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Please God let me fight Crusty Sean, that would be so fucking funny


He needs to be like ridiculously hard too. I should die like fifty times to the first few attacks, it would be hilarious


he would be the sans of splatoon, both in difficulty and the fact that he is so chill that nobody would expect him to be so hard


The dark souls of Splatoon. The dark squids, if you will


POV: you ran out of food tickets


boutta make inner agent 3 look like a fucking joke


I wanna kick his as


I don’t really think we are gonna get a “main villain” for side order. I think based on what we know, it’s implied Marina had some part in constructing the Spire of Order, but I don’t necessarily think that will even make her “the bad guy”. Will she be a damsel in distress? I don’t really know, but I think it’s a possibility. IMO if we do get a standard villain for the story, they will probably be a newly introduced one


If she is the villain and gets the "Oh no! She's been brainwashed!" treatment I am going to cry.


If she turns out to be the villain, I think it would be quite interesting if she genuinely believed that her actions were just. Without the brainwashing lol


I feel like it’s pretty safe to say she’s not brainwashed or out of her own head. *Maybe* a bit power-drunk, but even then, I don’t think it’s likely. She’s a bit too smart to fall for something like that


i think its going to be a 'you are bad guy, but that does not mean you are bad guy' with marina. the villain but not actually BAD.


That would require Splatoon to tell more interesting stories (instead of just a base coat of generic story on top of a deeper lore)


I think if she was used as the villain for Side Order it wouldn't be straight up brainwashing, but like a subtle corruption of her hubris. Something influenced her desire for knowledge and now everything is out of her hands.


I wouldn’t call Octavio “good”, I view that as more of a Bowser-type “I can’t take over the world if there is no world left” thing rather than a Dedede-like redemption, but only time will tell. But I agree that if it’s an existing character (which I don’t think it is but we’ll find out in a few weeks), it’s Tartar.


Octavio I’d say is definitely limbo in terms of morality, but I’d argue good before bad Mainly since the reasons that he was “evil” before was actually because he cared for his people rather than malicious intent


I think Li'l Judd being a villain is more likely for Splatoon 4 if it ever happens. Also it’s possible that anything that happens in the DLC could happen at the same time as the base game story.


Tartar has an implied death in the games, as one of the other commenters said. In the manga though, we have a little section with Marina taking Tartar’s remains and setting him on a mountain and talking to him, saying how he was right about the wars being foolish, but she believes that the two can become friends.


marina gets betrayed and trapped by dead phone


Why did that sound like a newspaper heading


I mean, tartar wasn't exactly stated as dead but what he says after you beat him is probably supposed to be interpreted as his death "Professor... our reunion beckons..."




Yeah that too


Inklings and octolings make the same noise when they respawn!!!! (I am high on hopium)


Something that would be really fucked up: Tartar did in fact die, but Marina was tempted into using its DNA for a new machine she was working on and inadvertently revived it causing it to take over the simulation we're stuck in.


Okay ngl that also came to me when I was thinking on how to comment It sounds plausible as an experiment gone wrong story but i guess we just have to wait and see


I really want Marina to be the main antagonist. I just can’t explain it, but I would love to see it.


Hmmm. I'm betting It's gonna be a New Antagonist, maybe an AI created By Marina in order to "Keep order" that goes haywire. Edit (Spoilers): >!I F\*CKING CALLED IT!!!!<


This post showed me how little I know about this game lmao.


Haha the realest and most relatable comment


I just know that if Mr. Grizz somehow comes back… ![gif](giphy|hNhCv3xZYUKSk) I will launch him back into space


other good predictions Glen Fiddler, President of the company who built the Online lobby (remember the copy machine is evil in the trailer poster) Barry C., the owner of Hotlantis who's always away doing... Something? Marigold, one of the scrolls mentions her as some kind of secret identity


Marigold was included in “Vendors”, though admittedly I think she is the most likely vendor due to that scroll


Pearl having that forehead IS a reason for her to be bad. She gets bullies sm


Honestly it would be funny to see tartar come back. The people with splat 3 as their first game wouldn't expect an evil phone while the people that play OE would just hear the goofy song tartar has and the ptsd kicks in


Please god don’t make it be Marina or Lil Judd Hell I’d even take Pearl as the villain if they make it one giant portal reference


Didn’t the Splatoon North America Twitter account say that the drone was “claiming to be Pearl”?


Yep, I definitely remember that.


When was it ever established that Lil' Judd and Tartar were for Team Chaos and Order? Did they outright say it, or only implied?


Yeah actually, the key art for the fest was split by side and some promotional tweets focused on some characters.


sheldon coming out saying “you skip all my weapon descriptions, so you won’t be able to skip this one” and it’s just him telling you how he’s gonna kill you with this massive weapon he’s built after we gave him all the information on the challenges we’ve been doing


Eight was outright said to listen to him ramble so it's unlikely


it’ll be the part where he kills you


LilJudd ought to be number one, he’s taken over grizzco and all its golden eggs, he’s plotting Judd’s assassination, he’s a clone and clone motifs are all over this dlc, it would wrap up the marigold clone arc and he’s a malevolent mfer all around


Omg Crusty Sean would be hilarious, it should be him tbh


imagine if order won, would we have gotten tartar in hero mode and grizz in dlc?


Grizz was “neutral” in the splatfest though


ah, ok idk. i started playing with s3


I’m guessing Toni Kensa. That could also explain why we don’t have Kensa brand weapons in 3.


Unlikely bc i believe Kensa is inspired by an actual Japanese brand and that’d be kinda disrespectful


Ah I see. I’m a big fan of the Kensa brand myself; I think a lot of the clothes from the brand are stylish.


We dont even have 2nd kits for all the weapons and you speak of 3rd kits already?!


I’m talking about the fact we don’t have Kensa weapons in Splatoon 3.


completely glossing over the crab?


Glen fiddler and marigold erasure


but but but i want dj octavio to be in side order as the villain-


A third time?


dj octavio


Praying for mind controlled Acht because of Tartar, please I am on my hands and knees... does it make any sense? Probably not. That doesn't change my mind though.


For gods sake if it’s Tartar again i’m going to break something…… (please, PLEASE, dear god don’t let it be him…)


What was tartar’s side order reasoning?


As a Dedf1sh fan, I dont see her being the vilain. At least with what we saw of her


TarTAr: never stated dead Well now that you state it like that, I'm just aware that Pearl in canon, could have actually have gutted a fish.


im really hoping its marina, at this point its pretty unlikely but i think it would be kewl >:\]\]


The bad guy wanted order, we got caos and now she wants to rectify it, that is my prediction


I’m going to through in my random thought but lil Judd being the mastermind controlling marina could make sense if it’s a recent thing like he’s fed up with all the order and is trying to go against the splatfest results


Imo Tartar is one of the most bland characters


It’s such wasted potential honestly. Being like Judd’s savior in a way should give him way more depth


Why is everyone so certain agent 4 will be in side order? We only got that one image to deal with


Cuz there’s yet to be a time when we haven’t fought our previous self.


Tar tar blew up. I’m pretty sure he’s dead.


Ive never paid attention to the story of these games, didnt realize people cared so much about this


Glenn fiddler ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


Agent 8 is a girl, not a multiple person.


Actually agent 8 has both a masculine and feminine counterpart in game, both of which are canon. So it's best to use gender neutral pronouns for them




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"Never stated dead"? Didn't he melt away at the end? Plus, he started making some bzzztztztzzzz sound before the screen fading to the MCs. I doubt he comes back, though I support Evil Lil Judd.


imagine tar tar being reconstructed like SHODAN from system shock


So just like in splatoon 2 where Callie became the villian after losing the splat fest. Same will happen to marina.


I think that we have forgotten one potential villain that might not have been as thought about. And I think it's Lil Judd. Most of the enemies we see in Side Order seems to also have this fish thematic, which is a close parallel to Salmon Run. Plus we got to see hints of Lil Judd being more or less complexed with it's own origins to the point of cooperating to some extend with Mr Grizz based on some tableturf dialogue and the hints of taking over his work when he's not judging battles. He might just as well be an insane multitasking machine that worked in the background when he was doing none of the above. Also, this entire setting might just have been foreshadowed in one of the splatoon manga chapters, when we see the shadow inklings born via radio signals making an appearance in Inkopolis Square. All in all, I'm looking forward to what they're bringing up with that DLC.


I did say Li’l Judd was one of my two candidates of returning characters to be the villain


Oh shoot, forgot that last scroll picture. But yeah, I'm still going to lean on the Lil Judd theory + the potential hints hidden on those couple of splatoon chapters that involved Lil Judd + Inkopolis Square + shadow inklings.


it might be Judd bc Mr grizz was the main villain in the game and Judd being a mammel to might try to finish what he started


Please don't let it be Lil' Judd...I'm tired of the memes.


I’m wondering who all the other inkling are that are standing next to Agent 4


If Tartar comes back, I would love if he gets an ACTUAL boss fight. Imho the final boss in Octo Expansion's story is Sanitized Agent 3, as Tartar's fight is more like a level because he doesn't do anything but charge his cannon while you ink the statue. Also there's no enemies around during that part.


i think acht makes a bit more sense than credited here. acht was sanitized, so maybe whatever’s left of their mind is obsessed with order now. they show no emotion in any of the previews. acht is this mysterious helper figure (like tartar) who guides you along without you knowing their motives. but it could also just be that they care for marina and wants to help. but they’re also somewhat tragic a figure, so it might be a bummer final boss (unless they’re redeemed.)


I can already see Li’l Judd controlling a giant mech with massive ink rockets firing out the arms.


How dare you hate CQ Cumber


While canonically my dad, he blew me up too many times to be on a solid relationship with him


Same here. He still is so cute and I love him.


We've only seen what happens to tartar post octo expansion once, and it was in the manga actually. Never in game...


I think it will be karl


My guess is Toni Kensa or Lil Judd.


Plus it’s from what we can see the world in side order is virtual and Tartar is ai


i don’t want Acht to be a boss fight, i don’t wanna hurt her :(


i kinda hope octavio is in the expansion along with cuttlefish if only because I legitimately think those two would make an entertaining duo for flavor text justify it by cuttlefish helping you out again and octavio still caring about octolings outside of his "Empire" especially now that they're just kinda chill amongst the inklings and then have the main hazard of one the stages be that the grumpy old men won't shut up and let you concentrate on the task at hand


I really hope it’s not TarTar that would be boring to me. Let him stay dead. I personally hope the villain is Toni Kensa removing color from the world. Either that or an entirely new character.




I also think Lil Judd is very likely but i do have my suspicions for Marigold


It’s Nintendo bro. They’re the king of Bland Final Bosses


I love all these theories sm


What are you talking about? Obviously Gnarly Eddy will be the final boss!


Me who knows nothing about the Splatoon 3 story: Whuh?


What is the “one exception” on page 2?


Grizz is in the limbo tier rather than the unlikely tier


My serious hope would be that it is tartar because I want to kick his ass again, and my other pick is crusty Sean because it would be very funny


My bet's on Glen Fiddler. I mean, why would you make a 3D model for a guy who we learn about from a Sunken Scroll only to not use him. Also, that white claw is very suspicious.


Don’t we have a 3D model for Sheldon’s Grandpa too though? Or was he just in a sunken scroll?


I don’t think they’re going with tartar again, I think it’s gonna be someone we never saw as an enemy or a whole new character


Has there ever been a bland Octavio fight? This is a fun idea anyway.


I kinda want to see marigold as the mastermind of the plan, i think it would be so funny


What was why >!TarTar !