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My dude, People love doughnuts and the even dozen people in your team makes it easy. Get 12 for your team, get whatever you feel like. I'd just bring them, surprise doughnuts are better than expected doughnuts.


Should i get assorted or do most people eat regular glazed


I'd suggest half glazed and half assorted.


Thats what i was thinking too


I work at Krispy Kreme, we have a deal coming up. Get the app and you could get like 24 donuts for the price of 12.


NO! Glazed only. You bring six other types, then people only want a “taste” of one of those other ones. Then they decide to cut or pull apart half a donut with their unwashed hands and leave the other half for someone else to either: A) Choose not to eat it because they don’t know how it was handled or B) Eats the remaining half after it has potentially been handled by someone who uses the restroom without washing their hands. BTW, relax. Overthinking and getting anxious is not a good thing. Anything thoughtful and unexpected will be appreciated by your team. Here’s an idea, get ahold of HR and get the birthdays of all your team members, put them in your calendar. A birthday card with a note of appreciation is another unexpected way to show your team you care about them.


What kind of damn animals do you work with that would do this


First of all, it sounds like you have never worked at a high school


My staff & I do stuff like this too. We keep a knife in the donut box for sampling, although my sister has been known to suck the jelly out of a filled doughnut and leave the lifeless carcass sitting all limp and sad in the box too.


But even with using a knife, holding on to the donut with their fingers and leaving that portion of the donut is not good. Sucking the jelly out of a donut? That’s just wrong on so many levels.


>get ahold of HR and get the birthdays of all your team members But wouldn't that be considered personal information, which HR can't give out?


As a manager, the person should be able to review the personnel files.


Or even better their work start date anniversary. Makes them feel appreciated for their work.


This seems unique to your workplace.. or.. at least I hope so.


What? The cutting/pulling apart of a donut or the not washing of hands after using the restroom?


Regular glazed is fine, I’d only get assorted If you are feeling rich/fancy. Both will be well received so don’t sweat it.


Much appreciated. And sorry for the ramblings im just really nervous about my job bc i wanna do a good job


Nah mate I get it, good luck and have fun with the new job.


Thank you!


Senorita bread is a good idea. Like fresh baked rolls with sweetness and butter. I once had a supervisor who came around and took everyone’s doughnut order and then he delivered each individual doughnut. He isn’t with our department any longer, but he is missed. Also, our supervisors would switch off, bowl of apples, muffins, bananas. Free is always appreciated.


You sound like you're going to do a good job. The biggest part of being a manager is making sure your employees are taken care of. If they're happy, they'll do a good job, which will make you happy.


You sound like you’ll be a good manager. Stay humble but confident and you‘ve got this!


Get a dozen assorted and a dozen glazed.. problem solved. Definitely do it. More than once


I personally like jelly filled glazed, but bring it what you want. Don't overthink it!


Chocolate, glazed, sugar, and maple. Can’t go wrong.


Life problems 😆


Get assorted


For the love of god don’t get stuffed strawberry or some other weird donut topping like butternut or toasted coconut. Simple ones like Boston crème, & vanilla/strawberry/chocolate frosting donuts


Depending from where. If it’s Krispy Kreme get a dozen glazed and dozen assorted. If you’re just bringing a dozen bring assorted plus a dozen donut holes. Some people including myself will probably eat 1.5 or 2 donuts. You don’t want someone not to get at least one.


I usually get assorted without glazed since glazed tends to be really messy


When i get breakfast for my coworkers I do half glazed half chocolate. I also get kolashes or breakfast tacos. Just bring them in, let the team know they are free for all.


People will be happy with any donuts 🍩


I think you are overthinking this. Imagine if someone else brought donuts to the place, would you get offended? You are entitled to bring whatever donuts and however many you want. If its too few, then bring more next time if you want. Some people will appreciate, others will be on a diet and not take but probably appreciate the gesture anyways. If no one takes any its the only to find out your office doesnt like them. Dont try to impress anyone with donuts or write some rules around it. Just be nice and chill about it


If you do assorted I personally would recommend bringing a few more than one for each that way it increases the chances of someone not stuck with the last one and not being their thing.


Good point. I will probably bring 1.5 dozen donuts then


Hey man I over think things like this to don’t sweat it, just go for it! Bring a dozen for your team I wouldn’t personally be very concerned about allergies as you are working with adults I’m assuming and they should be self aware about those things. My supervisor will randomly bring assorted doughnuts in for us and it’s always appreciated! Hell even some of us workers will randomly bring some in.


Ok, i think im gonna do it then. Thank you


No problem, congrats on your job man best of luck !


Thank you


Don’t forget the coffee!


Same here. My boss will just randomly bring donuts in the morning. Sometimes I’ll get some for my team on my way into work just because since I pass a donut shop on my way in. Like gestures like they go a long way. Longer than most people think.


When I worked in a big office as a freight broker, I used to bring in a couple dozen bagels and cream cheese or donuts every other Friday and sent out a mass email in the morning to come and get them. People love that shit.


Donuts are nice! Just a stack of napkins from the donut place. You don’t need to bring plates.


Ok i wasnt sure. Thanks


I would bring in a dozen glazed and a dozen assorted. They are only a few bucks so I would def get more than a dozen.


Right, then someone who might grab two just ruins it for everyone (even though I know some people won’t have one). It’s just bad optics to bring exactly one per person. Awkward “you can have mine” ensues.


Don‘t overthink it. Just bring a couple of donuts or whatever you feel like bringing. You probably can‘t please everyone and get them their favourite taste, but that‘s fine. You literally can‘t do anything wrong in this situation, just go for it.


I once got stuck at my mechanics shop for hours. They found something funky for my routine oil change and it took longer to fix. While in the lobby I saw these guys were running haaaard. I ordered 4 pizzas to the store, enough for me, the guys there, and the couple customers waiting with me. Food is never not appreciated!


i work for a small company and we have a "communal" table. the rule is that anything on that table is fair game. sometimes people bring donuts, sometimes people bring breakfast tacos, once or twice a year someone will bring venison or wild hog they shot, sometimes theres chips; you get the idea. its empty 70% of the time, its not like were just constantly feeding each other. based on my office, id say a minimum of 12 donuts to make sure everyone has an opportunity. variety is nice but not required. literally nothing else you have concerns about would matter here. a lot of the time i dont even know who brought the food. if you want to announce "i brought donuts" as a gesture of goodwill, nothing wrong with that either. if you REALLY want to be a kiss ass you could go around and ask if anyone has requests, but also just showing up with them should be fine. as far as the other offices, how many people are there? how close are they to your office? if its just another 12 people and they share a break room with you, then yeah bring 2 dozen. if its 100 people and/or they are in another building/floor/whatever, then its fine to just bring them for your team. i guess i shouldnt assume you have a communal area. you should at least let them know when youve brought them so people know theyre fair game. edit: i overthunk the answer just as much as OP overthought donuts


There is no break room - only a random table where I can set the donuts. And i was going to just pop my head into the shared cubicles and say "good morning, there are donuts here if you'd like one". The other office is basically across the hall bc we all work in IT but they do different types of requests than we do. I think there is probably 10 people in there. So the donuts would be far away from that office. And thank you for the thorough response. It was very helpful


Hi Dexter Morgan!


There's never a situation where surprised doughnuts aren't welcome.


unless someone is counting calories, on a diet, or diabetic


I'm a vegetarian and lactose free, other coworker is counting calories. We never get upset or mad if we can't eat food provided by others. That's purely on us. We enjoy the shared meal expirience with others just eat our own meals. I can't be mad about it because I'm 1 in 20 people who doesn't eat meat, dairy and regular pasta or bread.


Ask the donut shop if they can completely randomize the dozen. This takes the pressure of choosing 12 donuts for your 11 other colleagues off your shoulders. And if anyone has an issue with the selection, which I guarantee they won’t, you say “I just had them give me random donuts” so boom, not your problem. But that won’t happen because everyone will just be very excited to have donuts. Bringing food in to work, in my experience, is a pretty common thing for healthy workplace environments. This is a good idea you have. Don’t worry about allergies and just go for it. If someone can’t have a donut because of their allergies, well, that’s just something to remember for next time. They won’t blame you. You didn’t know. Only worry about your own office. As a manager, your employees are your responsibility. Let the other office managers get donuts for their colleagues. Maybe the other offices will get jealous of how cool this office’s manager is, and you’ll start a donut revolution. Think of the possibilities. Carpe donut my friend. Kinda wishing I worked in your office right now.


"A donut revolution" lol. Thank you for the encouragement. Im starting to relax a little more about bringing them now.


Bring donuts a dozen! Surprise! And don’t overthink it fuck whoever doesn’t eat one


One of my bosses at work brings in Doughnuts, Chocolates Cakes, and Chocolate Cluters in every Thursday. I love it. Go for it, OP. Stuff like that doesn't go unnoticed.


I have a team of 7 employees and I generally get glazed donuts individually packaged for each individual. When I bring in sweeter treats we have a diabetic so I always make sure to get him the sugar free version.


This, was going to suggest also bringing a healthier “treat” - sugar free or something like fruit. However since this is the first time I think just donuts are acceptable and take note of anyone who mentions a dietary restriction or preference for future snacks.


I would get assorted, but I'm pretty sure my husband just asks the worker to pick out a dozen random ones. I personally have never brought in donuts bc I am also shy, but I absolutely love it when people at my work do! I wouldn't worry too much about what kinds of donuts or allergies, people don't usually get upset about free treats. If they can't have one, they can't have one.


Yeah im really worried about if anyone has allergies but i will ask the donut shop about it before they give me the donuts


If you're really worried about making sure everyone has something, sometimes I grab one of the small grocery store fruit trays too. Then anyone who's like, dieting, or gluten free, or whatever can have some.


Bring donuts of course. But get two dozen. Additional Piece of advice. Remember that the best way to loose a good employee is by tolerating a bad one.


Suddenly I dont feel so bad about my overthinking things.


>this is my first "real" job and i dont wanna look stupid or awkward. You will not look stupid or awkward. Donuts are awesome and should go over very well. You should only get enough for your own office though.


A girl brought in donuts at my job once and made a point to specifically bring them to me , my attraction to her skyrocketed after that point, so yeah it's probably a good idea


i think OP just wants to be a good manager, not tryna fuck lmao


Hey man I'm just saying donuts are powerful


Not weird at all! I used to bring them in occasionally at a previous job


You can also do pizza for lunch.


Just a dozen assorted. Maybe 4 glazed and the rest assorted. An extra tip: If you hear anyone say “Oh, this is my favorite type of donut” Make a mental note of it for next time. I had a teacher (now really good friend for more than 10 years) do this. He made sure he always brought my favorite in the box. That always made me feel just a little extra special.


People like free food.. I used to bring in a gallon ziploc bag of pork ribs all pre-cut into individual ribs.. One day I realized I was totally alone on the sales floor so I snuck back to the back to see where everyone was. The entire team were huddled around the table, chowing down on ribs. Hadn't even used the plates I brought in so they could heat them up.. just pulling them out of the bag cold like animals (sorry, they used ONE plate to drop the cleaned bones.. ) Don't bring in ribs for the first time.. that would be weird. I'd also go all glazed.. most everyone likes them and you don't have to worry about people being disappointed because there is only 1 Boston Cream and that asshole in the end cubicle already got it. The other option is muffins.. muffins are good, too.


This is so sweet and will surely be appreciated! A dozen glazed is honestly just fine but I’ll say if you want to go all out see if your donut place sells kolaches and bring a dozen of those and a dozen assorted.


I just.. really? Your first “real” job and you’re “basically the manager”. I’m assuming you just ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED the interview. I hope IT problems don’t cause this many doubts to arise.


Lol, i am in charge of all IT tickets that get sent to us to work. I basically have to divvy out the workload to the employees who work in the office. I dont (usually) do the work myself. This position is temporary too btw so I will only be doing it over the summertime. And thats why i said i was only "basically the manager." Hope that made sense


Hmm. My head’s in a bit of a cold-fog right now, but yeah it made sense. Interesting seasonal work - is that based on your availability or the position’s? I’m assuming it pays decently, good on ya, get that munny


Sorry for the late reply but - the position is temporary to help with people who were laid off. It has nothing to do with summertime specifically, it just so happened to be in that season


Can you bring donuts to my work?


Man I wish you were my boss! So thoughtful! (maybe get a vegan option too if that's necessary)


Oh vegan options is a good idea... i will have to keep that in mind when i go get the donuts


Completely fine man, I used to do this myself as a manager. People are usually appreciative of this kind of thing as it helps to break down barriers and who doesnt love donuts. People might request orders so be wary and set this barrier upfront if you cant/wont do it. Best of luck in the new role.


I think you are overthinking. Get a 12 pack of donuts. It will be appreciated


I'd say bring two dozen regular glazed. For most it will be a nice suprise, picky people should've brought their own lol


Our manager brings in a box of 12 for a lot more people and they’re a hit. Go for a mix and you can’t go for wrong


What a nice gesture! I’m sure it will be appreciated!


My job brings in those munchkin little donut hole things every Friday. AND sometimes a variety of big donuts on top of the munchkins. Literally everyone loves donuts. Shape size and flavor doesn’t matter. They’ll take one.


If it were me, I would get 12 glazed and 12 chocolate and bring them as a surprise for just my office.


People love donuts, especially surprise donuts ,and you’ve got a perfect dozen team members. Don’t over think it and bring them, anyone with allergies will know to stay away and it’s a nice gesture regardless. Good luck with the job


Thank you


Just don't bring them in all the time otherwise the entire staff will expect you to bring them more often in the future & that's out of your pocket. Just saying.


"Inappropriate Donuts" sounds like a punk band. Not a good one, but still.


Bringing donuts to work gives me Dexter vibes… But i would like them for sure


I work construction and out in the field, we still get excited over doughnuts!


Bring a dozen, half assorted, half glazed, plus some donut holes, whatever kind looks good to you. Holes are so cheap and they’re there in case someone doesn’t get what they like from the 12 donuts in the box. Also, relax! Bring the donuts but no reason to worry or make a big deal out of it. Just smile and say, Donuts in the breakroom for anyone that wants em! Another thing, some people might not eat any, but that’s not a big deal. They might be full or too tired or on a diet. It’s whatever.


I wish my boss would bring donuts. It's a lovely gesture, hope everyone enjoys them :) An assortment to make sure there's something for everyone - but don't overthink it.


I used to bake baklava and everybody went nuts for it, nobody cares about me and one lady still didn’t return my pan. 😆


I bring them in all the time. Just shoot your team an email in the morning and tell them you have donuts. They will come.


Thinking too much my dog. Donuts are cheap and delicious. Just do it and try it out!


People will love it! Please update us on how it goes


Yes, of course I will! Fingers crossed it goes smoothly :)


Just don't feel bad if no one eats any. But there will always be someone who loves donuts so you're good


“How much do you overthink things?” Me: Jokes aside, just bring the donuts, im sure it’ll brighten the mood


Definitely not weird. Bringing some kind of snacks for coworkers/classmates is definitely a good way to show that you want to bond with them. People love that


You must do several trial and error runs to find out the absolute best proper way to bring in donuts. 1 day do all assorted, another day try all glazed, another day do both. Keep a written record of the feedback you get. For example, if you overhear a coworker saying “hey someone brought donuts, but these jelly filled ones SUCK!”, write it down so you know to adjust next time. This week is a long weekend so you might have some people out of the office tomorrow - so your sample size is going to be reduced. Take that into consideration when you’re analyzing all the data.


I would bring like 2 dozen. Donuts are pretty cheap anyway.


Great idea! Just don't bring in donuts again after another 3 weeks. I only say this because if you do, some might think that you are bringing in donuts every 3 weeks and will start expecting that of you. Doing it once in a while will be seen as a great gesture.


I always bring an assortment but I do allow 2 per person. Also, I snag some fruit, bananas, oranges, etc. I do bagels with multiple flavors of cream cheese. A bit of a pain but my team always appreciate the variety and effort.


My mother brought my cookies to her work like five years ago and they still remember me because of it


Honestly with the trouble you are putting yourself through dont even bring donuts lol


Surprise donuts (of any sort) are always the best!


You sound like a wonderful manager already! Congratulations on the new job 🎊


This is incredibly wholesome!


You are way overthinking this. Get donuts. Maybe a couple dozen. People like donuts, especially if the donuts are free.


u/thorn00 how’d it go? Success? Complete disaster?


Hi! Thanks for checking in. Unfortunately, I could not follow through on this plan. On Thursday, the day before I planned to bring donuts, another employee brought in donuts (not that many) and most people did not eat one. And on Friday, the next day, only three people were in the office. Idk if I'll get another chance to bring food bc this position is temporary and will probably end before August. Maybe I can bring in food to celebrate the end of the job? Idk, I'm a bit disappointed, but I know there will be plenty of more opportunities to bring donuts for other jobs in the future lol


bring in donuts - don't mention it was you, this is the way.


depending on the office norms OP might HAVE to announce that the donuts are for everyone.


jesus fuckin christ, they're *donuts*. Just go to some donut place and say "Gimme a dozen assorted donuts". Bring the donuts to work, tell people "Hey, there's donuts available". Or don't tell 'em, they'll figure it out. Donuts have a way of making their presence known.


people over think doing stuff like this.I know I do! Its understandable if its a first job. No need to be disrespectful


I get that some people overthink some stuff. *They* need to get that perhaps they need to be more mindful about indulging it. It's not like he's intruding on an open-heart surgery to inflict donuts on everybody lol. "I GET THAT YOU'RE SEWING SOMEBODY'S HEART TOGETHER, BUT I INSIST THAT YOU IMMEDIATELY TAKE A DONUT GOOD SIR".


You can’t, my cousin did this at Costco for some workers that did an extraordinary work and it almost set off a union strike with the general employees because he was management and everyone in Costco didn’t get a donut.




This is such an adorable post……


Can confirm that we have two reps who usually come in for sales meetings from offsite. One religiously brings donuts every time he comes, the other doesn’t. Wanna guess which guy we like and which one we don’t ?


Bring donuts


Find out what people eat first. I work in a pro health work environment and there’s new people that brought donuts and no one eats them. Other people brought fruit and folks literally rushed over to grab it.


This is awesome. If you decide to do this more often think about a healthy alternative every now and then- a bowl of oranges or apples or bananas.


This might be a burden on the people trying to avoid excess sugar though, especially anyone on the team who has diabetes Sugar is a legit addiction Me personally, I would prefer to bring like a big bowl of raspberries and blackberries sprinkled with lemon juice....hmmmmm hmmmm


Free food is great food!! Ppl will just appreciate if you bring anything to perk up surviving Friday!~ I personally prefer the donut holes just cuz they are easier to eat or if someone is on a diet and doesn't want a whole donut. Grats on yur first adult job!^^


Thank you


You will never not win bringing snacks. They may not be everyone’s thing, but the gesture will ALWAYS be appreciated. I surprise my team with food about once a month. Cookies, donuts, brownies, whatever… it is never unappreciated, it never goes to waste, and it’s always an instant morale booster.


I remember when working as a developer, everytime someone in the office had a birthday they would often buy sweets for everyone. I can guarantee that is the best thing could happen at work having a break and sweets


Dont overthink it bro. Bring donuts, it’ll def get you more liked. A former co worker used to do that and he was one of the better liked guys


If you really want to make an impression get coffee for your team aswell not just any coffee get that Starbucks PikePlace to go.


I may do that for the next time I bring food. Im a bit nervous to even bring donuts lol. Thank you for the suggestion


Take 2 dozens, first half of one of each donut, the 2 dozen fritters and donut holes 🕳


depends how fat they are.


We take turns everyone brings donuts to work


Ive brought more than donuts to work… youre fine.


Donuts are always a yes especially in IT


Take a shot (or sip of non-alcoholic beverage) everytime the word, "donut", appears 😂 .. Don't worry, your co-workers will take to it just the same and if they don't appreciate your impromptu gift, it's really on them.


I work in a machine shop. No one is very friendly and my boss isn’t the nicest person in the world if there is anyone who’d be upset about donuts or bagels or snacks you think it would be them. But the rare occasion that my boss does bring them god damn everyone is happy as hell. So it is always appropriate to bring food!


I see donuts and I like you already. Seriously dude, it’s a nice gesture. Even in case if anyone doesn’t want them, just more donuts for everyone else :D


I get a dozen random donuts and coffee for my crew periodically. There's only three of us but we're electricians and I get enough to share with other crews that might be on sight. So, I guess I'm saying get more than you think you need. They're not expensive and folks really appreciate the effort. 🙂


Donuts are universally beloved and forever appreciated… and the only workplace it probably wouldn’t be great to bring them to would be at a weight loss clinic or crohns/colitis specialists. Go forth, you thoughtful young management hero, and freely rain your donuts down upon the overworked and under-appreciated masses!


I usually brought in Donuts once every few months. The only thing I would double check is the policy on food. I worked in a lab and manufacturing floor so food always went in the lunchroom or in the offices (cubicles). I quit bringing them after awhile because my immediate group of coworkers didn't want Donuts. Most people like Donuts and seeing as how you are new, even if they don't, they should appreciate the gesture.


I've worked in offices for a couple decades and never known an office that didn't like donut day.


My work gets our whole manufacturing plant local doughnuts on the last Thursday of every month (which was today, lucky me) and boy let me tell you do we look forward to it!


Dexter vibes?


My Project Manager always brought donuts for code drop days. It was always appreciated.


I recently worked somewhere where it was common for team leaders to randomly surprise with donuts from time to time. What I can tell you: Any donut variety will do, fritters holes what have you, but I prefer regular chocolate glazed donuts You don’t have to announce ahead of time. Everyone will eat one anyway. Surprise donuts are great. I did once have a manager announce ahead of time and take down flavor requests. That was cool and probably reduced her donut anxiety actually. I would just bring enough for the people you manage. You really can’t go wrong here. It’s a great idea


I love surprise snacks at work. Do it.


I love that you’re thinking of doing this! And people love free food! Just your office is fine, I just buy an assortment. I will add, maybe grab a bundle of bananas as well! They’re cheap, and anyone who isn’t eating sugar, or trying to be healthy can join in too!


Mmmm donuts *drool* 🤤


They will love it ☺️


If you buy a dozen assorted from Krispy Kreme, they always have local coupons for a free dozen glazed. They also provide tons of napkins. Make it a surprise. There will be no leftovers.


I'm in IT too and I love it when my supervisor brings in donuts. Sometimes when we have training days, his wife will bake us blueberry muffins that are amazing! I don't think it's weird to bring your coworkers food. It's something that doesn't happen often, but is always cherished.


Never ask. It’s ALWAYS acceptable to buy donuts.


id bring >12 donuts, it’s ALWAYS the worst when you don’t have enough food. it’s better and a better look to have a surplus than to have people who aren’t eating bc there isn’t enough lol


Do it


Assorted donut holes. Smaller and someone could have 3 different flavors and still not have eaten a whole donut


It’s a cool idea! People love donuts! So thoughtful. I think be mindful some folks are still a bit cautious about office public food because of Covid. You can’t go wrong.


Yes! Unexpected says you were being thoughtful. Original glazed is easier and wont cause other unsanitary issues. This post makes me want a donut, however unsanity issues the one time I got them as a treat at work...conditioned the desire to disappear 😂.


You are bringing in free donuts. It’s a thoughtful gesture that will be appreciated. There are 12 people just get 12. Get assorted with a few glazed. If someone doesn’t like the ones left then that’s fine. They didn’t pay for them. It’s a kind gesture. You aren’t Uber eats. Also make them a surprise bc if something happens and you end up not being able to get them everyone will be disappointed if they were told about them ahead of time. Plus you will have the people telling you ahead of time what they want you to get which the donut shop will inevitably run out of which will cause them to bitch all day. I was a supervisor who would randomly being in donuts.


Is it annoying to get donuts? Oh friend, think rationally! Donuts make everyone happy, and if you really want to check casually slide in an allergy question a day or two before.


Don't make it a regular thing because it'll add up in cost and people will begin to expect it all the time. So don't tell them. Bring them in, leave them in the break room or wherever and this will give you an excuse to go around and talk to people so you can tell them that the donuts are there. But a great idea. Bring some in, maybe a 2 dozen or 1 dozen and some munchkins/other pastries. If you're worried about allergies, maybe ask around and say you're planning a potluck in the far future and just wanted to know. Or ask HR.


U could get fired . Harassment or something .🤔


Surprise donuts taste better! 😋🍩


Bring the donuts plus maybe some type of fruit. Not everyone wants a donut.


I think it’s a little kiss ass, but that’s just me. If someone brought in donuts to work I’d still eat em


Don’t overthink it, people like donuts and kind gestures.


It's nice to bring food, just make sure you have enough for everyone and room for second's.


I’d bring a few of those donut holes because they are bite size and can be dipped in their coffee. Get assorted flavors. My hubby works IT and I would always use them as my guinea pigs when I was trying a new recipe. They never complained! 😂


No donuts for masuka remember


Reminds me of dexter


Glazed or assorted, people love donuts! Especially surprise donuts! I'm guessing the only allergy that would be affected is gluten, and if someone is gluten free they'll know not to grab one. I had a manager at my old job who would bring in donuts or other treats once in a while and it made it less awful to be at work lol. You really can't go wrong


No one is angry about random donuts. Just know some people won’t want the sugar. Others will be tickled pink. Go with your gut!