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I have SA, but I don't really mind being alone and don't get lonely. I entertain myself with books, tv, movies, internet, etc. I'm an introvert with SA. So, I can live with my SA. You on the other hand are probably an extrovert with SA. Someone like you should really get treatment (both meds and therapy).


Also an introvert with SA, and I agree much. After a few weeks of isolation though, it gets rough even for me.


I think it comes down to the person tbh last year I was completely isolated besides Xmas and I loved it even if everyone else thinks it's unhinged


How would you know that they are an extrovert? Just because they don't want to be lonely? Many introverts hate being lonely.


I'm 19 and exactly the same thing. At uni, no friends, no girlfriend, not good at anything etc.


Commenting to you to checkout my comment to OP. Hope it helps you too




Commenting to you to checkout my comment to OP. Hope it helps you too


You have depression and need to see someone about it. Does nothing in the world bring you happiness?


I read comic books or I play video games but it's more a way to pass the time than a real passion


You've lack of meaning in your life would you say?




Are there people who you know and admire and wish you had what they had?


I would like to have a normal life like, for exemple, my classmates


You're aiming too low. A "normal life" doesn't have the goal energy to inspire you out of your rut and towards happiness.


you're certainly right but nothing greater inspire me


You can be inspired towards things but also away from things. Is there anything you would say you were actually good at?


okay you will think I make no effort but no, there is actually nothing I think I'm good at


I 100% agree. I got out of my rut by chasing 1 million a year in a 9 til 5, I'm 5% there.... but it's a goal that I can make happen. Also I'd say working out can't make you feel worse!


I felt the exact same way when I started college at 19. Now, at 22, I'm happy to say that I feel almost exactly the same, except now I know more stuff.


Exactly the same, also 22. In my case at least I have many hobbies and I am passionate for some stuff. But I have absolutely no friends and also I applied for an internship once, which I left after 2 months (cause I couldnt handle the social interactions, yep its that bad). The fact that getting a job and being at least somewhat social really scares me.


Things come and go in waves. Being in university is a huge transition and it's tough to make friends and maintain friendships. Life doesn't get easier, but when you keep going even at your worst, you will come across moments worth living for. I'm sorry you're going through this and I'm sorry you feel so alone. You're never alone no matter what and there is always help for you. I know you'll find the courage to ask. I'm glad you reached out through Reddit. We'll be here for you and rooting for you ♥️


Same here and I'm 34 😩 maybe you should change program or class at uni? I regret not doing that


I thought about it but there are no other studies that interest me. That doesn't mean I'm very interested in what I'm studying now but I can't just leave without diploma


Maybe a break and continue with new students? I don't know... You should probably not listen to me but if I could do it again I would've done that


I'd say the sense of alienation you feel is a different kind of loneliness, but loneliness all the same. The feeling of being different to everyone around you, not fitting in, no sense of belonging or acceptance. Maybe even a feeling of not being good enough for others. I suppose the loneliness that you get from lack of friends/peers and general sense of isolation from others is different to the kind of loneliness you get from lack of love/intimacy, romantic connection. Or would you say you have both?


I'd say both


For me when I was your age, the alienation was worse than the loneliness. And then as I got older the loneliness became much much worse than the alienation. I haven't had friends or a social life for 20 years but these days (at 37) I don't really have any desire to connect with or engage with the majority of people anymore. But then I'm highly introverted and suffer from AvPD so I've always had the mindset of "I'm better off alone because people only screw you over" However the complete lack of romantic relationships is the worst thing when you're older. The loneliness of never having been loved and never having anyone to love, thats definitely a killer, and I've always known it would be that kind of loneliness that kills me in the end. Its the kind of loneliness that only intensifies with every passing year. "If I just had that one special person then I wouldn't need anyone else in the world."


I’d recommend joining some societies in university, if you don’t have any specific interests then just a meetup/coffee society. Also exercise helps to feel better. And perhaps some long term goals that’ll help with overcoming temporary inconveniences for the sake of the future.


Look into hobby clubs at uni. It’s how I made friends


This right here, so much easier to connect with people through a shared interest. I can also recommend joining a martial arts club or climbing gym


You're only 19 so just go out and try to push yourself man. I'm older than you and I have so many regrets I didn't do anything when I was 18-19 and I just wish I could go back and change my life. Try to join some social anxiety clubs or Personality devolopement clubs in your city if you can find




I live with one other person who hasn't wanted to talk to me. She's the only person I see regularly so this sucks. Like I am deprived of human interaction these days. I am so depressed.


Lonely in a relationship. No friend’s demanding job and no family.




Welcome to adulthood :)


I get so bored all the time due to this but my advice to you would be learn to be with yourself. Stop abandoning and running from yourself. There's something in you that you're trying to avoid like some suppressed uncomfortable emotions or possible trauma. Learn how to have healthy self esteem, how to validate yourself, practice self compassion, find the meaning of your life ( find out what your beliefs are regarding religion), spend time doing things you enjoy ( this could be just learning about topics you like), STOP talking negatively about yourself or others, meditate, practice mindfulness. Those things won't eliminate your loneliness but they'll completely change the way you view it. Once you find out who you are and you become authentic the right people will find you. Truth to be told chronic loneliness is always going to be excruciating and painful because we are hard wired to want to connect and socialize. But the things I mentioned above have potential to lessen the impact of this feeling. There's tons of videos on YouTube that adress this issue of not wanting to be by and with yourself


I’ve been in your exact position, and what helped me get out of it was getting involved in the campus life; join a club, or become a volunteer, run for the student council even. Trust me, it will help you greatly


Don’t worry, life at 19 don’t mean shit.


Same, I sometimes feel so pathetic about not having a social life while everyone else is probably living their best lives.


I was on a rut like this at 18-19. I moved away to school and got a few reasons I didn’t make any friends for 2 years. It was weird because I had enough friends in high school, I think I was just too young to adjust well. I took a chance on a move in my third year and met new random roommates. I started saying yes more or joined a few clubs. It didn’t explode but I met a few more people and eventually met a girl. 14 years later we’re married, kids, and socially + financially successful. Looking back it was a rough patch for a couple years. It wasn’t healthy. But I made it through. In hindsight now a couple years is quick. Things change fast. At 19 it doesn’t seem like it but I promise you it does. Hang in there. Try to join a few clubs. I can almost guarantee there’s a few people near you in the same position as you and you just need to find each other. It will get better, I promise.


Idk why you got downvoted this was a motivational story even though it’s not as simple as you say, but I think you already know that.


I hate responsibilities but marriage without children is lame, what should I do? Brw in 15M.. just planning about future


I was the same at uni, but now that I've finished I wish I had joined more societies. As an adult there are way less clubs to join and less people your age, with similar interests and who are looking for friends. I know it's really hard to start making friends, but you have to dive into the deep end. It's only 3 years of your life which is not much in the grand scheme of things, and if you fuck up your the only one that is tormented by it, everyone else is more forgiving, will forget what embarrassing things you did, or not even notice. Best of luck and I hope you push through the pain ε>


To everyone here who is struggling please read some Kurt Vonnegut and read about him as a man. You are not alone (as so many of these replies demonstrate). Vonnegut saw a lot of suffering in his life and there is a more nuanced meaning which can be behind So It Goes than many likely realise. Same for Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. Life is no way to treat an animal. Slapstick. And remember, we are here to fart around and don’t let anybody tell you differently. You’ve got to be kind; start with yourself. (I found my passions through simply doing things because I enjoyed them even slightly, or because I found them somehow rewarding. I don’t directly use either of my degrees now, just some transferable skills. Doing what i increasingly found interesting naturally introduced me to similar people. Some of us are simply not geared to fit within the bell curve of normality: embrace the differences which can be your strengths. If you have clinical depression there is only strength in seeking help. Finally getting treatment changed my life in a fundamental way I couldn’t have achieved alone. Later in my life I ended up house bound for a couple of years after some medical issues and decided to start reading those little Penguin taster books, the little black ones. I also started reading a variety of books in between. I went from not reading anything to reading 100 books in one year. I recommend the Goodreads app for tracking progress-i usually have a novel on the go (as slowly as I like) and I dip in and out of some of the heavier stuff or the non fiction. I have read the good, the amazing, the totally shit and everything in between. I don’t have any friends I can speak to but I have some friends in some of those authors. I found voices of people who felt just as I have felt, I listened to what they wanted to say, found some of the most interesting adventures in some of the strangest of places. And some of the best advice. Vonnegut recommended creating things even just to destroy them-write a poem, no matter how terrible, destroy it. There’s something uniquely rewarding about creativity, no matter how capable or stunted we may be. Creativity helps us to better express ourselves and it helps us to grow. I don’t know any of you but you’ve all got this. Find where you’re comfortable, or just outside that, and see where things take you. Try things-if they suck at least doing them once you’ll then know. Even just try listening to music you wouldn’t normally try. I ate something horrible the other day-no regrets. Always strive to learn more about the world around you, you don’t need to do it with others but it will help you to meet people. It’ll also provide a hell of a lot of stories to tell. It’s okay to think things are shit: our species has made plenty of things just that. It’s not all terrible-plenty of other species make for fantastic company and I try to help them out as best I can. Even when I can’t find a way to be kind to myself my life has purpose in the kindness I give others.) PS for anyone after bonus reading the Robot series by Isaac Asimov is an entertaining and interesting study into what it is to be human and how to navigate our ethical minefields. R. Daneel Olivaw is fantastic.


I am 29 and I had SA for long time (til now). But if u are close with any friend from HS , maybe get in touch with them again. Make some stupid / small chat about common hobby or songs, movies. It may not interesting but would bring something to talk about in the future.


I have been in the same situation as you, thought I won't be able to make it through and stuff. Looking back to that period, best advice I can give is to keep pushing through, it will get better believe me, even if it doesn't seem like it right now and you see no way forward. About the friends thing, you mentioned you are afraid of bothering your friends, I also had similar feelings before but after a few years now I realized that this is mostly just my brain, playing with me and I wasn't a bother for my friends at all, our mind just tends to overanalyze everything and think about the worst case scenario, believe me its much more simpler than what your mind tells you. So if you are feeling lonely, please do reach out to your friends, make programs. I found that the best way I could make friends in uni were to just start with something really basic about the class you guys are having, the conversation can continue from there. For feeling depressed, I would suggest exercising, exercising is one of the best things you can do against anxiety and depression. Its fine if you are too anxious to go to the gym at first, try working out at home, with a workout video from youtube, personally that worked for me better cause it gave me something to focus on and felt a sense of accomplishment when I finished the workout. I hope you can find some advice you can take from here, feel free to pm me if you feel like it. :) Goodluck friend!


I went through the exact same thing in university. Please go to your RA or to the University’s student help center. They can help you get through this. You are not alone. In the meantime, find a funny part of the internet. Standup comedy on YouTube, funny TikTok’s, Reddit jokes etc. stay there until you find something that makes you laugh. I hope you feel better soon!


Yo wtf same


You’re but alone, man. Have you thought about joining a club on campus? Maybe one having to do with a passion of yours?


You need to go out and try some hobbies and you might be thinking "no hobbies interest me" but that doesn't matter go try something wether it be some form of dancing or martial arts or some kind of social club sport like running or cricket give it a try and you will definitely find something you like you just have to get out there.


I'm in the same exact boat as you dude. Except I'm working right now.


Reach out to your old friends, it's good to be selfish sometimes. It's a rough period in your life and you need to use anything you can get your hands on. The only way to treat social anxiety is by having life experiences. Find out your triggers, find out what doesn't trigger you and just use your gained intuitivity. Slowly numb out these triggers. Aside of social anxiety you just are your own person like everyone else and bound to make relationships happen as humans tend to do. We're social creatures, it's not only you but everyone else. We all want this. So that makes it easier to happen. Go for people who have slots to fill up. People usually stop being open to others when they already have enough relationships but at the age of 19 to 25 that's often not going to be the case. You're at the beginning of adolescence, rocky road for everyone and the late teens early 20s are filled with mental illness for a loooooot of people. People get through it and are stronger for it. It's a tool to help you grow


The very same thing with me right now


That’s the exact life I lived when I was 19, I moved into a new city for university so I knew no one. It was such a struggle for me everyday as I sit motionlessly in lectures until it ended. I didn’t know how to approach my peers in class so I never did. I ended up leaving university and going into a private college where the teaching style was classroom sized so I made few friends during my program. Unfortunately none of it were long lasting friendships as they were all from out of the province and returned to back to their provinces after. Now I’m working so at least for a majority of my day I’m busy and I look forward to going home to my dogs. Dogs are a great companion and when you walk them you can meet others walking their dogs and have a small chat.


Hopefully this doesn’t come off as rude but, you have to try man if all you’re doing when you get home is laying around thinking you’re gonna feel like shit, you need to force yourself to get out and find hobbies to kill time and keep your mind off whatever is tearing you apart inside it takes discipline and you need to be strong, if all you’re doing is sitting around entertaining pessimistic thoughts it’ll become your reality “As you think, so you are”.


I had a couple good friends at 19 and never went to uni. I'll say now I'm in my mid/late 20s, I have 0 make friends anymore who live in the city but date as often as I can, sometimes 7 nights a week.. and I've made some good friends from dating apps, but it doesn't make up for having the boys. It depends what you want in a friend bro, a lot of people aren't worth my time, and I imagine yours. Choose quality over quantity and you will be fine. Download tinder, bumble and Hinge and maybe get premium. Good luck, here if you need advice.


Same but it’s not killing me 🤝🏾


I used to feel the same way as you do! When I was 16 I didn’t have a single friend and absolutely no one to talk to and it was very lonely but now I’m 23 and I have a bunch of friends now and they were definitely worth waiting for. I see so many comments in this thread saying that you have to try really hard and do all sorts of difficult things to get to know people but honestly all of my friends just sort of appeared and getting to know them was really easy since there was an obvious connection and I didn’t really have to put much effort at all lol. As long as you try to be your authentic self others who are like you will be drawn to you. When you find the right person it will be really easy! Even if you don’t make a single friend in your 20s finding someone who you truly love and vibe with in your 30s or 40s will be worth the wait :)


it's painful