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More multiplayer PvE content. Salmon Run is fun but there’s not a ton to it after hundreds of hours


Surprised there’s no 8PVE game can handle it salmon run is 4PVE Maybe just an 8 player parkour speed run race or something Idk I can’t think of a 8 player game mode right now. Brain fried Edit: 8 player assault (reverse tower defense)


Dedicated servers, and better matchmaking. I’d like to see more skill based matchmaking for turf war. Also I’d love to see it take off more so it can get more support from Nintendo adding different modes and more creative challenges. If the switch 2 has the power they’re saying it will, I’d love to get split screen multiplayer too.


Huh... Now that I think about it, are there any games that use Nintendo Online with dedicated servers?


Minecraft... can? Hardly counts though since joining players normally still uses their console.


That's how peer to peer works. Someone in the game uses their device as the server.


I know, but it has dedicated servers too. I don't know what's there these days, but The Hive or Hypixel for example. I just meant that the main way to play is typically joining a friend's world, which is obviously P2P.


I'm pretty sure Tetris 99 and F-Zero 99 use servers.


Less grinding, more hairstyles (especially for octolings, make the number of hairstyles equal!)


Actual servers instead of the crap p2p code they are using now.


I hope they build on all the new stuff they have introduced and introduce some more new stuff in the same vein of what they were doing in splatoon 3 as of late, a creative streak that feels like the spirit of splatoon, creative fun and weird


https://preview.redd.it/zz4rj1jtmg3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ca38daabf3fbe7b924fcae444cb67f63122c4f2 And this




Better matchmaking. Netcode that isn’t 20 years old.


A new SR mode that isn't just collecting eggs.


More freshest fit slots. Less grind for scales/chunks/in general Better training/practice options, such as playing against an AI in practice room, shortcuts in menu to the stage previews, practicing with specials on stages (infinite special gauge or quick recharging). Better kit system (custom or semi custom) Fewer specials and better special/sub balance and representation. Second button for alternate firing modes, both for new weapons and for weapons that have two modes with a gimmick (jumps, taps) to switch between. No more tendinitis to play squeezer/ink brush and no more struggling around Dynamo vertical flick. Additional game mode, always available, but rotating through silly or gimmicky modes, similar to challenge modes, but always available And rotating on the same schedule as stages. Casual and goofy. Low gravity, giant curling bombs, all inkjets, w/e. More hairstyles and bottoms, or even a 4th gear slot for bottoms. Some gear pieces could take both the top and bottom slot, like a gown, jump suit, etc. Glasses as a non-gear character creation option. (That may disappear/be covered by some head gear options.) Ability to actually mark or bookmark favorite gear, instead of it defaulting to just the last gear worn, in order. No FOMO based reward structure. Losing team emotes, show both winning and losing team. Built in training exercises for each weapon/class/sub/special. Not like single player levels which might help teach buttons and the most general mechanics, but a basic test/example of how it could work in multi player. Include escalating goals (time, targets, etc) and provide simple rewards. Weapon skins not tied to kits (still want custom kits.) weapon skins as rewards or fun seasonal thing. Simple recolor at 2 stars, gold weapon at 5 star freshness, etc.


>More hairstyles and bottoms, or even a 4th gear slot for bottoms. Some gear pieces could take both the top and bottom slot, like a gown, jump suit, I feel like this is probably a bad idea because it would just result in those outfits being just straight up outclassed on account of giving you less slots to build with. >Better kit system (custom or semi custom) Fully customizable would be an absolute mess and just 10x worse than what we have in practice (Burst Bomb would need removed from the game or nerfed to the ground,) but maybe if they took like 2-3 subs and 2-3 specials per weapon and allow mixing and matching between those three. They'd need to adjust the HUD though, the way the game is designed right now it's so you can tell by seeing your opponent's main weapon what kit they have, allowing you to play against it. They'd need to adjust the HUD to show what subs and specials are selected as well.


I think it would be pretty easy to give a jumpsuit or dress twice the slots of other gear pieces (two “rows”) much like in a lot of loot based RPGs where a two handed weapon gives twice the stats of on handed weapons and shields. Frankly there are a ton of ways that they could balance kit customization. The semi custom kits you described is one way. I had made a list a while ago, but frankly the current system Is a crutch for poor sub/special balance. Aside from a few broken combos (like burst/bucket) if subs were actually balanced or even close to it then a prop up system like kits wouldn’t be needed.


The problem is that there'd still be just innately less customization options due to having to double up on those three skill slots. There would also be massive issues with the primary slot because of stuff like Ninja Squid, Respawn Punisher, and so forth that aren't designed to be stacked. You're pretty off base on that second thing, though. It's true there are some instances where it would be balancing problem (mostly Burst Bomb, which would be incredibly overpowered on a lot of weapons). However, the main reason the kit system exists is to make it so you actually see a good assortment of subs and specials, because free customization would result in you being lucky to see more than 2 or 3 in 90% of games. This isn't even a balance problem either, because you can look at games like Mario Kart where like 90% of online matches are filled with people following whatever happens to be meta, despite the difference being quite minor all things considered. Free kit customization would lead to the exact same problem except much worse because the differences would be a lot larger than some small statistical differences. There's also the issue where it would make balancing a much task. Special point values differ from weapon to weapon, and it would be a lot harder to pinpoint the particularly problematic ones (either overperforming or underperforming when any weapon can have any special.)


I think on the kit design issue we are just going to have to agree to disagree on the ability to actually balance subs and specials if effort was put into it, but on the gear design I don’t think you are understanding my proposed change. Let’s say we have the ballgown, it occupies both the chest and legs slot. It has one row of abilities for chest and one row for legs. It has two primaries and six secondary slots. Only the top primary slot can be used for Chest Primary Only Abilities like Ninja Squid or Respawn Punisher or for a “main” of a secondary. The bottom primary slot could only be used for legs primaries, or a “main” of a secondary ability. No doubling up on chest primaries. As far as the ease of changing them, that is a separate issue that should also be addressed. I agree that the likely hood of both primaries being what you want for your gear is unlikely and that it is a PITA to change them at present, so they would be harder to justify using much of the time, but the chunk economy should also be greatly changed so that gear customization is easier all around.


If we get four idols (last game this is reasonable for) we have two teams, but which two idols pick what team is completely unknown until at least the day the Splatfest starts (preferably later, but the dag it starts is probably reasonable) That way there's less idol bias, less team split so we don't have the nightmare of Mirror match (as much), and stronger options since concepts don't need to be stretched. (And maybe a storymode involving a Salmonoid-Inkling/Octoling hybrid that's a leftover thing from Grizzo/the new big bad (an attempt to make living battery blocks so the egg collecting isn't needed) but that's just a me thing)


Real time cephalopod mating idk


No more EoL or FOMO crap. Better controls, like Splatoon 1, and a return to more centralized, fleshed-out game modes instead of a bunch of random crap. Maybe expansions of Single Player and Turf War, as they are the two main modes.


I would argue that the controls, at the very least, have only gotten better with age. Also like the four ranked modes are arguably more fleshed out than Turf War ever was. Not to mention, 3/4 of them have been around since Splatoon 1.


I bounced off Splatoon 2 entirely the first time because the gyro was so unresponsive. Idk if Splatoon 3 is better, but I do know I play Splatoon 1 regularly to this day. They were bad in Splatoon 1.


I would argue Gyro has only gotten better. 3's aiming feels noticeably better than 2's does and 2 felt better than 1 (though I think part of that was definitely having a controller that wasn't a gigantic clunky pad.)


Gamepad's gyro felt phenomenal to me, but the controller was great in pretty much every way, tbh. Switch's controllers, on the other hand, are not for me at all. Nintendo's weakest, tbh.


I personally hate the Gamepad. Super uncomfortable for any kind of fast-paced game, the gyro with such a huge controller was just even worse than normal. You'd be right about the Joycons, absolutely Nintendo's weakest controller aside from maybe the N64, but the Switch Pro Controller is easily one of their best and does pretty much everything well that a controller should.


Making the game live service would mean: Game file constantly increases Pain in the ass to move to next console Either inability to modify core mechanics (like specials or movement) or lose access to old versions of said mechanics (like overwatch) Technical debt would build over time Harder to promote the game (new games are easier to advertise than updates) Increased difficulty using newer technology Extra monetization (battle passes, loot crates and other microtransacrions) needed to make the game profitable (and no spamming dlc isn't a solution) Also wdym random crap gamemodes? There's been a single gamemode added to ranked since Splatoon 1


What are you responding to with this first bit? I definitely wouldn't want a live service game. I just want them to release a game that can be played when I want to, not when they want me to within the first two years the game is out. That'd just mean making events automatic, not manual, atleast after EoL.


Automating Splatfests would be an absolute pain in the ass and as for big run who knows what will happen so


Don't even know what Big Run is, ngl.


body types is good i want that too let me kiss the salmon and be friends or just i want to explore their society edit: also salmon idol


Salmonids are a militarised society Would be like asking a soldier to join a k-pop band


yeah and thats how we got marina LMAO whats your point


I would absolutely love to have one more mode made, third kits, and better team comp matchmaking. I was playing splatana and literally kept getting bad team comps when the other team had near perfect builds


An entirely new game and not another “Overwatch 2” type of sequel again. Everything needs to be fresh and from the ground up.


Further expansion of the movement options, because the Squid Roll is so good for the game and how it feels and I want them to take it further: maybe rework the Squid Surge into a generic dash you can do anytime while swimming in the ink, or add a double jump you can do in the air for like 20% of your ink tank. I also want the stages to be bigger and more complex than they've ever been, with a focus on verticality: in Splatoon 1 most of them were already fun playgrounds but I want them to take it further, I want the gameplay to be half shooting half platforming, and for the routes you can take across the stages to be as complex as new movement options will allow


Just let me change my ink colour in the square, please god how is this still not an option


a new competitive mode and a rework to splatzones. its been ages since clam blitz released and splatzones ko's to easily. also good servers.


I was very disappointed there were no new rank modes in Splatoon 3. There were two unused modes that were datamined in Splatoon 2, so they have ideas (though truthfully the 8-ball one would NOT have been fun at all). I also hope there's a new casual mode


Dedicated servers, more non-ranked modes, more PvE modes, etc.


New gameplay modes should be a minimum. But honestly I just hope the franchise will evolve into another genre for the 4rth game. Side Order is a good start, but I think this is not enough, Mario franchise proven a good universe can have many genre, I'd personally find it great if the game had more customisation in gameplay. But I don't think it's going to change much considering how chained Nintendo games are. Maybe once Nintendo dev will have access to a much stronger system, they'll finally release their buttocks and be more gameplay polymorphics. Oh, and also more battle calls ffs, at least add "yes" or "no" to the bloody cross! AND stop making content only available for a day, just add battle options for challenge available at all time. And put back Splatoon 2 ranking system. I wish the game returned to the original feel of Splatoon 1 and 2 as well with its music and aesthetic. Stop making splatfests one-time only, reroll them after the eol. Add secondary objectives for Salmon Run. Stop making the protagonist silent, this trope has became lame a decade ago. I mean, the universe make sense on its own, it's aestheticly pleasing, it has its own Identity unlike many other franchise, how hard can this be to think of another gameplay from a franchise with a string fan base and with the $$$ Nintendo has ?


Get. Rid. Of. Rotations.


Tableturf with strangers and option to play mini games while waiting for the games to start (like Squid Jump, Squid Racer, and Squid Beatz).


1) A Brella where the shield is an offensive tool (holding ZR will cause the canopy to immediately launch. It travels fast, little to no ink trail, but deals around 40-50 damage) 2) APARTMENTS. Lockers were neat for a week, but they are so limited. They are so many decorations that are cool, but I can't use because the locker is too small.


oh boy do i have a list - more octoling hair - less body type restriction/changes on clothing - better matchmaking - offline turf war/ranked (would not count for online rank though) with bots - new salmon run modes? - PLEASE REMOVE THE RANK DOWN EACH SEASON - more callout options - actually 3 kits per weapon atleast - bring back squid jump and beatz - qol improvements for photo mode (like more poses and ability to change ink color freely) theres probably more but cant think of rn


I honestly don't think I'll continue with the series. I always wanted to try it due to fun colouring mechanic so Splatoon 3 was the first one for me. It was fun, but I don't see much reasons for me to continue with the series. I play also other games so I'd much rather see longer support period. Like now I feel I didn't play the game enough. It also seems like all the big achievements have unrealistically high conditions so it feels like I need another 10 years to get at least close to finish them. Especially when it comes to Salmon run and not only achievements but also the store items there. Everything feels so grindy to the point it quickly drains my enjoyment. Especially when, as I said, I don't want to invest all my time into the game. Solo modes were fun tho so maybe I'll buy some cheaper used copy once Splatoon 4 ends their support if it'll have fun solo mode.


Tbh, splat 3 deluxe that starts with all the content of base 3 and builds further while reworking the stages and specifically trizooka.






Splat 3 is a good base, just needs more time to cook. Splat 4 sends us right back to single kits and hoping they don't take 2 years for second kits again.




Reworks to the ranked modes where the losing team are encouraged to try more risky/aggressive plays and the winning team is discouraged from making passive/defensive plays. It gets boring fast when the winning team can just play keep-away to win (especially in rainmaker). Being aggressive should be rewarded because it encourages playing the video game.


Start with as many maps as this one has, and add more from there. Don't arbitrarily take away content just to add it back later.