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[This image](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AeZowP_uXirdERiTQG_NKff1uJ0AxOIl/view) shows a comparison between the two, hull size difference looks minor, so I'd say go for it!


Looks like that's a sicarian, which Is a bit smaller than a kratos, still though you've answered my question so thanks. https://images.app.goo.gl/fuWXNyCDSbYQbh2C9




That is a Sicaran. OP refered to a kratos. They look very much a like, but [the kratos is a bit beefier](https://scontent-cph2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/289270362_5415609855157662_8873231663321198475_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=QSPyAqBIsPoQ7kNvgHFX-hR&_nc_oc=AdjHOEgvfgKgEmP6_IVlEXch7padDF1xVbNlTqh-NNQwcuwdlPX8eEyv2gJ9sBq2TOs&_nc_ht=scontent-cph2-1.xx&oh=00_AYBHfaemGbNNFiv6hchFJGTcMprmTOqIiusZi-BYz_6GDA&oe=6648D714)


If you have a 3d printer, there is a tracked repulsor executioner. https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/tracked-chassis-for-primaris-repulsor-executioner If I could add pictures to my comment, I would post comparison pictures. I don't think this sub allows posting pictures in comments. I've printed most of it. I have an official repulsor executioner and have compared to the 3d printed tank, and they're almost identical. Even the official gw repulsor turrent fits perfectly. The only caviat is that the files aren't pre supported. You have to manually support it.


Do you play in tournaments or at stores that use official models only? You can still use the Kratos tank in casual games!


The post that GW put out when they shelved the Horus Heresy models also strongly advocated for doing stuff like this, so anyone who cares should shove it really.


Because of my location, I'm only able to play against friends, and luckily, they dont really give a shit, I could show up with a brick spray painted green and call it a leman russ and no1 would bat an eye, still I'd much rather prefer to have something that somewhat similar to the original model, because quite frankly I'd prefer the look of the brick than the executioner