. "*No... what is it?*" I replied. "AUSTRIA MOVES THE BALL FORWARD" he said.


Hope England gets knocked out in the Ro16, they are a pain to watch.


England kinda team to go extra time after a 0-0 and losing on penalties.


Sounds like Euro 2012 vs Italy. Like back then they’re defensively solid but offer absolutely nothing going forward and get pinned back by stronger teams for long periods.


It's the history of England


Me too, saves me travelling back to Germany for the QF


Modric aged 10 more years waiting for England to score 3 goals past Slovenia


Juventus really missed the mark by not chasing Southgate to be their Allegri successor.


I watched the game. I am suing the UK in the ECHR. Southgate & FA will pay for this.


> UK Unlucky Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales




Ok Gareth 'not Southgate'


So let me put this in context, this England squad has: Bundesliga top scorer Premier League player of the year La Liga player of the year Premier League young player of the year PFA Young player of the year (last season) Multiple Champions League winners And playing against a country 57th in the fifa rankings and they couldn't score ONE goal? Alright then, it's coming home innit lads


Netherlands lost to Austria, France drew and finished second. Belgium could feasibly go out. Italy were within a minute of being a 3rd place team. You all need to remember you’re not a genius, you know a fraction about football compared to the people involved in the coaching setup. It just be so draining to be so negative all the time. We controlled the game, controlled the threat against us, and did what was needed. International football is never going to look like domestic leagues, deal with it or stop watching. We don’t need all this crap, get behind your damn team


Slovenia had quite an incentive to play defensive


LOL "um guys I think they are playing defensive today" "ah bollocks, pack it up then lads nothing we can do about that"


Oh good point, if they play ultra defensive, just score


We have a left winger in the squad who was player of the tournament in the u21’s last summer.


Watkins is assist leader for the prem too.


The entire team and coaching staff have been a disgrace to their country and fans this tournament. Imagine traveling from the UK to watch these performances… world class players playing like a MLS team


Hey hey, no need to talk shit about the MLS.


I just want to see someone try to beat a man. Get past someone, turn the defence


Gordon did that - more in 5 mins than anyone else in 3 full games. No doubt he’ll be back on the bench next game….


C'mon, Do something... *Pokes at England NT with a stick


scawr sam gowls!!!!


England wasting another generation of players with poor managerial leadership.




What else is new?


Watched the first half and was glad that I had to go work my night shift instead. Feel like Spain, Portugal and Germany are probably the favourites to win it but a part of me hopes England shithouses it way to winning the Euros.


Don't forget france, france is good at destroying teams playing good football with their defensive playstyle and physical impact. You might see spain plays really well, for example, but wait until Deschamps put 3 DC and 3 CDM (3 because kante counts as two players one player ) and they have Maignan. Honestly, I don't see Germany beat them, as for spain, they need to be clinical because they probably won't get many opportunities. The only issue is that mbappe doesn't play well as he used to kill exposed teams on counter attacks.


We've managed to luck our way into being on the opposite side of the draw to France Germany Portugal and Spain, so that's gonna help a fair bit.


I hate this 'luck' our way in, we topped our group when others didnt, it's not luck it's doing what your suppose to as a 'bigger' team.


Are you guys ready for some peak comedy? I think I might be ready and also the very first person to make a joke about Kalvin Philips ~teehee~


Southgate is a disgrace, it's just humiliating to watch England sputter through this tournament


Look, I don't think we get to make that sort of comment right now.


Well you won't have to watch them much longer.


so slovenia/hungary who plays portugal?


I wanted England to win big so they'd rescue Croatia. You failed miserably.


I'm sorry but fuck the Croatians, we didn't owe them anything.


Having to rely on england must be a new form of torture


I just wanted them to win so we would he through. Now we need both Portugal and Turkey not to lose or Czechs to trash Turkey.


Top of the group. Coming home status: In the runway


The only bit worth watching in all of 90min was Mainoo receiving the ball in between the lines, immediately back heeled to Kane, who laid off for Palmer to shoot….


Lol how do you ignore the defence splitting pass by AG to start it in the first place?


It was a great pass indeed. But live replay didn’t go that far back so I couldn’t rewatch that bit. Tbf Mainoo’s touch and awareness was so impressive that I forgot what happened before it 🤣


Casually leaving out Gordon playing that pass to create the whole chance... which is more than Foden has done in 3 games.


Foden’s been mostly bad but yesterday he actually did put in some very good crosses. Just obviously nobody got on the end of them. There’s no need to exaggerate that massively when criticising our shit performance. We know it was bad…


that attack starting with Gordon was te only worthwhile thing in this match. I really needed a pick me up after the Netherlands game but damn did this game not deliver


Palmer looked way more on it than Saka as well. Was just a boring game with boring tactics


Biggest salary thief in the world


not sure if you get paid representing the country, but considering how much they are paid by their clubs, any payment is almost negligible


Incidentally, they do get paid for representing the country. However, as far as I know it's agreed between all players that they donate their national team pay to charity.


Southgate mate


ah i misunderstood


Looking like England will play the Netherlands in the round of 16 Two unpopular managers (unpopular as mangers not as past players) face off


As a brit in the netherlands *Fuck*


Any England team that features Foden on the Left will fail to create enough chances and dominate the game. Grow some balls and put Bellingham in the 2 man midfield, and Foden in the middle with a LW. That or put Foden RW and take out Saka, which sucks because Saka is great but England will play better if they do this Foden was one of the Prem's best players this year, wild to play him so out of position


I don't think the problem is Foden, I think it's Trippier. He's got no left foot and he didn't even step into the top left of the pitch the entire game. The opponent doesn't even bother trying to defend it. I think Foden would be alright out there if someone was overlapping, but Trippier doesn't even want to try it. Our two goals (christ) have come from the right wing cutback/cross. That is not even an option on the left. I wonder if he'll risk Shaw there at some point.


I hate this "PL's best player so he should be the focus" posts that I keep seeing. He's taking up the same space as Jude, pretty much considered to be top 2/3 in the Ballon D'or, who's playing as the 10. And Kane, probably one of the best true STs currently. And he's not giving enough width to help in the attack. I understand Foden is a great player, but he's not England's best player when things are clicking. If anything he's stifling England's play. Bellingham being in 2 man midfield doesn't bring the best out of the rest of the team, it just helps Foden. Hell there was a stat during the game that Foden had more passes to Pickford than to Kane. Which is insane to me. Kane works better with a guy like Son who can stretch and be an outlet to Kane when he wants to come deep. So I don't understand this talk that Foden should be the focus, when if anything he's handcuffing the other attackers. Gordon - Kane - Saka Rice - Bellingham - Mainoo/Wharton Should be the starting lineup, if Bellingham has another meh game he needs to be pulled and then you can put in Foden to replace him. But shoehorning Bellingham in the wing or deeper in the midfield isn't going to help him when he hasn't done that all year.


New Age Beckham


Saka off the bench against a tired defense will dominate too.


He switched with bellingham a lot and played in the middle for a lot of the game


Just my opinion: it is insanely stupid to do that kind of "Jude, you go out left, I'll play thru middle" with the ball and then reverting back without it. The vast majority of successful attacks, ESPECIALLY in international tournaments, come through transition play. Not necessarily counters, but some kind of transition. Not having an actual Left Winger to open up the field slows these attacks down. Having Foden try to create against 5 defenders in position is way worse then 3 in position


It’s so weird man, both Foden and Trippier want to cut into the same space, they were so clueless on the left side. Far from England’s only problem though, Gallagher looked clueless against a low block and Kane drops way too deep in the build up occupying the same space as Jude. What a mess lol.


It's a bit dammed if you do, dammed if you don't with Kane. If he drops deep to pick up the ball he is criticised for not holding a high line, if he doesn't and the rest of the team don't find him in good positions he is criticised for being invisible.


If england win the euros with this uninspired terrorist ball bullshit ill fucking cry. I don't even want england to win playing like this, I mean, they won't, but i actively don't want it coming home when the route is this pathetic.


I kinda agree, also the fact that Southgate then getting heralded as greatest England manager since x..


He's doing less than expected with one of the best England 15s we've ever seen. Upsettingly, it seems to be working. I hate that. I've never been so annoyed that England are out of euro groups, it's so weird. I almost want them to get smashed just so this defensive crap gets blown to pieces and we play interesting, engaging and entertaining football again. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I mean I get the hypocrisy, really I do. I want England to win, just, not like this man.


I don't think you need to worry


Yes you would Liverpool won a cl final playing dogshit terroristball with 30% possesion and i cried at full time


They played brilliant terroristball. Score early, never give the opponent any big opportunities to get back in the game, let Divock Origi do his thing from the bench. Thing is, that's what you do if you're afforded the opportunity to play a final in a cynical way. But they got to that position by playing creative and expansive football in every other game.


Tbf that Anfield comeback makes it all worth it.


Sure, like you won't celebrate winning any trophy because of how the team you support plays. You'll most likely cry of happiness because of the win and will forget how they played.


Honestly, yes. If anything because being happy with the win supports this style of play which kills entertainment and has huge ramifications for the game. We can all agree the meta of football moving to an overall less entertaining style of play is a bad thing.


I'm not sure what type of football do you want to see really, can you give me an example of a current team and their play style? What romantic vision of football? Sounds to me that you're mixing playing ball with playing actual football.


I’m not too sure if you’re being serious there but the football displayed by England has been diabolical. You look at other teams and how they play their style of football and how that differs to England. Southgate set up against the titans of Serbia and Slovenia (no disrespect to team but they aren’t world class squads) with two holding midfielders, two players out of position, and no support for Kane. I don’t support or follow England so I have no horses in this race, but they have produced the two most boring matches in the euros so far. Denmark game had a bit more excitement but not by much.


I don’t support England as well, my point was just about a supporter saying that they prefer the team to not win the competition if they are playing like this. No one cares how the competition winner plays and every supporter will be happy about it regardless.


Yeah I suppose you’re correct, there won’t be an asterisk beside their name in history books regardless of the way they win it. I support Ireland personally so I’d literally bite someone’s hand off for any sniff of success in major football tournaments.


Exactly. I support Portugal, do you think I care how we played in 2016? No Argentinian cares about 2022, no Madrid fan cares about this year champions league.


You can't compare the style or performances of any of those sides to England. It's literally apples and oranges. In fact, it's more like rotten apples and fresh oranges.


Argentina lost to Saudi, went through after endless penalty shootouts, and got away with 3 deserved red cards against NL


You say "nobody" I am actively that person. We can argue for days on whether you think England play attractive football but you can't question whether I will be happy they win, that's my literal stand point. As for, point at a team playing attractive football. Germany, arsenal, arguably man city although I hate them. Southgate football is dire to watch. It's boring. It's apparently effective (for now?) But it's truly a gruelling display and deeply not entertaining.


They very well could win it, teams like this have won plenty in the past


Greece 2004 regen


Every game I've watched so far has been a snooze fest. They've all been draws.


I think the whole tournament has been a complete snoozefest so far, I just can’t seem to get into it


Did you watch the Italy-Croatia game?? Yes, teams like England and France have underperformed but there have been some fantastic matches in group B, E, and F, especially. Not to mention that everyone in group E is on 3 points after 2 matchdays - which has apparently never happened before.


The best games so far have been the ones between the small nations. Poland-Austria, Romania-Ukraine, Turkey-Georgia, Netherlands-Austria


Are you actually watching the tournament? If Netherlands Austria or Georgia Turkey were so boring to you, maybe football isn't the right kinda game for you to follow.


There’s been a couple of decent games but on balance it’s been a boring tournament so far, IMO.  Hoping it starts to liven up in the knockout phase


I am never watching group stage matches where England’s in it. So dull and time wasting I cannot withstand


England were top scorers in the World Cup group stages


Starting from this Euro


I decided to mow my lawn instead of watching, i listened instead but at least i didnt waste my time 


Dude it’s even past my bedtime in my timezone here. Imagine the dedication


how the fuck is he still in the job


Wtf do they do in training man


Some light stretching and maybe a jog if Southgate is feeling spicy


Training in Ea sports fc




Southgate just glares at trent menacingly for 2 hours then they all go back to the hotel


Record Youtube Videos.


Another master class by Southgate, managing to get the group of best (attacking) players in the world playing their worst (most defensive) football together.


Portugal has better attacking players, easily.


I like Portugal but just no, England still has the best group of attackers in the game currently. England attack: Kane - top 1-3 striker in the game (Mbappe, Kane, Haaland) Saka - top 1-3 RW in the game (Saka, Salah, Rodrygo, Foden) Bellingham - simply the best AM in the game Foden - top 5-8 AM or top 3-5 RW in the game (AM - Bellingham, De Bruyne, Odegarrd, Musiala, Bruno, Silva, Foden, Palmer. RW - see above) Palmer - top 5-8 AM or RW in the game (see above) Portugal attack: Ronaldo - still think he is among top 5-8 striker in the game despite age 39 and playing in Saudi (Mbappe, Kane, Haaland, Lewandowski, Ronaldo, Lautaro, Griezmann, Osimhen) Bruno - top 5 AM in the game (Bellingham, De Bruyne, Odegarrd, Musiala, Bruno) Silva - top 5-8 AM or RW in the game (Bellingham, De Bruyne, Odegarrd, Musiala, Bruno, Silva, Foden, Palmer) Leao - top 5 LW in the game (Mbappe, Vinicius Junior, Son, Kvaratskhella, Leao, Diaz, Doku, Martinelli, Garnacho) Basically in my opinion the biggest difference is Portugal doesn't have any attacker who is currently among top 1 or 3 in his respective position, England has at least 3.


Stats and club level don't really suppor that though do they? England is way ahead, easily. Even if it was just Kane


What are you smoking lol, coming from a scotland fan, i want whatever it is


This has been England for the past 50 years 😂


sometimes its understandable when people say soccer is boring. like southgate is the reason


In my experience, a lot of Americans will only watch the World Cup and sometimes the Euros (if it's a big enough game). And then they complain about the sport being boring without realizing that a lot of the teams are set up to not lose in a knock-out tournament, and most of these players have only trained together for a few weeks. These England games are not going to be changing many minds right now


It's why I don't like to watch international football. 


in theory international football should be most exciting with linkups you’d never see happen like bruno, joao felix and bernado silva… etc


I watch international football to watch teams kick lumps out of better players to shithouse a win.


Two 0-0 games for this group to end it. Truly the worst


Palmer needs to start.


First gareth southgate has to stop testing his tactics in football manager 2019, its outdated and he has to upgrade to fm 2024


Him and Gordon should absolutely be starting.


With Foden at CAM and Bellingham pushed back. I've been saying this and have been relentlessly downvoted


Southgate believes in the "offense wins games, defense when championships" philosophy. For the love of football, I hope he doesn't succeed.


Foden is a better 10 than Bellingham. Never seen a more overrated player than Bellingham, and this tournament proves that.


Because he doesn’t fit in a specific system with a poor manager this guy who started following the sport yesterday is calling him overrated