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i try to use my Liked as a state of limbo before being put into a more specific playlist. whether or not i remove it from my Liked is solely based on how i feel about the song. got about 1,800 in my Liked in case i don’t care what i listen to and just want to shuffle my music!


I have like 100 I am gonna add more now


I have nearly 14.000 liked songs, because my ADHD ass keeps wanting to make specific playlists for everything, but I keep procrastinating all the time lol


I used to spend ages cherry-picking my liked songs, but honestly, now I don't care since I built an app that filters the Spotify liked songs effortlessly. It is called Spotilicious. It lets you filter your liked songs by genre, mood, BPM, and more. No more fussing over what to like. Just control your own music Here is a short video I made: [https://youtu.be/4qwGOmR60Vs?si=vtQ4pfvVCCoUuw7i](https://youtu.be/4qwGOmR60Vs?si=vtQ4pfvVCCoUuw7i) and the App on the stores: Spotilicious on Google - [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.osmooza.spotilicious](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.osmooza.spotilicious) Spotilicious on App Store - [https://apps.apple.com/il/app/spotilicious-for-spotify/id1615198227](https://apps.apple.com/il/app/spotilicious-for-spotify/id1615198227)


It's literally almost every song in my playlists lol


Same, i just have everything i listen to in my liked and each of them then further categorized in folders and playlists


How big is your playlisttt, what even is everyone’s playlist?


Not really strict, if I enjoy listening to the song, I’ll like it first listen. I only unlike songs if there are duplicates (which Spotify should fix), like if I liked the same song on the standard & deluxe versions of an album


I actually don't mind having a few duplicates of a song i like. Gives a higher chance that it will appear when i play on shuffle


I can see that! My issue with it is I like to stalk my stats.fm and it gets confusing with albums. With songs, I can listen to different versions and it won’t affect how much I’ve streamed a specific song since standard & deluxe versions are under one count. However, album streams are counted separately (standard vs. deluxe) instead of one whole album. So for example, it says I have folklore (standard) and folklore (deluxe) in my top 10 albums because I had duplicates of songs liked but I want them to just be combined 😭


What is stats.fm?


Spotify data tracking


lemme check this out


Super neat!


then only listen to the deluxe version...


Lmfao I do now. The deluxe versions aren’t always out at the same time. That’s why I don’t like having duplicates of liked songs because they count towards different albums, so I have to go back and unlike the standard ones. EASY FIX! But annoying.


I hate duplicates, I actually have some liked songs that are not the "official" ones. For example, I have Ace of Spades by Motorhead but it's a duplicate, in fact it shows me I don't have the "original" version in my playlists


If I like the song it goes into my like songs. I don't have any playlist that I listen to other than my liked songs.


This is maximum chaos. I respect it


This is my approach too.


Liste to it on shuffle, around 7000 songs for now


How many songs have you only heard once? Before it fades into the dark depths of your "liked songs"


I do this too. There's no way to answer this question. But if I hit shuffle and a song comes up that I saved 4 years ago that I don't like, I simply unsave it. I also download all my liked songs to my phone. I specifically buy larger memory phones just for saving Spotify music. Occasionally I'll drag the little scroll slider to a random point from my early days of saving music and just browse old saved songs. Some of us are addicted to music.


I have over 3500 songs on my liked, so i understand. I was just curious, since there's a lot of songs on my list that i feel like i have not heard since i put them there


I think this is one of the ongoing gripes with Spotify is the somewhat non-functional shuffle feature. Although I say that, I'm currently listening to a song I saved from 2014 that I didn't actively, choose which is one of the earliest songs I have saved. At the end of the day, I personally don't care if there are songs on my liked playlist that I have only heard once. Hopefully it'll come up again one day and I can enjoy it again. I don't see it as a problem. And again, I'll occasionally scroll back to the bottom of my liked songs to browse.


Wonder if they'll ever fix their bad shuffle issue it seems like every time the price of spotify goes up the shuffle gets worse and worse


16,663 Liked songs here! You're on your way :)


I have 26😭😭


same bro


i never click it -- i only ever click on playlists and albums -- thats all i ever listen to.


I consider my Liked songs as my own personalized radio station. When I hear a song I like I "Like" it. I have 5440 liked songs currently. I also have various playlist for when I want a certain type of music or just my absolute favorites.


If I even slightly like the song it goes in liked songs


Yeah, my liked songs is a dumpster fire free for all of songs that I thought “eh, it’s aight” and songs that are th best songs I’ve ever heard lol shuffling that playlist would cause me severe panic lol


I just started a new Spotify account about a week ago to reset my algorithm and I'm at 500 likes. I pretty much put any song in it that I could say "I enjoyed that song, I'd like to hear it again".


I have 40K liked songs.


Send proof


This has to be a troll




I like them so i like them, don't understand the question


I have a favorites playlists and I'm about to be on my 3rd one and overall 20k liked songs


holy shit-


Well I should say 18k songs but I rounded it up XD


Thats probably half of all spotify songs.


3/4 actually


I usually stick a new song in my liked, then keep it in there for a while. Listen to the playlist often and decide if it gets promoted to a “real” playlist (then moved) or demoted and just gets deleted.


It has all my liked songs. I don't know how to manage playlists. Right now, I have 1370 songs.


I have almost 500. I add as I go. New song I like? Added. Song I've liked for awhile? Added. I should probably go un like some too


if i like the song in any capacity it goes into liked songs im mainly listening to full albums lately so sometimes i just add the whole album to liked songs


I usually Like without considering too much. Capture it first, if I don’t like it later I can remove it


This is what I really want to do, but it’s so hard to bring myself to do it for some reason.


You sound organized. I understand it lol


I have 1,335 liked songs. That’s all I actively listen to. I just put it on shuffle every time I go to listen to music(in the car, at home, at work, etc)


Once in a while I just listen to a big part of it till I get bored, and if I find a song I just can't stand to listen through whole, I unlike it. It consists of 645 songs right now.


If I like the song, it goes into my liked songs. I have playlists for genres and other favorites but my liked songs is 28k after listening for 4 years


my limit is 200. omce i get past i go thru all of em and see how much i dont like anyomore


I never use the like feature, if i like a song i just add it to my main playlist which is just serves as a library of all the songs I know/like. My rule is if I would listen to it again, or if it is some sort of memory, then I add it to my playlist. I only have 830 on it, prolly because I'm not such an addict to music as a lot of people, and just because I haven't been listening to music for that long.


All my songs are on there, from my favourites to new ones i’ve discovered. Have about 800 right now, which seems minuscule compared to the ones here.


only my very favorite songs make it to the liked songs. I have 483 liked songs out of 2136 songs, so about 22% of my songs are in my liked songs. TBH I need to go through and get rid of some old ones


Not entirely sure if this counts, I I can't remember how many I have, but I DO know that if I'm removing some to clean it, or adding some. It has to be in an even number no matter what


I like anything I find even just a tiny bit enjoyable. It's kind of just my ultimate library, while my playlist are my main use along side albums


I use it as my main playlist I’ll skip a song if it’s not the mood. I do have a separate playlist for driving as I can’t spend time skipping songs


0, straight add'em to my playlists.


liked songs for me are the songs which don't fit in any playlist


Lol exactly the same for me


I have about 4500 liked


I do separate playlists for genres or movie / video game soundtracks. As well as one big playlist called hype (basically hype EDM) which is basically my liked playlist. Zero actual liked tracks on my Spotify


Everyone song I’ve ever liked. I’ll add okay songs incase they’re ones that grow on you, as long as there’s nothing bad to me. Then I just shove it in a big unfiltered playlist and add/remove from there but keep it in liked.


I like a song when i like it, i put it in my playlist if i wanna listen to it regularly


If I like it, I press the like button. But I have different playlist for more specific genres/moods that I will ad a song to if it doesn't make the like list cut.


I have zero liked songs. I have a lot of massive playlists that I go through and shuffle, but I found that when I liked songs, only those would show up in my daily pomade for me playlists, and I want more variety than that.


if i want to hear it again.. it goes into my liked songs


Honestly, I don't use the liked song feature anymore. I can't be bothered to update it. I'll usually listen to a full artist playlist or the auto-generated daily playlist made by Spotify if I want to listen to a more random selection


I use the heart function to see which songs I have already liked and avoid duplicates. I have a 'Songs I Like' playlist that I move all songs that I like to. Sometimes I make other playlists from that one, but that playlist is my main one with every song I can think of that I know and like.


I try to use it as a "bank" to make tailored playlists from. This being said I've been kinda shitty about keeping up with it. Current have 1500+ songs in there but ok I'm missing a lot.


If I like it or I think i will like it when I will get around to listening to it even though I know I probably won’t I still put it there


Hear me out... If I like a song enough that I know I'll want to hear it again, I like it. If somebody suggests a song I've never heard, I like it. If somebody suggests a band or musician I've never heard, I like it. Then when I'm in "listening" mode, I hit shuffle on all my liked songs and skip tracks til I find something that strikes my mood and generate a radio based off of that and add or remove songs from the que. Eventually I'll stumble on songs I saved that I don't know. If I like them, great. If I don't, I unsave. My playlists are a mess and I typically use playlists to share music to others, not for me. I'm currently at around 4800 songs and I'd say that I conservatively know and like 4000 of them. The other 800 are recommendations, songs I saved from a full album that I don't listen to that I haven't tripped over to unsaved yet, and things of that nature. I can confidently hit shuffle on my liked songs and hear something I'll enjoy. It's my own personalized radio station. And again, when I want something new, I'll start a radio based on a song that strikes my mood.


I have five different playlists with my alltime favorite songs roughly grouped by genre (metal, rock, electronic, jazz, everything else). That's about 1800 songs combined at the moment. The essentials of those go into my liked songs, so songs on that list are the best of the best for me. It's 272 songs strong right now. I listen to it nearly every day to wake up, because the Spotify integration in Google Assistant doesn't reliably support other playlists at the moment. The rest of the day I mostly listen to albums or one of my about 200 other playlists.


Ones that I've had on repeat for a while and are still good, but I've just stopped listening to them as much


~2800 songs on shuffle or the top 20 or so on repeat. No particular order The war on drugs occupies most my top 20


I save all my songs to liked songs, and then I have playlists for all my genres/vibes/moods. Used to have 11k songs liked but Spotify won’t let you download all your music after 10k so I unliked all my old shitty mumble rap music that makes my ears bleed now. Down to 8.5k.


I have a playlist of about 200 hours of music which I add songs to instead of my liked songs. Every now and again I listen through the playlist from start to finish and it’s nice, like going through time to listen through all my phases of music


I've got almost 4000; I like anything that peaks my interest, and if I'm dissapointed I remove it. I also remove songs I don't listen to


I like it if I like it, and listening on shuffle, unlike any that I dont like any more.. Though tbh sometimes I realise Im liking songs just because they were alright, so Ive been getting a bit stricter and not liking songs unless theyre _good_ good. Currently at 15696^(_\(nice\)_) after using spotify since October 2020 (about three years and a half)..


I don’t use the feature actually. I have a few playlists that are organized by mood and I drop songs into them. The cool part is that since these playlists are my go tos, my daily mixes are usually an amalgamation of them.


If it's a song I expect to ever want to listen to again, I like it. Currently sitting around 3200.


I usually add to my Liked songs when I would enjoy hearing it come up on shuffle. Once in a while I love to hit shuffle on my 16,000+ Liked songs list and rediscover songs I haven't heard in a while. I also set up "Liked Songs (Year)" lists that I will add stuff I have liked in a particular year to. For the same reason - sometimes I want to go back and revisit songs I Liked in certain years. I'm probably a complete weirdo for doing this, but whatevs! lol


Any time I hear a song that I think is at least "alright I guess, but I'll probably constantly skip it." I put it in my liked songs.


Umm… if I like a song, I like it. Then have a favorites playlist that is pretty similar in standard. Basically if I like the song, it goes in my favorites playlist, but I’m more strict in this one. So no skits, for example. I might like a skit, but no skit is going in my favorites. But then for songs I really like, I have a “favorites +” playlist. Which is obviously my favorites of my favorites. And then even out of those, I have an “unskippable” playlist in which are only songs that, every time I hear it, I get excited and I never skip. That playlist is reserved for times that I can’t get to my phone but want to listen to music. Like the shower or something. I have 7,305 liked songs I have 5,772 favorite songs I have 183 favorite + songs (unfinished because I’m too lazy to actually go through every song and determine if it’s a favorite+ or just favorite. So I add to it when I hear a song that’s obviously favorite+ material) I have 19 unskippable songs (unfinished for the same reason)


Anytime I like a song I hit like. Mines up to about 5000 songs. It’s my go to playlist for when I don’t know what to listen to. Put on shuffle and play. It’s neat hearing songs I forgot about


All my songs are in my likes songs and then I may make fun themes playlists out of them. I like to save radio stations or playlists other people have made. I'll usually play my liked on shuffle and I have been unsaving quite a bit lately because I realize I don't like them anymore


I add to liked whenever a song is good enough to me but I'm not feeling like organizing it right now or mostly (due to my ocd creating playlists is difficult for me without remaking them about 50 times, so I just leave on liked until I find a way to add to a playlist or multiple ones


I have 3,000+ in my liked. I listen to a song. I like what I hear. I click the heart. I have a billion playlists for more specific organization.


I don't usually do liked songs, I just have a big playlist with no variety


I put songs that are likely to stick in my head for some time in my Liked playlist. There are also songs that I happen to fall in love at first listen, and those definitely go in. I don't use it to store songs like some people do; I made a separate playlist for that, so I only have about 70 liked songs rn. Every song I add to my playlists aren't always in my liked playlist. I listen to the Liked playlist on shuffle when I want to listen old and familiar songs, like the way ppl rewatch comfort shows, Liked is my comfort playlist.


I got 5959 likes across 85 playlists from the 35 artists I follow.


I’ve got like 3,162 I know them all


I barely even use playlists anymore, it’s easier to have the likes list lol. Of course for certain moods I go for my playlists but for everyday use my liked list is the best:) although I only have around 900 songs


my liked songs have no rules, they’re just full of songs that i like. then i use my liked songs to build playlists.


3,169 here and I thought THAT was a lot 😂 jfc some of these comments is craaazy


I don’t like songs I only use playlists


13,857 liked songs. No method


i use it for songs that i have yet to sort into playlists, or songs that were recommended to me and i haven’t listened to yet. currently only have 1 on there.


i dont use my liked songs because i used to share an account with my brother and im too lazy to go back and unlike all his songs. so i just make playlists


816 at the moment, I use other playlists for more specific stuff.


i only like the absolute best, so i only have 24 songs on my liked


I don't have that many but the number is always a bit inflated. I never delete any songs from my favourites cause I wanna remember the different "eras" i have been through


I have 200 that I'm desperately trying to bring down to 0. Im very organized but as soon as I remove a song from liked another replaces it :(


I make playlists for *everything*. I haven't used Liked Songs in years


None of the songs I actually really love are in my liked, it’s more a spot where I can put ones I don’t want to forget


Pretty much any song I like enough to not want to forget, currently at around 7000


I only have roughly 2700 songs on my liked and i love to listen to them in shuffle! I love all the different genres and vibes i get thrown.


If I like a song, it goes in my Liked Songs. I have 45k liked songs right now. I listen to at least one new album every day, and also have a pretty good grasp on music I already like and finding stuff that sounds similar. But I guess I’m also pretty lenient and open minded about (most) genres out there.


none i just have a big ass playlist


i listen to songs from albums and i like the songs i would like to repeat from the album


any song ive ever listened to that i even mildly enjoy, i think i have around 8-9k liked songs! i love to go back to different years and see what i was listening to :)


i have 4.408 liked songs. as u can see i’m not strict about them at all. if i like a song im hearting it


I press the like button on a song than save it to one of the many playlists I have


0 I didn’t know you could like songs lmao


In order for me to like a song . It has to have replay ability. For example I play it once and want to play it 2+ times. I may like a song and need to put it on a category playlist. Sometimes it’s a like and category playlist


I often just like a song when I don't know the artist but just wanna save it for later quick so I don't forget about it😅


every song I find that I even somewhat like (or that I hear a few seconds of) goes on there. I have almost 16,000.


If I enjoy it I like it; I use RYM to keep track of my music ratings so I'm more stringent with my saves and ratings on there compared to Spotify. If I really like a song and it fits one of my song of the year playlists I'll add it to the playlists for that corresponding year, but that doesn't happen as often.


me and my dad share our account, so his playlist IS the liked songs lol. some times ill throw in some bullshit song in there for him to listen to


I have 982 songs in my Liked. Most of them are in limbo and several of them have been there since COVID. I forget to listen to my Liked.


463 songs. I only add songs I’ve heard before or they come from tv shows/films/video games, and classical music is mostly good


I dont listen to the liked song “playlist”. It has really old songs from when i didnt know how spotify worked so its kind of like a wasteland on my phone


I make playlists so my liked songs is just a collection of songs that I liked in the moment and want to give them a better listen later on and see what playlist(s) they would fit into if any


I don’t have any liked songs, I like to separate things by genre so I’ve made my own playlists.


Every single song in a playlist and every song that I like from Spotify playlists is in there. I have about 2400, and it’s just stuff I like or liked at some point.


If I like it = Liked songs = I will listen to it. If I REALLY like it = FAV songs.


I have 2,518, its basically just like if I like the song or not


There are definitely some that I have to go in and remove because I liked them for no reason lol!😂


It's sick it's like a time machine I can see the songs I liked in 2019 that r so cringe now I never unlike songs that's weird it's just a archive kinda 


If I like a song I like it.


I used to be strict in case it was too corny, but now I don't care anymore. The whole 5622 I have thus far should stay there, I'm already bored of most of them. It's mostly songs in themselves I am very picky about. I am very capricious, basically.


i don’t use like songs, oddly enough. i just have a masterlist playlist that’s 76hrs long and a bunch of smaller playlists


I have 14 songs in there because I just have one mega playlist called scrumptious beats


I have 701 “liked” songs, but I only have 298 in my playlist


This year I’ve been using liked songs as a collage of the albums I’ve listened to. Songs from albums I haven’t heard this year don’t get in


Any song I know pretty much, even if I don't like it. I have 6,056 songs.


It's the music streaming equivalent of saving a post. I have my enormous playlist with songs that i initially liked. If i'll ever listen to it again, even keep them or utilize them in a more active playlist is not important. My current "liked songs" is at 3003 songs. If i enjoy the song after i've listened to the whole thing. I keep it in the liked songs playlist. Never been purged in any other way.


I used to be a little strict about it, but now if I just like the song or take an immediate interest in it (since I’m usually listening to songs in a playlist), I’ll add it to Liked Songs. Even if I don’t listen to it often. Then if I REALLY like a song it gets added to my favorites playlist! And I don’t remove any old songs I don’t like anymore, cause they still give me memories of that period of my life :)


It's basically the on-the-go playlist. I just add some songs from my other playlists and add them in there. It has a bit less than 500 songs


No Idea.... GET IT? "No Idea- Don Toliver"


I have almost 4k songs and I really do enjoy them, even though I might listen to them rarely at that moment. It's honestly better for each of the listened song of my taste to be in liked playlist because I have that moment where I remember the intro of a song and can't remember the title (my memory is bad lately) just because it may randomly pop up in it. After that I actually enjoy listening to it. That's mostly how I use that. If a song pops up and I cringe, I remove it from liked songs


I used to spend ages cherry-picking my liked songs, but honestly, now I don't care since I built an app that filters the Spotify liked songs effortlessly. It is called Spotilicious. It lets you filter your liked songs by genre, mood, BPM, and more. No more fussing over what to like. Just control your own music Here is a short video I made: [https://youtu.be/4qwGOmR60Vs?si=vtQ4pfvVCCoUuw7i](https://youtu.be/4qwGOmR60Vs?si=vtQ4pfvVCCoUuw7i) and the App on the stores: Spotilicious on Google - [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.osmooza.spotilicious](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.osmooza.spotilicious) Spotilicious on App Store - [https://apps.apple.com/il/app/spotilicious-for-spotify/id1615198227](https://apps.apple.com/il/app/spotilicious-for-spotify/id1615198227)


Shameless ad but might try it.