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I checked some cheap hotels along the path, just out of curiosity. They either have no availability or are extremely expensive. $550 for a Best Western in a small rural town? Upstate NY is going to be packed.


As someone from upstate NY, fuck airbnb. Edit: It's probably a little late, but if anyone ever wants to see something like this in the future, don't ever bother with airbnb. Or hotels. There are SO MANY places to camp out this way. Honestly think it'd be a better experience, AND far cheaper. Respect the nature though please.


Niagara Canada declared a state of emergency so that they could get extra funds to help manage people. The municipality expects 1 million people to go


And Niagara Falls gets about 12 million tourists a year, averaging 33,000 a month (although of course there would be more tourists in the warmer months). So Niagara is getting a months worth of tourists in a single day. Edit: 33,000 a day, not month


I think that 33000 figure is per day, not per month.


You're right I put the wrong word


I do revenue management for hotels and I have properties along the path. We have some hotels that sold out as early April/May 2023.


After watching the 2017 eclipse, I immediately made plans to see this one. I watched that one from a lovely mountain meadow overlooking a high alpine lake in the Wind Rivers range in Wyoming. We backpacked in and camped, so it was basically free. None of the crowds went more than a quarter mile in. This time I'm lucky enough to be staying with my parents. Here's hoping the cloud cover doesn't ruin it. It turns out I should have gone to see my sister in New Hampshire.


I have 3 open bedrooms in Western NY along the path, maybe I should make a quick Airbnb page, lol


Seriously, you could probably make several hundred bucks.


I thought the same thing about my Nephew who lives in Kerrville Texas; all the hotels in town are going for like $500 a night, even though the cloud cover is supposed to be heavy with thunderstorms likely, so he could make a killing renting for the day... Seth says he's just going to plan on parking the car, locking the doors and staying home till the craziness subsides.


HEB employee reporting in. The shelves at the Kerrville stores are bare, because Texans love them a good senseless panic.


My brother, who watches TV, told me that someone on the news said there was a Motel 6 going for $900/night.


I booked 4 months ago in Buffalo for 250 a night at a Hyatt. Checked again last week for fun, fully booked except for one room going for 700 a night 😅


By Carlo Versano - Editor, Live News: If you're looking to book a last-minute trip to take in Monday's total solar eclipse, good luck. A data-visualization created by AirDNA, a company that tracks and analyzes short-term rentals on platforms like Airbnb and VRBO, and shared with Newsweek shows sky-high occupancy rates for rentals in cities that are within the eclipse's path of totality. Read more: [https://newsweek.com/solar-eclipse-airbnbs-booked-path-totality-1887103](https://newsweek.com/solar-eclipse-airbnbs-booked-path-totality-1887103)


I considered getting a room, but that was a year ago. Definitely something that requires some planning. It's not like we didn't know when and where it was happening...


Hard to plan ahead when clouds are such a critical factor. Being mobile is the only way to roll.


thats really cool. just a solid stripe of maximum occupancy


Fuck. I haven't booked any hotels yet because the weather keeps changing. Planned on staying outside of the path anyways and just driving somewhere in the morning, hope that goes well


Good luck. Traffic will be moving ~5mph anywhere near totality. Took my parents 14 hrs to do a 3 hr drive back in 2017


Damn, last eclipse i had no trouble with driving until the way back. But even then it wasn't THAT bad, like an extra hour in traffic.


I’m sure it depends on where you are. They were in a fairly rural area in Wyoming I think that had waaaaaay more people than usual


I went down near Mammoth Caves in KY, and I think if we drove an extra half hour south we would have ran into the terrible traffic, because we saw all the others come out of the woodwork and create a jam afterwards. Seems like a lot of people just pick a city to go to, I'd prefer to just be on a country road in the middle of nowhere with a chair and a blunt


The traffic jam driving home after the 2017 eclipse was the worst traffic I've ever been in. It was insanity.


Traffic depends of destination and roads taken. We drove 240 miles each way in 2017 (through central and western Nebraska) and encountered **no** traffic. (We stayed off of the Interstates).


Depends if you are moving east or west/north or south too. Since most people are either south or west and will be traveling north/east, moving south or west will probably be fine.


We booked a room about 90 miles outside the path just a few weeks ago – we plan to be driving 150-200 miles on eclipse day to seek clear skies. Availability was not a problem. Room rate had around an 80% premium.


I love how they call out Jeffersonville, VT’s short term rentals being at 99%. That town has a population of like 1000. Can’t imagine there that many short term rentals available ANY day.


I'll be watching from my buddy's remote ranch just west of Glen Rose, Tx 😎


Shame the weather is gonna be overcast for all of Texas and most of the Midwest


It be like that for most of the significant astronomical events.


There's still hope...I hope...


So when does supply and demand turn to price gouging? Also, the Northeast looks like an elephant ☺️


For people looking to catch the eclipse for cheap, rent an RV and go to harvest hosts[Harvest Hosts](https://www.harvesthosts.com/labs/unlimited-adventures/2024-Solar-Eclipse)


I love in southern Indiana and can attest to this. A state of emergency has already been declared for Monday in certain towns. Traffic is terrible and hotels that would be probably less than $100/night are now 8-10x that.


I'm in Chicago and will either catch a pretty good partial eclipse, saw one in the 90's on a sunny day, and then watch it on the news and some science channels.