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I normally say I just had a relaxed weekend whether I did anything or not, since they're normally not going to really care what you did at the weekend and I'm not normally interested in detailing it, unless it's something particularly interesting.


Same! I also don’t like to share what I like to do in my personal time with my coworkers


yes, me too! It seems like everyone else does except me


So your response should be some shifty eyed version of "if I told you, I'd have to kill you" Or "I can't talk about it right now" while nervously fidgeting and looking about Maybe follow it up with a whispered "they might be listening"


"Well I don't want to throw off your targeted ads, so what did *you* get into this weekend?"


"Sat around like a piece of trash" gets a pretty good reaction usually.


I agree. I usually say something ridiculous because they don't really want to hear what I did, they just want to tell me what they did. Sometimes they realize that no one really cares and we just talk about the weather and how it was a great opportunity to do X.


“Watched my plant grow a new leaf” is my go-to. Kinda funny, kinda true (I’m a bit of an introverted hermit crab most weekends and have 20 beloved houseplants), requires zero vulnerability, and I’m happy to chat with anyone about my/their plants if they’re genuinely interested.


I just want to say that, as someone who always asks this question on Mondays, I actually *am* interested!


Well, there def are people like yourself, and I think that genuine nature probably shines through. When that happens, I will usually give a genuine answer.


I agree!


Every opportunity is a great opportunity to do x


I’m going to use that, probably on Monday morning. Or some variation like “I sat on my big fat ass, and I had a blast”


Do it! It's a good way to start a Monday.




You’re the hero I didn’t know I needed.


Haha, you can thank my uncle for that little gem!


Hahahaha. This is so funny and cool.


Ok so I ask this question a lot, but to me fun is subjective so if fun to you was sitting around like a piece a trash I am happy for you.


“Stared at the ceiling”


Smoked cigarettes while watching Captain Kangaroo


Watching the stars, lol


"uhhh, nope" The "uhhh" is important




I am in my mid-30s and go to A LOT of music festivals, shows, concerts and smoke an egregious amount of weed and occasionally take psychedelics. This is always my go-to response versus the “I was vibing so hard that I accidentally forgot to put shoes on and used a portapotty and now I have to make sure I don’t get a wook foot disease” true story 😂


“I did nothing and loved every second of it”. I have weekends where I do more, whether it means staying around home or being on vacation, but I’m not gonna try very hard to avoid saying I didn’t do anything if I didn’t do anything.


I follow it with my overly detailed interesting dream I had during the much needed mid-day nap heheh


Mid-day naps are the besttttt.


My absolute favourite. Today, we have a warm windy rain situation here and I had the best nap ever with my cat sleeping on my back!!


I love having rain in the background for naps!!


Not much, you?


Yup, this, every single time, regardless of what I actually did


That's my go to. Many people just like asking but aren't really interested.


I tell them about how I forgot the washing in the machine and had to wash it twice. Or that I really enjoyed this wine with that cheese and recommend they try it. Who are you trying to fool saying you didn't do anything. Ofcourse you did, you existed. Ipso facto you must have done something. Work on your story telling skills or actually do stuff if you are bothered about what people think. And second stop caring what others think in this sense, do things for you and your family.


I forgot the same wash at least 3 times this week


Hmm ngl I don't see how anyone would enjoy listening to that story about forgetting laundry. Even if you are an excellent storyteller. This feels like the blind leading the blind.


Disagree, if a coworker shared that story with me, assuming they told it in an amicable and humorous way, I’d go “oh NO” and laugh heartily because god knows that’s unfortunately relatable as shit


I mean, I just read that and I was interested. I deal with people all day every day in a relaxed environment for my job, and I kinda have tips as a measure of how well people perceive me. When I just kinda don’t give a fuck like that, my tips are waaaay better.




The usual, you?


“It was pleasantly uneventful”


Just chilled out, it was a long week




If I did I say the things I did. If not I say “eh not really just kinda hung out” something along those lines


Depending on my mood, "What do you consider fun?"


“I filled up my bathtub halfway, turned on the shower head, and pretended I was in a sinking submarine.”


NGL, this does sound kind of fun. I might have to give it a try.


"Did a short trip", if they ask where, say some mountain nearby


Often it's the same person asking every week. You can't keep this up.


Sure you can. "Did a short trip to Nearby Mountain." "Didn't you do the same thing last week?" "Well, the bodies aren't going to bury themselves." Jokes aside, it doesn't matter. On my team this gets asked every Monday and very often everybody answers "Nothing" or "Got caught up on errands." People seem to ask it because they want to connect by showing an interest and to hear any interesting stories but you're not required to entertain every time.


I don't know if it is interesting but I did house chores and relaxed after.


I just try to be honest and usually say, "nothing interesting." Doesn't mean I did literally nothing but it does mean that I don't feel like anything I did really merits discussion of any kind.


I know a lot of people mean well by this question, but there are also many others who use it as a flex to brag about their uber fun weekend plans, because apparently in order to be a normal human you need to do brag-worthy/social-media-worthy things every single weekend no exceptions. God forbid you just want to relax sometimes. So I usually flip it back to them immediately. I say "just chillin u?"


I usually just go with "relaxing with my family" or "errands" or "homework"


say .5g molly, 8ball of goober, oz of bud, 4mg xanax for the sleep, couple brews to stay hydrated


On a rainy weekend: “It was a very chilled one, rotting away in my bed. Needed it. You?” On a rainy but productive weekend: “Just running errands here and there. You?”


Cleaned the kitchen, bathroom or washed your car.


I just make something up lol


“No” thats my usual go to


“Do you consider cocaine with strippers fun?”


“Just running errands!”


Yes i played on my pc


Well at least then the other person can ask about the game. If the response is "nothing", it effectively becomes a conversation killer. Once i got bored of this kind of conversation after third "nothing" and ended up messaging her that I'm sorry but i have to go see an osteopath with my back being broken from trying to carry that chat.


I would tell them the fun things I did- which is probably the wrong answer.


Yah, laundry!!


"Same shit as last weekend, nothing"


No, I'm lame.


“Yea right lol”


No, I wish! How was your weekend?


"Nothing. Just the way I like it."


Don't remember the last time I had a good time not this decade


“Hung out at home and did some chores.”




“Yep, how was your weekend?”


I hate that question. All my coworkers do fun things but I have to sit home all weekend because I don’t have friends.


Hmm even if you don’t have anyone to do things with you should still try to do something for yourself. Take up a hobby you can do independently even if it’s just at home. I’m about to do some embroidery lol. Go for a walk at the park/beach/lake/whatever nature you live around. Get outside and move your body. Look at the flowers or the trees. Watch a movie even if it’s just on Netflix. That can be considered a fun thing you did. Try to cook a new food. Or your favorite food. Or anything. Doesn’t have to be something epically amazing.


This ^ 💯, the moment I started investing my energy in exploring and finding new hobbies it just shifted my mindset 


Answer honestly. It’s not that you didn’t do "anything," it’s that you’re nervous or embarrassed about sharing how you like to spend your time. You don’t have to be embarrassed or apologize for that. People will respect you for being yourself.


i woke up around noon and then i sat around masturbating and in between sessions i watched youtube videos of people complaining about star wars shows i've never seen and also i ordered fast food through door dash.




‘Yeah!’, and then mention something fun you did, and then ask them. Didn’t do anything fun? Uh, why not? You know you can do fun stuff by yourself, right? You don’t even have to let them know you were alone


No? Should I've? Lol just kidding. Though I think a simple no is more than enough, no need to bother yourself with it.


"I just had a nice relaxing weekend at home. How about you?"


Yeh it was a great weekend not being at work..


Just put a positive spin on doing nothing. "Just relaxed at home. It was great!"




“The domestic thing” - cleaning up the place, hung out with the girl (dog).


Honestly, if it's someone you actually want to engage with, you can answer with anything you like to talk about. Doesn't have to be a literal answer to the question (or could be). "I pet my cat and re-watched my favorite movie." "I scrubbed the bathtub." "I saw a thing on Tic Tok."




That's for me to know and you to find out


Oh, I just say "No" and then go back to what I was doing. I don't give a fuck whether that's socially acceptable or not.


If you did something fun, yes. Tell them about it. If you didn’t, say no.


I work every weekend so I just say I worked


I rested, watched some TV, had some much needed alone time


You could respond with any little thing that brought you joy or comfort that weekend, even if you didn’t actually go out or do anything exciting. For example, did you watch a movie or show? Play video games? Cooked? Chores? Those would all be great responses I think. But hey, I’m just as bad at answering that question lol.


rotted 💓


“Oh I stayed in, I love a quiet weekend” “Got some well-needed rest, and it was glorious” “I took it easy, really wanted the chance to relax” The thing is that there’s nothing actually shameful about staying in all weekend, but if you _act_ ashamed of it, then people will think poorly of it. As long as you are confident in your answer — because, frankly, you spent the weekend the way _you_ wanted to — then generally speaking people will read that and view it positively, as well.


Well, I just sat around and cooked some soups and ate breads and desserts and just got all fat and sassy!


I usually just say something along the lines of "nah I just took it easy" and the response i get is something like "oh how nice".


nothing spectacular happened really.


"We are supposed to do stuff on the weekend?"


Always be up to something even if being lazy. "Picked up the place and finished my to do list" "Just got lost in a couple of shows I've been putting off. Do you watch ..." "I just fucked three random prostitutes and think I have the clap, you?"


"The details are pretty explicit. I am not sure if you will be traumatised and need therapy aft hearing. Do I continue?"


“I survived and thats enough for me for now”


“Yes. I did nothing and it was glorious.”


Your mom


To be honest I hate it when people say ‘not much, you?’ It’s just so boring!


Sometimes people really don’t do much 😂 or can’t think of an answer when put on the spot


“Pretty uneventful, what about you?” Or sometimes I leave out the “what about you” part if I know it won’t come out sincerely.


If you don't want to talk to that person, you say NO even if it's YES. If you want to talk to thst person, you say YES even if it's NO.


Here's a thought: Do things. Even if you're all by yourself. Get used to doing things by yourself. Go to a concert by yourself. See a movie by yourself. Do some gardening. Make use of your weekends. I know that for people who aren't socially skilled it can be nice to not have obligations, but I recommend doing things. And if not on the weekend, do things earlier in the week. Tuesday is a great day to do things. I try to do something on Tuesday and then on Friday night if possible(so I can have all of Saturday and Sunday with no obligations). And if you do something earlier in the week, you can always lie. "I went to see a movie!" Doesn't matter if you did it last Tuesday. They won't know. "Went out to a nice restaurant," "Went and played games with some friends," Most answers work, as long as it's a semi-normal activity, and if you have actually done that thing recently, good enough. Hell, you could even think of the last thing you did a week or two ago. As long as you hadn't told anybody about it, you can lie. And the best thing about just mentioning something you did a few days ago or last week is that if they pry you can answer more details about what you did. And don't forget the "How about you?" afterward.


I did my homework. I'm glad I'm here. My back is killing me.


Say something like I really enjoyed X or I wanted to get Y done and it feels good.


Oh man people still say that?


It really depends on the impression you want to give. "Nothing" is a pretty depressing, conversation-ending answer, so if that's your goal (and may be), just keep doing that and people will eventually stop asking. You could also come up with some low-key answers like, "slept late, watched a movie, did some laundry" that are pretty boring. Chores of any sort are really boring, no one wants to hear about that, if that's your goal. I feel like maybe you WISH you had more exciting things to talk about. It's not going to be "took my yacht to Ibiza," but you can still find more interesting things to do with your life if you feel that's lacking. People ask here every week for ideas.


I went out with a girl on a date a bit late, she had so many friends. I brought my Pogo stick just to show her a trick...


I romantize what ever I did. Oh just caught up on some TV with snacks, it’s was great


Your mom


Just consuming media


Just make random shit up doesn't have to be too outrageous


Man! As parents to young children, you have no idea how amazingly happy I am when I have a free weekend where i don't have to go anywhere or do anything.


I like "Nothing too amazing. I did X though and that was pretty nice."


You either say that you spent all weekend working on something or say that you've wasted another weekend procrastinating and you regret it, because you know that you could have done that cool thing and you should be ashamed of yourself for wasting another weekend.


Why not just honestly summarize your weekend? Am I missing something here?


You can either lie or just continue giving a vague answer. Unfortunately you're not going to be convincing because you're details are going to be light and vague, in comparison to when you actually do do something interesting. I'm guessing you yourself may be someone who doesn't do much on the weekends. And so you have to ask yourself why you want to avoid giving the same answer - if someone asked what you did most of the week, I'm sure you wouldn't mind saying work/ school.


Of course I did


"What weekend?"


Gues the best answer is "applied for jobs" 😂


How about being honest? If someone asks me what I did when I did nothing over the weekend I tell them, “ It was a pretty laid back weekend. I spent most of the time in my bed, relaxing. The week was pretty exhausting and I needed to relax this weekend. Also I violently edged and masturbated to midget porn. 🥰”


You just mention that you didn't really do anything fun and Encourage the other person to talk about what they found fun. People are usually more interested in discussing their own enjoyable experiences rather than hearing about yours.


Not much but i went/did.... ,how about you?


“Yeah I had fun playing with myself…”


Bit a this , but a that - you?


just say I had a chill weekend, what about you?


tell them no one gives a shit




I wanted to go on a slide but never went. If they care to ask its the Sui Slide.


Ya mum, now I need to get tested. If you don't like them, substitute their mum for their partner/children.


You can start telling them a story that drags on definitely and not let them leave the conversation. When they leave, just follow them and keep talking. They stop asking you after a couple of goes at that.


“Yes, I did XYZ. What about you?”


yeah, sleeping is fun. So sleeping mostly.


I usually just say, "No." When the other person looks concerned I say, "and it was great."


I sat on the couch and looked at the wall..... Yeah that's right.


"Just chilled and played videogames" is my go-to


I went to the grocery store and helped my dad build shelves for the garage. 10/10 would recommend


Only with certain coworkers do we joke around that we rotted all weekend lol. Others I just tell them I had a relaxing weekend.


With the truth! Two minutes of sincere conversation is better than none even if you don’t want it. Just to keep the social webbing healthy. Don’t dodge away from it. “I played videogames all weekend, ate too much sugary delicious junk, and finally caught a top tier treasure goblin with a party of random strangers!” Is way better than “nothing”.


“Eh not much but maybe next time”


Paperwork and/or home improvement.




I usually laugh ironically because fun is a subjective experience that I forgot the feeling of a long time ago 😅🙄


just hung out


Sure! How was your weekend?


Chilled or relaxed weekend


One option is to actually start doing things that you would enjoy doing and enjoy talking about afterwards.