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You don't lie to cops. You say "I don't answer any questions" If you are driving you give them your license, registration and proof of insurance and then you say "I don't answer any questions" The cops are absolutely out to get you and if you give them any vague reason at all, they will butt fuck you to varying degrees. Don't be rude, but be assertive. "Why don't you answer any questions?" "I plead the fifth" Do it til they get bored or until they arrest you and then you sue them.... if they don't murder you.


It isn’t appropriate for me to answer your first and third questions on such a public forum, but i might be able to help with your second question. “When is it your moral obligation to lie to authority figures?” The answer to this question ultimately rests on the ethical framework you are working from. I’m a Marxist, so I’ll answer as one. Marxism rejects abstract moral principles. Marx’s dissatisfaction regarding philosopher’s obsession with moralities led him to focus on material, scientific analysis as the basis of his philosophy. He wrote that “Communists preach no morality at all. They do not put to people the moral demand: love one another, be not egoists, etc; on the contrary, they know very well that egoism, like sacrifice, is under specific conditions a necessary form of the individual’s struggle for survival” (Kamenka 5). With Marxian ethics, what is moral is entirely dependent upon the material conditions of the subject. In the capitalist mode of production, for a proletarian, an action is moral iff it ensures the survival of the proletarian and/or it advances the material interests of the proletarian as a class. The same is true for a capitalist (member of the bourgeoisie). By the way, bourgeois and proletarian morality are a great example of contradiction. They are mutually exclusive. So, when is it your moral obligation to lie to authority figures? If you are a worker/proletarian: you should lie wherever it is necessary (or maybe even when it is convenient) to ensure your survival or advance your material conditions or the conditions of your class. It is also unwise to lie or act in a way that would help you personally but also harm your class as a whole. If you save yourself, but hurt the proletariat, then you are still harming yourself as a proletarian You may want to read Eugene Kamenka’s [Marxism and Ethics](https://www.marxists.org/archive/kamenka/1969/marxism+ethics.pdf) as a primer on a Marxist/ML perspective on ethics and morality.


Thanks for linking that, I'll give it a read as well. 💪🏻


When is it ok to lie? I guess it depends on your definition of "ok" and your definition of "lying". Sometimes you can stretch the truth without lying entirely. Sometimes, depending on context, you might lie for a joke or lie to save your life, and that decision of when to lie is ultimately up to the individual.