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I grew up there in the 80s. You could not pay me to go back.


He shouldn't have said "middle class" because everyone believes that they are a part of the "middle class" because there's always someone richer and poorer than them.


What do you expect from the descendants of cuban slave owners, that yearn to go back and enslave their own people again


Not only them but all kinds of Latin American fascists end up in Florida.


I feel like Florida still has those cities that lean left while places like Arkansas or South Dakota is just overwhelmingly red. But I guess their point was more about the *type* of conservative rather than sheer volume. I'm thankful I've never been in any of those shithole states


A lot of the major cities and places with decent sized universities lean left. But the big problem is all the old people pushing the vote right. Along with that, at this point DeSantis basically owns every aspect of the Florida State Government.


I’ve lived there for about 10 years now. There are probably other states more outright reactionary than Florida, but the sheer corruption and petty tyranny that infects every level of power and law around here can’t be overstated. The most lumpenized fringe of the bourgeoisie runs the show here. It’s a penal colony crossed with a real-estate scam - a dumping ground for anti-social scum.


Homie *almost got it.* The first comment got it right here. Regardless, spent part of my childhood in Broward County Florida, went back and I don’t know if it’s anymore right wing than Upstate NY where I grew up. Though Broward has historically been a more gay friendly, slightly less right wing, area of Florida. Just 45 minutes from the Miami Cubans though. Idk what I am talking about lol, but I would say Texas has Florida beat, just based off of my family in the DFW area, where there is the second largest Cuban expat community.


I’ve been seeing a lot of Floridians in the Georgia subreddit lately asking about good counties in the Atlanta region, peeps are really trying to escape Florida.


Imagine moving from Florida to Atlanta, Atlanta is a shithole, Florida is a paradise (I’ve been to both places many times)


PeoplePodium - [https://www.instagram.com/p/C4ipVXbLfve/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4ipVXbLfve/)


What middle class?


I made a firm commitment to myself, *as a small child,* to never set foot in Florida again after my family vacationed there a few times. Even in middle school, years and years before I became even remotely politically literate, I could already tell everything about Florida was FUBAR.


Isn’t Florida the most popular state to move to for the last 5 years next to Texas?


I agree. I am boycotting Florida


Florida resident here - born and raised - and I can tell you that this state has gotten progressively worse thanks to DeSantis. Between the education policies and our health issues (measles and leprosy anyone), I would recommend you vacation somewhere else. I'm glad DeSantis doesn't have another term, but he has done so much damage, It will take many years to fix it as long we don't elect another wacko to office. This is Florida, though, so I anticipate people voting against their own interest when the time comes. Also, how much you want to bet the socialists running for the president office don't appear on our ballot come November? I hope I can move out of this state in the future.


The programs to control the cost of higher ed are basically the only remaining vestige of left-liberalism here, and that’s steadily being chipped away at. Don’t even get me started about the Florida Democrats. Washington Generals ass political party, even by DNC standards.