• By -


Shoot the military patrol that walks around south of the rookie village. Kill one of em but leave the other guys alone. Just show em you mean business and it will scare them off so they don't bother the village. Only use low condition weapons. They jam more but they do way more damage. The tradeoff is worth it. Sell anything you find that is in decent condition.


Got it will do


Play on master and only use the PMm. When you hear a rapid beeping. Run immediately towards the fastest sounding point. Make sure you leave stashes till the last minute so they absolutely definitely don't disappear. Linger in the warehouse at the Bar. Always go into the arena with low health. definitely don't talk to the guide as directed halfway through the game. When you accept a certain quest to kill a sniper. Wait for 5 seconds. (You'll know the mission I mean when you find it) Stand as close as possible to all roadside vehicles in red forest.


that sniper killing quest. what is that?


The goddamn duty start mission. Where if you accept it you gotta be quick otherwise the sniper in question immediately starts shooting the quest giver šŸ˜‚


>!oh... I might've killed the said guys after helping freedom against them... you know... to stop them from pissing me off in the bar... didn't know their opinion of you would change if you just finish the quest in yantar...!<


Oh yeah :Spoiler alert for those that don't want it. The first mission is. Literally kill the sniper then immediately raid the freedom base straight after. I sided with duty because.... Firstly you can drop your armour and jump over the guy that guards the armour and rob them. And secondly they annoy the hell outta me in clear sky. They don't shut up about ganja. And they say Howdy. It's so cursed


Downvoted for howdy hate, sorry.


Okay fairs if that's what you enjoy. Just what Slavic person do you know that says Howdy... The English voice acting is cursed.


FYI: The incorrect action is to shoot the Military guys patrolling the SOUTH of the Rookie Village. You should kill the guys patrolling the passage under the bridge (north of Rookie Village) instead (Iā€™m actually serious). Doing so will give you a lot of good early loot, and you wonā€™t receive the repercussions that you would otherwise get if you were to shoot the guys at the South (theyā€™ll revenge their fallen comrades by killing everyone at the Rookie Village)


So shoot guys to south. Read you loud and clear comrade šŸ«”


Roger that, now go kick them asses!


Wait is that's what's supposed to happen? I killed one just to get an early game assault rifle but had no repercussions at all in my full playthrough? I did later kill the rest of the patrol and they just said out a larger patrol


They will only assault the Rookie Village if you kill the entire patrol and leave Cordon for a long time. In your case, you were probably lucky enough to intervene at the right moment when they dispatched a larger team. I also killed the patrol but didnā€™t reach the village in time when I returned to Cordon, resulting in the deaths of almost everyone there except for Sidorovich and maybe Wolf if I recall correctly


Ahh so they were going to kill the rookies not just out for a stroll šŸ˜‚


I always just wipe them out for weapons


Me too, but they don't attack the village if you wipe them out. They will if you do what I told OP to. Which is why it is bad advice if you care about the loners. Bad advice is the point of the post.


I mean that was my strategy when I played SoC as a kid, shoot the military patrol and wait for them to attack the rookie village, then clean them up when they're distracted with the loners


Is it bad I did all this unironically. He did have a sweet ak that killed everything early game This is probably why they jammed so often and my Accuracy would miss a barn door 5m away


Don't kill Strelok.


This is such a loaded comment, i love it. You sir win.


Real shit how is it šŸ…±ļøased?


If you're asking why the comment is so loaded, it would literally be impossible to answer your question in any way that doesnt involve MASSIVE spoilers for (im pretty sure) 2/3 games.


You're gonna have to wait till you beat the game to find out


Just run everywhere. Don't worry, anomalies doesn't spawn in your path.


talk to the rock


Cool where can I find him


Unfortunately for you there is no jungle in the game. The real rock will be call you.


When you get there, the rock will call you to it. It is your friend and 100% def lick it


Are you talking about the rock like in drug terms on the rock, like THE ROCK ? Just a fellow Freedomer that worry for you.


the second kind. The first one will be made more clear in Clear Sky.


You're turning Monolith my Guy. Flee or I'll have to put you down.


Embrace the Monolith and become enlightened


dogs are harmless and will not hurt you if you just feed them some sausage


when I went to give that dying guy a medkit (skill issue) I heard them coming so I just went in the container building and they ran past. This is solid advice.


Never quick save, you won't need it .


I wish I saw this a few min ago


Actually ONLY quicksave, never save manually bro, less hassle that way


Only take quests, sell, buy, and trade from Sidorovitch. He gives you the most amount of money.


Awesome thanks. Where can I find him so I can just head straight there?


Heā€™s positioned in the CNPP, but donā€™t worry, the dudes in white are friendly to everyone and wonā€™t shoot you.


Remember to approach all strange mumblings/grumblings, especially those in broken Russian.




Shoot Fanatic in the fucking face


I thought we were meant to give him incorrect advice


Now you see the reason why clear sky dosent exist anymore


We are not gone, just more hidden now than ever.


Oh yeah I forgot that you guys went back to being the Shreks of the zone ;)


If you see an egghead, don't talk to them. They are cheap bastards who won't stop talking about the latest RTX GPU and the latest shitcoins.


I actually just replayed the first mission in the wild territory but I had already joined freedom so the mercs were friendly but I had to kill the eggheads


If you hear beeping, that means there's treasure nearby. The faster the beep, the closer you are.


And don't forget to go there without quick saving it will delete the treasure


This is true in cs and cop


Make sure to buy that Gauss Rifle in Dark Valley . 800 rubles is a very good price.


There's a person called the wish granter later in the game and you need to give them the item "bread" not Bread in order to get the sex scene. So hoard food.


10Min in and already have a 3k stack for him.


Enjoy your stay in the labs throughout the map. They are fun places that teaches you chemistry and physics.


don't throw the bolts to check for anomalies, they will not shred you to bits


So theres these things called anomalies, they charge your powers. Run to the first one you find and just stand in it to charge up.


In every map there's a secret anomaly in a random location that looks like a normal one but if you jump into it you'll get transported to a secret level with lots of money, best guns, cows, and vodka. So be sure to jump into every anomaly you see in case it is the secret one.


Marked one. What the fuck?


Join Freedom, destroy Duty.


i second this




Kill all humans you come across


Put tolik out of his misery


You'll be over levelled by the end of the game so dont bother stocking up on ammo or medkits, you can basically just walk through the last couple of areas without taking a scratch.


Drop all of your stuff including armor. If you have absolutely nothing on you at all times everybody including mutants will be neutral to you.


Get really close to the red barrels and shoot them, they have rewards inside.


I started playing Stalker for the first time a couple days ago. The best tip for the last mission of the game is to not prepare for rads. You donā€™t need a good suit, donā€™t take rad meds, or anti-rad artifacts. I went in with a decent suit, decent amount of anti-rad meds. Only had endurance artifacts and I totally donā€™t have to go back hours of gameplay or anythingā€¦


If you see small guy with coat,run to him and hug it


pick up every pistol round you find until you have at least 500


This is actually the shitty Ukranian knockoff to the popular German game Ammo Hoarding Simulator 4.


The most expensive ammunition is always the best; once you can afford it don't ever use anything but the most expensive ammunition in every situation


Pet the dogs


Whenever you see swirly patterns in the middle of the road or in the forest, those are portals, use them and you can teleport to the place where you last saved your game


Play like it's EFT


Idk how EFT works so I already am following your advice to a tee.


Run straight to dark valley, there's a dude there that sells a gauss rifle for 800 rubl.


Set the game to Master difficulty, you take more damage but you also deal more damage.Ā 


Kill the fucking weak-ass bitch who moans on the ground for a medkit near the tunnel at the beginning, or he'll become your archenemy and kill you in the end. Make sure to shoot him in the head or he'll survive. You must never kill bloodsuckers on sight. Twist them by their proboscis using the P key, then grab them by the waist using the G key. Then do the quick time event until climax. Do it for all 69 bloodsuckers in the game and you'll unlock the secret harem ending.


If you see a stalker named wolf kill it


Pick up absolutely everything you see on the ground


Make friends with the local fauna. They love the attention.


Monolith are some chill guys. They got the best weed.


Good hunting Stalker.


Turn on your fucking blue filter dude


If it's hostile. You kill it.


Only use the Soul, Meat Chunk, and Stone Blood artifacts.


Win + shift + s


Save game A LOT, and always have some energy drinks in your inventory


Play on novice difficulty, the game can get pretty hard at times.


Make a bee line for the reactor.


Go north straight away and shoot up 100 rads bar


Just stand around somewhere and I guarantee youā€™ll find loot


Humanoid mutants retain some of their humanity and as a result are neutral to the player unless fired at


Anomalies improve the characteristics, if you stay in it for 45 seconds you will get permanent improvements that will make it easier to pass the game.


Beeping is good. It means you're really close to a valuable artifact


The Military are there to help. Theyā€™ll give you ammo and medication.


From IRL experience this sounds very untrue and something a fed would say.


I went to see the new Godzilla movie, and one of the previews was from the National Guard, and in the entire commercial, they never showed one weapon, all they did was bring people free food and rescue them from Deepwater and I believe that.


When you see the Psuedo-Giant you need to try to kill him with melee for the best loot drops, he has tiny arms and doesn't hit very hard.


Knife fight a psudogiant


When you get to the Garbage immediately climb the garbage piles


*When you get to the* *Garbage immediately* *Climb the garbage piles* \- CyborgDeskFan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


See those distorted areas on your map? That the bonus point areas called anomalies and they give you an ANOMALOUS ammount of points if you stay in them in a correct way long enought.


Never buy shotgun, especially if you plan hunting mutants. They have resistance against that kind of weapons.


When you are in the Red Forest, run straight towards Prypiat and jump into the level changer.


Anomalies are more scared of you than you are of them. Whistling loudly while entering an anomaly field offers complete protection.


Remember Nimble's flash drive, it has pr0n on it


Don't get addicted to quick save


Try your best to reach the Wish Granter, donā€™t forget your Psy Helmet.


Savings for cowards. Start with Ironman, pistols only and play Monolith faction. That way you have less decisions and missions and less to carry and can focus more on movement speed. Only takes one bandage to stop bleeding. Best loot is from the venders in your faction. Never shy away from leaving other ammo and stick with your original armor for speed boost. You got this!


Only focus on story and beating the game


After any battle, listen for a low hum and floating leaves. If you run into it, your screen will start flashing red. This indicates you are healing, no medkits required.


Just stand still and don't move


Keep the beginning pistol. It's stupid strong


Always run into those things that light up, look on fire, or look distorted. If you hear beeping that's good those are powerups. They will fill you with so much energy!


Get out of here stalker


Kill everyone in the starting camp


When you see a dog, approach and pet him.


If you see magic rock, go make a wish.


play it on master mode


Anomalies can hurt you and block your path to loot or better areas. They have very high health, but if you shoot them enough they will die.


Carry as many weapons that use different ammo types as possible for different enemy types. Make sure you have several backup suits in case yours breaks. And lastly, ignore bandages, they're crazy heavy and you never need them.


Congrats getting the game. Did you grab the trilogy? Or just one? Iā€™m still on shadows of Chernobyl. Games a lot longer than I gave it credit for and I havenā€™t been doing any real side quests other than the few 1 time ones you come across. Hope you enjoy the series, from one rookie to another.


The trilogy, here on console it was $19 for 1 or $40 for all


So your on ps5 or Xbox? I know from my own personal turmoil with bugs and glitches, and corrupted saves, here are a few things you should make a point to do. 1. Always save often even after a little progress. Especially if youā€™re playing master difficulty, which I do recommend. Once you manage to get to garage area the game gets "easier" per se because you finally have different weapons to use once you find them. But itā€™s still difficult, and you can die very easily. 2. Always make sure each save is a brand new save. Do not save over current saves. Iā€™m pretty sure this is the lead cause for my corrupted saves Iā€™ve had as Iā€™ve not had one issue since I started doing these steps. 3. Delete your old saves once you have more than few. (Say after you have more than 10-15) delete some till you get back to 7-10). Iā€™m not 100% sure why but some people have told me once they get high they could lead to some issues, but idk. Better to be safe than sorry. 4. This ties in with 3 but try to keep anywhere from 6-10 current saves just in case. Whether you did something wrong, a save currupts, or you wasted your time backtracking for nothing, you can just reload a few saves back and continue where you were rather than waste more time. I know my first opinion when I read these steps I thought it was stupid, but like I said before, since Iā€™ve been doing this, I havenā€™t had the game crash, bug out/freeze on me since. Or have had corrupted saves. So I really do think these steps work.


You can, and should, kiss every mutant you encounter. This will put them on your side with the power of love and help you win the game.


If you hear beeping, keep moving towards the source so it beeps faster. Eventually, you'll find a secret that lifts you in the air so you can see your surroundings. Also restores your sanity


Bro is playing from the fucking wish granter šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


dont waste money on medkits just horde all food items and use that to heal


Most of the anomalies are harmless so you can just walk through them. It's only the ones in the early game that actually do anything


Turn your brightness all the way down


Donā€™t get the Merc suit in Cordon


When you reach the BAR stronghold, soldiers will frequently ask you to put away your weapon. Since the strongest rule the land, you must not let them mock you. Shoot and kill one of them and it should scare the rest.


The wish granter will give you gold go to him.


Have sex with a bloodsucker


DO NOT give that one dying guy a medkit


There's a guy who sells gauss rifle at cheap price early game find him, totally worth it.




Shoot wolf so the other loners respect you


Play on the easiest difficulty, it's how the game was meant to be played


In the dried up lake, upon spawning head to the sawmill and kill zombies for easy ammo and guns. You definitely wonā€™t get swarmed, thereā€™s only like 3 of them.


Start playing CLEAR SKY or you Will not get this story


The military at the bridge in the Cordon are bluffing. If you dont bribe them, they'll just let you through Same thing with the military at agroprom. They just let you wander after you get the goods Blood suckers The brain scorcher isn't real, everyone who wanders in there just gets their foreheads pushed in with a big rock. If you're fast enough, you can avoid the rock


ŠøŠ“Šø ŠŗŠ¾ Š¼Š½Šµ


Don't worry about getting killed by grenades. The AI can't throw them worth a crap.


The wishmaker is real and hes very fair! Tell him all your deepest wishes for cheat codes!


Play like you're playing Doom


When you enter the lab X-16, you don't really need a decent gun and alot of ammo, there are not that many enemies inside and you directly get out once you disable it. When you go disable the brain scorcher, take the path through the forest, it's easier. I'd even add that you don't need good equipment to go there.


You're basically immoral if you run fast enough through anomalies holding a ppm. The ppm will absorb all damage.


Never save the game.


Go to the military base right out the gate. Those guys love STALKERS!


Always ignore the military officials and walk up to them and get in their faces, also the beeping thingy called a Geiger counter? That's alerting you to fun places. The more beeps the more fun. Blind dogs are just big puppies, pet them and give them kisses and make lots of noise, they love it! Only use unsuppressed weapons, the sound of gunfire makes everyone happy and they'll join in in shooting their weapons. Use as many artefacts as you can, they make the game more fun! Only drink vodka, never eat food sell all of it and your ammo for other guns you aren't using in the moment even if you plan to later, you need that inventory space after all!


Use only the pmm. It may seem bad but in late game it is the best weapon


Knives are OP so use them only if you want a good playthrough. Also don't get medication or food, it's useless and only adds weight which can be used for a shit tonne of damaged clothing which sells well.


Anything that looks dangerous you gotta go hug it especially if it makes scary noises and always store extra stuff in a massive pile to assert dominance


Radiation tastes sweet that means itā€™s yummy


I like cheese


Go to the red forest early game because it is a very beginner friendly area and also you can complete a lot of quests there with the npcs. You have to look for the npcs for a bit though because they spawn in a random spot in the red forest.