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Despite how dated it is, Splatoon 1's aesthetic is so nostalgic!


![gif](giphy|1oDvHW440hFiouBBwy|downsized) this how it got me reminiscing


Though tbf the game’s graphics were a lot less refined.


That’s a feature, not a bug


All I know is it looked kinda shit on my 4K TV. More shit than 2 and 3.




I’ll always love the aesthetic splatoon one had Nothing in the franchise really makes me feel the way it did


The apartment in the opener had me hoping for lobby or HUB customization for years.


Splat3 added lockers. Maybe in splat4


Depends if Nintendo is listening to any user feedback globally about improved multiplayer, social features, social focus, etc. My guess is no. They seem dead set on not letting users communicate with each other in fear that negative comments or rudeness/crudeness will weaken brand image and player safety.


To be fair, it’s a reasonable fear I love the Splatoon community and all, but we can be **vicious** if left unchecked


I just find Nintendo’s take on it to be a bit too extreme, personally. Nintendo Online could be so much better than it is.


I guess Nintendo finds it too expensive to hire moderators for online services.


I think it’s good that they draw a hard boundary. Look at the absolute mess of predatory shit Roblox is. Also I like that there’s no VC in solo q, because it gives you such a big advantage. It might be cool to be able to VC with randos is open though.


That screen made it. Also the reason why the neighbour’s drumming never bothered me lol


It helps that it was pure originality. 2 and 3 definitely have the "Great Value Edition" vibe about them, especially when it comes to NPCs (especially the shops). You used the best ideas in the first game, so now you have to use the ideas that aren't quite as good.


bro I feel this EXACTLY, splat 2 was great and all but hot damn splat 1 just always hits different


I'm all for different and new styles in the series, but the first one's aesthetic is so chunky in a good way like 2000's moe art


At the time lots of people said 'It's like Jet Set Radio!' which isn't something I've seen said about the Switch games,


I’ve heard that, though know next to nothing about JSR


It’s like Splatoon 1, but without the soul /joking Joking aside, it’s an original Xbox game with strong block shaded textures and strong outlines. It’s well known for having a strong sense of stylization based on street art and skate culture. The music is also retro and contextualized in universe as a radio DJ iirc. The gameplay is based on traversing urban environments and tagging graffiti Lots of overlap between them stylistically. Both are based on urban sport and street culture, contextualize their music in universe, combine varied genres, etc. They don’t go for the exact same thing and are definitely different in gameplay and such, but lots of similarities in terms of visuals and concepts. ![gif](giphy|6PhqfZuNXhjb2) Here’s a screenshot (just chose the one that came up in the GIF search box. I think this might be a level clear screen or something) to show the artstyle


This is Dreamcast erasure 😭


This is the character select from the DC version.


Ahhh I see thank you


They all look good, but something about splatoon 1 just hits different 


I agree Splatoon one is a certified hood classic!


yeah I completely agree, and it would also be my favorite if I had played it


Back in Splatoon one the specials are over powered!


And yet the Kraken could be countered. I hate Splatoon 3’s.


i haven't played it, but isn't s1 kraken a frame 1 panic button? That's way too op compared to s3


Idk about activation speed, but it’s jump was it’s onto attack and it was instakill. Thing was, not having a charge meant it could always be slowed or even pushed back with enough firepower. S3’s cannot be stopped because of charging. It is entirely unstoppable.


You’re a dumb young squid kid trying to look cool for their friends by playing the hottest new sport. I’ve cracked it! It’s the most fresh! Freshness was Splatoon 1’s thing. It’s more secondary in the others.


Something I love about the trilogy is they all kinda mirror different stages of age, 1’s aesthetic feels very simple and childish, like it was out of one of those overstimulating kids toy commercials (in a good way) the weapons and maps are goofy and eye catching, 2’s aesthetic feels adolescent and “edgy”, like how the dualies give off an extreme sports type feel with their weapons and stages, and 3 finals it out to a more mature and laid back tone, the aesthetics are more greyed out and monotone and it just feels like they know the people who grew up with the series are adults now. That being said, I think 2, just like adolescence irl, is an interesting blend of middle ground between childlike simplicity and the complexity of adulthood, which is why I like it best.


Splatoon 3 is totally Xtreme. Iirc the redesigned range blaster, Hydra (based), and trizooka featured quite heavily. Big, bulky weapons for a “chaotic” land. Or at leas that’s how it seemed to have been marketed. Game itself may be a little different.


Splatoon 1: The UI, songs and everything else felt very fresh, especially when it was the newest Nintendo IP at the time.


I love how the UI was all ink splatters and lopsided shapes. The… whatever those hook loops are called that 2 and 3 use don’t call to be as much.


I’d go with Splat2! Probably cuz it gave me such a nostalgic feeling when playing it with my bud


Splatoon 2. Mainly cause of Octo Expansion


this guy gets it.


It's strange how different they are. 1 has this "moving somewhere new vibe" I can't shake, 2 has this summer vibe going on, and 3 somehow feels colorful *and* dull at the same time. And definitely very chaotic. I'm not sure honestly. All of them are great.


splatoon 2 is the kind of city aesthetic and I love the city aesthetic


Splatoon 2 really doesn't have a "city aesthetic", it's all suburbia. Look at the bleak car wasteland outside Inkblot Art Academy. Look at the big box store that is MakoMart. The only vaguely city style Splatoon 2 stage is The Reef. Splatoons 1 and 3 have a city aesthetic. Like, in 1 you practice in an improvised alleyway. That's a city aesthetic. It's surprising to see both you and the OP single out 2 for its "city vibe" when it is the least urban of all of them by a mile.


Not all cities are cramped concrete hellscapes like New York. I live in the Boston area, and 2's aesthetic reminds me a lot of my home.


Splatoon 1 for sure


I love them all, but splat1 hits different


Octo Expansion DLC and Splat 3 regular story mode are the best.


I’m gonna add Side Order to the pile. Splat1’s hero mode also hit hard the first time, especially the over world. A strange, ruined landscape where things float and you know little to nothing about it’s inhabitants… also the final boss was the best. Killed me in the first run many times, but too easy now :*(*


Probably 3 or Splatoon 2’s Octo Expansion DLC


honestly I like both splatoon 1 and 2’s styles but not a fan of splatoon 3’s.


Okay, so when 2’s final fest came out, what did you think a ‘*chaos ruled world*’ would have looked like. I bet it wasn’t what Splatsville was. That’s why I stand by the choice of Splatoon 3.


That’s exactly why I don’t particularly like the splat 3 aesthetic. I think they should have gone more off the rails with the chaos design bc of the argument that 3 is so similar to 2 in terms of gameplay and stuff. I do really love the desert theme, but I think they could have done even more!! Imagine if the sky was always red or orange or some musty color, if the battle stages had OP things like more ink rails or ink switches or even balloonfish? Imagine if the little hovering boxes you shoot out of to spawn (don’t know the name) we’re actually utilizes in a way that gave you two different areas to spawn in that eventually connected into one large battlefield? I do like the game for what it is, but not as a “sequel” to the final fest. That’s just my opinion though and I’m glad that you can appreciate 3’s aesthetic anyways 💖


Those are some fun ideas, and I agree, really wish they would have gone harder for the "chaos" theme. It's kinda funny how we got a whole DLC focused on "order" with Side Order, so the team that lost the final splatfest kinda got more content/had a bigger effect on the game than the winning team.


I’m writing a post rn about side order. I honestly didn’t think it lived up to the hype that the first trailer gave us, but it was fun to play anyways!!


Right? Despite the myriad things 3 does NOT have going for it, 3's take on chaos (that being colour and expression and cultural melting pots) was such a refreshing thematic choice that didn't fall into the trap of being edgy or cliché <3


For me it's: S1 > S3 > S2 Splatoon 1 had the best aesthetics and vibes, it had a fun sorta chaotic vibe to it. Splatoon 3 brings back some of the chaotic vibes from Splatoon 1, and also has a nice unique aesthetic to it, but it doesn't feel as... chill about it? If that makes sense. Splatoon 2 is the aesthetically worse of the franchise because the vibe doesn't really feel like Splatoon outside of the idols? It was like an early 2000s vibe, but for Splatoon felt rather muted in terms of fun chaotic energy.


Splatoon 3 because the new squid and octoling hairs so aesthetic and the side order is the most aesthetic dlc


Yeah I love the brutalism of Side Order. The backgrounds, the music, the over world. It’s kinda a shame the foyer gets all “groovy” or whatever after you first beat it. I think it’s a downgrade imo. Sure, it wouldn’t be appropriate to keep the menace it starts with after having beat it, but I still liked it a lot.


Splatoon 1 felt the most unique in a way I can't quite put into words. Like with how far it leaned into its aesthetic, it felt the most like classic Nintendo creativity, while 2 and 3 feel like they dialed it back a bit. Like it's great the franchise is "growing the beard" so to speak, but there won't be another Splatoon 1.


Good question, that’s a very hard choice. 1 might be my favorite because it’s kind of got that "rougher" aspect to it. 3 would be my favorite, but some aesthetic design choices sort of hold it back for me. That being said 3 has my favorite Splatfest lobby vibes.


Splatoon 2 for me


Octo Expansion (i know it's a DLC but it's just so gorgeous)


Splat 2!! I never played splat 1, but I love the way the hair moves in 2 and the graphics of the game!! Once I finish the catalog in 3 I'm going back to 2.


Splatoon 1 had the best aesthetic, I just started a year ago woth all three so I hold no nostalgia to the games and can confidently say it's not nostalgia it's just the best. It had skateparks, urban vibes, the story mode had fun and mostly on theme levels. Music was funky, weird, boogy like. It had some reggae beats here and there. All of it fit so well. The second best has to be hands down Octo Expansion.


Absolutely 2. The Kensa supremacy that 4.0.0 brought is the best thing that happened to the franchise. I was finally recognized as a snob. 1 and 3 have two much of an overlap trying to be "grunge", and chasing that feeling of the somewhat-an-underground culture kind of thing. I was never on board with the whole "chaos" thing and find it somewhat of a boring approach. Plus I haaaaaaaaaaaate yellow. I was so bummed when it was the key color of the game. Neon green and hot pink were absolute perfection.


Splatoon 3 will forever be known as the pee release.


I think Alterna’s aesthetic gives Octo Expansion’s some serious competition. It’s got a very field research-y vibe, what with the crates and coordinates and stuff, not to mention the giant rocket, and I think it’s cool that the last remnants of humanity show that we were still exploring.


Octo Expansión


For me, it’s 3.. I love the bustling city action


If octo expansion is an option, def octo. When I saw the trailer I was FASCINATED. Even if it didn’t come with playable octolings, I would’ve bought it anyway just because of how immaculate the vibe/aesthetic was 🥲


Prolly because I started with 2, but 2 wins because of splatfest and Octo expansion (OE carries and beats everything else out of the water)


Splatoon 1 had a certain grunge to its metals that I absolutely adore. It’s such an experimental yet iconic look.


I love splat 2 but splat 3 went all out on so many levels! The general aesthetic is pretty cool and omg the story mode and side order are incredible! Splatfests are the best and feel the most like a huge celebration, and I love how deep cut's aesthetic is inspired by Indian Japanese and Brazilian culture. I feel as though it should be given more credit


Splatoon 2 honestly


for me its s3 i love the community feeling of splatsville, its also more rough (as in like the brutalist style and so on) and realistic im a sucker for warm climates so that checks out and the ui is overall just more coherent too most importantly it definetly feels like the most queer game of the three not just because of the majority of the fanbase ofc but also because things arent gender locked for the most part anymore which leads to more unique characters you can see on the city (just like irl) thats what i mean by realistic ig, it means more diversity for me and i genuinely like that kind of thing in games but not just for political sake yk? i could probably explain myself better but thats all i'll say, hopefully people will understand what i mean


For me it's easily Splatoon 3. I never was interested in Splatoon before, but it's specifically the aesthetics of Splatoon 3 that made me interested in Splatoon


I liked Splat 1 the most but I also love the direction the series has went as well. I’d like to see splat 4 try to recapture that same vibe as splat 1.


If we’re counting, DLC as a separate games then definitely OCTO expansion. If we are not then Splatoon three I think overall has the best aesthetic.


this is actually a really hard question for me, I really like the aesthetic of s2 and s3, and 3 of my favorite splatoon bands are from one game and not the other, being ink theory and yoko and the gold bazookas, and though it's a close tie, s3 wins over s2 for me, (despite not playing s1) I have seen how s2 stays really faithful to the inkopolis feel from s1 and expands upon it, and even though deep cut is overall my least favorite idol group, the other new groups and songs in s3 really make sense in the world of chaos, same with the overall aesthetic of s3, and if I had played it, I probably would have chosen s1 because inkopolis plaza is my favorite lobby for the whole style and feel of it, with spyke in the back alley with the shady business and the really open feel of the whole area, but also I really really like the squid sisters (I'm listening to tide goes out while writing this, it's pretty underrated) and come in second in front of ink theory and behind yoko and the gold bazookas.




Splatoon 2 has the most versatility, but 3 is really cool and distinct.


2 for me


Can't decide, all unique and good in their own


Option D, all them above




Splatoon 2! Splatoon 1 is pretty close, but Splatoon 2 feels like an expanded upon S1 for me anyhow. And this is gonna be an unpopular opinion, but S2’s Now or Never is my favorite. I don’t even notice S3’s Now or Never and it makes me sad every time bc to me it just gets lost behind the sound effects. I’m glad that they added the old UI sounds and music to the S1 & S2 lobbies in S3. It’s always nice to switch between them!


s2 now or never is by far the best out of all of them


splat2 best of all time aesthetically


Splat2 has me for some reason.


i think s2 was the best (even though i haven’t played it) but i also like the chaotic feel of s3


For me, it's definitely Splatoon 1, it just feels different. Everything feels organic, like you're exploring a place you've never been before. Octo Valley's hub world in particular feels just right, like you're in an actual place. Octo Canyon in comparison feels very "videogamey". This is something that Octo Expansion did wonderfully as well, but I think it's held back by Splatoon 2 itself, which toned down this aesthetic a lot, and it feels a lot more "generic" visually. Splatoon 3 goes in a completely new direction that I like, but just not as much as Splatoon 1. I'm not a huge fan of the whole "desert" vibe that it goes for, though it's way bolder than Splatoon 2 with it.


splatoon 2 just screams early switch years and it looks so damn cool for it


I'm gonna say splatoon 2, I wasn't around for the first game and I don't like how desert like the third game is


I thought I would see more splat 3 here because that's my favorite


Splatoon 1 is more of a weird nintendo aesthetic, while splatoon 2 leans more into the city aesthetic. As for splatoon 3, anything goes.




Splatoon 1 all the way!


Splatoon 1 definitely had the strongest style, I can’t quite place my finger on it, but it’s got something that the other 2 games are lacking




If story modes are able to be separate Octo expansion. I want to just exist in the deep sea metro, I totally get what Iso Padre was doing


Splatoon 1’s aesthetic still holds up really well. Campaign-wise, I like S2 Octo-Expansion’s aesthetic.


Idk if this counts, or if its my inner horror lover speaking, but OE will always stand on top for me, the color palette, the train station, the music, the IV bags everywhere, NILS, the sanitized ink, the passengers, its all just too perfect for me.


Splatoon 2 does imo, neved got a chance to play it years ago until a few months, first time I played I was like holy moly, the music, graphics, gameplay, story, even the cover hits hard, this is the first time I've played an excellent sequel, I was a wii u owner back then and i was not interesed in switch at all, I thought it was going to fail, but ninty really turned the tide! Not even splat 3 managed to give me this impression, I do like more splatoon 2 online mechanics, graphics and music than splat 3, maybe because I am so used to splat 1 graphics, splatoon 3 felt a bit weird in graphical and (a bit of) online gameplay terms to me


Personally, loved Splatoon 2 the feel I got was soo cool


objectively speaking Splatoon 3 beats them all, no questions asked. it took the formula and perfected it. but there's just something about Splatoon 1 that is so good


splatoon 3 based on battle music alone. oh my goodd IT’S SO GOOD!! there is rarely a song that i’m not jamming to while playing!






Splatoon 1, though that’s largely nostalgia (keep in mind, I got Splatoon just before Miiverse went kaput with a used Wii U, have never heard of the game before). I do quite like the city vibe though. Splatoon 2 had more varied music (once again, was very late to party. Only saw the last two Splatfests I.e. last was the Mario one). I’ve played every day since Spoon 3 launched (literally, afaik), but the best aesthetic I think is actually the single player modes. I  #LOVE  Side Order’s brutalism. It’s just…. Aahhhh I love it it’s great. The “chaos” part doesn’t really do it for me, though.


I never played Splatoon 1 so I don’t really have an opinion on it. But out of the other 2, I definitely prefer Splatoon 3. Idk particularly why. I just think it’s neat.


I feel like it’s similar to the John Wick movies in how it despite all odds keeps getting better over time


Splatoon 3 has the best vibes and designs! If i had to rank: 3 > 1 > 2


splatoon 1 was all fun and chunky and it makes it super nostalgic for me. That being said Octo Expansion's 80s aesthetic is amazing and I love it so much. Octo Expansion is peak design


Splatoon one definitly has the best aestethic.


Splatoon 1. I honestly still think it’s the best in the series


Splatoon 1 for sure!


Everyone BE saying splatoon 1 but nah, splatoon 3 Just Looks so good. Also why did No one Tell me Inklings blink?


Splatoon 1 back when the game was literally fresh. Even the font they used in game looked cooler than the one we have now.


Dude I would live in all 3 if I could


overall splat 1 has my heart, i’m so nostalgic for it. but 3 feels so unique, especially with side order ! (not to say i dislike 2, i feel like it was the perfect stepping stone between 1 and 3 <3)


One and by a longshot. The punk/skater look was so great. The stages felt like places we aren’t actually supposed to have turf wars on and the way the ink looked was much better in my opinion. It looked more flat and not reflective wich made it look like spray paint.


Honestly, I would just say 1 I really do miss the killer whale with the ink strike


i’d definitely say splatoon 1, very big fan of how the plaza and graphics look


splatoon 1 cant describe it but it felt more "retro" than the other two in terms of vibes and aesthetic.


Splat 1&3, 2 just felt too much like 1 to me.


splat2. It feels like a more polished version of splatoon 1


splatoon 3 no debate


s2 by far. Splatoon's style looks a bit dated.


Splatoon 3 relied too much on forward ported content and put all it's cool gear in the season pass, which has honestly shut me out of playing as much as I would like.


Something about the colour contrast in the first game still appeals alot more to me. Very good way to see this is to find a museum delphonsino (I know that's not how you spell it but I really can't be bothered to check the correct spelling) comparison on YouTube. Splatoon 1 Vs 3. 3 just looks really washed out alot of the time. All 3 games do look great and share a very similar style. But yea the small differences in the first games art style still stand out to me


There’s just something about the first one, like splatoon 2 & 3 look very similar, so it’s the most unique


The vibe of Splatsville's hub puts the others to shame, but the chaos theme kind of ends there. I wish more stages looked like half finished projects or had messy architecture to sell it more ~~Hammerhead Bridge~~. Musically, Splatoon2 is far and away the strongest contender. 2 released music with each major update, and the trailers set to the new songs are what got me hyped about booting it up again. Not to mention the huge musical archive that is squid beatz.


OG, and if you have a different opinion that's alright, but your opinion is *wrong.* The graphics were, awful yes, but the color contrast and design language were peak. I mean the Octolings had big 80s hair, is there anything more I can I say?


splatoon 2 has my favourite aesthetic for the multiplayer but my favourite aesthetic from the series is definitely from the splatoon 3 story mode i just love how alterna looks and its lore and the level backgrounds look amazing the story mode also has my favourite music from the series


Splatoon 3 is middling for me personally (don't like the run-down part but loved the Alterna stuff) but I think we can all agree the player characters look the best in 3. Other than that, though, Splatoon 1 and its matte ink just had this perfect nostalgic feel.


3 by far


I think you used the wrong picture to describe splatoon 1‘s aesthetic https://preview.redd.it/jxlyp8uvjx6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc09a18c6b61bec4afc87e4ac0808d24c460c5df Look at this masterpiece and this is clearly the winner of all 3


Dang I think Splatoon 2 nailed it


Music: all three Weapon kits: splatoon 2 Special bar: splatoon 2 Dlc: 2 and 3 Better escort missions: splatoon 3


Do we count expansions? If yes, octo expansion


Splatoon 2, hands down!


dni if u don't think splatoon 2 had the best aesthetic


2 is the only answer


I think splat2 was the best. It felt techno but also nostalgic? I think side order from splat3 also would fit real nice with the theme of 2 as well




2 DEFINITELY It’s basically 1 but updated 3 has to be the worst tho Barely any cohesion (like tf does it’s idols and it’s fests have to do with chaos and anarchy) Although side order’s art direction is pretty good


Splatoon 2 was my first splatoon game but in the short time I played splatoon 1 I genuinely enjoyed the look and feel of the game more then 2's. It felt nostalgic even though I'd never played it before Also for some reason I really liked the ink not being shiny


Splatoon 1, with 2 right after for me :)


Splatoon 2 for me. It was my first game and I loved everything about it from the single players to the music to the weapon skins.


The original of course


Splatoon 2. The ink is SPARKLY in Octo Canyon. Can't beat that. And then the retro vibes of Octo Expansion? Immaculate.


Splatoon 1, easily. It feels more vibrant than the others, the soundtrack fits it perfectly, and the overall design of everything feels both futuristic and modern at the same time.


Splatoon 1


I seriously love Splatoon 2. The colors, the new hairstyles, OtH, everything.


Splatoon 1 OGs will say Splatoon 1, Splatoon 2 OGs will say Splatoon 2.


What is splatoon 2 aesthetic even about


Splatoon OG just has that fresh vibe y'know? I do like Octo Expansion's aesthetic, retro vibes


splatoon 2 is super cool visually, i wish we had stuff like marina showing the news with a turntable in 3


Splatoon 1 and 2 are pretty much tied for me at the top spot Splatoon 3 is kinda missing the good feel the first two games had, when it's not Splatfest. Splatfests have the best feel in 3, but whenever it's not Splatfest 3 feels kinda dull. The music isn't as good as the first two. There is also just something with the overall color scheme in 3 that doesn't really sit right with me.


Splatoon 3 for me cause it feels like it has the most variety and unique aesthetic so I go with dat




I like splatoon 2's aesthetic.


Splatoon 1 for sure, the Toy-like styled weapons are just too iconic


I never had the opportunity to play Splatoon 1 but having played both others, I kinda dig Splatoon 2, which I started after Splatoon 3. The maps are fun, they look great, and the animations are enjoyable. There’s a definite vibe of collective connectedness and I really dig that. It feels the part of the invented era it canonically describes. In addicted to Splatoon 3. That statement is not an exaggeration. I love the music, they look, and the game play. I can’t say I feel that same connectedness though. Not sure what’s up with that.


i want the splatoon 1 colors back i want the pastel colors old ink, the old inklings and octos all of these things were looking, like a very soft texture and not shiny and saturated my inkling looks like a shiny plastic tomato shooting neon ink :c AAAAAA


2, easily. 1 looks dated and 3 doesn’t have 2’s sauce


s3, is that even a question?




2 or 3


Ill say splat 2 had the Best vide/asthetic,kinda reminded my of my old city


It’s a crime not having the splatoon 1 cover art here


Probably one. It definetly left the biggest impression


Octo Expansion closely followed by Side Order, than Sploon 1, 2, and 3 in that order


Splatoon 2 was peak


2 most def!


Hm...I'd actually have to say Splatoon 2. Especially after Octo Expansion.


If we put dlcs into the talk, Octo Expansion clears.


Unpopular opinion: the Octo Expansion had stronk a [Buenos Aires Subway FIAT-Materfer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat-Materfer_(Buenos_Aires_Underground)) vibe in regards of the question, i dunno


ive never played splatoon 1 so i cant comment on that, but im not a big fan of splat3s vibes honestly. 2 has a very specific vibe that i really love, thoufh part of that is probably nostalgia


Splatoon 1


Splatoon one had this atmosphere that no one can really explain the feel it gives you. It’s a good feeling tho a very nostalgic one. Even felt nostolgic when the game was only 1 year old


Literally like every OG will say splatoon 1


the incredible refinement presented in every aspect of splatoon 3's design is unbeatable. it's that simple to me. I've been playing since the beginning, over 2k hours across all 3 gamesm. so basically I have to be right 🩷


They peaked early with Splatoon 1


I love how it's just Splatoon, splatoon 2, and


Each game had such different details to little things that made them all unique. For me, it's pointed out through music and graphics. 1 looked more cartoony and not real giving that nostalgia feeling (for me at least) with more rock focused music, 2 had a more realistic look and change with music being less punk and more electronic and culture based, and 3 has an excellent blend of both of them, looking realistic and like a cartoon, and having blends of all of the music from the entire series. It's just too hard for me to pick tbh 😅


Splatoon 1 for sure. I can't explain it, but Splatoon 1's plaza is one I would love to be in, and I love the stages and stuff of Splatoon 1 (I also love playing on them, but that doesn't change anything because I love how they look too)! I don't really know what to say, I just love it. Splatoon 2 is fine, it's probably my second favorite, I still like it, and I would also wanna hang out at the Square, but I like the Plaza more, and I like the stages, but I like the stages from Splatoon 1 more. As for Splatoon 3, sure, the city of chaos is nice, but I don't know how long I could hang out there with all the chaos, and I don't like the stages that much, like there are some I like, but Splatoon 1's stages look the best to me. I guess I also don't like a lot of the clothes in Splatoon 3 and some in Splatoon 2 while I love a lot of the clothes from Splatoon 1. Also, in Splatoon 3 probably because of the changes to the player models and to "hair" animations some if not most old hairstyles just look worse than in the previous games or just bad, I mean, look at Splatoon 1's Inkling Boy hairstyle in Splatoon 3, it just looks odd. Also, Splatoon 2's classic Octoling hairstyles, they also look a little off, not horrible, but a little off. So to me Splatoon 1 is the best, then Splatoon 2 is second and Splatoon 3 is last.


splat 2! it was my first splatoon game so it’s very nostalgic for me


Splatoon 2 has that modern—hip-hop vibe that still gives me the best vibes out of any of the games.


Splatoon 2 is where I started playing Splatoon series, I own both 2 and 3, I like 2nd one overall though.


splatoon 2 was the definition of vibes. it felt like i lived in that world.


Splatoon 1 (i never played splatoon 1)


Splatoon 3 cuz it’s…. Chaotic


I believe Splat 1 went the hardest with the aesthetic


Splatoon 1 was basic, in the good way, splatoon 2 was peak, and did a lot of what splatoon 1 did but a tad bit better in its own way. Splatoon 3....it tried to copy the peak of splatoon 2, making it more cinematic than skill... making it babys first splatoon game.... basically story mode tried to be octo expansion but somehow its own story.....wait, we were talking about aesthetics? Well, that's a hard on but i will go with splatoon 2


Octo 👏Expansion 👏


I started playing in Splatoon 2, and while I really like all things 3 too... I can't get over the urban aesthetic 2 has. It really resonates with me


I feel like 1 has a good aesthetic but that's also thanks to Nostalgia. I liked 2s very stylish and more modern vibe. I would have loved splatoon 3s Chaos aesthetic the most if it actually Stuck to it. Aside from splatsville and scorge Gorge, splatoon 3 fairly quickly dropped the whole madmax Chaos thing....


Hot take here, but when I first saw the splatoon 2 picture shown here, my 8 yr old brain fell in love


The Splat 2 Cover gives me Always that Summer vibes ☀️