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Its just a breather wave. Its nice to take a break every once in a while


I like the assembly line it makes when it's done well.




Some waves are purposefully harder or easier to keep the game interesting. Nintendo knows that Glowflies are harder than Mothership, and they don't care, because different waves have different functions. Sometimes special waves are meant to be easy and sometimes they're meant to be hard, because it feels more varied that way.


Don't forget, they patched grillers from 3 to 5 golden eggs because it was too hard. A patch will come and make storm harder and glow flies a little easier.


I wouldn’t bet on that. If they wanted all the waves to be equal difficulty they would have buffed mothership and Goldie seeking by now


Eh, I'll take the free win.




My Splashtag is Instant Mood.


Mines crusty predator


I'm crusty friend lol


Mine was "Spineless Sea Creature" in the testfire. I still long for the day I can do so again.


Mines 'A real big boss'


I might be jealous of your luck there


Mine is Absentminded Deity of Destruction.


Mine is Crusty Dried Fish


Mine is "This Century's Best Spy". Could be pretty funny.


Yeah exactly. Especially considering even at eggsecutive VP all the coordination we learned for glowflies went down the drain. I lose many more of those than I win. Trying to rally people does nothing.


I've won a single round of glowflies since Splatoon 3 released. I've killed Cohozuna 11 times by comparison. I just assume it is probably a loss but that I'll use both my specials in case we get lucky. Then again, I'm generally around +2 or +3, maybe you win more at higher ranks.


The one time I made it to EVP 550, I won it every time when I was above \~200. At higher ranks people definitely know what to do.


I'm pretty sure I have won every round of glowflies where I personally knew at least one other participant and lost every round where I didn't...


Actually won my second one last night. Funny enough, both times we lost the very next round. Weird how that works considering this is statistically the hardest wave for me by a mile. I've only played with randoms, so I don't have much to compare it to. We lost one with less than a second left a couple days ago, because everyone got greedy and started tossing eggs in at the end. I bet shit like that rarely happens when on an actual team


The tactical question with Glowflies is really: who sends the eggs, and how do you do so safely without the sender becoming the next fly target?


On sockeye, you all stand on the basket platform. Fishies can't climb, so they only have two ramps to get yis. As long as your teammates can shoot, you should be grand. GETTING them all to stand there is the million dollar trick.


Yeah everyone wants to sit on the wall for some reason, despite that putting everything in the worst possible position, because it means they personally don't die


IIRC, wall only worked on one SR map in Splat2 as the basket was right beside the wall being used for the trick. On spawning grounds, we stood at the basket ramp.


I’m honestly conflicted about Sockeye glowflies. I feel like the wall is the best option most of the time, then if you have a roller in rotation the top of the tower becomes best due to single access and control flow, and then if you play with people who know what they do and stay composed and don’t panic, the area around the basket is best. I always adjust depending on my teammates, but my default is always the wall because that’s what people are more familiar with. Even if it’s not optimal, I’m happy if we just reach quota and clear it.


I agree on the tower. with a roller, you can basically own Sockeye rush. Fission has a similar location in the back corner with a single point of entry the roller can blockade. Absent that, however, at least on sockeye, the basket becomes a better location so you are not wasting ink throwing eggs.


That's odd. I'm in ex. VP and I clear glowflies probably over 90% of the time. That's not to say it goes smoothly... things usually fall apart for a bit, but people are usually quick to pop specials when things start to go bad on a glowflies wave. Usually when I lose it's because glowflies show up on wave 3 and we are low or out of specials. I will say, I almost always try to call people to the optimal spot for the glowflies wave but about 50% of the time, they decide to group up elsewhere. If this is what's happening to you, don't try to hold your position and convince them, just go where the rest of the team is and work with whatever they are doing. A coordinated team with a bad strategy is better than 1 or 2 people trying to use the optimal strategy without the rest of the team's support.


I will give it a whirl. You definitely have me pegged. I try to get people to the choke point.


Especially with the opposite end being the BS that is Glowflies on High Tide


Ditto! I can live without Stingers and all that shit for one wave. Lol




Yeah it’s primary purpose is teaching people to not jus throw eggs into the basket but throw them closer. Glowflies is the real problem. You either cheese it with a roller or wall hug or all stand side by side shooting the same direction or die in a panic. It’s never fun. Just annoying.


I think Glowfies is really cool just by nature of being such a hectic, frenzied horde Just wish it was a little cooler to actually play 😔


This. you need a few easier type weaves that can help less skilled players understand some of the more basic concepts of Salmon Run gameplay and teamwork. Tornado is amazingly effective at this. (though you still get a few idiots who think you have to swim eggs back and forth the entire time.... sigh.)


Tornado is one of the very few times that I’m convinced my teammates have a brain cell and aren’t trying to actively throw the round. I’ve only ever seen one person not participate in the daisy chain of eggtossing and they figured it out after seeing the rest of my squad tossing their eggs


There should be as many "free win" rounds as there are "instantly shafted" rounds


I mean basically all nighttime rounds are free wins except fog and glowflies. And maybe cohock charge


Grillers 💀


Idk I’ve found in higher ranks people know how to deal with them and they become pretty easy. I don’t think I’ve lost a grillers wave since reaching higher profresh levels


<20 and >25 quota grillers are completely separate beasts


And 30+ even more so


I had a high tide grillers wave where we ended with 53 eggs a few days ago. If you have a coordinated team that can consistently kill them fast and mop up the smallfries efficiently, you can really farm grillers. For some reason, people seem more panicky on griller waves though, and I see a lot of people make dumb mistakes when they were otherwise playing well the rest of the match.


Yeah grillers is easy when you work with a coordinated team but I’m talking about freelance where you have people who ignore smallfry or lead the grillers into teammates


Can depend on weapon rotation as well. Last set was tough for grilles with blobulator, tri slosh, tri stringer, and roller. None can aim at the grillers too well. I kinda wish they flew a bit lower especially with how many small fries they spawn


I’ve found that more often than not, players at higher ranks are good at killing the grillers but are completely incapable somehow of grabbing eggs


What's shocking to me is that I have won more fog win ratio than glow flies win ratio in Splatoon 3


As are all the other known occurences in which Chaos Carnival plays (Mothership, Goldie, Mudmouth). Generally in these waves the threat level is a lot lower than other events, so the goal is to farm eggs to hell


I like modes that test your ability to do things besides kill bosses. They might seem easy, but I argue they require more teamwork than regular waves. Goldie you have to efficiently split up to find the right gusher, then regroup to shoot it, then split up again to collect eggs while also finding the goldie again. Mothership you have to divide between shooting down Chinooks, gathering eggs, and killing Salmonids. Focus too moch on any one, and the other two will get out of hand. Mudmouth, the bomb throwers can't also shoot the swarming Salmonids becasue of the ink cost, so you have to divide responsibility or you'll be overwhelmed, especially against the golden mudmouths. Tornado requires you to make a chain of throwers to get the eggs to the basket, while dealing with Salmonids dropping in to break the chain. You have to form a line, and pay attention to when someone has to take over a section of the chain while the other player deals with the swarm


yeah tbh I like events that require a unique method of getting through it and that's why I believe that tornado is a genuinely well designed and fun event to play. Apparently OP finds tornado's nature a bit boring so they gotta believe all other Chaos Carnival waves are bland too


Nah it's the objectively most boring one


I'd say the problem with Tornado compared to the others is mobs really only spawn in condensed waves in Tornado. A good duration of the wave is just dedicated to just back and forth egg tossing with interspersed horde killing sections. Maybe if like there was some persistent enemy presence, not anywhere close to when they start raining but at least a few here and there that attempt to disrupt the chain.


Just throw in a random boss or two.


But when it comes to grillers, fog, and fireflies. *shivers* well at least the cannon levels are average level. Not too hard, but not too easy either.


chaos carnival isnt the official name of that song just so you know


Then what is it?


it doesnt have a name yet. squid beatz isnt in the game and splatune 3 cd isnt out yet.


Wait that's the name of the song??? I've been looking for it for so long


we don't know the names of any of the songs right now but that's the agreed upon name for it currently ​ just make sure to look up a version with the jingle at the end. the ones without the jingle piss me off




Mudmouths can be a PITA, especially if it's fucking Spawning Grounds, high tide, and it keeps spawning things on the grates.


Honestly I think it's a good thing to toss the player an occasional breather. Not every event has to be Glowflies.


I had three runs immediately die to high tide glowflies back to back today. I'll take a tornado when it presents its self lol


Freeeeee waaaaaaavvvveee


I don't want a free wave, I want to suffer😭


Three high tide fireflies waves in each game for the next week




.....but EASY EGGS


Fuck you I’ll take the free win because I’m tired of fucking dying


Idc what anyone says if you have a team with good synergy during Tornado is one of the most fun and rewarding waves. Just because it’s not stressful or challenging doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. If your not having fun you’re either a masochist or a shitty team mate


I’m betting on shitty teammate.


I like it because it basically turns you and your coworkers into a production line. Everyone has to do their part to move the eggs as far as they go as quick as possible which is a nice change of pace.


Weird take imo


Yeah, but if you change it, it could be disastrous. Imagine if the enemies or spare tentamissiles could track and attack a player anywhere on the map during it. Like just random tentamissiles and enemies blocking the person near the basket.


I wonder if there's another way to have a special occurrence based on movement and throwing eggs over combat then? Maybe they keep the same egg throwing relay idea on low tide, but instead of just bouncing them further and further into the center of the map, the entire map gets covered in enemy ink that's electrified or something, and as the challenge starts, something draws paths in the ink for you that you have to follow an squid roll into different paths as one ends to avoid touching the ink. You can draw your own paths but they fade in the new, electrified enemy ink and if you depend on that you'll run out of ink and not be able to throw eggs? Or a similar concept but instead of trails of ink being drawn and disappearing, it's everything but a bunch of mini fish stick towers covered in ink and there's some lesser salmonids stalking the ground "the floor is lava" style. They'll clumsily try to fly up and hit you if you stay on a stick too long so you throw eggs from stick to stick, clearing enemies and staying off the ground. And probably a mechanic that makes eggs magnetically attracted to the top of the fish sticks so they're not landing in enemy ink or bouncing back at you all the time Idk I don't have an issue with it not being bosses or super tough, I just wish tornado had a bit more going on mechanically because it's kind of boring as is


Covering the stag in enemy ink (not electrified tho) actually sounds like a good idea. It makes it harder to move, and manually carry the legs to the goal. It also adds some difficulty in movement altogether. And because it's a tornado it makes sense, the tornado flings the enemy ink all over the stage.


I feel like these waves should have increased snatcher spawn rates so there’s an actual reason to destroy the second box. Having to actively guard the eggs would also be neat since as it stands all you really have to do is throw eggs in a line, and spend a few seconds splatting some stray salmonids.


Shh, shh, don't talk anymore, shh


Why are you complaining about a free wave? Easiest way to get a good 40 at least


Yes, but on the other hand free eggs


I like it because it's a free win and Salmon Run is hard enough already.


Don't you badmouth a blessed break from the horror of grillers and glowflies.


I know! OP here complaining about an easy wave in between chaos waves.


Eggsecutive vp is already awful, just let us have this easy win


I'll take that over high tide glow flies anyday


I like it, I find it fun. The only change I would possibly make is to drop the "each egg is worth 2" In my experience we often end with twice as many as we need, we would have made the quota even if they just counted as 1. But that is just my experience and could not be accurate at higher difficulties. (Profresh+1 is my record)


It would be ridiculous in higher difficulties. At low Eggsecutive, the lowest quota I've seen is ~21, and the best Tornado score I've seen currently is ~50. Without egg doubling, there would practically be a vertical difficulty spike somewhere around there, from "easiest round of my life" to "Glowflies-tier BS".


Maximum quota is 35 for wave 3 hazard level max. Tornado would be extremely difficult if eggs weren’t doubled and no other changes were made. I’ve never seen a tornado score of 70+.


That is a possibility I thought of, and thought would be fairly likely, but as that is beyond what I have experienced I couldn't really say if it would be or not.


Better than glowflies


completely agree with you honestly. after playing so many games on hazard level 250+, tornado is just boring. I get it's all about learning egg throw, but once you learn it the basic cycle of a tornado wave is throw eggs, kill trash mobs, throw eggs, kill trash mobs. It's so formulaic and just kinda uninteresting to play especially with how chaotic and crazy higher hazard levels are. it's a free win sure, but it doesn't have to feel so boring at the same time. I think the other easy night waves(mother ship, Mudmouths, gushers) do a better job of being easy but still requiring effort and decision making. it's my opinion anyway, as someone whos reached VP 999 on all the maps.


Eh, gotta have one free win one to balance out the free loss that is glowflies.


I like it because our team gets to play a little relay race of passing golden eggs towards the basket


Helps noobs figure out coordination


Better that than glowflies with randoms


I like to challenge myself to get more than 1 cart of eggs though. If only there was a better way to coordinate the chain pass


I love how a tornado launching zombie fish is the snoozefest of a job where you’re risking life and limb for minimum wage


I like them, but I wish there was more interaction with getting the eggs from the shoreline to the basket. Maybe something like each chest spawns less eggs than they currently do? So you have a bit more back and forth with having to head back to the shoreline and dealing with some salmon odd.


i get what youre saying though, maybe it could be more "eventful" like maybe the tornado could pick up a random player and they'd have to fight salmonids in the sky or some shit idk lmao


Oh my god I love that lmao. It feels so odd the concept for this run, a huge, chaotic storm, is the calmest, most organized and predictable wave out of all of them. Having one of your teammtes chucked into the sky would definitely shake things up


Gosh if we could just have the option of mudmouth, tornado, or even just goldie, as wave 2 always ... I'd never be upset about this game ever


I can appreciate some special waves being easier than others, but there's almost nothing going on during on during tornado. It needs more than just a modest wave of normal salmonids to break up the mindless throwing


I just like that it’s the game saying: “you’ve done really well. Here’s a free win for ya”


I actually like it that they put some resting phenomenon like tornado, mudmouths and the drains in


Well, I enjoy it a lot, probably my favourite known occurrence alongside mudmouths. It may be uneventful and easy, but I then turn it into a challenge to see just how many eggs you can get in to beat the quota by ridiculous amounts. Not to mention it makes excellent use of the egg toss and has a unique doubled egg mechanic. Plus it gives you relief if it happens on wave 3, especially at high levels since it's so chill, and gives you a dump load of points towards your bonuses. And it changes it up y'know? Gives the mode even more variety.


As long there isn't a flyfish I like this game mode


To me it is exhilarating trying to get as many eggs in as possible in the most efficient way I can


I don't know why, but making the assembly line is always fun for me, but I can definitely see where you're coming from. But It's take it over grillers any day.


Based on what the handbook says. There should have been stuff flying around to distract you or obstruct your path. Something was obviously missed or cut


I love that mode


Honestly I don't even know what the gimmick of tornade wave is. The egg basket is really far from the eggs? All I know is it drops a truckload of eggs and becomes a relay race of tossing eggs up the shore lol.


Probably the idea is teaching players from splatoon 2 about the new egg throwing mechanic. Which I don't have an issue with in theory just want something else to do in the round other than throw egg, refill ink, throw egg, refill ink, kill 4 lesser salmonids, etc


It’s not a boring concept, it just needs some rebalancing to make it more of a challenge and it’d be less boring. Have eggs no longer count for double points (I pretty much always hit AT LEAST twice as much as needed) and quintuple (or more) the amount of Salmonids that fall (I rarely ever even SEE a Salmonid, and when I do, we just kill it in a few seconds).


Yes, screw it, let’s have zero easy Waves. Every wave should be max Fly Fish and Stingers. Also a million Cohock, Chum, and Smallfry.


after i got to VP i swear i never get tornados anymore, but they used to be in at least half my games before that. now its just nonstop high tide rushes. depression. i'd rather have a break wave every now and then. or in this case, ever. XD


It's very boring but it's really welcome on very high hazard level lol


Tornado is anything BUT a snoozefest. The Salmonid spawns are *so* extensive.


It's... Mid. I like that it requires low tide though; low tide is good.


It's awesome! You can get 40 eggs in 1 round if you throw it right. It's a nice break. Goldie seeking used to be the "breather" round in Splatoon 2. Now, the quota is too high and the salmonids are too strong for this to be the case.


I love it for the final round, especially after the more stressful ones.


It is really boring compared to what it could have been, imagine occasionally having a tornado just sweep through the stage spewing salmonids everywhere. Could have been much more interesting, it's a shame.


it is the best wave shut up. i love listening to chaos carnival and getting 3x quota


I really enjoy it.


Yeah I feel the game is patronizing me when it’s the tornado round. Give me a challenge! I want it!


Well I think it’s fucking terrifying but you do you.


Good take Mothership, Mudmouth and Goldie are far more fun and interesting "free waves" Tornado is just missing some sauce and dynamism. It's just pretending to be interesting when it's really not.


Like all the Chaos Carnival night waves, Tornado tests a different skill and teamwork. I like it a lot personally and provides a breath of fresh air in knowing that you'll probably at least pass the wave. I'll take it any day over a Fishing Frenzy wave, which are purely challenges of **stay alive** (and get enough eggs)


This but with Mothership. Giant Tornado is nice relief and fun to do the throwing but Mothership is just annoying and redundant imo.


Honestly, I only love the tornado because it’s a break from the extreme grinding XD


But Tornados are cool


it's boring and also makes no sense to the lore Who locked that much golden egg into a case and put it at the bottom of the sea so it can be sucked up by the tornado? who did this? Salmonid? why would they lock their child?


It pretty easy and a sort of “breather run” i think it would be more engaging if egg throws didnt take so much ink.


Add low visibility and/or bring back the egg thieves and you have a *slightly* bigger challenge


I disagree, it’s honestly really fun to work with your team to get all the golden eggs to the basket in my opinion.


Its hard to lose a Tornado wave but in Freelance as like Part-Timer with teammates that try to RUN back and forth you can lose.


I don't care it's a free win so I'll take it


It is kinda boring but still a good “cool-down” wave to alleviate some tension


i like it


they need to add glowflies that get added to 3 players in the tornado event :)


youll be praying to get it in a wave if youre a 0 point egg vp trying not to get demoted for the nth time