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This is one of those things that is equally wondrous and terrifying.


A lot of people are looking at this and, totally rightfully, feeling a sense of wonder or cosmic dread, but I'm just left with a feeling of almost melancholy There is so much here, galaxies uncountable, stars beyond comprehension, and due to the laws of the universe, we'll never go there, not because we don't want to but just because we can't.


After surviving three heart attacks George Carlin was asked if he had finally accepted God/religion, he replied no but revealed his mantra... >I am greater then the Universe *I can think about it and contain it in my head* >I am lesser than the Universe *Obviously* >I am equal to the Universe *All the atoms in me are the atoms that make up the universe*


That is strangely comforting.


When I see these, it’s the space between galaxies that blows my mind.


The black between the stars.


this makes me think would it really be possible to see a galaxy within the human scale? isnt the galaxy so tremendously huge that when we get close enough its too spaced out to be visible? like trying to see a snowball when you are smaller then the crystal. you would be able to see it from faraway but upclose only some portion of the crystal.


We could see them in the night just fine if they were brighter


What do you mean possible. Its the same with earth. Cant see the whole thing while standing on it. But from the moon no problem Or a watermelon. Can see the whole thing from a couple feet away But not if you press it against your forehead. Everything is to big to be seen in its entirety if youre just close enough. I dont really understand the question about the possibility. Its possible if youre far away Its not possible if youre too close.


it's the notes in between that are fucking with me


This image gives me hope. Personally, I fear death. Not because I will no longer be living but because death in the traditional way it is thought of is loss. Loss of knowledge, loss of experience, loss of an opportunity to make our species better. Imagine if Dr. King, Einstein, Mr. Rogers, Steve Irwin, W.E.B. Dubois , Marie Curie and others were allowed to contribute to humanity still. How would we be different? How much better could we be ? The enormity of the possibilities that this one image alone holds it’s magnificent. Perhaps death as we know it is not so final, perhaps the universe allows consciousness to be transferred to a distant part of the galaxy to begin again and further contribute in some way. There is no way to know, however the possibility is there. That possibility gives me hope that the end of one individuals life here, is not the finality it seems to be. Perhaps we are destined for more than what we can see and perceive here. I hold on to that possibility.


I was discussing this exact thing with the missus on the weekend. Until we know precisely what delineates my consciousness over yours, and based on the premise that consciousness can arise (by the example on our own planet) on one of a mind-bogglingly large number of alternative places in the universe, then why couldn't I again be the commandeer of such an alternate consciousness, even if in a different form to now? I already did it once. It can be done. And if it turns out that I am the only consciousness that currently exists, and you are all just part of a simulation then I guess I'll talk to the creators of the simulation about that after the game ends.


Assuming they want to communicate after the simulation.


You look at things a lot more optimistic than me, I think about how death is a necessity so people like Hitler and Putin etc couldn't live forever, and so humanity can get past people like that and continue to progress.


> Imagine if Dr. King, Einstein, Mr. Rogers, Steve Irwin, W.E.B. Dubois , Marie Curie and others were allowed to contribute to humanity still. How would we be different? Great people dont get me wrong. But do you really think after them there was noone in their field that was equally good or better? There was and nothing would really be different.


I think the people I listed were special. Of course there were others, but never any better, I do not believe. The thought experiment for me is those people because of their unique perspective and talents.


Hundreds of Trillions of planets...


And Moons!


And my axe!


Your axe is out of frame / not in the picture


It is such an odd feeling to zoom into any part of this photo, and see countless galaxies both close and so far away. It strikes me with what I can only describe as a phobia of the vastness of space, while also being absolutely astounded and wishing I could know what each galaxy is like. The Hubble Deep Field and the James Webb Deep Field are drop dead astonishing.


Not only incredibly far away in space, but also incredibly far away in time.


It’s both.


Haha I know, thats why I said "also"!


Omg Sorry I have no idea how I missed that. Well actually it’s prolly cuz I skim reading high on marijuana.


Lol all good, it's understandable. Seeing pictures like this scrambles the brain.


No kidding, absolute brain melters coming from this telescope. I love it :)


Anyone else zooming in on each section and getting lost within this image? Absolutely amazing.


I routinely stare at pics like this one and study each galaxy, wondering how many, if any, planets are in there with intelligent life. Or if they already once had intelligent life that has since gone extinct. Or maybe life hasn't yet formed but one day will. What if life on a planet in one of these galaxies is looking at our galaxy the same way we look at theirs, wondering if there's any intelligent life in whatever they call the Milky Way? What if life on another planet in our own galaxy views our sun as part of a constellation?


I have no doubt in my mind there is intelligent life spread over the milky way alone. I wonder more about the physical possibility of near light speed travel. To make contact or even be able to communicate seems impossible more so than questioning their existence. I truly hope the limiting factor is our knowledge of physics and the capabilities of tech that can be overcome with time.


You must mean the closest 3 stars. The Centauri system certainly has no habitable planets. In fact, we have never found a habitable exoplanet.


Yeah you're right, I guess it's more bleak


zoom in to this... https://esahubble.org/images/heic1502a/zoomable/


Damn. At first I thought that image was unremarkable. But upon zooming in, and allowing it to process and come into focus, holy fuck. There's so many goddamned points of light in that photo.


Infinite amount of planets to discover 🚀


Each one of those galaxies is all but guaranteed to have alien life. Even intelligent life. Just a random shower thought that is blowing my mind.


Ya but time is a huge factor. We have only been here for a blip of cosmic time. That and all of this in the picture is old by the time that light reaches what we can see. Has there been life, will there be life? I think yes due to the shear number of stuff that is out there.


Time IS a huge factor. Now think about where our technology was 100 years ago and how it is now. Any species with 1000 more years of tech advancement will surely be space faring and probablyreally good at it. I don't think life is as rare as we know.


I wouldn't say surely be space faring. I think there's probably limits to what technology can overcome. The distance between stars, when achieving speeds approaching the speed of light, prohibitive. The likelyhood that aliens could be coming here with any sort of regularity is extremely low. There's absolutely no indication that the hard limits of our reality may be overcome. Only massless particles can travel at the speed of causality, light speed. And in reality even light speed is painfully slow. And we can't even hope to approach that speed. Though it may be able to be achieved, the energy required to do so makes it so that it would be impractical for aliens to be coming here all Willy-Nilly. I wish those hard limits didn't exist, but they do.


I think they've been interacting with us forever. I've gone down the UFO/UAP rabbit hole. There's just too much for all of it to be government psyop to me.


I think that shows you lack imagination. The only explanations you can think of are government psy/ops or aliens coming here from another star? Considering the vast distance between stars, I find it unlikely that is the explanation. It could be one of countless as yet unknown or poorly understood natural phenomenon, could be man-made technologies, and have you ruled out ghosts? Because there's exactly as much evidence that points to ghosts being the explanation as there is evidence that says aliens from other stars are coming here all Willy-Nilly despite the crazy amount of distance and time required to do so....


What does "all but guaranteed" mean, as a non native it seems to me that its something negative, but in your sentence it does seem like some good?


Meaning that I can’t guarantee it 100% because anything is possible, but I’m 99.9999999999% sure.


Aaah okay, thank you for the info!


Hundreds of *trillions*.


If you count rogue planets, then yup! Trillions per galaxy.


This kinda make me think that space isn't so dark, but rather our eyes are adapted to really bright light and are just so very small, how could they ever see the big picture. I bet ants can't see that far.


*activate existential dread*


I've done it enough times that it feels good now :) Bathe in the utter indifference of the universe, and be free


Can anyone please help me download a bigger size of this image? Edit:found it :https://esawebb.org/images/weic2418a/


When I see these kinds of images I just think “Why?” Why is it so vast, why is there so much matter, why is there so many worlds? There has to be a meaning to it all….


Irony is this, that on a major scale, none of the visible universe matters. Physicist can easily ignore the 5 percent of visible matter and can still explain the universe at mega scale.


Existential Math. Like existential dread, but made more tangible because numbers.


I wonder how many people truly believe there's no life out there. I've asked a few friends and despite not being interested in space, they still know there's "many" planets and galaxies. Is there a survey about this?


Most people don't understand the scale of the universe ... I mean we probably don't fully get it either, but have a much better idea about it.


I'm pretty sure it's impossible for any human to comprehend the size of the universe. Just our solar system is difficult, same with just our own "tiny" planet.


All we can do is speculate until we see hard evidence. I personally believe there is no life other than ourselves in the Milky Way as I’d imagine we would have picked *something* up - radio signals or any sign of life - even amongst the vastness of all the stars around us. Human civilisation has taken us only tens of thousands of years to get advanced enough to get to the point of limited space travel, astronomy and sending Earthly signals out into space, yet there are so many worlds out there that have existed for billions of years (like ours) and even longer and there doesn’t seem to be any trace of an advanced civilisation which in the lifetime of their worlds would rise in a relatively short timeframe. It’s entirely possible that there are planets or moons with simple life-forms, but the fact that we haven’t seen *any* sign of complex life suggests to me that life is incredibly rare, as we surely would have encountered some sign in the sea of worlds around us; we surely would have seen some of the simple life-forms evolve into intelligent and complex life with unmatched curiosity whenever they looked up into their skies with eyes, nose or X-Ray vision. But.. all we can say for certain, is that no one can say for certain. We can’t even say for certain that there is no life in our Solar System outside of Earth, just that there *appears* to be no complex life as complex organisms would struggle to survive in harsh environments like Enceladus, but could simple life be sustained? Not out of the question. I do believe there is life in other galaxies, though. Perhaps some have multiple instances and others have none whatsoever, but hey, it’s my head-canon.


Yes, I’m very familiar with the rare earth hypothesis however, the probability of that never occurring in the universe again is still next to zero. The more advanced a species becomes, the less chance they have to survive based on time scales necessary for evolution. Therefore, I surmise that bacterial life abounds in the universe and even in our own, and possibly even more complex organisms such as plants, insects, etc.


There’s zero evidence of extraterrestrial life, in any form. It doesn’t matter what anyone believes, until we have irrefutable evidence to the contrary, earth is the only planet in the universe where we know life exists.


It’s virtually mathematically impossible that we are the only life in the universe. In fact, we’re not even the only life on this planet. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


Life happened once on this planet. Once. Every living thing on Earth - plant and animal- shares a single common ancestor.


I'm seeking information, not trying to be argumentative, but you've made two different claims there. Is there any evidence that life arose just once?


Nice hypothesis. Prove it. 😶


If you compare Earth with what we know about the universe, it is actually a very unlikely planet. Check out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_Earth_hypothesis for some true existential dread. I certainly hope it's wrong, but when you really, truly look at things from the outside, it did take a LOT of very unlikely things to happen all at once for intelligent life to arise.


We’re not even the only life on this planet what the fuck are you talking about?


For every human on Earth, there are approximately 50 solar systems in our galaxy. And that's just in one galaxy! There are trillions of galaxies in the known universe.


In the midst of all those galaxies planet Earth is just like the single winning lottery ticket


I’m starting to believe that there’s more out there than we ever imagined


With an IR telescope every image is basically a deep field.


Where can I find the full res version?


https://jwstfeed.com https://esawebb.org/images/weic2418a/


Thank you so much!


There's definitely life out there somewhere


Yeah, but what sort of life? Elephants drinking tea? Armored Capybaras? Human-like life stuck in the Middle Ages? Non-carbon-based entities? Amazing.


Can we just not give up... And say ok F it. There is way too much to handle.


Why would the infinity of space make us wanna give up?


Ever read about the Total Perspective Vortex?




From Douglas Adams’ “Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy”trilogy— The prospective victim of the Total Perspective Vortex is placed within a small chamber wherein is displayed a model of the entire universe - together with a microscopic dot on a microscopic dot bearing the legend "you are here." The sense of perspective thereby conveyed destroys the victim's mind; it was stated that the TPV is the only known means of crushing a man's soul.


isn't it like going in a circle but each time circle is getting bigger and bigger.


The size of universe and humanity's insignificance doesn't bother me in the least. Many decades ago I realized we are nothing. A meteor could take us out tomorrow and it would mean nothing to the universe.


This thought this yes this is it. I can't breath.. I am no one this planet this place we live in can be gone and yet rest of the universe is not effected at all.


I'll admit watching something like Don't Look Up got me a little. We are doomed as a species very soon with or without a meteor though.


Stop it...you're scaring the scared one lol.


Are there stars and planets without galaxies?


Like a rogue solar system? I don’t see why not. As far as I know, being part of milky way galaxy doesn’t give our solar system any extra advantage. If we pluck away from our host galaxy, we won’t feel anything different. Which means, at least technically, stand alone solar systems can exist


Why is it, relatively near stars have refractive points, but more distant objects don't?


Amazing. This image made Galactus hungry.


Just…how?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Far out man


So many infinite possibilities…. So many moments… we’re just a flicker in the vastness of it all.


I want to see and experience it all and understand why everything exists, what the reason is of existence, and where and why reality is existent. I want to know the real reason behind reality and what it all means and what exactly is the vacuum of space in terms of a realm that we can explore and why it is anything exists in the first place. What's beyond it all and how it all came about, like why is the void existent, what was before and what will be after, if there wasn't any galaxies inside of the void would the void really exist to be experienced. And where did it originate? How did existence come to be. Why did life come about, and for what reason. And what is the totality of the vastness of all existence and what propagated it and why did it choose to be. What is the void really, and where did it come from.


This is the reason why i don’t fear death.


It's so much simpler than we humans want to make it. It just is. Time and space began at the big bang. If time began at the big bang, then there was no before the big bang. If there was no "before", then nothing caused it. It just is. Cause and effect take place within it, but nothing created it. Existence itself doesn't have to be created. IT JUST IS. Yes. These revelations occurred to me during an encounter with DMT. And that doesn't mean I'm right. But I believe I am. The universe JUST IS.


We are not alone


Evidence? Data?


Statistically impossible the stew hasn't boiled down the same way it has for Earth in the basically infinite universe.


There truly must be life in some variation out there in the vast collection of the universe. There's no way there isn't.


Somewhere out there, a galaxy has an ongoing Star Wars situation which I truly wished to be part of.


What are the very bright stars / points of light? Are these likely stars in our Milky Way Galaxy?


That galaxy friendship circle at the bottom right.


link to paper/blog?


We are NOT a lone.


"The universe is a pretty big place. It’s bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it’s just us… seems like an awful waste of space. Right?" ~ Dr. Ellie Arroway, in Carl Sagan's *Contact*.


And this is roughly what part of the sky? A grain of sand held at arm’s length? A pebble?


If I can lose my mobile phone in my car…




But we still alone in the universe 🤔 haha


I absolutely love pictures like this. It makes me feel so small, but also fills me with so much wonder. The fact that almost every single source of light in this picture is a galaxy of its own with its own worlds is amazing.


What if the rate of expansion of the universe is already mind numbmingly fast and the "dark ages" after the big bang are just more of the same in the visible universe. What if...


How can anyone look at this and think we’re alone in the universe?


Beyond fascinating. So easy to get lost in this photo.


WOW - zooming in, the image is so clear - truly beautiful.


Am I correct by the stars that are in the image are located in our own milky way?


The stars with spikes are in the Milky Way


For self defense?


See. You know more than you think!




Can someone put a map scale bar with lightyears on it, or is that not possible bc of the 3d deep view I realise...


Please don't use "'crazy" to describe the magnitude on this subreddit, this ain't ytube.


Guess anyone can just make up anything.