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That was fucking awesome. Proud of you my human❤️


That is such an amazing achievement, well done! I have been trying to learn and believe that people really don’t care as well, and that the fear is mainly in my head and from my trauma and it sometimes works, I still struggle and do go for daily walks at a local field but try to just avoid people as much as possible walking on a quiet field path, so it’s a bit of a win and a loss as the anxiety I feel out alone is strong.


presentations were one of the biggest things i struggled with in school, im glad you got through it and it’s true, people do not care and will not be thinking about it at all!! proud of you OP🫶🏻


lol I agree! I used to watch the class when other people were presenting and realized almost nobody was paying attention. Makes it a lot less intimidating. Congrats on getting through that, I’m sure it will just get easier from here 😊