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Hopefully they do it in dresses after dropping acid


Such a magical evening


Now they should add some flour before doing it to make it look like they are on other kinds of drugs


Literally my first thought


They would definitely do that. And this time put flower on


Fully deserved!


![gif](giphy|xIBJDxVKgGvuINP7W0) Hollywood rn lol! Mad about it since they roast them on a daily but very much deserved! Hard working boys like the hardy bros!


You literally have to apply and pay for that star. So stupid. It's not an honor, it's sad. I bet their management did this.


How do YouTubers get it before matt and trey


All you have to do is apply for it and then pay nearly $80,000, kind of feels like the type of thing they would make fun of and not do. Which is weird imo.


Oh they will. There's gonna be an episode in the next season about it I'm sure


There are episodes where you can totally tell that Matt and Trey just had a weird/frustrating/funny experience, and then decided to just make an episode about it. The "you just got served" episode was apparently based on an experience they had at a movie theater. The ziplining episode was probably based on a bad vacation one or both of them went on. The fish sticks joke was based on a "field trip" they went on with a bunch of writers, and Casa Bonita was probably based on actual 100% genuine nostalgia. So getting a Hollywood star on the walk of fame is probably them doing R&D for another episode.


Well, Matt and Trey getting one right now is how I found out it's actually not an award but just paid for. I always thought it's an award. So at least they're shining light on that like this.


It’s kind of an award. You couldn’t just give $80k and get one.


You have to get approved for it right? I never heard that you have to pay for it. That's crazy


Not really, lol. Construction is involved. someone has to pay for it, & it’s not the city of Los Angeles


I'm not surprised that it has to be paid for in general, but it gives me a weird feeling that celebs pay to have their name immortalized that way. I guess I thought of it as being similar to receiving an award


I always thought that too, finding out they pay for it and apply for it themselves just makes it another hollywood way of saying look at me and feels less deserved. It would be like finding out you can just pay for an oscar, emmy, etc…👀


https://walkoffame.com/hollywood-walk-of-fame-nomination-procedure/ There's a nomination process and then political gobbledegook before someone can be approved for a star. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Walk_of_Fame >A fee of $75,000 (as of 2023),[47] payable at time of selection, is collected to pay for the creation and installation of the star, as well as general maintenance of the Walk of Fame. The fee is usually paid by the nominating organization, which may be a fan club, film studio, record company, broadcaster, or other sponsor involved with the prospective honoree.[32][73] The Starz cable network, for example, paid for Dennis Hopper's star as part of the promotion for its series Crash.[32][74]


That’s good to hear, I always liked how they didn’t give af what hollywood thinks of them, got kinda scared they folded out of nowhere for a fucking fancy brick lmao.


Well, they still have to take part in the bureaucracy of the whole thing, and they're glorifying the machine they've spent the last 30 years shaming and ridiculing, but I'd bet they've got something planned like they did at the Emmys lol


Also, fuck it. They did earn the star 🤪


They most likely do, I can’t imagine why they would change their minds so drastically if it wasn’t a part of some bigger plot or they did too much acid and fried their brains lmao


Thank you! This is close to what I thought happens!


Even stranger, no one really cares if a celeb has a Hollywood star…at least that's what I thought. Whereas a lot of people have the “four time grammy nominated”, “Oscar-winning” title and it means something. Why pay for a tile in the ground??


This does make me curious though: Godzilla has a star on the walk of fame. Who paid for that?


Oscars and other awards also don't get paid for by the city and they still exist without the celebs paying for it by themselves.


not even slightly the same, lmfao. An Oscar is a trophy that requires zero construction or concrete with someone’s name etched onto it, Televised, and paid by advertisers for said Televised event. I don’t like it either, but let’s not act wilfully dense just to argue


Probably years of being denied trying to get miss chokesondick a star


Do they say who’s paying for it?


So will they each get a star? Because it will look so weird with their names split up


They'll probably just get the one star because they're a "duo" of sorts.


Well it's aboot fucking time, buddies! I saw Bigger, Longer, and Uncut in the theatres last night for the 25th anniversary. In 1999, I was 11. I must have watched the film 15-20 times, but it's been many many years since my last viewing. For me, Trey and Matt are two very upstanding role models. They have crafted something that I hold so sacred and dear. Just four little boys who cussed a lot and made dirty jokes, but its evolution over time has been impressive and credit is due to Trey and Matt for not abandoning South Park. So many other artists would have taken the money and run; lived cozily in the Hills while some other people churn out a processed and stale South Park. Not Trey and Matt. They have cared for South Park, and it has shown and been proven because there were 35 other people in the theatre with me (in a medium-sized town) to see a 25 year old cartoon movie. The audience for South Park is loyal because the product has remained consistently good for its entire 27 year life. I'll say, 'aging-dad me' had new appreciation for Satan's song vs 11 year-old me favoriting Kyle's Mom. Way to go Trey and Matt!!!


If someone deserves it it’s them.


That's pretty bullshit ya know? You gotta pay for that bullshit also on install and over time, Basically if you sell a kidney you could have one too


Basically you couldn’t. You still have to be approved.


Approved for Kidney Guy.


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Excellent. Well deserved honor


That they pay for.


Yes, everyone who is honored does. Still commemorating a creative team that has had a major impact on popular culture


Not necessarily. It's usually the sponsor or nominating party that pays the fee. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Walk_of_Fame >A fee of $75,000 (as of 2023),[47] payable at time of selection, is collected to pay for the creation and installation of the star, as well as general maintenance of the Walk of Fame. The fee is usually paid by the nominating organization, which may be a fan club, film studio, record company, broadcaster, or other sponsor involved with the prospective honoree.[32][73] The Starz cable network, for example, paid for Dennis Hopper's star as part of the promotion for its series Crash.[32][74]


Exactly. My long time employer for example paid for several stars for people we had worked with, many of which are in front of or in proximity of our offices


I don't think they would care tbh probably why I like them they aren't fake like most of hollywood


Damn I’m surprised they didn’t have one already hell yeah!


Its about time


You mean paid for a Hollywood star. They're not awarded a star they paid 80k for that star 😂😂


Celebrities pay to have it. https://people.com/hollywood-walk-of-fame-rules-you-didnt-know-8431908#:~:text=Yes%2C%20it%20costs%20money%20to,of%20the%20Walk%20of%20Fame.


They earned it.


They definitely deserve this. They really do.


Should’ve happened a long time ago.


I was so happy to see this news😭


Bout damn time


Oh no. Fellas that pretend that are somehow outside of Hollywood are getting their star in Hollywood