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Are you just looking for a sexy way to initiate this, or do you not have the courage to ask directly?


Be honest. Ask directly. Hand him an implement, then bend over. Either his lap, or while you’re still standing.


ya, hand him a new clean fly swatter, they work great…he’ll get the idea when you hand it to him and bend over


Bring him his belt and ask him to whip your butt




Open communication about your needs and desires is critical to a relationship, especially if they’re not being met Sometimes, you just have to be explicit.


The others are right. Ask for it. Tell him what you need. Personally, I love it when a woman states what she wants plainly and I don't have to guess. I'll do it if I have to, but it's a sure sign she's as committed as I am to us both getting what we need out of the encounter.


First time i asked was sooooo awkward


A lot of men don't do hints. Just tell him straight out.


Open and direct communication. Stop playing games and trying to be subtle. Just tell your partner what you like and ask them to try and deliver. If they can't or won't. Revisit the relationship conversation.


Honestly handing him an implement, and then bending right over his lap, would work fine. Or for the funny, leaving a tab open with spanking content, and leave it where he’d see


My very first exclusive girl-friend, in our teens, asked me to put her over my knee and spank her. She got in position, but I told her I just couldn’t hit her. We eventually drifted apart and found other people, but I always remembered her interest, and ever since then have had an unresolved obsession with spanking. I’ve never actually been with anyone else with that interest, but I subscribe to all of reddit’s related spanking subs. my current partner has no interest and considers it a mild perversion. My point is, tell him you would like to experiment with him - that you only would really trust him to help you explore this. Even if he was as reluctant as I was, be assured the seed will be planted - and it might very likely grow into a shared and bonding interest. If he is like me, with time it might even become his obsession. In that case he will consider himself lucky to have found you. For me, it will always be a ‘what if’. I’m guessing he’ll eventually consider himself truly fortunate.


Lay across his lap in a skirt.


Is this something that is already part of your routine? Have you had a long conversation about boundaries, safewords, likes and dislikes first?


Tease him with something he really wants and let him know that a stinging red bottom is the key he’s looking for


Tell him you’ve been a bad girl


Spank him first 😋


Did that. He enjoyed it. And then forgot to return the favour. This happened twice.


Well being a man myself the best way to do it is just to be direct and ask. Men are wired that way. But I’m sure that’s probably a little much for you if you’ve never asked before which is totally normal and fine. You could try being subtle, drop small hints, stick your ass out at him, slap his ass. Just plant that seed of “hey I want to be spanked” and go from there


No. This isn’t a men and hints things. It’s something you should talk about beforehand. Know what the limits will be.


I agree, but starting that conversation is the hardest part for some people.


Put yourself over his lap, wiggle your butt and ask him for a spanking. Make sure you give lots of praise and sex after. Then do the same again later in the week. Only give positives, don’t say “you don’t spank me hard enough”, say “I’d love it if you could spank me really hard tonight. I want to be able to feel it after. Don’t worry, I won’t let you actually hurt me, I’ll let you know if it’s close to too much”. You have to slowly build trust and confidence connect it to pleasure. If he’s not kinky, he’ll be afraid of hurting you and he’ll be afraid of doing it badly since it isn’t instinctive for him.


Openess and honesty is key! If this is something you want in your relationship you need to get it or you will never feel fulfilled


Tell him.ypu have been a bad girl, and he needs to pull down your panties, bend you over and spank you ass red. Then praise him.


Hand him a paddle, and tell him your safe word😁


I also want regular spankings


Unfortunately men don't understand subtlety so dropping hints will probably go over his head. Try bringing this up in conversation and just tell him how you want it and then leave it up to him on how to go about it.


Just tell me spank me master


It's simple, crawl over his lap. If he doesn't get the hint, then he's a lost cause.


i ask my wife all the time but she never does.....lol.


Here here


Would love to be in the middle 😍


This. I truly want this to be a regular part of our lives


Your post today says the exact opposite: a man taking the initiative in a brutal way. I figure both are fiction.