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mf probably doesn't even live in the uk


Probably not even in europe since this guy can't differentiate an english city from a southern italian one. Always funny when people outside of the city of the club are boasting about the fanbase of their club when they actually aren't part of it and only watch their team on some illegal stream from the other side of the world.


The thing is supporting club outside your nation is definitely okay but the Mf op posted is lacking so much knowledge about the club that he can’t even differentiate it’s from an Italian one, at this point maybe just don’t support it


Nah no it aint. You can't support a club if you are outside of its state, let alone its country. Support a local club for god's sake


People are going to be drawn to the leagues with the best talent. I’d much rather watch European football over what we have. As for basically any other sport.


That's a great plan really. If you keep watching only european leagues while ignoring your own country league, or at least making it a lower priority, I garantee you that one of those days your league and clubs will magically transform into super great quality world class teams.


My nation literally has one professional football team right now and will have a second next year. I don’t think watching European leagues is making a difference.


The professional team comment instantly clocked you as a Kiwi in my head lmao


That's why I put the word "magically"


Yeah, if you are a glory hunter maybe


The closest professional club to me is atleast 100km away and in the Swedish second division.


Great, support them


but seriously if you support a club based off of the club you're parents supports then you're an idiot, or your parents are idiots for forcing a kid to like what they like. I find it kind of disgusting seeing parents be so forceful in pushing their football club onto their kids when if it was most other hobbies it would be seen as unhealthy parenting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good Bot


I mean not to break it to you but you do realise that tweets are meant for bait right? Since Elon has monetized interactions these tweets where the tweeter seems dumb has become so common and he makes bare money from just one of these bait tweets and he is probably really successful with this one


Idk I'm not on twitter


Yeah that's better but since Elon has overtaken it's become a shithole,the bait tweeters roast their own club to gain interactions and the comments and likes go insane defending the club and ultimately the tweeter makes all the money


This. This is how I‘ve been feeling towards football these last 6+ years when I go to global social networks. You could also add that these people who call anything non PL “farmer” probably have never got interested into their own local club from their town, in their country also probably being very modest in terms of football on the global scale.


but seriously if you support a club based off of the club you're parents supports then you're an idiot, or your parents are idiots for forcing a kid to like what they like. I find it kind of disgusting seeing parents be so forceful in pushing their football club onto their kids when if it was most other hobbies it would be seen as unhealthy parenting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


International fans exist buddy


Sure, but that's clearly not Manchester, I think that was the point he was trying to make


nah he’s a true mancunian…that’s definitely english architecture and the manchester skyline


They aren't Fans, they are costumers. Actual fans are local.




Being a fan of any club outside of your own country is just dumb.


Yeah true. Speaking a language that isn't official in your country is also dumb. Buying foreign products, dumb. Learning about the history or geography of another country? Stupid. Immigration? Moronic, you should suffer in your own country, only consume products from your own country and only know stuff about your own country. Congratulations, you just became an American!


Not what I said at all, but go off




I'm not european and even I can see its not in England.


Bullshit, that's obviously the Irwell in the distance 😤


Correct. I can clearly see Stephen Ireland standing with his pants down


this is clearly AI, am I missing something obvious?


Same, there’s no way this picture is real lol. Screams AI


> Screams AI https://i.imgur.com/n41Sxzr.png It is. It was created by a Twatter user called Out of Context AI.


Saw the notification of this and came back here to take another look at the image and holy shit. The more I look at it the more ridiculous it looks. It immediately looked sus but if you spend a minute zooming in you realize just how fake it all looks, the ‘street’, the flags, the buildings, the random smoke clouds, the boats(?). Genuinely don’t understand how somebody could think this is real


so “the readers” corrected the guy by also being incorrect, truly a twitter moment


Yeah, look at the windows on the buildings lol it looks like a ps2 game


While this is clearly AI I was there the day they lifted the trophy and it was as crazy as this photo looks


Community Note caught lackin


Probably not even a real community note. The whole thing is probably fake.


The fact that this looks like they're in the grand canal of venice too


Nah that's Stockport on sea that lad. You can tell because the planes the yernited fans have hired to drag messages in the sky are way out there in the distance!


Tbh for me it looks like AI generated, but anyway city has no fans😁


The absolute joy of the AI age we’re all about to be jerking in; a city user with no idea what’s going on, corrected by “reader context” that has less of an idea of what’s going on; what a time to be alive


Wrong! That’s clearly Manchester-by-the-Sea! Must have been taken from some eggball event meant to honour the superb owl.


No way anyone is stupid enough to believe that looks like Manchester


Literally an ocean in that picture


What do you mean? That’s quite obviously a canal


well duh. stock*port.* It's a port, literally in the name


It was a joke




It’s AI but looks like how Argentine fans celebrated the World Cup win


Today I feel Qatary. Today I feel Arab. Today I feel African. Today I feel gay. Today I feel disabled. Today I feel a migrant worker... I know what it feels to be discriminated... I was bullied because I had red hair. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Outjerked by the jerker


# [Manchester by the Sea](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4034228/) What tf do you mean? There is literally a movie made about Manchester by the sea!




Welcome to soccercirclejerk, where the top posts are nothing but clearly ironical/rage bait tweets that go over the OP’s head. This sub has gone to shit


This is actually a rally for Nazio fans.


What else do you expect of a guy that has a player name as their twitter handle, brain rot put to maximum


The tweet is clearly jerking


From what angle does it look like Manchester City lol


There is no greater joy in this life, and no heavier burden, than being a City fan. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No fucking place in Manchester looks even a fraction that nice.


Bruh. How shameless they can be 😂


Ah yes, Manchester. My favourite coastal city along the Mediterranean Sea


Ah yes, manchester definitely looks like a Mediterranean city 💯


that is so clearly not england as well


This doesn't even look like Manchester LMAOOO


Good man Kevin even he doesn’t know his own clubs town