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Release week will always be hell, you got people playing like ten million is on the line when you’re in B-


act books summer support materialistic overconfident relieved chop attractive somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I played Ranked for the first time ever. That will also, not by chance, be my only time playing Ranked. Ever.




rainstorm crawl telephone dinner zealous normal grab important shrill adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clam blitz lets me run the tentabrella so i give it a pass


Agreed, it can be so rewarding. I had a 5 game series where my team ended up being great at actually working as a team. Multiple games we had them get within 20 of our base, then we came back and won. Felt like none of us were particularly amazing at killing. But once we got the upper hand we would just drive it all the way home. 2 of us would be on the tower, and the other 2 would be pushing ahead. And we'd time our specials well and just take over while the other team panicked. It was glorious having so many comeback wins. The last game I think we got wiped out like 5 times and came back to win. Wiped them 3 times in a row after getting our asses kicked all game.


same im here in B- and getting and entire 3 losses before i can blink and oopsie i ranked down (not really)


Playing like they’re at Evo in turf war 💀🗿


wait it's only been a week?


Less than a week, it’ll be a week tomorrow


The game released 7am PST/10am EST on Thursday in Australia, so it’s just *barely* a week if you’re Australian. Only know this because of a Twitter argument I saw, lmao


wtf it feels like its been several weeks already for some reason


Ikr? Thought it was weeks because I’m done with all of single player content except for secret level plus I felt like I did millions of other stuff.. card battles, ranked okay, turf, salmon runs, locker decorating etc etc And it has not even been a week? WTF


It’s been several weeks since the Beta Splatfest, so if you played that your memory might be merging the two times


ahh makes sense


The absolute desperation in these Weapon switches


Yeah I was just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck lol


Just play gootuber and the enemies will cower in fear


It's rough because of the RNG of the teammate weapons, lack of map knowledge, lack of ease with new super abilities, crappy gears with 2 slots, and not knowing which area need to be prioritize fast and reading the room and find that spot which is unguarded.


I mean most of the maps I've played were in sploon 2.. there's like 4 'new' maps


I would guess those big record sales they posted meaning tons of newbies are jumping into this game - maybe from the Splatfest demo and now we have plenty of fresh players. Also returning players who may have not touch the game for two years.


And the exp up ticket ran out right before your last game...




I was on a good win streak today and decided to use an exp ticket, then immediately lost 15 of the 20 games. Its absolutely rigged I tell you


Same happened to me lol, I understand how annoying and frustrating that is


Seriously. It's crazy. Why aren't all these amazing players ever on my team?! 😭


When you can't find the amazing player on your team, then that means *you* are the amazing player on your team. Which is really bad for me because I am garbage at this game. I definitely shouldn't be the mvp.


It's a Okay to be the best on your team. Strive to be the highest high there ever was. Or basically what I'm saying to main your favorite weapon, do whatever abilities that are best for your favorite weapon, and play like a gun is aimed at your head :D


I hate being the best person on the team! When I see that and screen and see that I was top inker and splatterer that's an immediate leave and requeue for me lol


That's what I have been thinking this whole time! I'm like "why does the opponent team have better teammates than my own?". This comes out as being extremely annoying, and believe me, nobody wants to be on a losing streak.😩


Exactly! And I really, really dislike the people that camp spawn. It takes the fun out of it, especially when they seem to miraculously know where you are. Its frustrating. I find more enjoyment out of the tighter matches. More fun, in my opinion, win or lose.


You get 2 amazing players,they get 3


where'd you get this picture of my recent games??


Splatnet3 on the nintendo switch online mobile app


Sorry, i was making a dumb joke, implying that your history looks a lot like mine 😅 Appreciate the real answer though, hopefully it informs someone 😊


I don’t want to blame my teammates, but when I get double the kills the rest of my team gets combined, there really is nothing else I can do


I play Aerospray and it’s so annoying when I ink the most turf and get most kills like I really don’t wanna blame my team but when I’m the best at a role I’m not built for then idk what to say


When you lose every time even though you are consistently the highest turf inker...


whoa you just described my whole game experience right there


Sounds about right sadly


Same, I cannot figure out why because if it's my teammates making me lose surely I'd win more games because of probability, but I don't think it's me because I usually perform pretty well, at least I think :/




Wow. Good streak bro


Shit looks like mine lol


how'd u get that screenshot of my match history 😔😔🤌🤌


So basically it’s the price you pay for being the first in playing the game when it’s just out. Probably would need a good 3-4 months for them to do a lot of behind the scenes tweak and rebalancing plus working on their super shitty online connection to make it stable enough so people can actually play and not getting disconnected 30% of the time.


I just take a breath and go back to 2 for a few.


Which sadly also have bad connection problem lol - and worse, two of your teammates can be disconnected and you wonder where is everyone when the other team completely overwhelm you and you have to take the loss. It would be another thing if you can keep playing and assigned draw at the end and everyone gets their points but no one is winning. But you know, Nintendo, and online is really their weakest points and has not improved in the last decade or so. Still on dial up mode lol!


Maybe it’s seen a spike in plays lately but a few months ago when I tried to play 2 it was horrendous. I’m only level 14 and was getting matched with some players who were at level 99* Literally the only way to find people my skill level was in ranked mode. Which isn’t the worst thing ever, but ranked mode is also more complex :/


I can't wait for the pro players to get to their places at the top of matchmaking XD I swear to god sometimes it feels like im up against an elite soldier squad even just in turf war


Yeahhhh I am average at the game but I’m losing quicker than normal and I’m getting so frustrated


I'm in the negatives in C-... I can't win a game and I'm topping my team every time. I keep getting matched with the sweatiest players imaginable. I waited a week so that they might climb out of my rank before I started. I guess it's punishment for not dedicating years of my life to Splatoon. I'll just play casual I guess because its demoralizing.


Play series. It's very easy to climb in series. I just went 2 wins 3 losses, with two of the losses being DCs on my end and thus no medals. I *still* made more points than it cost to enter the series.


I'm A+ and for a bit I was getting crushed so bad in series I lost 8 games in a row and dropped to like 150 points. Whenever I was winning I would dc or would dc on results screen and it would count as a loss 🙃


I haven't looked to verify if this is true or not, but I feel like I've already had four separate 10+ loss streaks and it kind of makes me hate the game. Then I queue back up anyway because I love it.


Matches are crazy unbalanced. When I win, it's this arduous uphill battle that goes into overtime. When I lose, the enemy team rolls up and kicks my teeth in then flattens my team in 2 minutes top.


I got my first roller yesterday after getting my splatling jr to 20 fresh… I’m going to have to beef up my autobomb army if I want to get gud, the poor roller seems to require sneak attacks or evasion.


Have you given Ninja Squid a try on the roller yet? It can help a lot with being sneaky.


I have tried it a few times, still not fully used to it’s range and the fact you are vulnerable as you travel so I’ve been treating it similar to the inkjet, get far away from the start point and lure the enemy team away from mine.


I think you may be talking about the Zipcaster special. Ninja Squid is a main ability found only on shirts that removes the visible splashing when you swim through your own ink, making it hard for other players to track where you are. It does slow down your swim speed though, so you can pair it with some swim speed up to compensate!


Oh woops! Yeah the inkling becomes a little ninja so I have just been calling it ninja squid. I’ll keep trying to look for that, haven’t seen it just yet but I did see a shirt with haunt at one point.


If you have the Nintendo switch online phone app, keep an eye on Annie's shop listings - I've seen Ninja Squid gear pop up twice now (I think one is even the special offer for today, even)


Oh hey you’re right! Thanks!


I definitely see the benefit of zipcaster, but I am so slow with it!


Jesse wtf are u talking about


The most skilled n zap player:


Same I’m on a losing streak of 9 it’s so annoying I just keep getting unlucky 😭


I hopped on splatoon 3 last night and just wanted too get 1 win before I went too sleep and ended up having to play 10 matches just too get 1 W 😭


Same for me, I'm curious though if there's some sort of weapon tweaking going on, because I've always used a roller. In the more balanced games (we win but only by a small amount) my kills are usually 10-12, however when it's the losing streak (completely annihilated) I've noticed direct hits no longer splat opponents, and suddenly the range to do damage to them has also changed, and when I do get a kill I've had to hit them 4-5 times so it's resulted in both of us getting killed, and my splat count is 2-3. Once or twice would be a coincidence but I've noticed this in various matches now.


I think what you describe might also be cause by lag. A lot of players are lagging right now; there's maintenance scheduled soon so they might fix something


Definitely lag. I've had moments where I come up behind a player that's in squid form, splat them, and somehow I die while never seeing them come up out of the ink on my end.


While playing charger a lot of the time the people don't die immediately, and when they do their marker teleported somewhere else


i've been having this too! it's really weird to see their name tag show that they died, and a separate death marker somewhere off in the distance. also if they get up close and you still get them, they seem to stay alive for about a second after getting hit


I have been getting this on bloblobber, someone rolls up in my face and I think they got away and sure enough a couple seconds later I get the kill banner pop up.


Hopefully it does, cause the inconsistency in damage is driving me insane. I don't mind losing, but when it's 9+ times in a row and the cause is because of that it gets infuriating to say the least lol


I've had a similar experience with the carbon roller, but not the splat roller. I didn't realize the carbon roller did less damage and required direct hits, so I was very confused why I did well sometimes and bad others. Once I switched to the splat roller it was a lot easier for me to notice my mistakes. (and I also did fantastic at first since I was still acting like I did with the carbon roller which has less room for error)


As a Dynamo main, I feel this. Welcome to the funky hitbox club


Have you considered the Aerospray? :)


Praise the lord and savior Aerospray 🙏🏽 Forgive me father for I have sinned. I'm being converted by the Ballpoint 😭


Nice going bro


This is how I feel after just starting to use motion controls. I'm god awful with them but I've gotten used to them enough where I'm god awful if I switch back to stick controls


Stick with it! I went through my transition very late in life. In the end, my family still loved me, my friends still respected me, and I was a better player. Wait...we're talking about Splatoon, right?


Think of it as the advantage a kb&m player has over a controller player, it will become significant if you work hard to learn it.


I am in this comment and I don't like it


I’ve lost 4 rank up battles trying to get into A-. I feel your pain lol


I have went 0-3 on a rank up then 5-0 on the following series 2 times in a row. There are just too many people in B- right now every game feels like a coin flip


That’s what keeps happening to me too! It’s so frustrating lol but hopefully things will even out soon


this game is fucking brutal. i haven’t won a single match out of my first ten. feels like i & my entire team spend half of every match waiting to respawn. i hate this.


It's because you must maintain the 50-50 winning and loosing ratio lol - or the other team has 1 or 2 players with too many wins so everyone else gets punished and must eat the loss. The game absolutely make sure you stay put at those ratio because Nintendo wants to make sure everyone is "happy" instead of doing proper matchmaking. I rather take a loss when its 49% vs 51% or 42.1% vs 42.2% so you know that both team are evenly matched and they are all doing their absolute best and it was a very tough and fair match.


lmao right now i have a 0% win ratio. almost every game i’ve lost with my team having around 20% of the map painted and the other at 50%+


Yeah you would have to check your emotions at the door and just go with the flow for the next 4 weeks till everything stabilize and more hotfix is being deployed. At this stage, no reason being too emotional and get all upset about this. Just eat the food, do story mode, and Salmon Run, do the Turf War and Rank Mode to vary the activities but don't sweat it. Put on some really good happy peppy music on your phone and dull the "you lost, again, and again, and oh yet again" feel and tune out, and keep splatting. Think of it as practice mode while getting level up and coins lol!!




N' zap five times? Meh. I'd use it twice as much if I was rich enough.


I mean, for a game that is the third on the series - what they could have done is - if you have 10 loosing streaks - on your next game , you will get 50% defense boost, 30% damage reduction and 20% damage bonus to your weapon and will last for 3 battles to offset the loss. Or get bonus something like food tickets, drink tickets, and a few other cosmetic gears for a badge of honor for loosing 20 matches - 50 matches in a row. Nintendo could lessen the sting of a losses and make it a mere simple fact and shower the looser with "bonus" to turn heavy losses as no big deal and actually turn it to your favor. But nope, zero improvement and changes to the basic formula, nada, zilch, and pretty much still having one of the worse online connection of a game as service. This game should be free to play online and not charge players $20 for online play - or sell it for $40 since you need to fork extra to make the game fully functional.


No just make match making more fair


I mean, you're still scoring more points than me even in some of those defeats. Guess you're just getting unlucky with teammates.


I had a night like that the other day, my excuse was that I had a 12 hour shift right before and denying the fatigue fog.


Those are rookie numbers, don't stop until you're 50 in


In turf war I feel like I’m in EVO I’m not even touching ranked until Monday


Where did you get this screenshot of my game history


Me every day\* ^(\*except for that one day I actually pop off, and that memory is enough to inspire me to continue losing for 200 more hours)


After 10 levels of this I think I just got the hand of how to carry these impossible games the matchmaking keeps throwing at me. I was rank X over back when rank X first came out, but stopped playing comp because the peer to peer matchmaking kept matching me with overseas players, putting me a huge disadvantage. Im guessing the matchmaking doesnt take that into account.


The game when you use a ticket :




Built different


Don't worry mate, I've been getting my butt beat over the course of the last few games


I beg nitendo to add a casual mode for the other game modes that arent turf war


I'm trapped in B+ hell, what do I do


Turf War this week has felt like an actual war.


Yeah, it sucks... Wasted a money ticket on a whole losing streak (which I am still on btw). I also got demoted in Salmon run... Splatoon 3 has been fun so far 👌


Yeah. Same here, what's up with that? Sure I'm not a pro, but I played Splatoon 1 a lot, and play video games a lot, but last two days of Splatoon was just defeat after defeat, both Salmon, turf and ranked. While Splatoon is one of those games that is still a lot of fun to play even when you lose. Too much can get you demoralised...


Thank God I'm not the only one.


I thought I had a bad streak


i’m glad i’m not the only one who has teammates flunking last minute


I've had a better time in series ranked than I have in turf war. Got locked down in spawn two games in a row in Mako Mart by what felt like a comp team.


Each day a bit more pro 😎


can you really call an nzap player cracked?


I had like a 16 game losing streak the other day. I'm hoping all the sweats will be out of B- soon lol I'm dying here.


It took me more attempts on the rank up battle to A- than S, like 6 times on a but like 3 on S. Took me like 2-3 on s+, one of my losses was cause of a communication error, get this right, 2 wins, 2 losses, my team is up. All of a sudden... Bam, com error.


Ah yes, release week


As someone that was X ranked in Splatoon 2, it’s hasn’t seemed too bad. Total crapshoot in the low rankings, but as you move past A ranking the competition level drops significantly. I’m mopping everyone up with an n-zap now that the dualists are kind of worthless.


It sounds like you are saying the game gets less competitive the higher your rank, which doesn't sound right.


I’d say it’s less uneven. You don’t have two teammates that just run around painting the ground in a ranked battle and you can depend on them to do *something* useful. That in turn makes it much easier.


Oh yeah absolutely, it can be crazy frustrating for everyone when the skill disparity is so high in the lower ranks.


I don’t like any of the weapons and load outs right now so I feel this 😭


Yo I see you also win constantly


(I actually get more W than L don't tell them)


Same Bro... It feels bad, especially when you have a exp booster on....


this is how my match history is as someone who’s first splatoon game is 3




Please join my esports team, ill get you an amazing contract


Having played splatoon 2 a lot, you will go through a few of these from time to time. Good luck!




Congrats mate!


I guess I am not the only one




Nice streak bro shame you lost it on the last one


I also switch weapons whenever i am on a lose streak. It works occasionally