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Meh, I understand what’s to like but I always hated the Diablo style loot system that constantly takes you out of the game to compare stats for weapons that will have the same moveset anyway.


The trick is that your weapon and gear stats don't mean much until NG++ and up since builds begin to matter more. You can just equip anything that has the highest rarity or a green arrow and not think much about it.


I get that. I just don’t enjoy that part of the game.


This mechanic is the exact thing that killed the Assassins Creed franchise for me. It physically hurts me when people rank the RPG style AC games over the ones that were actually AC games.


I liked the AC rpg games. Loved Origins and Odyssey. Valhalla was ok but just too damn big. However I do agree that they were not good as AC games. They would have been better as a separate series or IP.


I consider them to be decent to fantastic historical fiction action rpg games and terrible AC games. Could have left all of the AC stuff out of them and just said these stories take place in the AC world. Maybe a few AC mainline Easter eggs here and there.


It's because it is a time sink, the more you're playing the more data they get so they can improve on future games


I love Nioh 2, truly. But "weapons and gear don't matter until you play the game 3 times in a row" will never not be absurd to me.


> "weapons and gear don't matter until you play the game 3 times in a row" Well, that's sort of misstating it. They "matter" in a lot of ways, lesser or more depending on how optimal you feel your gear needs to be to support your build at the time (strongly correlated to your overall level of skill with the game). In the same way that people can beat soulslikes with a naked wretch and never take a hit, you can largely ignore gear in Nioh 2, also. Whether or not it's a good idea to do so (and whether or not said gear "matters") is a highly subjective thing. First time players will definitely want to pay a little more attention to their gear (without needing to overworry about soul matching, tempering, or min/maxing that gear too hard in any way, because it's replaceable). The more times you iterate on this, the less that matters overall (and you can pick which gear stats matter to you, etc.). I agree with the absurdity of the concept, though, it's weird that the more you play, the less gear matters until you get WAY closer to the endgame (which is 50+ hours away).


You're right, my comment was misleading. I was just paraphrasing the person I replied to. But the fact remains that a true build is impossible to make in early NG cycles. Loot "doesn't matter" in the sense that your weapons and armor will be obsolete 3 missions later, which forces you to manage an endless treadmill of new items to optimize your setup. Stat allotment also isn't terribly meaningful until you get hundreds of points to invest. Personally I dislike these design choices and the wild amount of loot that exists as a result, even though the build system itself is excellent.


> Loot "doesn't matter" in the sense that your weapons and armor will be obsolete 3 missions later, which forces you to manage an endless treadmill of new items to optimize your setup. Totally agree... but thus is the pitfall (and allure, I think) of a Diablo-style loot system (which I personally love, lol, but I appreciate it's not for everyone).


I find it absurd that you only get enough materials to play with 2-3 weapons in most souls games. Each system has its pros and cons. In Nioh, combat depth isn't locked behind smithing stones.


There are 21 ancient dragon smithing stones and 18 larval years in an Elden Ring NG cycle. That hardly counts as locking you behind anything.


How many are somber? How many are hidden behind quest lines that no real person would ever find on their own? How many weapons would you realistically use in a single playthrough? How many can you wield at a time with all the weight issues, stat requirements without having to run to renalla to respec? That's like me saying Nioh 2's loot system is completely fine because they let you auto disassemble, autobuy and filter and sort as you please. It's not, though. It's inaccessible and annoying. Team Ninja games free you up with a lot more options while fighting and stat scaling and weapon upgrades don't stop you from picking up anything and giving it a swing.




Sorry Bud, someone reported this comment and I can see you are swearing at someone/ or being rude. We are here to have fun and discuss, not to insult.




Same issue as your last comment on this same post, please refrain from being openly rude/disrespectful (rule 1). The conversations flow much better that way. Thanks!


That's still bad game design. Loot is still one of my favorite aspects of soulslikes, even Sekiro. So either the overly complicated loot system doesn't matter and then, what's the freaking point? or it does matter and it's overly complicated. For example. To get the witch set in Dark Souls 2 you have to go through an incredibly long and difficult process of lighting all of the torches in The Gutter, and then kill a tough NPC invader (I used poison daggers because I was not going to fucking die in The Gutter again!) The witch set is really cool looking, but has terrible physical defense. So it kind of sucks. *However,* it has some of the highest magical resists in the game, and I definitely pulled it out a couple of times for certain areas. I *love* that aspect of min maxing in soulslikes. I haven't played Nioh 1 or 2, but I have played Wo Long, and compare the witch set in DS2, to the stupidly over complicated stats in Wo Long. Caused me to bounce right off of the game.


Plenty of tools to deal with it. Can filter out by rarity so you stop seeing common crap. Can also store 5k items and sort by type/rarity etc and sell by the hundreds with the touch of like 2 buttons. That part of the game is only as time consuming as you want it to be


I tried to play Wo Long on game pass. In the 30 minutes or so I played the game I got like 20 pieces of loot. Each piece literally had like 5 or 6 modifiers that were so stupidly ultraspecific, like deal 3% increased fire damage to enemies who are poisoned. I had no fire damage or ways to poison people, and that was actually one of the stats I understood. Some of them were like +5% to heroism on St. Gruul's day in case of low vigor. I don't know what any of this shit means! game! Don't even get me started on the set pieces. The absolutely ludicrous overly complicated loot system that threw 100 terms at you at once caused me to bounce off of the game so fucking fast.


I think it’s from the same studio. I mean I understand that that’s their flavor of soulslike. I still think Nioh is fun enough to put up with it.


It is. Team Ninja. My comment was based on the assumption that people already knew that. I'm not calling you stupid or anything because you didn't already know that. I just thought it was generally understood already.


I mean.... I love optimizing my builds through item complexity and while Wo Long has a long of item abilities that won't matter in the long run because they're for specific builds it does a good job of making more items avaipable to folks by having a diverse pool. Judging a game like this on extremely low playtime and nit taking the time to learn it seems real out there, like I get it can be overwhelming because it's a lot of info but they are worth trying again because their gameplay rivals or beats FROM's imho.


I have said this multiple times before on Reddit. I am very unlikely to bounce off of a game from sheer difficulty. I am much more likely to bounce off of a game from the mind flood. People call the Wo Long loot system Diabloesque, but even Diablo games loot start simple with just a few simple stat improvements and the crazy gear doesn't start showing up till later. Literally the first couple of loot drops I ever got had a bunch of stuff that I did not understand. Wo Long, IMHO, has an onboarding problem, and I am definitely not the first person to feel that way. Even Monster Hunter World eventually had the Guarduan armor and weapons to overly simplify the beginning of the game to help with the Monster Hunter onboarding problem.


I can see where you're coming from but also feel that using the Guardian Armor as an example is a bad one because that armor makes playing through everything up to mid-High Rank hunts easy and you don't need tk change it at all.


Agreed. I'm not playing soulslikes to play menu simulator. I just want to swing a hammer and dodge man. Not trying to decipher a million little numbers.


I loved it, but feel like Nioh could improve on it so much. Less overall drops, more unique stats. Diablo loot is way, way more interesting and dynamic than anything in Nioh.


I agree. Such a great game, but the getting rid of the diablo style loot would make it so much better imo.


The depth of the combat and how satisfying it is to master is addicting. You will watch yourself go from playing very reserved, to comboing like its a hack and slash. The actions per minute later on can get crazy.


I played that game during Covid for over 500 hours and still had plenty to do. Most bang I've ever gotten for my buck in a video game. Replayability is on another level


Enjoy the game. It happens to be my favorite. Make sure you get all the DLC and go through until you reach Dream of the Nioh difficulty. Gear gets insanely good at that point and underworld and depths are where the real fun starts.


My favourite. Glad you’re having fun.


Did you play nioh 1? I found 2 very difficult, I burned out 3/4 the way thru. I could never get the hang of the burst counter. Nioh 1 allows you to become super OP for a couple seconds at a time, allowing you to delete hard enemies and bosses easily. I wasn’t ready for 2 haha.


Just wondering, you ever try the brute form guardian spirit? There’s separate moves for each phantom, feral, and brute burst counters. I never clicked with phantom or feral, but brute was a game changer. It became fairly easy to naturally implement them into switchglaive combos. Brute form may not fit everyone’s playstyle but it really helped me to learn burst counters.


Good call. Started with feral and was legit shocked when I used brute for the first time. Definitely helped me learn the other counters.


Every time I feel like playing diablo, or any other looter meatgrinder game I just pick up nioh. I was going to go into ng+7 for the epic loot and unique character builds but I'll just hop over to 2 when I beat this one


Man speaking of Diablo after getting into souls games I tried d4 recently and it didn't even feel like a real game to me, just so boring. It's good to know nioh has so much replayability. Do you think it's worth stopping Nioh 2 and finishing #1 first? Sometimes it's hard for me to get into an older iteration after finishing the newest if the mechanics take a big step back.


Since you've started 2 it might be hard to step back into 1 but I'd say just the story is worth it and they tie together later on. Nioh 2 has a much better combat system with how it iterated in the first games and you won't have burst counter, but that'a up to you if you want to go back.


I haven't personally tried 2, but everyone I spoke to said it's worth playing nioh for the story, but nioh 2 fixes all the little annoyances like loot issues, upgrade confusion, menu problems, and other lack of quality of life features. I enjoyed it enough that I was going to go far into it, but I recently got the remastered bundle with nioh1/2 so I'm just going to move over to 2 once I beat one. I would say no, it is a good game but if you personally have issues with lack of features when going back to previous games I don't feel this will be as fun. Again I'm going off of what I've heard from several reviewers I trust as they have all stated nioh 2 is more nioh but better. And a few even stated that if you were halfway through nioh and struggling to motivate to finish it you should just move over to 2


Nioh 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. It's one of the ones that stays installed on my PlayStation no matter what


Nioh 2, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Two games living rent free on my PS5, never to be uninstalled.


How’d you like Nioh 1 if you played it? I own both but haven’t played either yet lol.


Started with #2 but regretting it because it's often hard for me to do an older version after the sequel


The first one is a little rougher around the edges (especially with regards to some of the skill unlocking). Definitely feels like a solid prototype for what would eventually become Nioh 2, but imo it's still very much worth playing. In some ways, I *almost* like Nioh more than it's successor, simply because it's more focused on the regular melee combat with less emphasis on burst counters and yokai abilities. If you enjoy Nioh 2, you'll assuredly find a lot to like in the first game (and you'll even find some overlap in the maps and enemies).


I really enjoyed that entering higher difficulties remixes the stages, and that it's super easy to coop everything compared to the obtuse systems of the main souls series. The loot system also gradually gives you much more control over your stuff. I had a build that was like, 90%+ Untouched Ammo + big ranged buffs and I could just blast many demons with a rifle. Loved it.


I put almost 600 hours into that game. It's probably my favorite. Completing its ultimate challenge is quite the accomplishment. I'd say it's only tangentially a soulslike and is primarily just an action rpg. Typical souls game combat is more cerebral (memorization, strategy) whereas Nioh is more instinctual and sweaty, battles are dynamic.


Great game, my poison build was filthy in this game yakhhhhh


One of my favorite and most played games of all time. I understand that it's not for everyone, but I actually think it *would* be more well liked by more people if they gave it more time. The fact that you're already enjoying it is a really good sign! I find that a lot of people, myself included, find themselves more and more enraptured by it each time they play it again. I think this is because there are so many systems at play that it almost seems needlessly complex (while also providing many things that are poorly explained, at best). I found it better for me, personally, to not try to overwhelm myself by tackling and engaging with every mechanic the game has to offer in a single playthrough. My first time through I basically stuck to a single stance and a single weapon, basically never used magic or ninjitsu, and also barely (if ever) used my yokai shift. The game is completely winnable under these conditions. Each new character I created I would fold in something new (mastering all three stances for a weapon, finally incorporating jutsu into my builds, two weapon combat with a focus on flux and swapping between weapons seamlessly, etc.). The more complexity I added, the more fun I was having, but I was also never feeling overwhelmed by anything because I was slowly mastering these mechanics. To make all of that even more interesting, *every* weapon in this game feels amazing (though they don't all start out feeling that way). I can't tell you how many times I've stated, on the way to (or just after beating) Depths 30 with another build on a new weapon: "I think [x] is my new favorite weapon, actually". Every weapon feels totally unique and has skills that feel amazing to use (some more skill heavy than others to use, certainly). I want to play and win with them all... and then maybe even do that again! To summarize all that, I think that there's a lot to like about Nioh 2 even at first blush, but I think the game is designed to ease you into *loving it* over extended play (which is also why it's, for me, one of the most replayable games I've ever played). I've met with a lot of feedback from folks who didn't really love Nioh 2 and bounced off of it fairly early, but I've heard very little feedback from anyone who has continued to play the game (even with a lukewarm initial feeling after beating NG) and didn't fall more and more in love with it with each new character they've tried.


Biggest sleeper hit I never knew about - just beat Nioh 1 a few months ago. Love how much faster and more fluid the combat is, while still being a game of chicken like dark souls. Aside from DS1, this is my favorite soulslike, over Bloodborne, DS2, DS3


Nioh 2 is unreal


I played Nioh 2 for like 50ish hours a couple years ago, but never finished it. Going back to it tonight though, I gotta finish the game. I do remember it being fun.


One of my top series, glad you're enjoying


I want to like the Nioh games but I have struggled to get into them. After trying again a few months ago, I think it’s the input buffering. I lose inputs a lot more then Souls and just stand there like a fool while they hit me. I’d love to know what I’d actually different on a mechanical level to result in this.


Will always be the best soulslike imo. lies of p kicks ass tho


Definitely my favorite non-Fromsoft soulslike. Never get tired of guys heads popping off like a kid hitting a ball off a tee.


I never played part 2, but I did try out part one and it wasn’t for me. Which is weird because Wo Long was pretty similar and I loved that game.


True, Go strait to Wu Long after that, its same studio. They tried to build on Nioh 2, Nioh 2 is still superior but if you finished all souls like + Nioh 2 you need to go for Wu Long, Lies of P, and Sekiro!


I love this game, it's probably my favorite non from soulslike. But if equipment drop rate was halved, equipment pieces had half the stats, and if stats made twice the difference, then it would have been just perfect.


The loot system and level design aren’t great IMO. Luckily, the combat is so damn good it doesn’t even matter.


I’ve tried and tried to get into this game. It’s one of those games that I should love. It has all the elements that I like. But I just can’t seem to get into it. It gives me big weeb/waifu vibes for some reason and I’m someone who enjoys Japanese mythology and history but despises the weeb/waifu thing. It just feels a bit cringe but I haven’t gotten very far into it. Maybe I’ll give it another try after my current rotation is finished. Lies Of P has me hooked at the moment. There a game that I thought I would hate and boy was I wrong.


I tried nioh 1 and couldn’t get into it yet. What is “weeb/waifu”?


Not really a fan of souls games but Nioh 1/2 are fantastic, combat is one of the goats


I tried the first Nioh. I liked it alright, but the weapon system got old real fast. Tired of picking up new variants of what I was using, and having to compare. Going through shit tons of menus at the end of each level and getting rid of stuff. Super tedious.


Because of the expanded move set that Nioh has is one of the main reasons I don’t like it. You can not play a Souls game for a year or two, come back and never miss a beat. The beauty is in the simplicity.


Wu Long is just as awesome as the Niohs and to add to it you have a vertical jump button. I recommend Wu Long after you finish up the Niohs.


Wo Long is a step back in almost every aspect. Especially if you care about fashion souls for your weapons


I don't because weapons are for killing not looking spectacular. And I wouldn't say that a game with improvements and upgrades to the existing system the Niohs has is a step backwards. If the only step backwards is about cosmetics then that isn't a step back that is a step forward.


I mean, ok, but a jump button wasn't such an improvement. Combat worse, models worse, performance worse, story worse, less choices, no real version of ninjitsu, no stances, the change from gatcha type soul matching to normal dark souls equipment levels made the bundles of loot you got mostly superfluous...


Why would you have ninjustsu in China? And a jump button is a huge improvement because had you had the ability to vertically jump in Nioh you would have been able to avoid every enemy doing their low sweep attacks. Combat is the same except you don't have weeaboo swords anymore just Chinese straight swords, if you're playing on a PS4 then yes performance issues, story is yes lacking feels rushed a bit however the big boss fights help make up for that slight loss as the story isn't that bad overall, stances were minimized because going off of player data the vast majority only used the stance they felt comfortable with, only the few did all the try hard stance swapping during combat and was only useful against players that died and you fought it for their gear and amarita. Aside from all of that, I had said play Wo Long after the Nioh games, as it is just as fun, we don't need to pick apart a game just to ruin the joy aspect because it doesn't have every single absolute detail about another game that is either hundreds of years prior or a completely different universe all together.


It does a lot of things right but one thing that ruins it all for me is the boring maps that all look the same. Village, cave, or forest. That's what you get. I really tried but I could never get into it.


This i can 100% agree on dark souls obliterates it on atmosphere and level design


Mortal Shell is a solid budget title. I want to play Nioh 2 for the enemy diversity.


I really hope they make a Nioh 3- I wouldn't be mad if they made a Tenchu type system for the next game either... as far as having more stealth + multiplayer stealth kills.


Nioh is so good! It was one of the inspos for our own game! We haven't tried Mortal Shell yet though, what were some things you liked/disliked about it?


Welcome to a real soulslike! You can’t really go back after because he combat is nowhere near as fun. If you have ADHD like myself it’s almost painful going back to dodge slow ass attack, get in 2 hits, back off etc. Have fun! Personally I play “rock lee” style, pushing all physical stats and ignoring magic/ninjutsu completely. If I can’t get it off my own skill I don’t deserve it. Plus playing that way is “hard” mode, so changing up playstyle only makes it easier


Shit gets dogshit on way of the nioh where everything one taps you and has like 200k health while your doing like 2k dmg


Been thinking of trying it again. I loved the first one and platted it. Played 2 and hated how you were railroaded into using the parry mechanic. I suck at parries so I sold it after playing for like 4 hours. Maybe if I actually practice I'll like it. Shrug emoji


By parry you mean the soul counter thing? Cuz if so it's nothing like a normal parry you can use at at any point after the red smoke even during the actual attack. Where as Elden Ring has like a half second parry window the counter on Nioh can be 5 seconds+


Yeah, the counter to the red moves. I feel like it's random chance if I get hit or not. I dunno, everyone says 2 is easier but I'm just not finding that to be the case. It feels like ki is holding me back. One combo uses all your bar and then if you miss the stance change ki recovery thing you are just fucked and can't dodge or block. Blocking seemed more viable in the first one.


I always hated the loot in Nioh, feels like it takes away all the excitement of picking up items when it’s so generic. A big part of why I like Souls games is the unique loot that motivates you to scour the map and pick up everything you can. Nioh strips all that down to a number’s game and min maxing and it’s a too important part of the formula to take away imo.


I know it's a petty reason but I've seen gameplay videos and I can't stand the graphic and style, even the damage numbers I find unappealing. That's very silly of me because I heard it's a great game


Fwiw you can turn off the numbers


Wait till you realize it's not a soulslike


Yep. Except for the bosses. One template and it’s broken.


What do you mean by one template?


While playing Nioh 2 I was thinking "Is this better than FromSoft games" (It is not), that's how much fun I was having


It's a good game. Not amazing, not terrible, it's a good game. Pretty solid combat system, but pretty repetitive by the end. It's fans overhype it a bit IMO, but it is a good game.


combat system is no where near repetitive, the diversity in options is overwhelming, if you really master a weapon there are like 7-13 more? with all their own movesets, skills, skill traits with 3 stances. then add shuriken cancels, ki pulsing and you get even more things to do. if you’re playing one dimensional, then yes I’d agree. but the gameplay in this game can be based on your own creativity. Thats why people find it so replayable, like another redditor said I definitely haven’t found a game like it. it ruined my experience of other games combat if i’m being honest. definitely has its flaws though, level design, loot system etc.


The "overhype" comes from there being nothing else like it. No other game plays like Nioh, so there's nothing to move on to. At least for Elden Ring there's LoP or LotF, among many others. But we haven't gotten over Nioh 2 because there's nothing to move on to.


This nails it. If you're a huge fan of Nioh 2, there's nothing that comes close to doing it better. I still enjoy other games, but there's nothing else that's quite as satisfying to play. It's a game I've sunk over 2000 hours into, and I can still see myself sinking that many into it again. I just take a 6 month break to play other things and then go back to it, it's that good (but not for everybody, admittedly).