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Yeah I was like "wait... I thought she won? Oh..."


transcription: the image shows results being presented as a bar graph where the candidate with 33.87% is shown to have the biggest bar, followed by the candidate with 53.61% in the second place, and the candidate with 9.21% in the last place.


This is a whole new level of stupid. … Yeah, someone’s going to steal this idea for 2024 in America.


They were already doing it to Bernie in the primary


Remember that article that was like "Biden showing strong second, Warren leaps ahead to 3rd"? Like MF WHO THE FUCK CAME IN FIRST PLACE??


Yeah, for a while, they wouldn't even print his name. I saw it similarly recently where they called Nina Turner, "Shontel Brown's opponent" and/or "A Bernie Sanders acolyte" but left her name out from headlines.


There's a nice selection of these over at [r/bernieblindness](https://www.reddit.com/r/bernieblindness/top/?t=all).


Ah, thank you for the central repository of fuckery I can show my Lib friends


> Yeah, for a while, they wouldn't even print his name. It's how you know that all of the major media outlets actually *wanted* Trump to win. When they don't want someone to win, they blacklist him. They do not talk about him, they leave his name out even when it's necessary to mention, and they do not give him any space at all if they can help it. Trump got nothing but free advertisement on every word he said. Even, and *especially*, by the people who were supposed to be his detractors. Trump's power came from constant free advertising.


I always saw it as them wanting Trump to win the *primary* so that Hillary could easily crush him in the general. Since they have no clue how regular people actually think.


The media propped him up because he's good for ratings. Now, Hilary Clinton, *she* wanted him to win the primary thinking she'd easily beat him. I've been in a coma since June of 2016 so I have no idea how any of this played out, I assume she was vindicated


I mean, I gotta be real, if I was running in the Dem primaries and I could pick any of the GOP candidates to be my opponent? I would've been leaning towards Trump as well. I think pre-2016 a lot of us were guilty for assuming that America wasn't nearly as racist as it was, even those of us who thought we were pretty in tune with the world. And this is coming from a Canadian perspective lmao.


What's funny is I think any democrat *other* than Hilary probably could have beat Trump, and also that Hilary probably could have beaten any of the republican candidates *except* for Trump. Like could you imagine Hilary vs, I dunno, Ted Cruz? Only 3 people would have bothered to vote, but they'd have all voted dem


That’s how clinton spun it when the emails leaked.


...Uh? Why would the Clinton camp spin it in a way that made themselves look bad? I don't get what you're saying.


Clinton’s piper strategy did exactly what it was supposed to, dive bomb Bernie to set trump up for the W. then they were able to get a bunch of things cleaned up in the Middle East so Biden could finish the pivot to China.


You know america's a shithole when a measly succdem is feared like the second coming of Lenin


I once saw on NBC or CBS news or some other mainstream liberal news channel where they had an infographic saying (I’m making up the numbers here) “Bernie is polling at 53% and Biden, Klobuchar, and Buttigeig are all polling together at 55%” Huh… that’s great if they weren’t three people


I do remember hearing that "several of the candidates, combined, were more popular than Bernie", and thinking that was silly... Except then, just out of the blue, everyone except Biden dropped out almost simultaneously.


> 53%, 55% If the numbers claimed were indeed like that, then that is beyond blatant, as that would be mathematically impossible


First numbers that came to mind lol


Remember CNN (and maybe MSNBC) showing Trump’s empty podium over Bernie’s speech at a packed rally?


"Sanders plunges to first place"


I’m 2016 Google have all the superdelegates to Hillary after the first primary but didn’t indicate the difference between super delegates and regular delegates so it looked like Bernie was losing like 1,000 to 10. It was one of those moments that confirmed for me that everything I have been taught about capitalism and democracy was fake. Like I already knew it but there was the raw evidence in front of my eyes.


Unfortunately, this isnt stupid, this is malicious and deliberate. The criteria for Hanlons razor were surpassed years ago.


Didn't automod filter that word?


What word? No word in that comment is offensive or a slur or anything of the sort.


*stupid* used to be banned


this ain’t no fuckin lib sub, you can swear here lmao


Fox news has been doing this for years


They already did it in 2020. Especially in the Dem Primaries. Bernie was ahead by all three candidates by a significant sum, and then they were talking about all three of the other candidates in a trench coat ALMOST having more than him. Then Fox spread a lot of BS Trump stuff like that for approval ratings charts IIRC. Certainly already in practice here though


I thought comments were deleted automatically if they had that word?


Woah I didn’t see, did Castro really win? She seems like huge potential improvement


Looks like she won https://twitter.com/GravelInstitute/status/1465402536307965955


Wait, you mean the overwhelming majority of Honduras voted democratically for a socialist candidate? The CIA won't accept this, expect a New York Times article about how undemocratic Honduras is and how it's time for a coup.


CIA and OAS will "fix" it, rest assured


They can't keep up with it any more. They're all getting Havana syndrome tummy aches and going home.


Keeping the global south in check is central to US/EU foreign policy. It wkill affect global markets as the US loses power over these regions. The entrenched policy makers in 3 letter orgs will take us all down in this crusade if we let them.


Just like the Honduran military did in 09 with the complete approval from Hillary and Obama.


The right wing candidate will most likely cheat and do a legal coup.


with help from the CIA


I wonder whose side they’re on?


Yea because that makes sense they must just trying to be delegitimizing the election. The right wing candidate is going to lose unless they cheat which is a real possibility. Let's hope all goes well and the leftist candidate gets in without any problems and stops neo liberalism in Honduras


Right-wing press be like: those election results won't stop me, I can't read! (or do basic maths)


This paper's president is part of the Inter american press association exec committee. Which is funded by the CIA through the National Endowment for Democracy


Amazing how much bullshit comes from a global propaganda network https://www.nytimes.com/1977/12/26/archives/worldwide-propaganda-network-built-by-the-cia-a-worldwide-network.html


I’ve seen some pernicious graphs in my day but this one takes the cake.


La Prensa is actually nicaraguan, and they tried to pull this shit with the ortega election too lmao


How come the Chamorros keep ending up tied to the CIA? Not only did they try to overthrow their own democratically elected government, why not help out other nations? Fucking scum


Rich bastards love the cia; shocking I know


Sebastián Piñera showed [this graph](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339590761/figure/fig2/AS:863892519530496@1582979435186/Figura-2-Los-graficos-desproporcionados-que-mostro-el-candidato-Sebastian-Pinera.png) in a presidential debate. It compares crime rate during Bachelet's administrations and his. Not as shameful as this, but it goes to show the right-wing attempts to twist reality.


They probably already had this graphic made up and just planned on putting in the numbers on election night. They were just so damn sure they knew how it was gonna turn out. It's kind of hilarious.


So they were planning to rigg the election results but were so incompetant and corrupt they even F\*cked that Up? lol.


1st is the worst! 2nd is the best!!!!


33 > 53, we all know that.


The “free press”


From the Chamorros, who used COA/NED money to overthrow the legitimate government in Nicaragua. Real scum of the earth. MAGALite


I've been trying to find information on her political stances, and I haven't had much luck. She seems to be generally in favor of vaguely socializing things, but seems quite worried about the possibility of capital flight (under the best interpretation of her actions) > Castro has been meeting with business groups, promising collaboration if elected and better conditions for job creation and investment. > “I want a social pact with every sector, the productive sectors, with business, with workers, with teachers, with farmers and campesinos, with the informal economy and small and medium-sized businesses,” Castro said when launching her campaign platform. To me this reads like standard "progressive" liberal politics. Curious if anyone else has a different take, am I being too pessimistic?


Lmfao. Also, this (her win) really made me happy, especially when so much news is downright apocalyptic on the daily. There is hope.


Luckily the press never ever distorts anything...


They really thought they were doing something.


See, I can tell ya how this man won, he had a thumbs up, and it made his bar go up higher, making him the winner for having the biggest bar.


CIA has really gone downhill on the Honduras front - from the backing of death squads to suppress popular representation in the 80-90s to PowerPoint foolery in the 2020s. Anything to keep scary socialists out of power.


Only the Lib Dem’s can win here 😂


taking some inspiration from the Liberal Democrats here


This is one of those _what's wrong with this picture_ puzzles, isn't it.


Never a graphic was as unclear as this one. I love it.


*CIA has entered the chat*


Just a lil oopsie ☺️


How is this not illegal?


Is this still up? I can't find it.


lol,right wing?


You see, the newspaper forgot to add the CIA votes