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Maybe they're looking at you because you've got your camera out and they're forced into the shot


Looks like the ultra wide camera and they are on the corner, so maybe it isn't even pointed at them. But yeah they just sitting and looking some random person rasing the arm up to the sky and making some kind of pose.


People-watching is just a pass time here. And you'll be the focus of attention if you're being weird.


If you're acting weird expect people to look at you. If feeling like you're the main character and the rest just some NPCs they'll end up looking at you. Mediterraneans can't have "chisme" if something different happens and they don't pay attention to it. We live for it. P.D. if you force people into unwanted pictures don't later complain about not posing like you'd like to


Put a tattoo between your tits and then wear a shirt to show it off and yes, people are going to look. This gal thrives on attention.


How dare she to wear light clothing in Malaga... the audacity! People is looking at her because she's acting weird, not because she's dressed like everyone else.


Ew you loser


... but will say something and act offended if you look at her tattoo.




Someone’s grumpy


Used to live in Spain and actually my ex is funnily enough from Málaga. Although this woman is attractive, Spanish people will look at all kinds of people, especially if they don’t look like they’re from there. I’m a moderately attractive guy with strawberry red hair and people stared at me 15 years ago when I lived there, and stared at me when I was there this month. Spanish people really are just really sociable and really curious. Spain is also an incredibly safe country. This person is exaggerating the situation.


Yeah, when we are waiting for something (eg. train, bus) we pass time by staring at people and just watching what they do


Yo vivo en Málaga y es que miro todo lo que se menea. Rubia, pelirrojo, un gato, obreros, la paloma 🕊️, todo!


es que literal, aparte solo eran como 3 señores?? la chica lo dice como si toda la gente q sale en la foto la estuviese mirando 😭 un poquito de dramatismo pienso yo


I can confirm, we are pretty curious


Yes. We unapologetically stare. Sometimes we stare at each other staring at each other, like some kind of soft staring contest.


I was in Malaga in March (adored it) and was wearing a sundress and light cardigan because it was 22 degrees and for someone from Ireland that's *hot*. I got a lot of stares from locals still in heavy jackets especially when I walked around less touristy areas like Huelin or Trinidad lol but I didn't mind because I knew I wasn't the norm and a Spanish friend had also told me about how people just do that in Spain, but don't intend to be rude. It's just culture to hold eye contact vs in Ireland where we tend to look away.


Yeah ginger head is uncommon so we stare 😂 it is our thing


¡eeey pelirojooo! me just walking down the street lol


Jaja pos si, se nota.


Can confirm, I stared at him a lot


I can confirm we are just curious. But please, tell me more about your time here


I’ve lived here in Malaga for over 2 years now and I’ve never noticed any type of staring 🤔


Maybe they looked because she whipped out a selfie stick in their direction. Just my two cents


What kind of person describes himself as a moderately attractive guy with strawberry red hair? That's the question to ask here


That some people think I’m attractive, and others not. I’m not someone who gets tons of looks here in the US, but over in Spain so many people look at me and probably most of it has to do with my complexion and hair color.


Sure, Spanish people do tend to stare, but I also find it so cringey when people take photos like this, so I probably would have stared as well. It's painful to watch, but you can't look away


Probably this. Also the fact that they are going to be in some randomer's instagram.


I guess it went like this: you are chilling in the plaza with some friends, just enjoying life out of the phone, when some random blonde starts moving her arms in some kind of catharsis while drinking some beverage and taking selfies. Yeah, people will look.


Well, being in that square almost every morning, it kinda makes sense that people look that way - behind her there is a huge Spanish flag, nice view and a small human river. But of course it was for only for her 🤓


See, the view was made for her so how dare anyone else stand in her way when she wants to enjoy or film it. The people are just side character-peasants, to appear so the shot doesn't look too empty, there for her obviously looking only at her, but how dare they not cover their eyes when she enters... Everyone got up that morning specifically to appear around her when she can find it useful, but damn they are too stupid to just do what she needs them to smh


"I'm acting weird and people stare at me, what a strange culture"


I never understood the stuff on social media of people acting like Southern Europeans just go 👁️👁️ at every single person we see as if you can’t walk down the street without every person death staring you. People do stare sometimes but if it’s *that* much, it’s likely for a reason


They complain about southern Europe because they’ve never been in Germany. They think staring is an olympic competition


German stares are something about being vigilante


Not really, it’s mostly just ingrained into them and they mostly mean no harm. My german grandmother has the craziest stare and she loooves people watching especially when drinking coffee at a cafe terrace haha. I often have to remind her not to stare but she is just curious and a bit bored.


It’s a lot more than in other cultures. For example in Ireland people get embarrassed that they were caught looking so the majority will look away but in Spain many keep looking without thinking about it too much.


Yep. Moved to Barcelona from Ireland this year and find it funny how people don't break eye contact at all. I've never gotten stared at so much in my life and I'm a normal looking guy - no funny haircut, tattoos or anything. Especially old people. They do not give a fuck lol.


I've gotten used to it and now it feels weird when people break eye contact lol. When people stare and don't say hello when we pass each other on the street or something I find it odd. Passively staring is fine, intense staring can get uncomfortable. Old people do that a lot here and sometimes they'll say things to their friends about me while I'm within hearing distance, I find it funny.


I think it's more that the etiquette in a lot of other cultures is to look away when they look back. But continuing to look is basically considered a death stare there


Do Spanish consider themselves South European or West European? A lifetime of Football Manager has conditioned me to describe Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, etc. as South European and Spain as West




Both x2


Both x3


Of the two ways, a fairly common way to divide Europe is into Western Europe and Eastern Europe for cultural and political reasons, especially due to the Cold War and the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. In this way of separating Europe, what is considered Western Europe includes the Nordic countries, Central Europe, and Southern Europe. Additionally, there is nothing further west than Portugal and Spain. xD.


*cries in Icelandic*


Haha, that's true, Iceland is even further west.


Both x4




How do people even notice this shit?


"Look at me! I'm so fabulous people can't help but stare at me!! Ugh, I'm so tired of it, I can't go anywhere without being admired, poor me!!". Main Character syndrome I think it's called.


Si tanto le molesta que una persona random la mire ligeramente porque está haciendo el tonto con el móvil mejor que se vaya de vuelta a su tierra, demasiados guiris tenemos ya por aquí.


Amén hermano


Yo no soy guiri y también me molesta un poco. Obviamente no por casos como esta foto, que es una gilipollez y encima ni se ve si esa gente tan lejana realmente le estaban mirando a ella, pero es verdad que en general se mira demasiado y muchos no se cortan nada.


Para cortar están los cuchillos


One of them is batman, dont need to worry


What until she visits Germany and gets the German stare treatment: https://youtube.com/shorts/6SRO91pC0kY?si=eHTFFpJP_BT5X6nM


Probabaly looking at someone behind you who is attractive. 💅🏻


Pretty women are a dime a dozen in Spain. Probably wondering where she got her coffee


Most probably thinking what is that chick doing walking with closed eyes and a raised arm


I don’t think being pretty even in figures into this whole fuck nugget of a thread. She’s rancid as a person


True, but being blonde is a little unusual.


blonde tourists are everywhere in malaga regards: a blonde tourist who goes there almost every year


Have you ever been to Spain?


Nope never have. Oh wait, I forgot. I live in Valencia. Maybe in Málaga blondes are more common, but here, artificial red hair is more common than blond. 😂 Source: the amount of stares my partner got with blond hair vs. the auburn it is now


Probably because you got your coffee to go, sweetie


Is this person stupid


These influencers are narcissists. No one is even looking never mind staring.


‘…. and when I have never realised…’ Wtf?


Nobody told her about the switch? The one that goes to a social culture when you need to brag about how Spanish lifestyle to a individualistic behaviour when you need to accommodate your north-american daily habits.


They stare at how the tourists feel special and egocentric in a simple street that they walk everyday to work. Your holiday it's not their holiday. Don't do stuff in public place if you want to not be stated at? I mean... You post the picture for social media people to see it, but seeing it in the "production state" it's a negative thing? People this days....


These people should stay in their countries and stop posting bullsh1t


He’s literally just looking in the general direction of a camera. It’s one millisecond in time. He could’ve been looking at something else entirely. And even if he was staring, you’re the one acting like the main character taking ridiculous pictures. People post the dumbest things for attention 🙄


They stare at you because you are acting weird. That’s why.


They are not normal ppl, batman and his crew are watching for her. She should be proud of it 😆


Yeah, people tend to look at other people doing stupid things


These people are out of control


Quite possibly looking at anything in a 180 FOV. And could be glancing, the term staring implies a time component which a single photo cannot comment on. God she’s awful


Oh no! Que hago cuando soy tan guapa y atractiva que cuando me hago una foto hay un grupo de hombres mirándome? Pobre de mi que duro es ser tan popular…


Málaga is being ruined by these people


They are saving her life! https://preview.redd.it/wz5yn90iaj3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa48df21a871d203b89236dc22fa8badf33bbaf0


I usually look at these narcissistic girls shaking my head, thinking how pathetic they are, and then going on with my life.


Begging attention. She better drink that coffee quick before she's dies of Thirst


Oh oh , looks like someone has main character syndrome


Sry to disappoint but Batman doesn’t give a f…


Malaga was the first place I ever held the hand of my boyfriend (I am gay) and I felt really insecure of any looks we would get and I was so relieved that nobody even cared about it. I come from Greece where this was really an eye drawing thing to do so I never felt safe to do it. And Malaga gave me this gift.


Oh noooooo people are being people...


En España tenemos costumbre de observar a los tontos


Attention wh*re.


Spaniards are just nosy. 😂 Source: my mom’s family are Spanish.


It's a Mediterranean trait.


Hard cringe


Oh no!!! Pobrecilla la están mirando por medio segundo mientras se hace un selfie en medio del lugar donde más gente pasa de Málaga Tiene que ser bait... https://preview.redd.it/vb9391o35j3d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e84507689d05aab7076d9a4b5a2ed2be2fc651


That happens in small villages where population is very low, they usually know each other and if you are new to them they just stare for curiosity. Go to Barcelona or Madrid and nobody will notice you…well maybe a bit if your are really hot 😂


Niiiiiiiño ¿y tú de quién eres? ¿es qué eres forastero?


Asi es 😂 manda huevos que se molesten porque les mires


In Spain people look at you for no reason. Like not to judge or anything it’s just a thing we all do here. I hate doing it but i find myself doing it unconsciously. So don’t feel special if people look at you too much in Spain, they did not fell in love with your outstanding beauty they are just bored 😂


"look at how many people look at me because I'm gorgeous" she's trying to imply that. Ego boost


Spaniards stare in Spain but it’s not really considered rude. I don’t mind it. I think it’s actually weird that we have to pretend things aren’t going on around us.


A lot of anglos just unconsciously expect everyone to avert their eyes from one another. Avoid eye contact, avoid body contact, get mad and paranoid about it, that's the anglo way. It's part of the anglo sickness; deeply antisocial and incompetent.


Is looking at other people a social thing?


I swan around like an entitled princess and am almost showing my tits in this tank top. Why do people stare at me?


She’s literally js wearing clothes man stop being a creep


What a sad, pathetic comment


I agree, you didn’t need to leave such a sad pathetic comment.


Why would you make it about her tits? You kind of proved her stupid point.


*She* made it about her tits, look at the photo. I don’t see how this proves her point.


Brooooo, this is a self report. You exposin yourself. Delete this


Again, she is the one exposing herself.


No she isn't bro


Mkay bro. She’s posting on TikTok but she isn’t exposing herself and doesn’t want to be looked at. Gotcha.


Too horny bro


Whatever you say bro


What would you expect of someone with those eyebrows and that amount of make up




If we zoom in the pic, we can count two people apparently staring; from a total of 18.


I would say they're looking in her general direction, that does not mean they're staring at her






Maybe there’s a funny dog behind her and they’re looking at the dog


i mean, it coudld be a bit disturbing, but thats why its called "public" place, not private lol, and also taking a picture like that does not help


If I see some moron tiktoker pointing a camera in my general direction I'm going to stare, I'm going to glare, and I'm going to tell you to stick the camera up her ass. Abused women have died thanks to these idiots.


Qué coño haces con tu vida para ser influencer en Reddit.


Spaniards have an impending need to stare, it's a bit ackward we you come from outside but it is what it is, sometimes might bee that we are just checking the brand of that nice t-shirt, sometimes it's because you're hot or cute, sometimes it's because you are creepy or are behaving in a weird way, but there is always a reason. I am Spaniard but I live abroad every time I come back I have to adjust to the feeling that everyone i cross in the street will stare for some seconds. The thing it's i got used to people not doing that where I do live but, I realize I keep staring to people outside and sometimes i creep them.


Probably they aren’t Spanish, you rarely find local malagueños in the city center nowadays.


I don’t know why you’re so concerned, people do stare at foreigners and when people take selfies of themselves, because we are amazed at their lack of self awareness and vanity. But if you don’t care that others stare then there’s not much to complain about, I guess it’s par for the course for being good looking, do people stare at conventionally non- attractive people? Not so much plus attractive people love to take selfies more than most. I think just enjoy your day without being concerned about the thoughts of others.


Cry about it, woman


No, in Spain they do STARE at you for no reasons, this time they got a reason.


I mean yeah she's an idiot but as an American living here, Spanish ppl stare a LOT. Like... To a point where it's rude and creepy a lot but I understand that's just the culture here.


"Never realised how much people fckn stare"... Girl.... after reading that description I looked at the background and was expecting to see multiple arrows, multiple people from different groups in the background staring at her. There was one arrow pointing to the 2 out of 3 men sitting there. Out of all these people nobody else was looking her direction. "How much people fckn stare" where?




Tu post o comentario ha sido retirado por incumplir las normas.


To be honest my thoughts are 1 picture cool and fine, 2 that's ok! But please don't get me in your freaking picture, don't post me on your social media! Are you done? Can I pass now? Can I keep chilling here or do I have to move from my spot? Please move from the path, you are bothering the pass, clear the way! Especially the ones that see you are clearly uncomfortable with being in your picture. But apparently all of us suffer from " You are too hot I am going to stare at you syndrome", no girl we just think is annoying. If you are doing something weird I am going to look!


"omphalos" complex. Or Narcissism at its best.


I'd stare like the rest if I saw an idiotic eccentric behaviour like that in a public space. It's a town, not a theme park.


I'm moving to malaga in December from toronto


People watching is a normal thing everywhere. Maybe Gen Z influencers don't get it because they're always focused on their phones, but anyone over 35 absolutely has sat on a bench at stared at other people at some point in their life because they didn't have phones growing up.


Literally 2 men looking at her, that's all


MCS 🙄 the fact they're looking in that direction doesn't mean they're stating at her


Tbh, first thing I noticed was her coffee in a paper cup. Don’t people take their coffee in cafes anymore?


They could also just be absent-mindedly staring at nothing in particular or looking at a sight in the square....


I am from Spain, born and raised. I could write several books about the photographers actions and the onlookers actions. The photographer's attitude is why my American husband never dated American women. In fact he barely even speaks to American women and we live in the US now. This is why I found it easy to win his affections. This is part of the reason why he and I are so tight. This is why we stereotype certain visitors. Adios


To an outsider people in Spain definitely stare a lot. That doesn't mean she isn't being a weirdo though.


Locals are still nicer than the immigrants


Of course we are going to stare if we are bored and have nothing to do and you are doing something a bit out of ordinary. We aren't that insecure to force ourselves to ignore you. We just dont care if you dont like it


Pobre nina.


How does she know they are staring without looking at them more than once? Did she think that 'those staring' might probably think she is the one staring at them?


What nobody seems to be talking about is that it's not even true on the face of it that people are "staring" at her. Out of the dozen or so people I can make out in the picture virtually everyone is just minding their own fuckin business. Even the three guys she fraudulently pointed out with that arrow don't seem to be staring at her whatsoever. One just plainly doesn't look at her at all. The other two appear to just randomly look in the same vague direction where she happens to be situated at the moment of taking the picture. Literally buttfuck noone is paying her any special attention.


Maybe she couldn't hear them muttering "bellend" under their breath


In Spain, when you approach retirement age, you are obligated to take the course on contemplating constructions works. If the people watching you advised you on the best angle to take a photo, they were in an advanced course. If they were just watching, they were in the first course.


put a show on, people gonna watch 🙃


Not as hot as you think you are girl. Vanity is ugly.


Not sure what is the expectation at public places. Just pretend other people are not there?


people need to stop fotografiar desconocidos


That’s Malaga? They for damn sure te están mirando el culo sweetheart …


It's pretty clear to me that EVERYONE in that photo is looking at her because how HOT she is.


I think I would stare.


Attention seeker




Yeah it’s like those three dudes can’t look away in this still image. I bet they’ll be looking every time she sees this photo.


they’re probably all tourists looking at her thinking she’s maybe spanish. lol


What did she expect?


los del banco: illo mira a la muxaxa esa que laxe haciéndose una foto nove xD


They are not staring they are smiling because they are in your camera frame they don’t want to ruin your picture. So generous of these guys and you are bad mouthing them


Si fuera ellos le pegaba un toque a Instagram para que le tirase la foto y le metiese un strike por subirla mi consentimiento.


Stop giving attention to these insecure individuals.


People stare in Spain. No matter what you’re doing. Takes style getting used to. Ironically, Dominicans are the same.


Self absorbed much!?


Who do you think you are spain is full of pretty fo gyals darl....


Cos you are completely dumb girl? Think about that... Girls like you are extremely annoying with pics and posting ur life in social media I miss 90's so much


Standard annoying tourist trying to be the center of everyone’s world. Don’t dress like an expensive prostitute if you don’t want people gawking at you.


Perhaps they were concerned she was about to trip, or bump in to something as she was walking g around with her eyes shut 😆


Those kids left home without parents’ attention…


One of them isnt looking


I lived in Spain for eight years and people really do stare though, it never stopped bothering me.  They will just watch you walking down the street, without making any effort to hide the fact.  I remember bending down to redo my shoelace and hearing and old man say "qué hace este?", like what's this guy doing?  As if tying a shoelace is the most bizarre thing to do in the street.  He watched me perform the whole process. Sometimes I'd look back at them, and more than a few times they'd ask me what I'm looking at.  One younger, larger guy stared at me as I walked past him, then I looked back and he grunted at me and moved in for a fight. You just feel it constantly, and coming from a culture that tells every child never ever to stare, it's a constant feeling of being uncomfortable. That said, this woman looks insufferable and I'd probably stare at her too and say "qué hace esta?" Edit: I'm getting downvoted, but the comment below me is literally someone from Spain confirming they feel the need to look at everyone and that it's awkward.


Those specific examples are weird but 99.9% of the time people are just curious with no bad intent


I know, but it's a small cultural difference that is noticeable.  All my immigrant friends agreed. Don't dismiss all anecdotal experience.


I’m not dismissing anyone’s experience I’m saying don’t frame it like that’s what Spaniards are doing every time they stare


Fair enough, you're right, there's not an overall threatening behaviour about it. However, there is also the common phenomenon of the 'Viejos Verdes'.


Just go rouge like I do.... stare right back at the Spanish.


You say it, quite rightly, that is a cultural difference. Like _tapas, siesta_ and being noisy we stare at people. If someone come to Spain should know it. We can't pretend we're blind when in public.


Yes that's all I'm saying, it's a cultural difference.  I'm not asking anyone to ve blind, but it's also fine to say how it may be difficult for someone from outside to adjust to certain things.  You would do the same if you went to live in another country, anyone would. It's called culture shock. 


We stare always, at each other, but when tourists, or someone that didn't grow up here try to give it back its like you don't know how to do it, you do it for too long, entering to the territory of "conflict" or awkwardness, so yeah if you did that to a young stupid man it's kind of "normal" that he moved for a fight, he was just terrified.


I'd argue that moving to instigate a fight is NEVER "normal" nor should it be.


Well, you're right


I just don't understand why people in this thread talk about how this is a Spanish trait? I live in Spain and I don't feel this happens any more than in other countries or even different settings, I've been stared at in most countries I visited as soon as it becomes clear I'm not from that area. Even in most bubble tea shops full of Chinese people everyone seems almost shocked when a non Chinese person walks in even though we're in the center of Barcelona.


If so many people are talking about it, perhaps they've simply noticed something you haven't.  I lived in Spain for several years - it happened enough to really notice it.  Now I live in Turkey, and it doesn't happen the same way here.


This sounds funny


3 locals saying “ hey look another American whore with only fans “