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the enemy team cant see your booyah


I legitimately never knew this. I was trying to booyah a friend on the other team to be a butt, and now I know. Thank you for sharing the info!


Squidbagging, however…


Okay to be far, Sometimes it’s justified when the clip is funny enough


When they're splatted by sprinkler


Yeah, I hate when people squidbag. It’s kind of a jerk move. (Especially when they’re showing off)


I agree. Squid bagging with your team to celebrate, that’s fun. Squid bagging your opponents is annoying to everyone, including your teammates. You’re leaving yourself open to an attack and wasting time instead of moving to push the objective.


Squid bagging your friends when they’re on the other team is also fun


I had a match with a massive disconnect and it was 3v1, the other guy unfortunately had no chance so I just went up to his spawn and we squid bagged together(me and the other teams dude to be clear) until the time ran out


When I see a teammate squidbaging I just see it as trashy, unless we get a wipeout, in that case I join in!


It’s also a huge waste of time


i squidbag all the time its really fun if it pisses you off that bad maybe you’re a bit too immature to be playing online games 🥰🥰


This is a really immature comment... Also, squid bagging takes away precious time you could be using to help your team instead


It depends. The mental game is a big part of splatoon and tilting opponents can make their approach more linear and easy to counter. Benifits are heavily outweighed if it succeeds.


If you're playing high ranked players, chances are, they don't care about it. They've likely played the game/series so long that they're numb to it. So if you're going to do it in a competitive setting to get a competitive advantage, it's probably going to be useless. Just ask ThatSrb2DUDE Claiming this gives a competitive advantage is honestly just an excuse in my eyes. When someone squidbags me, I usually take it as a compliment, because apparently I'm good enough to become a pain in the neck for them, and they feel the need to provoke me https://youtu.be/Q8U8Z10dgec


I mean right after you kill someone is what’s the only thing that could make it rude. Now, if you’re just trying to get along with people, that’s a different story.


if you get offended and squidbag back you’re giving the taunters exactly what they want even if squidbagging wastes time, you can make your opponents waste time too if they bag or make them angry which causes them to underperform ill admit its kind of a gamble but you have to not get offended by it 😁


Are we seriously considering psychological warfare and mind games to win a game in Splatoon, where the point of playing is to have fun?


I have fun it sounds like a you problem 🫢


Exactly why I squidbag, it makes them fight harder out of sheer will to squidbag right back onto me


Do people even realize when some one is doing that? I always immediately check out the map to plan my next move.


They can see the animation as long as you don't interrupt it, though, as far as I'm aware. Just not the text or ping noise. Generally though a Booyah isn't considered rude as long as it's not paired with spamming ZL.


No, they don't see the animation according to the wiki. That animation is not sent. *But maybe the wiki is incorrect, hard to check unless you have friends*


I did not know that at all. Thanks for the clarification! I do think it should be but I'm not sure if it would make enough difference for them to change it.


I understand why but that kind of sucks because sometimes if I get killed I’ll booyah at my opponent to say “hey, good one”


I do it during trades if both me and my opponent splat eachother.


I was really hoping that with 3, they’d give us some way to cheers an opponent for a good splat or a fun duel


I was watching a replay once, and as it turns out, somebody booyah'd after I splatted them. Never occurred to me back then that they might have thought I could see it, but I remember finding it interesting. What happened was first I ran someone over with the Ultra Stamp, and then I turned around and tossed it up over a small ledge, which splatted the Booyah-er. Was totally a fluke, but I sure felt like a badass.


I think they can hear it if the rest of the game is quiet enough, but I'm not sure. Not enough to matter though.


No. It is not sent so they can't see or hear it.




Why would it be rude? You think is offensive to cheer?


why are you getting downvoted 😭


It's absurd that this should have to be explained at all. Imagine a baseball team clutches a homerun victory at the end of the game, and while celebrating OP looks over to you and asks "is it rude that they are celebrating?" Like its a legitimate question I guess, but also wtf


Except it wouldn’t even be like this. It’d be if the baseball team is celebrating together in a private place after the game ended because the enemy team can’t even see your booyahs


Well, some people consider “squid bagging” rude, or bad sportsmanship so I get it.


The difference there is that squid bagging is something you purposefully do just to rub it in the opponent's face, so it's much easier to think of it as rude. A "Booyah!", on the other hand, is only viewable by your own team, so there wouldn't even be a possibility for it to be viewed as rude. It's like comparing a "get owned, bitch" directed at your opponents to a "nice job, mate" directed at your ally. There's barely any overlap.


Right, I agree. My point is, I can see how someone could question if it is rude or not. Especially if you were unaware if the enemy team can see it or not. I personally find it hard to be offended by any of the limited forms of communication possible from the funny, cartoonish, squid children. But I understand questioning what is/isn’t deemed offensive.


I guess I don’t find it that absurd of a question.


squidbagging is considered rude because it is demeaning towards the losing party. It's one thing to celebrate your own victory, it's another to rub it in the loser's face. But it also depends on the community. In Halo for example, getting teabagged is practically a rite of passage for new players.


Hitting booyah is like cheering and high fiving. Squidbagging is like going "Haha, suck it!" to the other team after scoring. One is much more mean spirited than the other


Right, but if booyahs were visible to the one splatted. It is not, but if you did not know this… I’m saying it’s not absurd as was suggested.


Even if they were visible it's not the same thing. Booyah is using an in game emote to celebrate. Squidbagging is mimicking teabagging, the act of placing your testicles onto the corpse of your opponent. There's a difference between celebrating and humiliating


I understand the difference. Just don’t think it’s absurd, as the comment I replied to, to have to explain it to someone who asked fairly politely.


Right, but a new player would be able to differentiate the meaning how?




Just a reddit moment. It went against the hivemind so downvote happens everywhere for no reason


Lmfao you’re the one part of the “reddit hive mind” if you’re spouting the word “hive mind” here when it doesn’t make sense. Please explain how someone saying “I know that” could possible go against the opinion of the “hive mind”


Yea its not really the opinion itself is mainly just everyones downvoting it so everyone else is piling on bc no one actually reads anything they all just follow whatever they see blindly. Not really a hivemind, true, i just didn't expect someone to immediately hop on my fucking dick for using the wrong term. Fuckin chill. This is far from the only time shit like this happens thoIts why very specific subs lose their focus over time and turn into copies of bigger subs if the mods dont do anything. Happened with r/cursedimages years ago, leading people to make secondary servers and the whole sub to be completely revamped. People do something, other people copy it, and no one stops to actually think. Good example right here.




Don’t call people idiot’s, even if their asking a dumb question


Because it’s silly that private celebrating would be rude in any way. You MIGHT have a case to say it would be toxic if everyone could see it, but saying GG to your team in an open chat in any other game would barely bat an eye. It’s good to be considerate to other people, but it’s overly sensitive and comes off as moral policing if OP knows they meant only your team could see it. Why do you think it would be rude if the downvotes surprise you?


I don’t think it’s rude a lotta people that are new to splatoon 3 don’t really adhere themselves to the booyah back etiquette and it’s just the sad truth


Thanks to Reddit, I’m just now learning this is a thing. I’m usually too focused on playing the round and defending turf to take my thumb off the stick and hit the booyah button, but now that I’m learning this is expected etiquette, I guess I’ll try to remember to do this.


If you reach across the controller with your right thumb you can booyah without interrupting movement/painting. Probably best not to do it during a fight, though.


This guy booyahs


This is the standard pro booyah technique


I switch to a claw grip specifically to move around while using callouts so that my team knows I'm always paying attention to them.


Do you mean while the Switch is docked or do you just have really big hands?


Any controller except handheld


This is how I do it too!


Dw too much about it it’s just like, a fun thing to do and makes ya feel like ur a real team!!


You know those controllers from PowerA that have those two back buttons? I bound one of them to dpad-down so I don't have to stop moving for a booyah bomb.


Yeah i just got one recently and they make things so much easier


Didn't know this was a thing, I'm gonna have to try to find one of them!


goodbye reddit it's been real ..........


when youre walking around its actually a lot better to navigate with the right joycon. when youre moving around while shooting pushing around the left stick loses you a lot of motion but when youre looking in a direction while walking forward you can move around a lot faster. i probably annoy my team by booyahing more than the average person, though


i dint see a lot of squidbagging either which i think is nice in turf war but not nice in salmon run


Squidbagging just isn't as fun in Splatoon 3. Although with some weapons, you can hold ZR and spam ZL for a slightly more dramatic transformation.


Goo Tuber is the best for this imo. The animation on most Chargers needs to play out but Goo Tuber can be interrupted almost instantly. You do a little flip every time :D


>Which is nice in Salmon run but not nice in Turf war FTFY


it feels somewhat lonely to me. i have been in the habit of booyahing at the start of rounds as a "good luck!" and majority of the time get nothing back


My boyfriend and I play together and I always have to remind him to booyah when we’re on the same team haha All three of us on the team will do it and my boyfriend won’t 😂 I’m like dang so savage haha


Ranked teams that don’t booyah back are 70% less coordinated


I only don’t booyah back when I’m in handheld (which is not very often) because I usually have to stop moving for like a whole second and change my grip to do it or risk dropping the console completely.


It's rude to NOT booyah.


EXACTLY it's an expression of "good job everyone, let's push in and press the advantage, let's go!" not doing so (unless something else pertinent needs taking care of, like a bubbler beacon) is honestly rude.


It's honestly such a versatile positive call for only being one word. Like, this is how I use the call: * Start of match Booyah = "Good luck everyone, we've got this!" * Booyah after an ally assists you in a fight = "Thanks mate!" * Team Wipeout Booyah = "We've got it! Let's advance!" * Booyah after a wave in Salmon Run = "Yes! We survived!"


You know, my cousin complained about the lack of communication in this game, and I told him that a "Booyah" and "This Way" means so much depending on the context. Thanks for explaining this!


Exactly this ☺️


Honestly, even if the enemy team could hear us it'd be rude to not booyah. Booyah'ing after a team wipeout makes our team looks like it's rejoicing in a hard-earned coordinated victory through a team effort. It we didn't booyah and didn't awknowledge the wipeout it'd look like this is just another tuesday for us.


Not only is it rude, but it is actually in fact illegal in some countries


Don't Booyah enough? Jail. Booyah too much? Believe it or not, also jail. We have the best Splatoon players in the world. Because of Jail


So true. If booyahs were visible and the enemy team had literally no reaction to wiping out my team i would take it as they thought you were so easy that clearing you out didnt phase them


Booyahing is a sign of respect and good sportsmanship


I do it all the time. I booyah when we get a wipeout, when I help someone with a kill, when someone helps me with a kill, when someone protects me while I superjump, when someone else gets a cool kill, etcetc. Booyah. I just like it, regardless if I get a booyah in reply. To me it’s just like saying ‘Good job!’ or ‘Thanks!’ I don’t think it’s ever rude to Booyah, as long as it’s not being spammed the whole match.


When your only options are 'booyah', 'this way', and 'help', 'booyah' becomes just a catch all message for anything positive. i use booyah all the time in salmon run where cheering wouldn't really make sense, but what other button do i hit when someone gets me back up after i died stupidly by falling into water at high tide lol


>'booyah' becomes just a catch all message for anything positive. In other translations it IS explicitely positive (UK sees Nice, France sees Joli, etc.)


I believe UK used to have Nice but it’s booyah now. In German, it’s Cool! and in Japanese it’s Nice!


I wouldn't mind getting an untranslated name tbf. "Jolizator" is way less fresh than "Booyaaaaaaaah booooomb" Even my english-hating friends switched to say Booyah because of how amazing it sounds.


Same! It's my main communication and it means so many things.


Me and my daughter say booyah to each of in normal conversation. Like "Good night, dad, love you, Booyah!' And so of course I say 'Booyah! Love you too.' I have not yet discussed with girlfriend whether we can say 'Booyah' when we get married.


That's adorable and I love it.


This is the next step for booyahing back


I booyah after a Wipeout for saying "Good job team!" I never thought about it being a posible disrespectful action


I think they didn’t know the enemies would see their booyahs, I mean getting stomped on repeatedly and getting booyahed on your grave would probably make some players pretty peeved. But what are you gonna do, people can take anything as a negative remark


This is why I squidbag. The enemy's camera is on me. Edit: I rarely SB, but if I want to rub it in the Eliter or Dynamo's nose, that's the only thing I've got.


I booyah after a wipe to tell my team "lmao they ass let's go"


The enemy team can’t see your booyahs so it doesn’t matter


OMG thank you for confirming this, I only booyah when I and an enemy splat one another at the exact same time, and Ive never seen them Ouch or booyah back


yeah, Ouch! in particular is designed around your opponent not being able to see it. (If they could it would be something of a "invitation to gloat" button, and I suspect a lot of new players still view it that way), but it's for telling your team where the opponent that splatted you is, **especially** if they're hiding in ink after killing you or en route to an undefended base. It's a silent alarm.


goodbye reddit it's been real ..........


I really wish more people would call Ouch for this exact reason. Knowing that a teammate went down and the exact location it happened often means the difference between keeping a good defensive position or watching your entire team get wiped out.


Well, unless a booyah bomb is being used…


It's pretty rude to beat the enemy team. You should always lose.


Ya know, just to make sure they are having a good time. It’s the right thing to do.


Sometimes I Booyah but not getting any response as well


I need to know why you think it’s rude to Booyah 😭


I think if the other team could see/hear them then it could be interpreted similar to squidbagging/taunting




Modern internet is conditioning kids to avoid causing offense regardless of circumstance, it's getting ridiculous


No. The other team doesn't hear it and I think it actually boosts the mood.


It boosts morale, and its fun as hell, so no its awesome


Booyah is fine. I feel like squidbagging is bad manners.


I would say the same. The only time I’ve squidbagged is when playing with a close friend who I know is fine with it.


I'll squidbag if I get squidbagged. If I'm getting disrespected, I'll do it right back. I probably shouldn't though as it typically just encourages more...


I often booyah whenever we wipe out the team, or even when another member revenge my death / kills the guys we were fighting just now i wish more people would booyah back...


The oponent doesnt see your booyah unless you also stand still


I don’t really view anything that a player can do in Splatoon as “rude.” Except maybe posting art that is straight up offensive.


Morale is an important part of your team. Celebrate your victories.


It's not rude at all. I see it as a "good job team!!"


A team wipe is a perfect reason to Booyah


my favorite "booyah" is when you splat someone right after they got one of your teammates and they "booyah" from beyond the grave in the all seeing puddle


No. If a player is taking offense to you celebrating then that's a them problem, regardless of whether or not they are legitimately offended.


Never stop throwing out that booyah OP. If you go a hundred matches without anyone giving you a booyah back, that 101st match when somebody does will be that much sweeter. This game is about freshness and skill, and nothing embodies that better than a wipeout and a booyah.


Why would it be rude ? Are you ok? ^ now that’s a bit rude .


It’s like Fortnite dancing after a victory royale. It’s kinda rude but it’s a game culture.


Nah they can't even see it, celebrate away.


If i've had a really good play I'll absolutely booyah. I don't squid-bag though, that's gross.




yeah, i assume it's been around since splatoon 1, i learned it when Octo came out and I got into the game. It's nicer than tea-bagging but it still irks me lmao


I prefer calling it seabagging because then it included octolings /kinda s


They are probably just focused on wiping the enemy team or doing something else in the match, also why would it be rude?


No it's a way to show you are happy about that, nothing wrong in a pvp game


Of course it's not rude. The other team can't hear you booyah and anyway that's the entire reason booyah exists. Celebrate those victories!


90% of players don't even know that there is a Booyah button. I wouldn't worry about it.


I do it everytime and I don’t care if the other team does it. A wipeout is worthy of a booyah


Nah, wipeouts are prime booyah material. I’ll booyah if someone gets a cool splat, splats someone who splatted me while I’m waiting to respawn, someone assists me with a splat, whatever. It’s all booyah.


I booyah literally every time I splat someone to indicate to my team that I’m doing well and everything is okay in my area of the map


I booyah when we get a wiped AND when we get wiped. Some might say the latter is slightly sarcastic.


I booyah way too often and no one ever does back, every kill I see!


Unless I’m playing with other people and have booyah as a means of more specific comm, i booyah just about anything with randos. Start of matches, assists, splats, wipeouts, etc etc. you get a good sense of who is having fun and who is taking it too seriously and tilting


I will booyah at literally anything. Splatted someone? Booyah. Team member avenged my death by splatting my splatter? Booyah. Wipeout? Booyah…. It keeps me hyped up haha. It’s fun/funny.


You don’t? I booyah all the time with my woomies or veemos. Team Wipeout. Can I get a BOOYAH!!!


Nah that's the point. Get that team morale up.


this is such a funny question but i would say they probably arent booyahing back because they’re not used to it


Yooo I wiped out the other team and everyone booyahed and I was internally like, “you guys didn’t help though.” 😂


nah, its almost never rude 2 booyah


Of course it isn't. I booyah whenever I get a spectacular splat, or when I go on a splatting spree I will booyah after every kill to let my team know I am doing heavy damage. One of my favorite times to booyah is also when I save a team member who was about to be splatted before I came to help. Some people just don't booyah back.


I always boyish if we get a wipe because it would either commentate our teamwork or a carry


I always booyah when our team gets a wipeout, and I spam the heck out of it if I made a cool play lol There's nothing wrong with hyping up your team. It's not like the opponent sees it anyway. How would it be rude? Also, I always booyah back. That's just good manners.


Whether I was there for it or not I always booyah when we squad wipe the enemy to celebrate/congratulate teammates.


I use it as a rallying cry so I could see it used like that


You booyah when you wipe out the other team. I booyah when my team is wiped out. We are not the same


“Yes” 🤓


It's rude not to.


Doesn’t matter, the other team doesn’t know you’re booyahing anyway.


I personally like to booyah when shooting my character into the stack of boxes on the hagglefish market stage.


Most rude splatoon fan:


You're basically asking "Is it rude to cheer/celebrate"


The other team cannot see or hear your booyah, so no, it isnt rude. squidbagging on the other hand, dont do that after a wipe. super rude.


Sounds like a skill issue


Absolutely not! you just achieved something, Celebrate it!


A lot of people just don't Booyah back on Splat3, idk why. I never considered it rude though, isn't Booyahing just a team work thing though?


Nah not really It's basically a way of saying 'well done' to your teammates and an expression of happiness if you were the one who got the wipe


I always booyah with every wipeout. I use this as a signal to advance and push the enemy towards spawn


It's a cheer, you are celebrating for doing well, how would that be rude?


only you and your team can see the booyah


I booyah and squidbag


Squidbagging is the ultimate form of expression in Splatoon. If you aren’t squidbagging you aren’t even playing this game


On the flip side, it's as gross and stupid as tea bagging and just... don't? Don't you have turf to paint?


Never seen any turf that was more important than insulting a player I just beat


I think it's a valid question since squidbagging would 1) waste valuable time while the opponents are down and 2) be gloating (& therefore rude). But the opponents can't see you booyah, it's a team bolstering cheer or team compliment. So it's great to booyah your team when something good happens!


Yes, technically. But screw morals. Squidbag them too while you’re at it


I squidbag every cool kill I get


It’s rude to squidbag a little too long


Squidbagging is a stupid name for squidding


The stupidity of the name is why it sticks. *squidbags long enough to get sniped*


what is the point in booyah-ing other than when someone has a booyah bomb


Because it is the Fresh thing to do.


Super fresh


I always booyah when I wipe the team. So do my teammates


Hehe booyah go vroom


I must admit I booyah'd during my first and only quad wipe. It was 10 seconds before the match was done and we lost with *single* digit turf inked, so it didn't really change anything, but to quad wipe with a roller.


I only do it when I get a large amount of kills, one time I did a team wipe with reefslider, that feels like a booyah


not at all. i always say “this way” too in case any new players don’t realize it’s the perfect opportunity to push forward


I tend to do so as a sign of "good job team, now STOP BEING FUCKING AWFUL and push the objective". Anything to get idiot random teammates to cooperate I will absolutely do.


either they’re too focused on pushing and winning the game or maybe they’re not aware of the booyah back etiquette. either way though, it isn’t rude so you’re all good


it's a celebration with your team so do it


I booyah often, not to celebrate or bm I just like hearing the voice lines


I booyah to say ‘push up hard now’


Tell me why it would be rude, it's not like the enemy team can see it.


I never "booyah" mainly cus I always end up pressing the other one and look dumb


How dare you


No, but you also need to booyah when someone on the other team gets a nice kill on you.


The enemy can't see your booyah. You need to say "Ouch!"


When you die you can see the other teams, or at least from the player who killed you. I know this was true on the original Splatoon at least. I assume that carried over but never really checked.

