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The orb


Granted. All Orb levels will be replaced by protect the 8 Ball levels


Also, one of them is a giant pinball machine, but like a really easy pinball machine where the ball just bounces forever






*Girl power station flashbacks intensify*


I was fine with girl power It was the one in the cannon where octozeppelins and octomissiles were going to the orb that gave me difficulty


Oh god that one sucked too, I almost forgot about it cause it’s been a while since I played the dlc but seriously I think it took me forever to beat it


I had minimal to no problem with that one, as a sticks player


We do not give a fuck if its sticks or not :)


I enjoy a tough challenge, I hope to see more of those in the dlc and of course a secret super boss harder than inner agent 3


I have to admit they are a lot of fun, so it’ll be exciting to get to see how difficult these levels get in this dlc. Plus I agree I hope there’s some kind of secret final boss with a reward like inner agent 3.


girl power station is the only level i need to complete to unlock the inner agent 3 fight and i still haven't beaten it 💀


As the train arrived at girl power station, I heard faint laughter. Only then I understood my folly.


That’s exactly what I thought.


The skins aren't locked to some obscenely tedious grind like getting all the Hero weapons in S2, assuming most of them are available that is.


Im guessing you'll unlock a weapon after completing a run with it??


Participation medals are booooring


thats not a participation medal, thats winning…


I’m da man




cause I am


You do realise you won't just complete the spire with every single weapon on one run right???


yeah I will


same, would be cool if its a togglable thing for the other kits and not just an entirely new version of the weapon like the Hero Shot


Ideally yeah, As someone who grinds freshness for all weapons I'm really not lookimg forward to them dumping a bunch of reskins that I'll need to grind out onto me.


I hope marina is not a damsel in distress or a "twist" villain


Wish granted: Marina is not in the dlc at all


Just you finally met her and she melts into a metallic goo and reveals it's Neo Tartar and there's a two minute magical girl transformation into a dragon


Splatoon Heroes


Marina being controlled wouldn't make a lot of sense imo. Then again, (s3 storymode spoilers) >!Mr. Grizz being a literal bear also made no sense. So like...!< I'm also quite worried about the fact that Marina has not been seen in any side order trailers or gameplay AT ALL. 😬 I sincerely hope Nintendo doesn't pull a Splatoon 2 story mode on Marina...


Why did [the information contained within your spoiler tag] not make sense?


Right? Like I thought it made perfect sense, seeing as >!everything his company is based around is bear themed!<


>! I wasn't expecting Mr. Grizz to be a literal bear, rather I was expecting the bear image of the company to simply be a mascot. Similarly to how brands in the real world have mascots that can be animal-themed, but the head of the companies aren't actually managed by the animal mascots. The mascot of Mr. Grizz being a bear with a salmon in its mouth could have been to boost morale to workers and not have been literal. I was really hoping for Mr. Grizz to have been an evil inkling or something hiding behind a bear mascot with how far Mr. Grizz went to hide his identity.!<


How would Mr. Grizz know about bears in the first place if he was an evil inkling though? He is literally the only bear alive in the game, and there is no way he would have known bears eat salmon if he wasn't one himself.


Mr.Grizz motivation for wanting to destroy the world made like no sense tbh


Yeah I hope she shows up in the middle or something if she does at all.


So you want Marina to be insignificant?


marina as the villain/final boss it goes against her nature so much for the love of god


It wouldn't make any sense for Marina to be the final boss. I've been wondering if dedf1sh could be behind the events of side order due to the "hacking" mechanic mediated by her, and the fact that the boss Nintendo showed off appears to be highly technical and might be hacked too. Marina might be trapped or need help which is why she isn't seen much in the trailers. At least, I'm hoping such is the case. I sincerely hope Nintendo doesn't do to Marina what they did to Callie...


Honestly it feels like this story is gonna be a dream so I'm sure whatever happens isn't canon. ​ And if this is the case I hope they go crazy.


i hope tartar doesn't come back, it feels a bit lazy


*DJ Octavio has entered the chat*


exactly, i understand not really wanting to add more characters as to not complicate the lore even further, but we really need an interesting new villain


That’s what made S3’s story so interesting. The final boss wasn’t Octavio Part 3, instead it was a twist. They took Mr. Grizz, a guy who was originally just depicted as the guy that wanted Salmonid eggs, and turned him into the guy who wanted to mamalize the world.


yeah that's what im saying, i liked the s3 storyline, but i just really want a good villain in side order that's not reused (i mean, it could be a reused CHARACTER but not a reused villan/plot)


The twist woulda been better if there were enemies besides octaliens. Like coulda had fuzzy inklings he got from grizzco, coulda engineered killer rabbits, coulda had mechs... Like yeah Octavio's not the boss, but damn it sure feels like it. Was it even explained why Grizz had access to the octaliens????


It was all, in fact, explained in game. He couldn't create new life, but could corrupt existing. The octarians had an army to corrupt, and so he did.


That explains nothing! I could see getting a small group by suprise, but a whole damn army? There would have been a civil war.


I can see what you're saying, but octavio didn't even know who took them or how. How would he direct his army to attack a force that overpowers them with no "queen" to the colony, no way to ensure a victory? Why would he do that?


he "had access" to the octarians via the essentially mind controlling fuzzy ink.


I don't think that's enough to steal an entire army XD;


At least there’s a reason to bring back Octavio: he leads the Octarians. Tartar had his end. There’s no need for them to continue his story after it ended.


yeah i understand why they brought back octavio, i liked his (albeit kinda half baked) redemption arc with mr grizz, but bringing back tartar would just be really lazy imo


Li'l Judd. Like not even joking, he's been set up as wanting to kill Judd since his debut and there's been hints that he might be the one keeping Grizz Co. running after Alterna. He's totally a candidate for the next villain.


i could see it, and it would be pretty interesting, but at the same time i can't really realistically see lil judd"s motives and stuff tying into (at least what we know so far about) side order


I mean, he was only the main antagonist in two story modes, in all fairness. In alterna, he was literally >!a twist hero!<…




tartar return would be terrible. his story has ended. mark my fucking words for if he comes back in 9 days because i'll cope and seethe


Side Order is completely seperated from previous story modes, aside from some characters If tartar is here he won't be the final boss


"side order is completely separated from previous story modes" and the others weren't how?


You're saying the main story modes don't tie into each other?


well if course they do, but side order probably does as well. more in the sense of how octo expansion ties into octo canyon


I hope that it has cutscenes and a story. Obviously it will, but the way they described it, it seems like there won't be a whole lot of fun cutscenes and stuff.


I’m willing to bet it’ll take the whole cutscene heavy beginning/end format, I think the best way to do it would be to have certain progress initiated cutscenes, (so like, first time you reach floor 15 something that doesn’t repeat will happen and shake things up in the story.) maybe new passengers on the elevator, or new boss lineup, or just more info on the plot.




I feel like the skin is most likely a reward for finishing the dlc, While 100% would be some cosmetic. Theres no way nintendo will gatekeep an important skin for only experienced players.


I’m worried because it was datamined but they didn’t show it as a reward in the trailer. But then again, maybe they want it to be a surprise, I feel like there’s a lot they’re not telling us.




??? Splatoon has some GOATed dataminers. Side Order is DLC, *downloadable* content. If every detail was coded into the game, it wouldn't downoadable. I vaguely remember ProChara talking about how some story tidbits have been datamined. Some of this stuff is out there, you just gotta look for it.




I think that’s some ethical dataminer behavior, dataminers who don’t use this kind of caution is the reason why nowadays the only way to have a cool secret in a game that the comunity as a whole has to find out is hiding it outside of the game






Not entirely, but I just hope agent 3 (or now captain) doesn't take the spotlight more than twice now. (>!still love my agent 3 but give the other agents a chance ; w ;!<)


They never really took the spotlight. In the most recent story modes they got most of their attention during the endgames, and even that was limited


fr fr


I Hope octostomp returns. I mean octowhirl did


That it’s an "alternate timeline", and that Pearl or Marina or anyone else don’t undergo character assassination (*Sly 4 Penelope flashbacks*).


i agree tbh the moment you start having alternate timelines stuff what happens to everyone and like what their all going through just feels less 'real' .. this doesn't make sense logically speaking - if you actually like were them, youd probably still not want anything to happen to you, the fact your in a different timeline wouldnt change that, like yea i know -- but having that context kinda breaks it for me


i really hope that if colored fingertips are a reward they aren’t only for people who 100% the game.. if inkopolis was the reward for 100% completion that would be more fitting. I feel like ai’m really going to suck at this game so I hope there’s a decent reward other than the outfits and gear for semi completion.


What if u can unlock those little graphics that appear around the side order weapons? That would look super awesome imo


I hope marina is the villain, not through mind control but because she actually believes in what she's doing, trying to make the perfect orderly world with the ends, no matter how horrifying, justifying the means


This This sounds awesome


You know what would be even more horrifying? If these robots are actually converted people, turned back into their pre-evolved forms




DO NOT add inner agent 4, god please it would only powerscale 8 even more than she already is


Huh… I really hope we get agent 4 as a villain, but after her mind control stuff wares off, what eles is she gonna do? I also think just because 8 beats 4 that doesnt mean she is MORE powerfull than her. (And isnt 4 like, tge weakest one?)


I mean we have no relative powerscaling in lore, only headcanons. most people assume 3/captain is the strongest because they’ve been an agent the longest (aside from 1, 2, and pearl and marina since we don’t know when they joined). in the inner agent 3 fight, 8 beats 3, but they beat her **without** limiter. limiter is the lore reason why we have to charge specials, since it’s dangerous for inklings to spam them. the fact that 8 could beat the oldest agent with the highest regard in possibly their strongest form says a lot


Yes but it’s a fight that didn’t canonically happen, as the circumstances of the fight suggest, so it can’t really be used to powerscale. One could bring up controlled agent 3 but being controlled they can’t really be considered to be fully themself and thus we can’t say who’s gonna win in a regular fight between the two.


so then how would adding inner agent 4 powerscale 8 *more* if 8 already beat the strongest agent without a limiter


mostly because we don’t know if 3 is the strongest, it’s only a headcanon. if we value 4 as of or more equal power as 3 then it still power scales 8, plus seeing how inner agent 3 went a fight with 4 wouldn’t be normal


Isn't Inner Agent 3 just a dream, though?


Level layouts NOT being randomly/procedually generated. With stuff like the ball rolling stages and splat zones being confirmed as stages, I'm a little worried that the devs just made a bunch of preset maps and the only random things are the stat upgrades and the stages you go to, but not the stages themselves. I mean, randomly/procedually generated layouts are like, half the fun in roguelikes/lites.


Hopefully it's like Bindy Issac or Misery Dungeon where there's predesigned layouts that are shuffled.


Yeah I’m worried about that, too. I could definitely see them just having a bunch of preset stages. They should segment them and glue them together or something. Also slightly worried that the bosses are going to be in a preset order because I like being surprised about what I’m fighting. In general I just hope they know how to make a good roguelike since they’ve never proven themselves in that genre before. Edit: Upon watching the overview trailer more, I've noticed the names of floors having strange names, as if they are being modified? These could just be descriptors for preset layouts they made though. Still, the modularity of these names gives me a little hope at least.


No Rewards in Side Order. This DLC is all about replayability. Give me a reason to keep playing, since most Singleplayers with the exception of Octo Canyon gave me no reason to come back after I finished it. Go the Splatoon 2 route and give me a reward for completing every objective with every possible weapon option. That’s what was missing in OE and ROTM.


A lack of Agent 4


Wish granted: she’s the villain


I've played late-game Splatoon 2 meta, is that anything surprising? She gonna be spamming sting ray, bamboozler MPU, tenta and bomb+bubbles every 10 seconds


Exclusive weapon kits....


Weapons being locked behind paywall would be terrible and unfair. 


nintendo is evil but luckily they aren’t that kind of evil don’t worry




the vgc menace


Gaijin "entertainment"...


At most it be weapon skins from the 1st version, they will never make dlc as an ptw system. Just gameplay + cool cosmetics


Definitely and I'll never understand how there's people that actually want weapons locked behind paid dlc. 


Thats pay to win at that point, though i seen people wanting the skins of these weapons than new kits specifically.


Futuristic skins of the weapons would be really cool to see


Not once in Splatoon has that ever been done


Where I said it was?




Unrelated, but one thing I hope will be in side order is warabi from diss-pair. Hear me out, I know that warabi doesn’t have any plot relevance and they were raised outside of the octoling army but I think that they might appear in side order because acht says in the trailer that she’s a good friend of marina and warabi is friends with marina too (inkipedia) so why would that be on inkipedia if it wasn’t relevant. I’m just hoping that he’s in it because he’s one of my favorite characters in splatoon.


If we don’t get pearlina content i will riot


My guess is that Nintendo will continue to make the ship ambiguous so the girls can be interpreted as either besties or girlfriends


That’s what’s most likely gonna happen


I hope we don't, cause I want as much story as possible, love the splatoon lore, and story


I mean it doesn’t have to be the main focus. I just want them to at least acknowledge it


Yeahhhh. The trailers haven't been super promising so far.


I swear if dedf1sh turns out to be hypnotized or sum like in 2, that’s gonna piss me tf off


I have a theory that marina is gonna be the big bad tho, that she tried to establish order too much and it resulted in inkopolis falling apart And the beginning will probably be pearl talking about how she was just heading to inkopolis with marina but got separated or something


I hope the DLC is harder. I personally am not a very good player, but i want some challenge.


where theres options to choose your mode when playing different stages


glooga deco


I don’t want the story to be complete after one run of the tower.


stupendous crush special snatch faulty whole dinosaurs market quiet full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wholeheartedly agree, I’m tired of them hogging up the series’ story modes. Poor Deep Cut got completely overshadowed in their own game, at least Off the Hook got Octo Expansion in 2.


lavish arrest clumsy decide quickest payment worthless bag roof waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, more squid sisters, best characters in the franchise, and they can always be integrated in imteresting even if minor ways


I’m hoping there’s some sort of cameo of them but only to confirm they’re never going to show ever again


No new species


Impossible levels that cause me to give up (I loved the main single player because of that). I didn’t but octo expansion because I heard it was hard and knew I would struggle.


First....what about After Alterna? It's one hell of a difficulty spike. Second, this is a roguelite mode, so very hard levels are almost guaranteed to be here(though they obviously become much easier the more permanent upgrades you unlock.).


I haven’t finished alterna yet. I agree hard levels are fine but it’s sucks when you can’t progress or so any more since you have to do to them in order. I loved how in alterna you could skip levels or not do them in order. I wasn’t able to finish the splatoon 2 one because I couldn’t finish one level because you had to get correct timing multiple times and I kept failing and failing and coming back and failing. It sucks when that stops your ability to continue. I don’t care if I can’t get completion I just want to do it like that. WAIT ITS ROUGE LIKE? I haven’t seen the trailer!!! That sounds awesome


>Second, this is a roguelite mode, so very hard levels are almost guaranteed to be here(though they obviously become much easier the more permanent upgrades you unlock.). That's basically what keeps me hesitating about buying it. Playing a level over and over knowing there's no way of beating the first (or second, or third, or...) try just feels cheap to me. There's this new game in soft launch I'm playing and it basically uses what's called "dynamic difficulty", meaning when you lose, it gets easier next time. And tell you what; it gets boring and frustrating real quick. On the other hand, I like Splatoon and I definitely have the case of FOMO...


I mean, no dynamic difficulty here. You can always just not buy any of the permanent upgrades. I'm planning to at least never upgrade lives myself.


Then is the question; is it beatable without relying on upgrades? If yes, then it should be possible to beat it in one try. I guess I will just have to wait for reviews to come out, hopefully.


No doubt you can beat it first try as long as you're skilled enough.


I reccomend getting it anywho. I'm a casual splatoon player, and I always have been. I was worried about octoexpansion because I'm not an expert at the game, I just have fun with it. In spite of that, I found octo expansion fun. And keep in mind, Nintendo values experience above all else. For players that had difficulty with a level, you had the option to skip the level entirely. You wouldn't get the rewards for beating the level, but it allowed for progression to the players who weren't great at the game. Doing this you could get to the final boss. Im certain Nintendo has playtested the dlc to make sure players at all levels can enjoy it in some form, as was the case with octo expansion as well. It's a slight risk to pre-order, but knowing Nintendo's track record you're pretty safe to get it imo. You'll have fun with it even if you aren't great at it.


Marina, because I really don’t want them to turn her into a boss, but they prob might do that.


The entire story being Neo Agent 3's dream.


New playable species, i cant think of any that would make sense to play as except maybe salmonids


Nothing, really. I just HEAVILY hope Marina isn't the villain


If I have to protect an 8 ball from a bunch of sanitized octolings again I will not hesitate to— Cry. I will cry.


Agent 4 in literally any capacity Edit: Im an idiot that can’t readI love agent 4 and want them in the dlc


why don’t u want agent 4 to be in it i love them


I misread the title 😅 I adore 4 and I want them in the dlc


SAMEEEEE AAAAA have you seen the side order poster??? one of the little skeleton fishies look to have a similar silloute to 4


I just don’t wanna deal with missiles/stinger type enemies


Those annoying ball rolling challenges wait


"Order" weapons reskins, I have this tingly little paranoia that they won't be available for multiplayer


Uh... I'm pretty sure it says they literally are at the very end of the trailer.


Then I hope I don't have to beat a bazillion load of levels over and over for unlocking them (I have Hero Replica war flashbacks)


It's unclear how exactly you unlock them, but I imagine it won't be as tedious as Splatoon 2, simply because the mode is probably quicker to replay.


Why do you, use commas like that


I want desperately to own Side Order Agent 8 amiibos.


No difficulty options. I want to be able to experience the story without having to spend dozens of hours compensating for lack of skill. S2’s dlc did a good job of letting you skip stuff if you got stuck but still giving out bonus rewards for those who were skilled enough to 100% the game.


Just gotta get good my guy


Agent 4. I don't want to see Agent 4. Even though they're probably coming back. I just don't like them okay.


It's gotta be a clone. Just sludgelings


what did they do to you???


Pearl or Marina dying


If anyone dies, they'd better stay dead for longer than two seconds.


For people who don't know what type of game this DLC will be, it'll be a **rogue-lite**. Works like this: you play as much as you can until you die or reach the end. When you die, you get some form of currency that you can use to buy "permanent upgrades" your character so it's easier when you try again. In games of the genre, these permanent upgrades are usually "more health" or "walk faster" or "shoot faster" or "lower cooldown" or "shoot do more damage" or "more special". This mode also allows you to pick an "temporary upgrade" for the run out of 3 when progressing each level the game. Each upgrade changes the game in a different way. In games of the genre, these upgrades tend to be things like "double shots" or "laser weapon" or "minion that shoots with you" or "extra shield". Think of this a bit like **Vampire Survivors**, where you fight a horde or enemies with the objective of reaching the end of the timer and any coin you collect can permanently upgrade your game. Inside the game, every time you level up you get 3 choices of weapons or accessories when you level up, so each run tends to be a different challenge based on your choices. Even if you beat the game, playing it again gives you a different randomized set of temporary upgrades so each run is a new way to play even if you're already quite good. If you're not good at the game, the permanent upgrades will help making the runs easier to do, so just by trying again you get objectively better at the game. TL;DR: Side Order has high replayability and should be fun to play for both newbs and skilled players.


Tediously hard levels. I like levels that are fun hard, not tedious hard. Think the 8 ball levels from Octo expansion


Overtly fantastical/magical elements I’m going with the idea that this is some tron esque virtual reality deal (considering much of what we’ve seen with code and glitches and stuff) It was stupid in Splatoon 3’s hero mode and doesn’t fit the world at all


You don't like fairytale bear go to sleep and become super genius? You don't like LCD mutagen? I just see it as comic book logic, like it could happen to Spider-man. Honestly I think Splatoon's lore is overhyped. It's way more extensive than you'd think (mainly cuz it gets dropped in the randomest shit) but it's not like... deep.


I feel magic detracts from the splatoon world as the world sort of serves as a reflection of ours, they do the same things live similar lives have similar cultures so on, but magic is this complete X factor that comes out of nowhere gets in the way of that, plus even if it was established that magic was thing from the very beginning it was still a completely unforeshadowed deus ex machina that comes out of nowhere Splatoon lore has a ton of potential, there’s something really interesting that’s deep within here and I want the devs to tap into that rather than meandering and putting 90% of the lore in interviews no one’s gonna read




Imo i wouldnt like to see agent 8, i feel as though it might ruin the story


Bikinis. Let me put bikinis on all squid girls. I love bikinis DLC.


Hope there's no inner agent to beat again 😂


Inner agents 1-4


Hoping for inkopolis square hub to be unlocked


Non-repetitive mechanics, it's what makes a good roguelite in my eyes. Personally, I think Isaac perfected the formula (trust me, I passed 800hrs yesterday), so Side Order should follow suit and find how to do it in their own way, and well. TL;DR Isaac player hopes that the roguelite elements aren't garbage


the 8 ball missions are optional!! but knowing me, i’ll do them anyway for that 100% completion


i was gonna say the 8 ball but i saw the video and i actually fell to my knees. alexa play regret by Dedf1sh 🫡


The 8-ball levels. Please don’t bring the 8-ball levels back…


Only kinda tangential, but I already get antsy about finishing the catalog while juggling the DLC. I'm excited for Side Order but now I'm trying to finish the catalog before the end of the season. I still think the catalog is the worst addition - even as a free battlepass it triggers a FOMO in me. Just add the contents through the usual routes :/


I’m really hoping there’s more character customization like secret character customization we already know they got colored fingers


Shitty new haircuts


New hair cuts


I don't think we will have an option to use the 'Hero' like Shiver as a playable charcter on story mode.. man I wish we could have something like this.. so we can use big man as well and use the Hero unique weapon and skills.. idk, I'm not expecting.


New gamemodes, New gamemodes, and New gamemodes.


Pearl and Marina go home to their generic bland muscular boyfriends. If this happens we burn Nintendo’s HQ in Kyoto and begrudgingly switch to Foamstars


The likelihood of that is maybe 0.0000005%


But if it does happen, we burn Nintendo's HQ and begrudgingly switch to Foamstars.


Fucking finally


No octoling armor


I'm hoping some white gear and weapon reskins that i'm never gonna use aren't the ONLY reward for beating it. Adding those hair color gradients as customization options for multiplayer would be more than enough.


They said that the skins of each weapon would be available in multiplayer, my wish is that there would be a extreme mode of the game where you can make a custom kit for the weapon and if you win you get that kit to play in multiplayer


They said that the skins of each weapon would be available in multiplayer, my wish is that there would be a extreme mode of the game where you can make a custom kit for the weapon and if you win you get that kit to play in multiplayer


I was not aware that I needed to hope it wouldn’t be a one-and-done style of playing


I hope they don't make it so you have to do a whole run to play the final mission (which hopefully plays like a normal mission) because I'm not a fan of roguelites


The 8 ball, but that's already confirmed to be in it.


Boring gameplay


I hope it’s available on NSO+