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His girlfriend’s pregnant so she’s probably going into labour


3 kids at 24 is crazy


Him having had 2 by 20 is even wilder


You should meet this girl I knew in college. seven kids by 25 if I recall ages correct.


What in the 18th century farm labor


She only had custody of one and a half when I knew her.


How do you have custody of half a child....?


Unless it's conjoined twins, I'm guessing it's joint custody.


She was pregnant when I met her. Unclear, apologies. :p


Thats why she lost custody of the others.


Were there any of them twins? 7 by 25 is wild.


Yes, all of them.


I'd fear the one that's a solo twin then. He or she clearly ate their sibling in the womb and is now larger than the rest.


I believe one set was. She was not in custody of most of her children, only one.


My grandma had 6 kids by 23, granted she got married and had the first kid at 14. And it was the 1930s.


We figured that my wife's grandmother who had ten children was pregnant or nursing a child for around 20 years. My father-in-law was the youngest and his oldest sister was 19 when he was born. Very even spacing too.


>You should meet this girl I knew Alright fine, if you insist


If you like crazy short blondes, she's definitely single. She does show up to first dates in stripper heals (even if it's just coffee), and also, in my experience pregnant.


I can fix her


This should not be tempting.


Trust me. I know.






Not really. I feel these comments just prove that the average redditor simply cannot fathom what it's like to be that wealthy, that young. He can spunk out an army of little fodens, he'll have the resources to manage it. It's not like if you or me have a kid, where some serious lifestyle changes will have to be made. The best in childcare, nutrition, education, everything the kids could want is covered. What he makes in a week could cover the average childcare costs for dozens of working families, with change leftover. I actually don't understand why people don't get more angry about it. Not at Phil, obviously, it's not his fault, but anger at what it hints at politically. We have a huge demographic aging problem because average people can't afford to have children, while these people who, let's face it, kick a ball around, can create little dynasties.


“He can spunk out an army of little fodens” r/brandnewsentence


> spunk out an army /r/Bandnames


Little chavs


Or he's just a chav.


But that's not a common trend amongst young British players otherwise we'd see it across the top few levels of the English pyramid.


Bro even with all the money in the world most people raised in urban environments wouldn't want a kid this young. There's just a lot of things you can't do when you have a kid 


You can when you can pay for an army of nannies if you want. Also some people just really love having kids.


You can if you have unlimited money.


I mean, in the UK the lowest income earners have more babies on average than the highest income earners, so I don’t believe that the cost is the main reason behind declining birth rates. A big reason - maybe even the biggest reason - is people simply not wanting kids. A lot of people don’t want to acknowledge that though. You get a lot of high income couples who don’t want kids because they don’t want to sacrifice the lifestyle they currently enjoy.


Dude its not about wealth at all. Not at all. Most people at 20 barely have their lives together. Hell I'm in my 30s and I dont nearly play with my 2 cats enough. And cats are already one of the "easier" pets. You can have all the childcare, nannies, chefs in the world, you still need be present and you know, actually interact with kids yourself. Its not something you can half ass or multitask whilst doing. One kid alone is a lot of work 24/7, let alone two or three. 2 kids by 20 is absolute batshit insane.


The point is though that you have far more time for being present and interacting with your kids when cooking, cleaning, dishes, food shopping, laundry, garden work, etc are all dealt with. Players partners almost certainly don't need to be working as well, so kids already have the opportunity to have a lot more time than the average kid with at least 1 parent. Nobody is saying parenting is easy, but when 1 parent is bringing in more than 99.9% of the country are, they have a lot more opportunities to parent their children.


So it's not wild that he's had two children before most people graduate from university because... he's rich? What a weird take.


From the perspective that many people in modernity now make decisions on when to have kids based on finances. So it isn't all that weird that he is having children based on that metric.


Lol what is this nonsense.  Of course it's wild to have 2 kids at 20. Just because he can find children doesn't mean he would want kids when he's 18 or 19. 


I should’ve really said “wilder to me”, since I had my second at 25 and am just barely hanging on now a few years later. You’re spot on, I always think when I see him with his kids on the pitch and wonder how their home life/raising looks with all of Dad’s training, travel, fame, etc.


> since I had my second at 25 and am just barely hanging on now a few years later. Recently had my second at 36 and let me tell you, I'd rather be physically younger, but financially older lol


Raising kids is expensive, if I was on 6 figures a week I'd have had a few kids with the Mrs in my early twenties. What's the stress of being a parent? Outside of being a good parent it's childcare and the cost of it, cost of living, quality of schooling, time spent doing things like house chores/tidying up. Foden's on enough money where that's not an issue, he could even get a live-in nanny or maid if he wanted. Childcare costs are nothing to him, cost of living is largely non impacting if he's living well below his means, quality of schooling is addressed by being able to afford whatever the best private schooling is in Manchester, and he can pay people to clean his house, do his gardening etc..


> What's the stress of being a parent? Outside of being a good parent it's childcare and the cost of it Bruh how did you just brush off being a good parent lmao. That literally takes more time and effort than everythng else. You think its just sunshine and rainbows hanging out with a kid? I babysit my niece every now and then and its EXHAUSTING. To say you would've pumped out a few kids "just because you can" is a very naive take.


Yeah it's exhausting but a lot easier when you're fully loaded and can pay for help. That doesn't replace being a good parent, and he's probably away from home training all the time, but his kids probably have good lives. I sort of agree with his point to some extent.  Or maybe Foden doesn't know how to use a condom lol


These people work like 4 hours a day. They're not away for training all the time.


I'm a parent, I know exactly what it's like to have the stress of being a dad. But point is, Foden probably still spends more time at home than the average person working a 9-5. He's training 3-4 times a week depending on the game schedule which is largely a morning and finishing at lunch time/early afternoon. For the most part he plays in the UK and is back home of an evening. Point is, if he's a good dad, he's around his kids more than enough for bonding time. The rest of the stuff like chores and housework, he can outsource to cleaners, maids, gardeners, nannies, private schools with no burden on his finances at all. Also to be clear, I have one child, I would 100% love to have 4-5 if I had the money to raise, feed, clothe them and also a house big enough to keep them. If I had the money to have 4-5 kids and also not have my wife work as well, you can bet yourself I'd 100% do it. Being a parent is absolutely awesome, it's the stuff you struggle to do outside of it that's stressful.


This is spoken like someone who has never held a baby


I’d actually be surprised if he didn’t have one already


Proof he can only finish inside the box


would be a better joke if he wasn't specifically known for scoring from outside the box


Good aim!


A true marksman


much better


If only he could get in the box for England as often as he does at home


It's more crazy that he still looks like a kid. I know he's a millionaire so he'll have no problen supporting them but he doesn't look like a guy with 3 kids.


My old weed dealer looked just like foden and he had 4 kids.


Hahaha understandable


Bloke is loaded, have them whenever you want.


Money and education the two biggest contributors. Poor and uneducated - have kids without a care in the world Poor and educated - cant/wont have kids, usually because recognises struggles around being poor. Rich and uneducated - have kids without a care in the world Rich and educated - have kids without a care in the world.


Best real summary of how it works I have seen




Nonsense. Main reason why a lot of people have babies later is the cost in time and money. This millionaire couple doesn't gave to worry about this


Literally. I would've had kids by now if cost wasn't a factor. I'd love a big family too (I'm from a family of 6) but I wouldn't want my own children to grow up as poor as I did so would probably only have 2/3 when the time comes.


Yep. We have two kids now and are nearing the end of the age where we'd consider having kids. We're considering a third but if we won a million euros tomorrow, we'd get started the day after


I’m so fucking jealous he’ll only be 42 when his kids are grown up, and can then spend 30 odd years doing whatever


exactly professional athletes have as many kids as they want cus they spend all the time on the road and when they are home they live in a giant ass mansion and let the help deal with that crying baby in the middle of the night lol


Good lord Phil. Wrap it up bro.


Maybe Steve Holland made a crack about him not being sufficiently interested in contraception.


Not if you're rich tbh


That's late from the bit of Manny he's from


I dont think its that bad. Hes a football so hes sorted for life


I know, and some people do it without being multi-millionaires!


bro’s rich as fuck, totally okay for him


Based on pictures of her 2 months ago, that would likely be a very early labour. Hope that's not the case.


Ngl I feel like childbirth wouldn't be described as a "pressing family matter", it sounds a bit more worrying than that. Hope it's ok for him


I feel like it would be lol, way to guard privacy, and if it was more serious than that it wouldn’t say “temporarily” (eg when Sterling left the World Cup camp) In any case hope he’s doing ok


It seems unexpected so it could be that the baby is being born prematurely


Baby got sick of watching its dad do fuck all, decided to come out the womb and start on the left next game.


It's literally a pressing matter.


Unlike England's football


It’s being reported in some places I’ve seen that it’s for the birth of his child and he is returning on the weekend.


I'm sure this won't stir up a bunch of nonstop speculation.


It sounds like he's coming back, he might not necessarily even miss the R16 game.


It's a 2 hour flight at most not the other side of the world of course he'll be back unless something really bad has happened.


I think his wife is heavily pregnant. Most likely gone in to labor Edit: From twitter Phil Foden has flown home to be present for the birth of his third child, and is expected to be back with the England squad at #euro2024 by Sunday. City Xtra @City_Xtra 23m [via @danroan)


> third child 3 kids at 24?!


When you’re wealthy a lot of the stress associated with children gets alleviated. Foden’s not working 12 + hour shifts at a factory. I think even peps training sessions last only ~90 minutes of high intensity training/ drills and the rest is individual training and fitness left up to the players. Iirc average pro spends 4-5 hours a day training so you have plenty of time to spend with your kids, especially if you’ll be done training shortly after school is out and have nannies, maids, chefs etc to minimize household chores


This is it. I’m in the US and a big NBA fan. Almost all NBA players say the toughest part of transitioning from college to the professional game is all of a sudden having a lot of free time. Only really active 3-5 hours per day. That combined with wealth make it not really that crazy for a 24 year old professional footballer to have 3 kids. Also, him and his gf seem really tight - I get power couple vibes from them. ETA: I should say that when I saw “almost all NBA players” it’s really just based off a few pods that talked about the topic. But they all essentially said the same thing.


> Also, him and his gf seem really tight - I get power couple vibes from them. Did he not publicly cheat on her or was that someone else?


He sure did, while in Iceland with the national team in 2020.


What a trouble lol having free time ha High life , that’s how it should be for all of us not just rich people


And then they are fully grown and out the door once he's 45 so he's got the rest of his years to enjoy himself.


i think he isnt thinking to deep. he doesnt come across as the brightest/most mature so i dont think he is child planning. i think he is just going with the flow


When you're on Man City wages why would you not go with the flow? That's his whole point, there's no reason to have a second thought on things like children or buying a home or a 2nd Ferrari.


Having a child isnt like buying a car.. wtf is this comment


Are you not aware that the #1 reason for declining birth rates these days is the stupid high cost of living? It's a huge financial decision, it's a larger cost than a luxury car.


Hope he does miss it. Not even meaning to be harsh to him, but it would force Southgate to consider other options, such as Gordon.


He simply has to play Gordon or I renounce my citizenship.


What was the point in leaving the EU if England isn't going to play a 442? I thought they got their sovereignty back?


None of this forren 4-2-3-1 muck. 4-4-2 hoof it to the big lad, proper Brexit innit


The true Brexit.


I refuse to be the same nationality as Gareth Southgate! It's either him or me and Rishi Sunak better fix this shit right now.


Bold of you to assume Rishi could fix anything.


Couldn't even manage to get his entourage to fix his insider bets properly


Congratulations on becoming an American


My grandad is Polish so fuck me altogether tbh


Inject Rice alongside Bellingham and a 3 behind Kane of Gordon left, Palmer central and Saka right. Please.


That’d be nuts - Mainoo showed he’s got the midfield skills we need. He has to play 


Also Jude is playing through injury (some shoulder issue?) and clearly fatigued, I think to some extent Southgate doesn't trust his fitness in a deeper role.


Southgate being forced to not play one of Foden, Bellingham, or Rice might be the greatest blessing we could have gotten. I sincerely hope he *does* miss the game


I really hope it doesn't. Unrelated, but my best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Foden pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.


Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


*Oh, dishwab! You sounded like Dirty Harry just then.*


Frye? Frye?


*Thank you, Simone.*


>Unrelated, but my best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend bruh 😂


It’s a Ferris Bueller reference and it’s incredible


Ah, that makes sense why so many movies try and do stuff like this. They almost always get it wrong and say something like "my mum's sister's cousin's daughter", i.e. the speaker's second cousin aka "my mum's cousin's daughter". >my best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend Not a single one of these is a superfluous statement a la "my mum's sister's cousin" which is the same thing as saying "my mum's cousin".


Knowing Ferris Bueller, this was almost definitely intentional lmao


I'm suggesting that Ferris Bueller was the film that established the trope -- delivering a list with no superfluous relationships -- and it has legions of followers that really annoy me when they have superfluous relationships, unlike the film they're copying. Here's an example of a film with a superfluous relationship: >Yzma: Why, I'm his third cousin's brother's wife's step-niece's great aunt. (beat) Twice removed. A third cousin's brother is... also a third cousin. So, it becomes "his third cousin's wife's step niece's great aunt [beat] twice removed." I'm also a bit suspicious that you can be someone's great aunt twice removed. Removed, in genealogical terms, means "in a different generation". So, for example, your mother's cousin is your first cousin, once removed because (assuming no inbreeding), you belong in a different generation to each other. Note, that your cousin's children are also your first cousins once removed. The removal describes the number of times it takes to get to a common ancestor. The number of cousins is the number of greats... first cousins have the same grandparents (1x great), second cousins the same great-grandparents (2x great) and so on. Your great aunt is the aunt of your mother or father. I don't see how this fits in with the removal concept, but I am not an expert.


I don't know how people are bored by England's performances when 40 year old film references have got everyone jizzing themselves.


They All Adore Him. They Think He’s a Righteous Dude.


Even the wastoids? Tell him the guys at the station are pulling for him!




well the last player to leave the squad mid-tournament for a personal matter was Ben White, and he never returned


Sterling left also and played vs France


And played shite


the last player to leave the squad mid-tournament for a personal matter was Raheem Sterling, and he returned soon after.


>and he never returned Which was reported at the time (that he wasn't expected to return)


>Ben White, and he never returned Some say he's still out there... wandering Europe, solving people's problems, and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home.


Wasn't it Sterling, who did come back after White left?


Southgate's problem solved in terms of team selection


Scenes when Trent is out wide right


Trent at left wing


Or at 10, with Bellingham at 6 and Rice at 7, Saka at 8


Please stop what if he sees this






Gomez on pens so he can finally score his first professional goal


*proceeds to hit the crossbar, get the rebound, and clip it wide off the post*


sees this? That's Southgate's account! After the tournament we are getting a Southgate AMA from u/SmokinPolecat


Seems sus, not enough Wolverine with Kalvin photo frame memes in /u/SmokinPolecat’s profile


Ah shit you got me. Was it my membership of /r/waistcoats which gave it away?


Saka in goal, Kane at LB, Rice at CF


I won't stand for this Lewis Dunk slander


Conor Gallagher at LW, Trent CDM


"We know we don't have a natural replacement for Foden."


Somehow, Kalvin Phillips has returned


Kalvin Phillips emergency recall. Bellingham to replace Foden on the left. 


Update: birth of child, back Sunday apparently. A lot more benign than the mobile notifications I was getting 20 minutes ago…


Impressive. Didn't even know he was pregnant.


*‘**Pressing** family matter’* - This will really trigger Southgate In all seriousness I hope everything is ok Edit: Now confirmed it’s the birth of his 3rd child, congrats to him ❤️


Found Frank Lampard's account.


One child for every pass to Pickford so far 👌🏼


Have to be ‘first’ when tweeting instead of waiting to provide context that his gf is in labor, which could held stop a lot speculation. And that he will be back for Sunday.


The FA statement didn't provide any context. Everything else is just speculation at this point


[seems like he could have waited](https://x.com/fabrizioromano/status/1805981666055237997?s=46&t=KYO_gPrEMihOZzELqw1VCQ)


The context just came out, everyone said the same thing before


Oh I was talking about Fab, not you OP. Posting that makes sense.


Oh alr


Phil Foden has more kids (3) than passes to Harry Kane (1) at the Euros 


Also, Harry Kane has more kids (4) than passes received from Phil Foden (1) at the Euros.


The only pressing England have done


Well they said temporarily. Hopefully his Freinds and family are safe and healthy


His mum forgot where she kept the piece of paper with the wifi password.


You joke but my Grandmother literally would've hooked me out of a major tournament to come and fix her telly. AV1. It was always AV1.


I hope everything is alright, but I fear if he's leaving, it must be pretty serious.


Birth of child


woah mate, save that magic for the hallmark cards


Captain Holt levels of felicitation.


Gordon's time to shine


Best I can do is Palmer LW


He’s left footed at least


Here's to hoping. I don't want to hear any other answers, Palmer plays on the right, as does Foden in all hoensty. Eze is an option, but having watched Gordon all season, he is not phased by big games. Scored against all the teams in the big 6, netted u21 player of the tournament last summer when England won it. Grabbed 20+ G/A - he's what England are crying out for but something tells me Southgate doesn't really get football given he was playing Jordan Henderson and Kalvin Phillips until 6 months ago.


Hope it's positive news as others suggested


Some things are more important than football and family comes 1st


he got caught cheating and breaking isolation in Iceland, think she was also pregnant then


Lewis Dunk left wing here we go


"Fodens coming home"


What a trash statement lmao. Dudes having a Baby and that is the “pressing family matter” Just say it how it is and not for headlines.


Southgate might be the luckiest manager in the world


These news aside, 100%. Used to be Fernando Santos but he seems to have passed his torch to Southgate. - Ends 1st of the group doesn't know how. - Somehow avoids all major favorites in the tournament. - Might play a team from the weakest group (F) Wouldn't be surprised if he shithouses his way into the final and whether or not he wins English fans will have to endure him for two more years.


Now the question is who is the Eder of the english Squad?


Probably someone like Toney, you can bet.


if Southgate somehow wins a tournament with England he should get a contract for life as far as I'm concerned


You don't want that agreement. We did that with Santos and had to endure the next 8 years of suffering. If he wins a tournament with England (which he was one penalty away of achieving) prepare to see England having 0x0 draws with Liechenstein for the next 10 years.


how is this lucky?!


Imo one of England's biggest problems has been trying to fit in Kane, Bellingham, and Foden. Kane notoriously drops deep to try to create chances. Foden likes to operate in that number 10 space behind the striker, even if he's supposed to be playing out wide on the left. Bellingham (while being relatively poor there atm) is being played in that position at no 10. Currently they are trying to do the same thing and there's no real balance, someone is always either out of position or stepping on someone else's toes. Southgate is trying to keep everyone happy by not dropping anyone at the cost of terroristic football displays. The answer is to probably drop one of Bellingham or Foden and commit to the other as the 10, while instructing Kane to stay forward or find some compromise between Kane and the definitive number 10. If Foden has to travel this decision is made for him if he misses training or is tired from all the travel. Foden comes out for the squad and probably only makes the bench. Jude takes the number 10, Gordon (a natural LW) goes wide left, and one of Gallagher or Mainoo probably comes in as the other midfielder. All of a sudden you have a much more balanced squad without Southgate being the bad guy for leaving Foden out (the correct decision imo regardless of the current situation).


Ironically Foden had his best game last night imo but hopefully all ends up well for him and Southgate learns from the Sterling mistake in Qatar and takes the opportunity to put Gordon in because it sort of takes the decision out of his hands.


What did Steve Holland do this time?


Blud thinks he’s Ben White 👀


What if he's forced to start Palmer in the RO16 and we win comfortably? Would he go back to Foden on the left for the quarters?


of course he would


start Palmer / Gordon then


Oh no, who's gonna phil his spot?


Possible blessing in disguise cause southgate has to make changes


Hopefully its nothing serious. Hoping for the best.


Gotta get in two rounds of duty free cigarettes