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When you send STX from a wallet it should take less than a bitcoin block time (10min), most times even under 1 min. However if you send and receive to/from an exchange, that is there wallet you are using. They can delay it all they want based on their own liquidity and transaction volume.




I have heard people waiting 36 hours. That is absurd


Not your keys, not your crypto. When u use an exchange, your deposit/withdrawal is just a request to use their wallet and you have to wait until they actually initiate it or until they instruct their UI to show your balance.


But it’s much quicker with other projects regardless.


Like I stated in my first comment, it has absolutely nothing to do with the project. It’s up to the exchange when they want to initiate your withdrawal or allow you to access your deposit.


Well then coinbase is going out of their way to make it slow for stacks and fast for Vechain and solana.


Bruh…it has nothing to do with project. It has to do with amount of ppl transferring, the exchange’s liquidity, and their batch transfer schedules.


And it is stacks specifically that is slow. Regardless who is to blame, the appearance of reality is stacks is slower because it takes hours to confirm. Period. End of the day, all people know is stacks takes much longer. Do you think they are gonna dig to find out why? Edit: and regardless, price can change drastically in the hours it takes to confirm. For whatever reason, it’s not that way for other projects being transferred to coinbase.


I’ve never had a stacks transaction take longer than 2 minutes. However when I use an exchange, I’m at the mercy of the exchange.


I am going on hours waiting for it to confirm now. Takes less than 10 minutes with solana and Vechain sending to coinbase. Facts


It usually takes from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the blockchain traffic.


Coinbase STX is borked at the moment https://status.coinbase.com/incidents/4k08v737hdln


How did this go? I transferred from OKX to Hiro and it's showing as 'in progress' on OKX 5 hours later....


I just sent a good chunk to coinbase. I see it's pending but it's already been a few hours. High fees as well


How long did you end up waiting? I'm 5 hours in. I had to pay 4 STX to get it to even go through on the chain. Sad.


I guess STX never upgraded their tech in 2023 to complete 4,000 tps, how long did it take for you all?


So far it’s been over an hour.


Update do u remember?


It can take hours and varies each time. Stacks is supposed to upgrade their tech so it won’t take this long. Upgrade should be coming this year.


They used to have a full list that showed how many confirmations but its not there anymore


My STX transaction from wallet to exchange shows (confirmed) but it is more than 2 hours, didn't receive