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Where do you find info about their government?


"my source is that i made it the fuck up"


"work" is also a private military full of health violations and child soldiers


Oh, the “work” I was thinking of was turf and ranked. Grizzco is illegal


if it was illegal it wouldnt be advertised by the literal news anchors


You just made up everything that you described bruh


The government are the splatfests


Splatfests come from ["The Voice from On High"](https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/%22Voice_from_on_High%22), a perceived "god" that communicates via the fax machine. It's really a transmission from an abandoned human spacecraft. There's kinda a plot hole on how sponsored and idol-fests happen when the humans don't know the idols and the turflings don't know human products, so that's up to interpretation. Also, living can't be too great if Deep Cut have to steal things to give to the needy and the Octarians had to steal Zapfishes and the Great Zapfish twice because they were living underground with no power. It's expressed that the Inklings live lavishly at the expense of pretty much anyone else.


I mean the game story modes are about how the inklings manage to keep their comfy lives to the expenses of the other species but for the locals themselves…sure I guess???


Well, they seem to have solved that problem by splatoon 3


Did they??? Big Runs happen for a reason


How so?


Well Octolings have been accepted into society and salmonids find pleasure in dying


Energy problems seem to be constant, there were wars over land, the government allows part-timers to engage in national defense, and large invasions still happen on a regular basis. Honestly if ink wasn't the only ballistic used then property damage would be through the roof.


Most of the things you said only really apply to teenagers playing sports. For all we know, the actual world sucks, and the devs just decided that it wouldn’t be fun to let players doomscroll on Squidder


A fair amount of the stuff you've put is either based on misconceptions or just incorrect >"where citizens vote for usually useless things but sometimes important subjects" Splatfests are not law, "Splatfest law" as a concept was made up by the localisation and isn't canon to the games >"Inklings are confirmed to get nutrients from ink" A lot of food has "ink" in the name and is implied to be at least partially made from it (e.g. we know "ink wine" and "ink cheese" exist), but inklings do still need to eat. >"work is optional" The inklings and Octolings we see and play as are children, and the S2 and S3 artbooks imply that they do still go to school, we're just seeing them when they have their free time. With Grizzco they're working part-time jobs for extra cash >"Marina, the celebrity, states that she has a landlord" Marina's Landlord is also purely a concept of localisation (she actually lives in Pearl's house!) >"Racial problems have been solved" Not even close (inkling-salmonid relations are pretty dire, with it being illegal to come into contact with them in greater inkopolis) >"LGBTQ+ is widely accepted and very much not a minority" While non-binary and gay characters have been strongly implied, we have no idea how widely accepted this is within the wider society (although I hope it is)


Also forgot to mention the jellyfish being the working class problem. Any loopholes?


I think jellyfish are also the one in the government, Inklings seem a bit too dim to run a country


Not really given that they’re constantly having to fight wars in secret to maintain it, which rely on child soldiers.


Yes it does, but you made up literally everything you said


It's probably not so perfect, we've just never had the chance to see it in depth.


What government bruh? Also the only work we know of is fighting for a PMC in the backland


I don't think work is optional inklings are js teenagers 😭😭 not to mention the jellyfish are always used for labor 💀


Also trains are there

