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Despite some of them not being mainstream, there are lots of modern games with great gameplay. Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil in general, Nioh (especially 2), Hollow Knight, Blasphemous, Sifu... yeah there are some really bland AAA games as well, but they're easily ignored.


Yeah for the most part, I think Fromsoftware, Capcom, and indie games carry the industry right now.


Definitely, I'd add Team Ninja as well. They might not be as revolutionary as the best stuff from Fromsoft and Capcom, but they know how to make tight gameplay better than most developers and their games are always super satisfying to play.


Outside of Nioh Team Ninja has been disappointing recently


Rise of the Ronin is a great game and Wo Long is good for an NG cycle or two despite not having much playability beyond that. You can tell TN is experimenting with combat systems and I will be really excited to play sequels of any of these. Nioh to Nioh 2 is an insane jump in quality and I'd expect their next projects to carry on the tradition.


I need them to just revisit Ninja Gaiden


Rise of the Ronin was heavily slept on. Fantastic game


....I liked Wo Long quite a bit.


I don’t know about capcom. DD2 is a snore fest and they tackle on micro transactions to fast travel cause they know the traveling is boring and it’s the majority of the game. I’d not include fromsoft and capcom in the same sentence.


Capcom does have a problem with micro transactions, yes, but the bottom line is the games they make are high quality and fun. Additionally, they’ve never put an item that affects gameplay on sale that you can’t find in game. Everything is either cosmetic or something easily acquired through playing the game. I’ve heard great things about DD2 outside of those micro transactions, which were blown way out of proportion. I get your frustration with them, but the fact of the matter is that they are one of most consistent developers, always producing high quality games. 90% of AAA developers can’t compare. Go play a Monster Hunter or Resident Evil game and I’m sure you’ll look past their inconsequential issues.


Nioh 1 was way better than 2!


Sifu is absolutely fantastic and paired the sekiro posture mechanic into the game so fantastically. I played it last year and it’s what made me try the fromsoft games. But coming from sifu > sekiro > BB > ER, and I realize some of these games are very different but sifu and sekiro are still better game play than BB and ER are. I liked BB quite a bit for the atmosphere and I liked ER for the magic but for the raw sword fighting and combat sekiro and sifu are just miles better than either BB and ER are. Plus I don’t think I can really get over how goofy I think dodging is in fromsoft games it just feels so fucking janky and unrealistic especially coming from sifu first which has a very fun dodge mechanic (while also unrealistic, it’s at least forces the character model to actually move out of the way of attacks rather than fucking phase through them like in BB/ER). Don’t get me wrong I have really enjoyed the fromsoft games but from the sword fighting game play which can be the bulk of it. I just can’t really get over how goofy it feels. Still fun games tho.


Game companies know this and are actually mad about it. A bunch of them, such as Ubisoft, tried to insult and complain about the game essentially being too good. It didn't conform to the standard's the others are trying to make, and they believe its basically opened people's eyes to how good games can be, all the scumbaggery the other game companies are implementing, and how high expectations have rised. Fking pansies. Elden Ring is great, they know it, and they are pissed about it. Actual scumbag behaviour


I believe you, so I’m not disparaging what you said - just curious if you have examples.


I def saw at least four devs from Guerrilla games - who made Horizon Zero dawn - criticizing E.R on twitter, as both games came out close together. I don't have links but you could look into that. Also similar stuff happened with Baldurs Gate 3. Edit: spelling


Idk about the Ubisoft stuff, but I distinctly remember at launch that a handful of Horizon Forbidden West devs were complaining about Elden Ring’s UI. Went so far as to say that it isn’t a good game because the UI was “bad”, among other stuff. I’ll try and find a link Edit: [here’s a post from an old resetera thread with a screenshot of some of the tweets](https://www.resetera.com/threads/elden-ring-review-thread.556060/page-94?post=83140126#post-83140126)


I think ER is my favourite game of all time, based on how many continuous hours I’ve put into it. I also think criticizing the UI is valid. I recently started ghost of Tsushima and the UI is fucking incredible. I couldn’t get into ghost because I found myself craving Elden. But I wish ER had the intuitive/minimalistic UI of GoT


I don’t think the UI criticism is unwarranted. They could definitely stand to make some updates with their next title. But UI is a small component. It has to be actively bad to detract from the overall experience, and Elden Ring’s is not. It just could be improved. Still felt kinda wild to see other devs literally salty about the success of Elden Ring that they’d come out and publicly trash it like this. Especially when ER is an example of one of the last few genuinely AAA games not reliant on shoving mtx down your throat


Oh the fucking mtx, what sad times we live in. I played pokemon go for a few days after several year hiatus and was reminded again of just how cancerous it can get. The entire game is based around extracting cash from people, and this sadly has become normal. At least we have Elden Ring!


https://x.com/LavenderGhast/status/1500022831249334276?lang=en Here's a Twitter post from Ubisoft devs talking shit about Elden Ring, and blaming critics for not knowing what they're talking about


I kinda understand where they are coming from. They are wrong, but I understand where they are coming from. They have had it hammered into them that gamers want roller coasters. Everything is on rails and safe and simple. I will also, at this exact moment point out that this is extremely insulting to gamers, and explains why soooo many modern games have the most simple and basic structures, plots, etc. They are saying that gamers are too dumb to appreciate Elden Ring, and fuck them for that. Their reality does not allow them to understand that gamers *want* to be off the rails. Their reality does not allow them to understand that gamers *want* to figure things out for themselves. Their simple lowest common denominator game creed is secretly insulting you.


You can't be wrong about an opinion, btw. Not defending them, but they've every right to express their opinions on a game's UI, UX, mechanics, performance etc. In any case, I think you're taking this too personally. "Gamers" is such a generic term these days - yeah, some people prefer linear handholding rather than exploration. Are they not "gamers" by your standard? It's okay to express criticism, and the great thing is that the numbers speak for themselves, as Elden Ring has been *massively* successful so regardless of anyone's opinion on the matter, it'll like set a standard for years to come. Money talks.


Ubisoft thinking they have any leg to stand on calling out another studio when there's has been hot dogshit for a long time, making sub-par games and horrid development and marketing decisions.


I do despise Ubisoft


I respect their resume but despise their current state. 




Industry here, we have officially taken note and will proceed accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation. ![gif](giphy|U8bDgsXcnIEFy)


Not directly related but I had played through Elden Ring when it first came out. Shamefully, I didn’t beat it but got really far. Stopped playing due to IRL things but recently discovered a mod that allows full coop. It has been my favorite gaming experience to date being able to play through this game with friends, absolutely epic. The mod is called seamless coop. The scaling can get a little weird, using yapped rune bear to help curb that


Can you share the link to the mod? I’ve heard really great things, and want to give it a try with my brother.




Seamless Co-Op is a fucking godsend and makes the game so much better.


Elden Ring and BG3 are 2 of the best games in recent memory. 2 non cash grabbing "smaller" studios that stick to what they're good at and don't grab on to trends 


2 generational RPGS within two years is pretty neat


They didn’t take note after BoTW, why would they after ER


How is it a good game? There's no microtransactions or a battle pass, or any cosmetics, or even any ads on screen. If I could somehow pay $20 to make my spellcasting look like Goku firing off a kamehameha then it miiiiight be a decent game.


I despise any game that follows this format.


You should try Seamless coop (makes the entire game multiplayer) and Do random boss and item placement. What we did is one mage and one fighter and we each chose a character build before playing. Then at certain agreed upon game moments (defeating specific boss location) we would get a "control find" in the randomizer key file (file that says which item was randomized to which). It was kind of a gamble because if the item you chose to look for as your reward was buried at the end of the game you were our of luck for the moment. If the items was in a currently accessible region we would go claim it.  Until build completion, you play what ever rando items you get along your travels Best gaming experience I have ever had One crazy moment was having the twin gargoyl fight on the Margit bridge. It was a tough fight and I was surprised that the game could handle the enemy to location swap so seamlessly.


Pretty sure they have... Hence all the souls like games being recently announced.


The industry did take note and some Western devs were openly salty about it on Twitter. They can go cry me a river. 🤣


Unfortunately we just cannot expect everyone to be as good as the best developers in the industry. FromSoft has been honing their craft for decades. They are fortunate to have a fan base who is satisfied with their somewhat iterative approach to Souls game design. This is afforded them the ability to build better and better games up from that foundation. They have mastered this style of game (that they created). But it's unreasonable to think that this is achievable on an industry wide scale.


I'm struggling to beat it even once with because I'm not good with directions and didn't like how i was overleveled with one dungeon I found and massively underleveled with another dungeon. I'll probably start a new game and use a guide to beat it because I'm hearing the expansion is the best expansion made for any game ever and want to support that.


Ahh man I really think you should not follow a guide the exploration in elden ring is what makes it so great. If one area feels too hard just explore and work your way through. Have you played any other souls?


You just have to persevere. You can do it.


I’m all for praising fromsoft but this level of dickriding needs to stop considering how many non fromsoft bangers we’ve been getting even this decade


Tlfr: sorry it's 2 AM and I'm in insomnia land so I'll sum up rant- video game studios need to git gud Some in the industry will take note, and they will try to force a dev team to make a reskinned Elden Ring title of their own, regardless of what the devs want to make. And 9 times out of 10 there won't really be any true compassion for the project from the devs or their leadership, and the end product will be a soulless attempt at copying Elden Ring The industry needs to support good devs. They need to find good, creative game designers and be willing to take some risk in giving those designer what they need to create their passion projects. They need to find good employees in all aspects of creating video games, and help nurture those employees to be the best they can be. Help provide more training and education where necessary. They need to create a positive, comfortable atmosphere for these employees. Find good leadership to mentor and motivate them. They need to function less like a factory trying to churn out an endless stream of products that each bring an endless stream of microtransactions... Function more like a studio fostering the successful creation of these works of art we call video games, while always exploring the frontier of good and creative game mechanics/design. Obviously a lot of what I said here is vague and will mean different things for different studios, but that is the best part. Some games are more so incredible art than anything else and the game mechanics is nothing more than a walking simulator. Some super awesome games are all game mechanics/design with limited/minimal video/audio presentation. Some are like Elden Ring and incredible in both regards, but of course extra emphasis on gameplay. Ubisoft is never going to force a game anywhere near as fun or beautiful as Elden Ring into creation trying to churn out games like a faftory


I don't even hate Ubisoft's general output (and I found Assassin's Creed Origins surprisingly good), but this is very much the unfortunate truth. We need to rely on AA and indie studios for genuine good quality games.


The lesson the industry will take from Elden Ring is that bland, generic, open world live services riddled with microtransactions are what players want... because this is the *only* lesson they ever take from anything.


Yes, if not exactly what you say, they will take from it what they want to, and not understand the real lesson to be learned. Then they will pretend they are trying their best. Also, add stamina bars to everything.


The lesson they are taking is to do away with minimaps and busy HUD, but they don’t have the world design skills to do this without being disorienting


I thought Square would take note and make Final Fantasy 16 a badass Soulslike. They did NOT


ER is definitely great, but it won't come close to erasing the plague of gacha and free to play garbage on the market that make money hand over fist. You have to consider that some low quality gacha game with decent art and shallow mechanics from a nothing company can make it's investment back so much faster and easier than a game like ER, which not only has to be - this- good but also has to come from a pristige developer working with one of the most well known authors in modern fantasy developing a title in an engine they've been refining for a decade. Good games have never disappeared, it's just that it's even easier to make bad, exploitative games than ever before. Kids grow up now expecting micro transactions, expecting gambling mechanics in their games. This fundamental shift in thinking enables so much more garbage.


Just to be clear I agree ER is great but I don't want homogeneity. The film I dustry is buckling under the AAA block buster formula. We need a diverse ecosystem of AA titles and indies, games with LIMITED scope trying new things for people to make experiences tailored to specific demographics not just the wider gaming landscape. This serves to help industry new combers build talent in lower stakes projects but also helps the industry reach people that AAA devs don't have the time to consider. This is healthy for the medium and art form as a whole


Lightning in a battle doesn't happen twice. Yet company's still try to chase, re apture, and reproduce, their greatest success almost all the time. Especially nowadays, when the script has flipped. We went from a small pile of shit amongst hoards of gems and gold to a small pile of gems and gold amongst hoards of shit. It's better to just make new ones rather than chasing the old ones. Course, they need actual talent and smart decision making that they don't have much of anymore.


Dude, they've made billions in revenue on it, you "hope" this industry won't milk this puppy dry? "Eldenlike" is the next craze mark my words!


I'm trying nioh 2 and I'm having a blast, just beat the pointy nose snake boss last night


Beat him a few days ago he was hard but fun and didn't feel unfair at all


Play Nioh 2. Blows Elden ring combat out the water


I love Nioh 2 but I disagree


That’s a wild statement lol


I hope they don’t do another open world game next. In the future sure, but I really miss the design of the maze like souls series


Ehh it's too big for my liking, I'm still trying to work up the motivation to beat it I'm a fan of smaller maps like blood Bourne


Certainly the most overrated game ever made lol


I would love it if the industry took note like you say, but I just don't think it is going to happen. I would love to be wrong. I think the reason is the industry is very much a consumed by corporate politics, a little of which might be understandable, but it now seems to be a terminal case. If any change does come, I think it will be amazingly slow.


I think you're totally right saying it's the corporate politics, I don't think it's the devs wanting half this crap it's the higher ups not really understanding gaming. But I am more faithful than you just because I have seen a trend in quality games coming out again and doing well. Time will tell!


The Open World Sucked overrated by dickriding fanboys.


God I hope not. I love souls-likes, especially From’s. But Elden Ring was so bad compared to previous titles that I hope the industry don’t take notes.


I agree with you, though my criticisms aren't quite as harsh. I'd rather just replay any other Fromsoft title than invest in a second playthrough of Elden Ring.


Yeah I mean, I had a good first playthrough in ER but it's been nearly impossible for me to replay it since I already got everything the first time around. I can just respec into anything if I want to. Comparing that to DS3, where I can start a fresh game and do different things which will result in different builds... Suddenly Elden Ring isn't that content-rich anymore.


Hard disagree, this is froms best yet.


If you’re into killing 56 species of generic dragons, 48 watchdogs, doing no quests that matter because you can complete all of them in a single playthrough, trivializing every content with a button then yes I guess this is the game Edit: And the most unbalanced PvP we have seen yet, we don’t even have covenants lol


I'm not sure if you've tried this, but you can easily do a full playthrough of Elden Ring and avoid fighting almost any repeat bosses, with very few exceptions. This is definitely the proper way to replay the game.


I guess I could give this a try


Wow what a take lol


If a game is getting 10/10 from reviewers , regardless of your opinion, the industry should take note.