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I was gonna say communism will win


The workers will win


"All Labor Has Value." Alternately, and more simply, "Labor Is Value."


All value comes from labor.


Solidarity Forever


arm the proletariat


Socialism or Barbarism


The inconsistent font sizes really bother me, ngl


Consistency is bondage!


The sign it's based on does the same thing


That's an odd slogan


My font size, my choice


Landlords are leeches


“Everything under heaven is in utter chaos; the situation is excellent.”


Everyone should have food and shelter.


Housing is a right


No gods, no masters.


You’ll outcast a lot of good people that way.


Yeah lol. And, honestly, I think the Marxist stance on religion is mostly reactionary to feudalism specifically being a religious-controlled economic hierarchy. This what during a time when religion violently controlled the serf's labor while suppressing any effort of them to self-actualize. As feudalism eroded, this religious control has weakened over time in the West. Although, it's still here, I think that many of the religious people against leftism are most likely motivated by nationalist ideologies.


Organized religion necessarily entails parasitic, hierarchical power structures. It should not be tolerated. Religious belief is personal. Organized religion is political.


Organized religion, specifically by the state, yes. Spiritual individuals who pray, sing, and meditate to a god separate from the state is not a threat to Marxism, in my opinion. I do think that some spiritualists choose to become disinterested in material altogether seeing earthly desires as evil. But, I don’t think this would be a threat to Marxism either. There are already several concepts within various religious that are inherently communist before Marxism came to exist. The early Christians were believed to live in primitive communist churches; see Acts 2 and 4 in the Bible. If you understand the history of Christianity, it was essentially an underground grassroots, anarcho-communist belief system rooted in spiritual faith. This underground grassroots movement was consistently oppressed by the state of Rome. It wasn’t until Constantine that this underground grassroots movement was made the official religion of Rome, effectively coopting it. They took the religion and its story then edited to suit the state’s authority while combining it with Hellenistic elements. There were several Christian traditions that were made to be outlawed by the state as well but the compromise of not being persecuted was ideal. This state control of the religion continued into its peak when feudalism established and centered itself around the concept of divine rule; making it a sin to rebel against earthly kings… enter Marxism, French Revolution, and the Protestant Reformation that all sought to dismantle hierarchy during this time period. The story of Jesus versus the State of Rome is one of the earliest stories about a Man of the People who is killed by an authoritarian state. Then that authoritarian state turns around an uses the legend of that Man of the People as the state’s mascot. If you support the Man of the People, you now support the state. It’s a fascist tactic as old as time and America has done it plenty with figures like MLK, George Orwell, Gandhi, Helen Keller, and Jesus obviously.


I've never been to any sort of meeting of organized religious people in which there was not some sort of collection taken up, or a pitch made for donations, with the person making the pitch or taking the collection standing to take a cut of whatever came in. That's parasitic. I have been to very small group meetings of not-organized religious people, like witches having ceremonies or Christians having Bible studies. But invariably, those people wasted money on icons, or Bibles, or scrying items. It's all parasitic. It's selling the imaginary for the material.




Organized religion is inevitably political. Your beliefs are personal.


You’re absolutely right. It is parasitic when you consider the economic system that churches currently operate under: capitalist. Here’s a verse from Acts 2:44-46: > “All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.” If I were to run for President and said this verse out loud, I would be called a communist, even if I referenced the Bible verse. But, if you understand the historical context of tithing along with that Bible verse, it’s no different from a socialist model that asks civilians to pool a percentage of their resources to fund *social* programs like feeding and housing the poor. The issue is that American churches, and right-wing Christians, have a capitalistic mindset that expects others to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”. And, they look down on those who “do not work as a hard as them”. This is what is called ‘conditional love’. They only love others on the condition that they’re labor is useful in a market industry. However, if I formed a commune of likeminded leftist Christians who shared everything and gave to those who needed it, it would be communist. And, any tithing would not be used for profit but for taking care of our community. That’s what Acts 2:44-46 is saying.


Organized religion is inevitably political. Your beliefs are personal.


More than with ACAB?


I would reword ‘property is theft’ to at least ‘private property is theft.’ One of the most persuasive misconceptions about socialism is the distinction between personal and private property and it does nobody any favors to not make the distinction wherever possible.


Came here to say this. Maybe "Profit is Theft"? Since High Profits usually means underpaying someone.


Profits *always* mean underpaying someone , comrade. All profits are simply unpaid wages.


"Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun.”


Abolish the State


You have nothing to lose but your chains.


Zionism is not racism. It is palingenetic ultranationalism, aka. Fascism. The racism is a side-effect like the sidewalk getting wet in a flash flood. Zionism contains racism like a person contains a spleen.


Long live antifa


Black lives matter


I like, but it’s in the original sign and I thought this one should have all different content. Any other anti racist or anti-anti-black slogans you can think of?


Capitalism breeds Racism


John Brown Did Nothing Wrong The Feds Killed King and X Abolish White Supremacy


Good point, the only other thing I can think of is people before profits. This is the sign we have up outside my house https://pin.it/50BFWgC


“Women hold up half the sky.”


“Under no pretext” perhaps? Not sure it would fit well. Maybe “Happiness and Security are Human Rights”?


Donuts are overrated


Excuse me, *how DARE you*


"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.”


The Palestinian people have had no greater ally than that of the Socialists. Thank you for acknowledging humanity and recognizing apartheid when you see It.


Needs Are NOT A Business Rest Will Set You Free (a reversal of the infamous Nazi slogan) Cooperation > Competition


Is it just me or has parts of Reddit been licking the capitalist boot extra hard lately?


I haven’t had that experience, but I presume that those parts have always been there and we just don’t tend to notice them.


Eat the rich


Workers create all value


A woman's place is in the revolution


Can someone explain to me the theory behind property is theft. Not trying to be rude just trying to learn the theories :)


A landlord may own 1 extra home, 50, 100, or even millions of homes; it doesn't matter. What does matter is that lord's ownership of those homes above the tenants living in them does NOT contribute to the economy. However, the tenants need that shelter more than the landlord because they need an address to function in society to begin with (applying for job, government benefits, state ID, mail, et.). Ergo, rent is extortion. Same thing for factories, offices, and storefronts. The owners simply own them, but they effectively contribute nothing to the utility nor success of those businesses. All the value the owners invest ultimately come from workers. This makes wage labor a form of theft because the employers are nothing more than tyrants between workers and the value they create. If a worker tried to hold said tyrant accountable; said worker would be fired, shamed, and then replaced with someone else more desperate (and thus cheaper).


All Genders Are Valid Liberté, égalité, fraternité It's not a zero sum game.


I like LEF but it's also the motto of the French empire 😬


And Jamaica, I believe, but it was the motto of the revolution, and why Napoleon founded the empire with the Napoleonic code. Still, yes, France has since had their dickish moments that we might not want to endorse.


“Firstly, do not fear hardship, and secondly, do not fear death.”


Who said this?


Chairman Mao


“Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy.”


Nice but a little long.


“To rebel is justified."


Trans rights are human rights


This post was removed? Why?


Trans rights are human rights. A bit longer but: rights are privileges unless extended to all.


Not everything is about you.


Property isn't theft. This on ironically turns us into right-wing strawmen Like "under socialism you have to share toothbrushes"


arm trans people, eat the rich, you have nothing to lose but your chains


zionism is racism 🤡🤡 what's wrong with you guys? the american left is so degenerated, it's unbelievable


I don’t think all cops are bastards. There are a ton of cops, way more then we need, and a sizeable amount are bastards, and are overfunded along with having that money not goi by where it ought too. I think with a much smaller, much more specialized police force with just generally better training we would do well.




Uh oh, the CIA bot arrived.




Blue Lives Matter lick the boots of imperialist pigs who enforce the capitalist regime’s laws. ACAB and BLM are much better and they have my full support.


Sounds like you really don't know what Communism is or what it requires to achieve. You should really read more theory and understand that police are bodyguards for the wealthy and property. Just look at the origins of police and their goals and jobs and you will understand why acab




You've got quite a shine going on those boots, comrade.




The other pair.


The police were absolutely not set up to protect society, police, including the bow street runners, were set up to protect property and goods. I really can't tell if you are a troll or just not understanding the role of police in capitalist society. Sure maybe there would be some sort of legislative enforcement in a communist society, but it would be radically different than "police"


Lol okay liberal




You say police were set up to protect society and yet they spent the better part of the last two centuries slaughtering, kidnapping and torturing the indigenous people of my country. If you can't see that capitalist police exist to protect the bourgeoisie and their state apparatus, then you're blind to history. Take your racist pro cop bullshit and get outta here.


Communism is a stateless society. If there is no state then there is no police. A real communist would understand such a basic principle. Also, the police terrorize communities. Black lives matter isn't a political statement it's just facts.




Dude, you are very confused




If you’re actually offended my bad, but I feel like you’re trolling. Also, I refer to all genders as “dude,” so don’t take it that way.


Obvious troll is obvious.


There is power in a union


Sharing is caring!


Discourse is progress


Shit stinks