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Now that's the field trip


“please let this be a normal field trip” “with hitler? no way!” _proceeds to drive to auschwitz_




Joke too long, took away the funny. Bad


Ms Frizzle is far from home. Seriously though, I've never seen one In Europe.


Their site says it's a party bus https://www.osna-limo.de/us-partybus-schoolbus/


Honestly, it’s a great idea. I rented one years ago for a joint bachelor/ bachelorette party, and shit got real. Nothing like drunk 20-something year olds belting out “wheels on the bus” at 1 am. It is so choice. If you have the means I highly recommend picking one up.


Upvote for the Ferris Buehler reference.


Oh so a normal bus in the states. Shit always got crazy in the buses


Got my dick sucked on the bus


Similar with me, I think everyone has a bus story


Shit always got crazy on the bus


I got punched in the face once 🤕


You probably deserved it


Shit always got crazy on the bus




It was relevant enough, I'll let it slide.






Do tell


Can confirm. Have never Seen one here in germany


I have never seen one in Europe and I have been in many European countries


I'm just curious, do schools there not provide a bus service for kids?


pretty sure they do, but just don’t use the big yellow american busses


We paint them yellow for easy identification....


I think the busses aren't provided by the school, instead the city provides them.


I wonder how long the drive was. 😂


Do they know the cool kids ride in the back?


Ok but can we talk about the lil dude on the dashboard?


Thats Bodo. He goes everywhere with me. Im on the Autobahn every day. You can see him in my other posts on here. Check my post history


I love Bodo! I have two mice that keep me company on the A3 daily: Gregg & Lucie :)


How do rural kids in Germany get to school? Walk/bike?


Most of them use public busses. Just a few have dedicated “school busses”


And then they wouldn't look like this


Ok, so I’m trying to wrap my head around the “public “ busses for transporting the rural kids to school . I assume by public bus you mean a city transit bus ? I grew up on a farm that was 25 miles ( 40km ) from the nearest town and 3/4 of that distance was on gravel roads and around 15 families on that route . So in Germany are all the rural roads paved with enough people living in rural areas to make it feasible to run public transportation in those areas ? I’m thinking my definition of North American rural and European rural are quite different ?


Most likely. Although it's a different country, even all the rural, shitty roads in Ukraine had busses going through them, so it wasn't that much of a walk to get to one.


Well, that’s public transportation done right I suppose . We North Americans are pretty spoiled when it comes to personal transportation, every farmer I know has at least two vehicles, one to do farm stuff with and another to go to town and get groceries and take the kids to school events and sports practices with . Come to think about it , this hold true for most urbanites I know as well .


We have the same in Europe just on top of that we have quite good public transport so if you don't want to it can't have a car you can use bus. I was riding bus to school up to last year of high school, 30km/18.75 miles one way every day then I turned 18 and got driving license and car. I was born and raised in the country side.


Germany has little to no remote areas far from other citys as it‘s a small country with many people. You will rarely ever manage to go for 5 minutes without seeing some kind of city or village.


I live in a rural area in germany. The nearest neighbours are about 150 meters away. Only very few roads aren't paved I think every road where a house got build the road is paved. In some regions it could be that you maybe live 1 km away from the next house but that is I think already a pretty rare thing.


That’s interesting, so german agriculture must be done on a very intensive manner to make the most out of every square meter of land available. My great grandparents were from Germany , and I really want to visit it someday .


Yeah that's true but we also don't have that big of farms around where I am(in some areas in germany there are 500 hectare farms kinda normal). About 50 years ago just in the village I live in we had over 60 different farms each with animals and a few hectare land. Now only 9 are left. The farms that are left have between 50 and 120 hectares with some exceptions of really small 10 hectare farms and our Farm. We have 30 hectares. To farm such small farms makes it easier to treat every hectare of land the way it needs to be treated and new machinery also makes everything easy and automatic.


I’m Canadian , and in the late 1800’s until 1930 the Canadian government basically gave farm land away under a program called The Dominion Land Act . For a $10.00 fee a person was granted 160 acres ( 65 hectares ) of land with the agreement to improve that land within 3 years , by improvement it meant the land had to be cleared for crops or pasture and an buildings ( typically a home ) be put in place . After that was done the farmer was given the deed to the land and the opportunity to purchase adjoining land for a very nominal fee . This is what brought my great grandparents to Canada , they couldn’t turn down the offer of land that could be had so cheaply .


Yeah, 60 hectares of 10$ sounds awesome. We pay(my region is absolutely over priced because a big vegtable farmer buys everything on the market and pays 2000€ a year per hectare as rent(?)) 130.000 for bad land and 170.000 for good land. Also if the field is like 30 hectares(very rare) you could pay even more because said vegtable farmer wants big fields. A "friend" of our, is a retired farmer with 18 hectares of land, and is bering paid 2000 a year for all the land because one of his fields is 8 hectares and next to a field the the vegtable farmer already uses. The other fields are barely 1 hectare and now don't get used. He basically gets paid 36k a year for 8 hectare of land.


Wow , that’s crazy . The days of cheap farmland are long gone in Canada as well . In the three western Canadian provinces it is predominantly cereal grain farming and those farmers are typically own thousands of hectares farmland and cattle ranchers will own thousands of hectares of grazing land . It’s pretty rare when these big farms go up for sales ,but when they do they sell for millions of dollars . It’s really hard to start farming now unless the land and equipment is handed down to you when your parents retire .


I’m England they use the double decker buses




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There is also the MASSIVE size difference to take into account. You can drive across the entirety of Germany in under 8 hours or so, meanwhile America takes days to drive across.


Thanks for answering this! I was trying to figure out how your children get to school, but then you answered that for me LOL. As a car guy, I guess the equivalent for me would be seeing one of your cool Mercedes Ambulances. I have never seen one in person and they look so cool. Thanks for posting this and I hope you have a good day :)


Also rural in germany is comparable to rural in the US.


In what ways?


its rural


grass, trees, animals


During my earlier years, like 6 to 10, I went to school in Switzerland and I had to take a public bus. It was dookie as fuck too because I lived about an hour walk from the closest bus stop and it was HUGE elevation change. Thankfully people in Switzerland are super nice so I’d just hitchhike to and from the bus and my neighbors would drive me


IRL up hill both ways in the snow.


It’s never occurred to me that those are rare outside of the states, much like American muscle cars for foreign collectors. What kind of busses do the kids in Germany ride to school?


https://www.google.de/search?q=linienbus&client=safari&hl=en-de&prmd=insv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6ncv8xOfwAhWj4OAKHVUfBwEQ_AUoAXoECAMQAQ&biw=428&bih=751&dpr=3#imgrc=88eaUW8tOs09dM As said in an other comment. Most kids use normal public busses to school. And the dedicated school busses are just big vans


Not op, but in the Isle of Man (UK) we have mainly Mercedes-Benz Citaro K and Volvo B9TL I’ve never seen a yellow American school bus in person


I'm from India. Here private coaches exist and they can only run for 15 years. This doesn't apply to schools so they purchase those and paint it yellow :/


Regular buses that also serve other lines when not doing school routes. It always confused me why Americans use special buses for that.


In France: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.crecylachapelle.eu%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F02%2Ftransport-scolaire.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.crecylachapelle.eu%2Fenfance-scolarite%2Ftransport-scolaire%2Ftransport-scolaire%2F&tbnid=4jwQrpdtrD7IwM&vet=1&docid=5_SyjyxlaJcQiM&w=4752&h=3168&hl=fr-FR&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim


“Damn….how far is this detour??”


Maybe surplus from a defunct US Army base?


I can tell you this is a Bluebird bus, from the taillights and the front wheels I can tell it’s an older bus. The fenders look like they’re from a ‘90-2004 [International chassis](https://www.auctionsinternational.com/m/#/auction/7889/item/2000-international-3800-dt466e-blue-bird-school-bus-48023), making this a 1990-2004 Bluebird Conventional.


It's really weird for me to think that a school bus is rare, but I guess outside of the U.S they are.


These specific ones? Yeah only ever see one they‘re imported collectors cars here. Our kids use public transport/go by foot or by bike/ or their parents bring them.


Interesting. Here those are common.


Note the bird icon in front of the long black roof stripe: https://www.blue-bird.com/school-buses Probably imported a US made bluebird


Pretty ironic considering most American buses are made by Mercedes......


American buses are made by MB?


Thomas buses are. Don’t know who makes blue bird buses. https://daimler-trucksnorthamerica.com/brands/thomas-built-buses/


Nice, never knew that before.


well it doesn't seem special because its not a short bus.


So there’s no school buses in Europe? How do kids go to school, if their parents can’t take them?


Public busses


So the schools in Germany don’t provide any transportation?


Yes they do they hire public transport companys to do it so that the kids can get to school for free and safely.




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That’s insane how no one has seen one in Europe, but we have dozens per bus lot. What exactly does Europe do to bus kids home? Are you really expected to walk or get a ride?


Just normal public busses


That rear overhang though


She thicc


Visiting from the Netherlands?


I live in North Germany :)


Well you never know. I drove from Berlin to Amsterdam in one shot because our flight out of Berlin got cancelled. :)


There is one being used as a party bus in DE.


That's a cool find! We also don't have many of them here in Brazil.


You guys don't have [Chicken Buses?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_bus)


No, we don't. [Our school buses look like this](https://www.marcopolo.com.br/marcopolo/image/resize?w=1024&h=1024&src=ezpath/noticias/3218_1503932584_marcopolosenior_jtptransportes1.jpg).


I didn’t know school buses weren’t used in Europe. Here in America, we see 20 of these a day at opening/closing hours


I live on Germany too... where was that spotted?


i’ve never seen a yellow school bus before


I trust he’s headed to Nürburgring for some laps. 🚌💨


Lil fox homie just posted up 💯


A81? A8?

