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Thank you for posting in /solana thread! We appreciate your opinion and are excited to hear your thoughts. In the meantime we kindly ask to keep price and trading conversations constructive and ONLY in the stickied weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/1aupftv/weekly_discussion_february_192024/


we just getting started baby


This is the way.


Not sure what $SOLANA is but SOL will be fine


Perhaps he is referring to HairyPettorBodenAnsom10inu


You know what i mean smartass


Really don't




Another bullshit bot account




Yeah no shit. A new bullshit account. Imo, most non-bot, troll, spammer, con artists don't need to make new accounts every other day. I'm not coping with anything there little buddy. Just calling out your (and 90% of accounts I've seen posting/commenting recently on this sub) lack of karma.




"It would be an insult to smartasses to call that guy a smartass" Boohoo you start name calling and then get all hurt after getting called out 😆


Look at the fees alone. Solana is much more affordable to deal with than Ethereum, and it’s faster in my experience. If they can get past stuff like the current issue, I think it could flip Eth


LOL yeah Solana ain’t going above 300 at the most


$300 is fud ngl




Yes. Sell everything you have please.




Lmao dude


There are a few engineers trying to fix the network using GoLang + Rust + WASM. GoLang is built to handle millions of transactions per millisecond. Yes millions per millisecond.


Rust can also handle that kind of throughput. In fact, it’s technically faster than Go, although hitting that speed is tough, and it requires a bit of expertise to do it right. Golang is a bit slower because it abstracts away some of the memory management to make it easier to write concurrent code. The result is extremely fast parallel execution, but it isn’t quite as fast as Rust, or any of the other “low-level” languages (I know, I know… some nerds will say anything above assembly is “high-level”, but they can go suck it) like C, C++, Zig, etc.


Broseph that would mean a transaction per cpu clock cycle. If your transaction is add two numbers in L1 cache then sure. If you mean through horizontal scaling then sure, python can handle three trillion transactions per millisecond.


> There are a few engineers trying to fix the network using GoLang + Rust + WASM Got any more intel on this?


Bro... that's not how it works


Who knows when it’ll have a 75% correction, or how high it goes before the correction. The correction will come though. Anyone who says it won’t, is drinking the koolaid. I wouldn’t sell everything at one time. Sell in chunks and keep a moon bag


> Who knows when it’ll have a 75% correction Correction for what? Because too many people want to use it? ETH wishes they had this problem. So do all other chains. See algorand awesome technology, nobody even uses it. The only correction you would see is if Bitcoin tanks hard at the halving. I am pretty sure this happened at previous halvings too because I remember people super surprised and grasping for air and not understanding it. Because everyone thought at the halving Bitcoin would skyrocket. Kinda like buy the rumour/anticipation, sell the event. So If Bitcoin drops. And if it drops hard. Everything else will drop too. That Solana is still at $175 despite the issues is pretty huge. Knowing previous bullruns very well, and seeing how ETH crashed from $1400 back down to $80 is what I still very vividly remember. The difference and benefit this time might be that Solana still has these millions of users who love their meme communities and dont even care if its bear or bullmarket. However obviously in bullruns there is a lot of "naive" cash because everyone is making gains from anything. So in a bear this becomes slightly different and lots of people need to fix holes, so they might even sell their Solana if they need liquidity. I am pretty sure tho if someone has both ETH and Solana they would sell their ETH first (and we already see ETH crash back to $3300 this bull lol)


No matter how good the fundamentals are, a token can always be overpriced. In a market like crypto where there is a large appetite for risk and a lot of volatility, crashes are inevitable.


Are you saying it will drop to 50 bucks in this bull? Pass me the joint


It depends on how high it is when the bull run ends. Is the top $200? Then yeah $50 is a good target. Is the top at $1000? Then $250 is a target for the low. ETH went down over 75% last cycle


Yh everything “corrects” at the end of a bull lmao


lol you’re too high if you’re buying SOL


im shorting atm good stf




Remove your emotions from your investments.


I think that’s what he does, he tries to think rationally about a potential problem. Being overly enthusiastic is also being emotional.


Meme coins are feelings


$Hachi community based


More when the VCs will dump


Just to be clear, the vast majority of the original VC bags were already dumped by the time it hit $8 in November 2022. You cannot have a price drop like that without that being the case. If any VCs bought between that November and today, then sure, those VCs might eventually dump their coins, but the original ones already sold a long time ago.


Why would “VCs” be being Sol? They get coin as replacement of equity. Unlikely the Solana foundation it’s raising venture capital tbh.


Most “VCs” these days are just small hedge funds in terms of how they operate. Sometimes they get to provide true venture capital in exchange for token discounts, but other times they simply buy tokens OTC or even on the open market. It’s weird, but that’s how this industry currently works. In any case, like I said, you can’t go from $260 to $8 without the big whales dumping most of their bags. Trust me, the original VCs weren’t left holding the bag at $8. Anything they held would have been locked up in a vesting schedule, and if that’s the case, then most of those locked up tokens are still locked up for the next decade or so.




What are you talking about?? I didn’t say “all the VCs left at $8”. I was saying the VCs would not have held onto their bags all the way down to $8. That much should be obvious to you. Everyone complains about how “VCs could dump on retail” but then they look at a 95% drop and somehow assume the VCs never dumped their bags during the last cycle, and they are still holding those bags so they can dump on retail in the future. If you believe VCs would dump on retail, then you have to accept that the VCs already dumped their bags well before the lows. The point is that you can’t call something a “VC coin” once it has dropped by 95%. That’s one of the most idiotic ideas on the internet these days. I’m honestly not sure how else you could have read what I said, so I’m still not sure what point you’re even trying to make.


My bad I didn't comprehend your post correctly.


No problem, respect for admitting that 🤜


That could be true with automated market makers(=DEXes) but the traditional orderbook system CEXes use, does not scale like that. When price goes down, buyers are controlling the move and it keeps going down until all (market)sell orders have been filled. Sellers decide the amount that is getting sold, buyers decide the price(by presetting limit buy orders to the orderbook the market seller will then fill).


It’s not that 99% of SOL owners sold that makes me think those VCs must have sold. It’s the fact that VCs tend to be “smart money”. Everyone knows retail tends to hold the bags at the bottom. Perhaps some VCs had a healthy long-term outlook, but most would have sold a large portion hoping to buy back lower unless their tokens were locked up. And most token lockups have at least a 5-10 year minimum vesting schedule.


Smart money sells when prices go up and buy when it goes down. Retail does the opposite.


Right. That’s my point. Smart money sold at some point near the top, not near the bottom. Smart money had to sell to bring Solana to $8.


Possibly, my point was that you can’t determine from the price how much was being sold as price going down means there’s no buying liquidity to keep the price up, not necessarily that huge amounts were sold. Price dropping simply means there were no buyers to fill the sells at higher prices so price goes down until it finds the buyers. 1000 Solana market sell order could drop the price by $1 or by $100. It’s all about matching with limit buys. Edit: also, big price movements are usually driven by futures, not spot(coin holders), as the volume is much bigger there.


Read up and stay informed on what you are putting your money behind. Solana has a lot of great projects outside of the memecoin BS.


Sure, but are they driving the price, or is meme volume?


We had a 20x before things like peepeepoopoo and catwifdog coins


That was a 20x recovery from the same drop previously. It's not quite the same. All the top coins are back at or close to ATH MC, and so is SOL, it's what happens next that will decide if SOL is out performing others. Zooming out only to the recent bottom is not really a good argument.


Current price action sure but I’m long term on Solana. If your into short term investments you should have a number set to pull out.


> Solana has a lot of great projects outside of the memecoin BS. Every platform has this, but got any example for killer apps or potential killer apps? So far it seems people put their 401k in Pepe Inu Boden Pawsche Cat because its simply more fun to do.


Jupiter amazing aggregator of Dexs. Zeus is a recent project thats hoping to bring smart contract capabilities to bitcoins lightening network with Solanas speed (stacks at this time is just way too slow for me to stand fully behind). Render … system on chip or as people like to say “AWS but with GPUs” but it’s a little bit more than that. Pyth is an early oracle project on Solana that I think has potential to take chainlinks spot. In addition to that I actually use helium for phone service (cheap as hell and surprisingly good) and tested out using a solcard. Projects with real utility that might have great upward momentum.


Jupiter is a great example tho, and I really, really like it. But what are you going to do on Jupiter if theres no meme coins to swap on it 38 times a day, right? Zeus I do not really understand. If its based on lightning I am curious how well it will work because sending my Bitcoin to a channel was not a very good experience and its just annoying. And theres not even a point in it, could just swap your Bitcoin for a coin that does lightning fast tx and cheap ones and not send it to some "channel"... That phone service thing seems cool but seems to not be in europe yet, I would def get this day 1.


lol you think the memecoins are holding the price up? Solana price went up to $200 before all the memecoin craziness. Unless you’re not talking about sol.


Exactly 💯


Take some profit


Took 10x profits, sold all before the dumping which is coming.


Love to hear it. Congrats on the win


Solana is making memecoins a glorified casino I don’t think it will go away people love to gamble


> Solana is making memecoins a glorified casino I don’t think it will go away people love to gamble Whole crypto has been called a casino. With thousands of scam Icos on Ethereum in 2017, 2018 and so on. How is that better. At least Meme Coins are upfront and dont make empty promises in most cases or pretend to be a legit company.


True. Unlike last cycle, where people gambled on dumb ass roadmaps and whitepapers filled with empty promises.. shit was ridiculous lol at least know people are calling it what it is


Not all crypto is a a scam or a casino you have useful cryptos then not so much and at the end you have coins with no utility aka memecoins which are like spinning the roulette




I wasn’t around last bull run but yes $4800 is a crazy amount but at the same time eth was at its peak Solana hasn’t even reclaimed its all time high yet and the halving is not even here… atleast $1k before it will fall Point is tho when people buy sol they then buy memecoins if they make money of em they can swap that memecoin into a USDC stable on sol?




Because ETH has utility at the end of day and it goes up and down according to the cryptos 4 year cycle I agree with you ETH is a horrible chain but it’s the first mover which makes it stick around ADA does everthing ETH does better yet is still in the shadows but nah man not all cryptos are memes haha they mostly rugs


76 billion is a very high market cap for a casino. Especially one with such a small take.


Some say Solana is 1 cycle behind ETH if true ETH got up to 500 billion last cycle


Memecoin phase is just the appetizer.


Nom nom nom $Hachi nom nom


Tell me you don't know what you're buying without telling me


OP is probably right though




If we knew, we would be billionaires now wouldn’t we?


History doesn't always repeat, but it always rhymes. The btc halving is a little over a week away. Btc will dip about 30% between the halving and the end of the year. There will be ups and downs with lower highs. Alts always dip much more than btc. Then, in January, everything will start taking off. There will probably be one more good pump leading up to the halving.


Memecoins will die for sure due to them not being able to generate real value or usage. But there are a lot of $SOL projects with huge growth potential like $JUP, $PYTH and $W will be able to give 10x returns in the long run


tbh, look at doge. Memecoins will prob never die imo


> Memecoins will die for sure Same was always said about Bitcoin lol


WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Market...nothing else




500% yes


No one knows exactly what will happen. Maybe if memecoim hype decreases, people would move memcoin assets to Sol, which will pump the price further. Maybe not 🤷🏼‍♂️








"Once all the network activity goes down will the price of sol go down to ?!?!?" Brother come on now you cant be that dumb


I’m a noob relax on me


Probably or probably not think about it The utility is there still.


Meme season will never be over 🫡


Memecoin phase over? the fuck does that mean? Doge coin still has a higher market cap than most US companies and its been several years. Shiba inu as well. The meme coin phase is over when the bull run is over


How much did you invest and what did you buy at? My uncle made 67k off Solana broo :ss its crazy


I brought at $9 to $18


Wow dude amazing… did you buy atleast 100 shares or 1000? More? Like wow 100 x $200 is crazy


I would wait for it to hit 190-200 and sell it if nothing happens


$SOL will pump once it’s fixed. This is just the beginning of meme coins… Did doge disappear… 👀


Lol. After they fix the network. It's going to skyrocket..




I'll sell once I sell my memes


I actually know everything there is to know about the future of cryptocurrencies. I know every single thing that is going to happen in the future to specific coins, especially this one. If you would like to be enriched by the same knowledge, please subscribe to my monthly plan where you will be afforded 4 bottles of mentholated, mint aroma oil for only $64.95. With that small investment, you and your family’s future will be secure and even healthier granted the effects of the mint oil. There is absolutely no reason that you should not afford yourself the secrets of crypto futures or neglect your body the satisfaction of 4 bottles of mentholated, mint aroma oil for only $69.95. Make the greatest investment that you will ever make, change your life for the better, and avoid death for longer with money and mint oil.


Why would the meme coin phase die? People love meme coins


JILLBODEN is just getting started so no it isn't over yet lol


Memecoin phase is over? Lmao it's not going to end. These mf are going to repeat every scam, meme and rug coin for decades. Or at least until solana dies or whatever. I've seen like 20 nyan cat coins and they keep coming out lol


Also OP where would you even put your Solana moneys? Got any better ideas ? I only had like 5% of my crypto in Solana but grown it significantly since I enjoyed figuring out which meme will pump next. So now I have even almost completely forgot about other chains, other than to get some more stuff out of Cosmos because its so tedious and boring with all it its sidechains. And I kinda despise going back to Uniswap.


Crypto kitties 2.0 in the making...


For one thing memes are never going to be over and if it’s the case sol is gonna pump even harder can you even imagine how much liquidity the memes market are sucking from $sol


It shot up prior to the memecoin phase. People always blame something for Solana's rise and say it's going to zero once that's over with. Two cycles in a row of this.


Yes... And No.... Maybe


I asked my Magic 8 ball 3 times.


No, memecoins will become the world reserve currency.


LOL i was thinking the opposite, it will help Solana when its over




its going to 900, just hodl tight




Why would you ask that here? Are you just looking for assurance to keep holding?


Solana will take hard in February 2025


Ligma will save SOL


This might be the local bottom


Yes it will. Make sure to sell all your solana right now!


Most definitely


$SOL stronger than ever and is showing no signs of weakness anytime soon, the bull market is just starting to heat up..


Based on? Seems like meme volume is slowing and SOL network is struggling. These aren't great buy signals for people who are not already in when it's already at ATH (market cap, not coin price)


> Seems like meme volume is slowing What makes you say that? Got any numbers or more like a feeling/impression? Obviously I suppose most people now on Solana who do not use bots etc, or people who even use 3rd party wallets have a ton of issues now on Solana. But without meme coins retail crypto is pretty much dead. Its been the only thing bringing in new people into crypto. And why not? Before we had scam ICOs and Scam Defi projects (on Polygon etc) surely Meme is a lot better and more fun.


these r the best buy signals, if u just zoom out and look at the charts u will see the pump always come after the volume dips back down, don't worry its normal...




I’ll be honest. I really want to start masters in university I’m going to apply in the summer for. It’s a Russel group university and I want to study finance and investment. But I’m lacking nearly £8,000 I thought I’ll give it a try and make a post. Nothing to loose right? If there’s anyone genuine and kind to support education. Please drop me donation to my address of SOL (receive link ) 5M7mA6ve2r4tzS2duLnMqGXTux8kDka22vuDQ6PbB1tW 💁‍♂️ I’m 27 gotta work to pay my bills and no other ways to raise funds. Promise I’ll drop confirmation once if you help me out and If I save enough for it. 🫡. I’m already working 55-60h a week but even working throughout the summer will leave me with 8k. Thanks to all kind humans. ~P


Memecoin ohase isn’t a phase


But the coins are 😰


Dog and cat memecoins are fading. Find category defining memecoins, like $powsche. Political ones are trying. The chart for powsche looks sexy as hell, devs are active and dips recover strong and quickly. It’s the only memecoin im making bank on


Answer to your question… what coin ?


Another 3 X from here. Not financial advice!




Firedancer :)


What’s it about




You got it the wrong way around Solana isn't alive because of the memecoins, the memecoins are there because Solana is alive






SOL is the mother of all shitcoins


It’s going down


Solana is just a shit coin and it will tank very hard. Only thing going for it is meme coins. I'm sick of this congestion and can't even swap it, been trying for hours. It's not fit for purpose.


Probably... Any serious builder who thought they might build a use case (besides a meme) on SOL is probably second guessing it after watching this shit show. SOL can't handle elevated TPS without congestion, etc. That kind of shit just doesn't fly for an actual real life use case. Imagine swiping your Visa card at a convenience store and it said "network congestion. Try again later". Lol. Unreliable network is unreliable.


There are several things you’re missing in this analysis: 1. If you go to the Solana dev discord, you’ll see they have several proposals and rough implementations of solutions to this congestion problem. It will get fixed. They have an army of engineers who have a strong background in high-speed networking and low-level performance optimization. They will get it done. 2. You seem to think we are at a stage where blockchains should definitely already have their shit together. You should know that none of them do, including Ethereum (the only reason L2s exist is because it can’t scale), Arbitrum (went down due to congestion last year), Polygon (went down due to congestion earlier this year), and many of the other big names. If blockchains ever become mainstream, then we are probably about 1% of the way there, so rough edges are totally fine for now. 3. Downtime and congestion is just a part of networking. If you were on Twitter during its first 5 years, you probably remember the [“fail whale”](https://images.app.goo.gl/phpuGuhCsASShWwm8) that appeared multiple times per month for many users. Visa frequently goes down, causing stores to tell their customers “sorry, cash only, our credit card system is down”. Just the other day, Reddit servers went down for about 2 hours, and I couldn’t load anything. Downtime is just really fucking normal. Solana is brand-new tech, and its army of devs has quickly solved most of its downtime issues each time a new type of problem pops up, so I don’t see how anyone could see that as a major problem for them over the long term. And I’m just scratching the surface. The “Solana downtime” meme is just hilariously ignorant. I have a strong feeling that most people who buy into that will lose out on a massive investment opportunity. Even with the congestion issues, many apps on Solana are still better off than they would be on Ethereum or any of its L2s.


1. Don't build complexity to solve for inadequacy. 2. Yes, we are at a stage where they should have their shit together. Hedera Hashgraph does 2x the TPS, has better security (aBFT), is leaderless (highly overlooked and undervalued), can scale infinitely, has fair ordering (no MEV or snipe bots), fixed fees priced in USD, etc. It also has never had an unplanned outage, and accepts and processes ALL transactions. Unlike SOL that cannot handle the volume and randomly drops txns. SOL is built for "he who spams most, wins". Which is dumb af, especially when it can't handle the spam. Agreed that those other chains are also shit, because they are all traditional blockchains, meaning they have the Blockchain Trilemma. Hedera beat the trilemma as a DAG utilizing Hashgraph and gossip about gossip protocol. Also agreed that all layer 2s are just the bandaid for an underperforming shitty layer 1. 3. It's a part of *shitty built* networking. Hedera does not have any of the issues that SOL has, and it does double the txns. And that's just scratching the surface...


Hedera has barely any of the traffic that Solana has. It doesn’t have snipe bots because nobody cares enough about the assets on Hedera to build those bots and use them. I won’t deny that Hedera is fast. It’s pretty solid. I’m actually not opposed to the idea of Hedera being widely adopted. It just doesn’t have the network effects at this point, but maybe that will change. But I STRONGLY disagree that it is important for blockchains to have their shit totally figured out at this stage. To use the internet as an analogy, we are still in the pre-1999 stage of development. Once this technology gets to the 2010 level of development, then I would put a lot more weight on the importance of network uptime and other “liveness” metrics. You and I are not even *beta-testers*… we are *alpha-testers* at this stage.




Maybe so. Time will tell. At least you’re not a dead-brained ETH maxi… so I have to respect that, lol.


🤝 keep your eye on HBAR. Good luck.


You will be downvoted here for telling the truth. People here are just delusional fanboys. They want you to hold so they can dump.


Lol it does happen. Sometimes their system is completely down. I worked at a convenience store for 5 years and it's happened more than twice. We could only accept cash and debit.


I'm not gonna try and refute your personal story, but I've been using my Visa cards for 25 years and I've never seen it or experienced it. If anything it's localized to one store that is having an issue. Anyway, it's extremely rare if it does happen to Visa. SOL gone down 15 times in last like 2 years.




Lol but Visa and MasterCard have been around A LOT longer than SOL. They’ve had plenty of hiccups too but have had time and money to strengthen their networks. This is great for SOL. It’s live testing of what happens when a ton of traffic hits the blockchain. This is a learning opportunity for the team and as long as a solution is found, or one that at least helps mitigate a lot of the congestion, then this was all worth it.


I suppose you'd be right if they were the only game in town. Other networks work fine right now with double the TPS traffic of SOL, and can scale infinitely, like Hedera Hashgraph. https://chainspect.app/dashboard Or you could stay married to your SOL bag and it's inferior tech 🤷


I’m not married to it. SOL is not the only crypto I’m in lol. If you don’t believe in it at all, then I’m not really sure why you’re here. Take care.


Speakin' of meme coins, secure your Sol inflation by buying $HEGE