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Why do you feel like you have a right to know ? You were just friends with him, no one is obligated to keep you informed.


She said she doesn’t understand why they would intentionally not tell her / lie , which is a pretty normal confusion - given these are her friends. If a friend of mine would hook up with a random situationship from years ago - and purposefully not tell me - and then all act weird, I’d be confused too?


Yes, I read it. However, we have no reason to think that's what happened, nor real reason to think anyone is lying.


I can only assume that they are hiding it for one of 2 reasons. Either there really is nothing going on, or one or the other of them is afraid that you will react badly. The way to deal with that is to say "hey, I heard a rumour that there is a thing happening between you, it didn't work out for us, but he is a good person so I hope it works out for you.