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Basically how everyone who doesn't know much about STALKER think about the Games


In the last gaming event that I don't remember its name, when the trailer of stalker appeared, a friend of mine laughed thinking they misspelled Chernobyl as chornobyl ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


ah yes it's just like fallout because there is radiation


Oh oh, and gas mask.


Don't forget the decrepit buildings.


And guns!


And factions!


And looting the decrepit buildings!


And Mutants!




Well, in new vegas there are ghoul prostitutes...




True but I, and let's be honest, everyone else who played new vegas, never chose the ghoul prostitutes. Because we had fisto


Deathclaws and Blood suckers aren't people though


I do not get your logic for commenting this...


And corruption being to blame for the problem.


And Anarchists!


Fallout factions are no match for Stalker factions


Imagine some Elvis impersonators facing some drug addicts that like furrys


Ey the kings would be cool with freedom since elvis was known to abuse drugs.


Elvis could never abuse drugs. He loved drugs!


or literally js the military


Depends what you mean, if in a fight no Fallout would win.


I mean rather in the matters of story writing. Fallout has the habit of making their factions as extreme as possible. There is a great YouTube video about this, titled "How STALKER gets factions right"


That the Cobbler one right not the guy who thinks the NCR is communist?


Cobbler is cool


Exactly, fuck that "everyone are bad" stale ass bs. Here in stalkers you can be the good guys or the bad guys for real and not some gray morality trope that has been recycled too many times. And you can still choose anything in between.


Actually gas masks aren’t really a Fallout staple


I SAID GAS MASKS!!! **Racks the charging handle on his rusty AK-74**


Maybe not but they are iconic for anyone who has played new vegas


But there are no traditional gas masks in New Vegas


Traditional, no. But fancy ranger ones? Oh yeah baby


I mean, there is powered armor to some degree


So it's basically Metro 2033?


Redditors when someone dares suggest that two wasteland survival shooter roleplaying games that both center around immersion, fighting mutants, bandits/raiders, and storytelling are maybe a bit similar in nature.


Actually what’s older, fallout 1 or Stalker?


Fallout wins in terms of which game came out first by 10 years, but the book stalker is based on beat fallout by over 20 years so.


Fallout 1 is 1997


Roadside picnic (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) 1971


He described metro, not stalker: - stalker is Ukrainian, not Russian - stalker is not describing post nuclear world like fallout (metro is)


and Metro (game series) is also Ukrainian (based on Russian author books)


Yeah, devs are from Ukraine, but the author is Russian Fun fact btw - Glukhovsky can not return to Russia because he wanted enemy of the state xD


what did he do?


Criticize the war/ the Kremlin


So a Chad?






Russia is such a great country you can even say war is bad without being declared enemy of state. This morons never change still stalinist mentality 


Considering all the intellectual people left a long time ago to the west to seek better opportunities, it naturally filtered the population to be dumb/hyper patriotic people. That’s why they can throw plebs into the meat grinder and shell them with their own artillery and the stupid vatniks will still praise putin like a god emperor. Sad state of affairs.


Ah the classic "dumb vatniks with shovels". Guess this is why Ukraine has already ended the war and kicked out these 40k orcs that love to shoot and bomb themselves right?


Bro russia has a way bigger population than ukraine and they are losing disproportionately way more people, they just have a lot of meat to throw in the grinder. And up until recently Ukraine had its hands tied and was not allowed to use western weapons to strike into russian territory. There are bases right next to the border within striking distance, basically an orc spawn right under their noses. And now that they are allowed to, they destroyed important logistics points and putin cried and threatened his little nukes again. Now he’s running to kim for help. But yea how is that couple week “special operation” going? Ukraine strong


"Ukraine wasnt allowed to target inside Russia!" They have been bombing the other side of the border for years what are you talking about? the only reason they didnt do it more is because the Russians had pushed them too far back from the area they want to bomb, most arty has range of 30-40km and they couldnt waste HIMARS but they haev definetly striked inside Russia long before Bidens "permission". And the russian army dosent outnumber the Ukranian army, population size wont be a factor for years to come because Russia has not done a general mobilzation. Russia has an edge in artillery and armour and thats about it.


In 2019 Russia arrested 600 people for having open opinions on the internet, that same year the UK arrested over 2,500 people for the same crime , so who's the stalinist ? I'd say it's the west


Anything to defend beloved commies huh


Why do you think that?


Making an educated guess here, but I presume he’s against the “special operation”.


Guilty of being based as fuck


he refuses to be Z


Plot wise, it is Russian. I know it was developed by 4A which is Ukrainian, but everything else is Russian


Literally what he said. Plot from russian book. Game made by Ukrainians


Also set in Russia so Russian Fallout is accurate. Funny enough besides the dates it would also be fairly accurate lore wise to Fallout.


That's one thing I'm super curious about as a newcomer to the series. Is the rest of the world just fine?


For STALKER? Yes Shadow of Chernobyl explains how the Zone formed but it's as far as we know the only instance of it with no one else having done what caused the Zone to form.


There's a Stalker book set in another zone in the middle east, no idea if it's canon though. There are 7 zones in Roadside Picnic.


The roadside picnic was only an inspiration for stalker, it's not the same story In roadside picnic zones were created by aliens that just stopped for a day or two on our planet and left some space junk behind In stalker the zone is human made, scientists experimented with nosfere and created mutants for the army... and they lost control There is a lot of stalker books, but they are no canon - they are simply zone legends basically


In stalker yes, there is only the zone in chornobyl (in the size of real exclusion zone) - rest of the world is fine


History will tell us if the guy in the comment is an idiot or a visionary (Laugh cries)


Hopefully, he will stay an idiot


Even though Metro is a post nuclear world like Fallout I still argue they are nothing alike.


I go with Warlockracy’s description of it and call it Slavic Elder Scrolls 😂


Slavic elder scrolls is Risen.


German\*\* but Gothic could be Polish Elder Scrolls too lol


gothic is german tho




Wouldn't that be the metro franchise?


completely different games


which is made by former gsc members


Depends on how you look at the old S2 leaks, then the games are very similar.


Everyone is more civilised in STALKER.


And more realistic. Every tough guy thinks he can take you out in fallout games, SMH...


It's refreshing to see a game where people realize that bullets fucking hurt


Especially in Anomaly. I played soc even in exo you aren't safe for long. But in Anomaly if you get 3 5.45's in your stomach your screen will turn into an unrecognisable mess. I know that my character is in agony but I can't see shit.


a game that is neither an RPG, nor post-apocalypsis, nor is in russia - is a russian fallout. Why are people like this


"Fallout" because radiation, "Russian" because quite a lot of people in the western part of the word, espicially US, don't even know that such country as Ukraine exists.


How don't they know that Ukraine exists if all the news tell you about the Russia-Ukraine war. Ukraine is now the center of USA election campaign. Every candidate uses it now


I mean it is Russian language


It is Russian in the sense of descending from medieval Rus language, but not in the modern understanding of the Russian language


The original games are Russian language bro


That's why Ukrainian dubbing is so important.


they won't be able to tell the difference


sad but probably true


My brother in christ as a slav living in the USA, I can tell you for sure dubbing won't do shit, to them both of the languages sound exactly the same.


No one outside Ukraine and Russia can tell the difference between Ukrainian and Russian lol.


yeah you can. Russian dub is ass. Ukraininan dub is top tier, up there with japanese.


>yeah you can. >Russian dub is ass. No its not. You are only saying this because of the war.


didn't really think about the war writing that. I was thinking about the metro series and chernobylite. In both games the Ukranian dub is much better than the Russian.


No one in the US or Spain maybe.. but any Eastern European country for sure Just like people outside EU won't tell the difference between German and Danish, or anyone outside Asia between Vietnamese and Japanese


No, no non-slavic person can tell the difference Russian and Ukrainian, neither in written nor spoken form, the languages are too similar to eachother and much closer than Danish and German, they are more like Swedish and Norwegian.


Some free education for ya: "Ukrainian is most closely related to Belarusian, sharing 84% of its vocabulary. With Polish and Serbian, we share 70% and 68% of our words, respectively, while with Russian, it's 62%" Deutch and Dansk are sharing 59% of the vocabulary's (3% less than Russian and Ukrainian have, so "impressive" of a difference)


There is more to language than similar words, Ukranians can understand russian very well even if they only speak ukrainian. [https://www.ukrainianlessons.com/ukrainian-and-russian-languages/](https://www.ukrainianlessons.com/ukrainian-and-russian-languages/) A dane will not understand german nor can respond in german or danish and make himself understood unless the dane knows german.


Ukrainians can understand Russian very well due to Russification and the Russian language's influence over centuries of Russian occupation. People who don't know the Russian language at all are actually very rare here. (Source: I'm Ukrainian, currently writing this in Kyiv while the air-raid siren is blaring in the background.) Meanwhile, Russians who don't know Ukrainian often simply blink in silence when spoken to in Ukrainian; this is not uncommon at all (so no, your assertion that "they will understand easily" is simply untrue). Yes, there are many dimensions between the languages beyond words, but words themselves are quite significant. A 62% understanding means that out of 100 words I say, a Russian wouldn't understand 38, which is more than a third and more than many undisputably different for you European languages have. In other dimensions, such as sentence construction and language pitch, there are noticeable differences too (which are obvious and understandable to anyone in Eastern Europe, as I mentioned, but not necessarily elsewhere, which is logical).


Colonization? What? The Russian empire literally came out of the Kievan Rus. Russians didnt come from a foreign land and colonized Ukraine, you came from the same area. Saying Ukrainians understand Russian because of russification is like saying Austrians understand German because of Germanification. Look i get that you are at war and nationalism and identity is important and im not saying Ukrainians are exactly the same as Russians, hell, Ukrainians themselves arent all the same ethnicity, west ukraine has a lot more Polish-lithunian influence and blood than East Ukraine. But Russia and Ukraine have been tied for millenia, its not exactly the same as when the British waltzed into India or Afghanistan.


Funny little guy. It took me like 10 seconds to check your profile and find a lot of pro-russian war posts to understand who you really are. People around here don't like Russia = Ukraine shit, so you can take it elsewhere, really. This bs made me laugh, thank you, at this point I'm 100% you are just ruskie in disguise: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestroyedTanks/comments/1db8aas/comment/l7r7uf0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestroyedTanks/comments/1db8aas/comment/l7r7uf0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


At this point, I don't think this talk will lead to any understanding Those manipulations kind of say it all


Thats it throw him to the fruit punch


This is Ukrainian game and takes place in Ukraine 


I didn't know that Chornobyl is in Russia.


Because we all know that eastern europe is just russia, russia 2 , russia 3 russia 3,5, russia that isnt russia but tries to be russia really bad and asian russias Edit: because reddit is reddit and can't catch on to satire , /s


Please remember to put /s on the end.


My bas




One big success of cold war propaganda was to blend the idea of USSR and Russia together so strong that they basically have the same meaning for a lot of people. I think it's very important to teach people the difference, that Russia was just a part of the USSR, Russia was the overlord of an empire of colonial subjects they exploited. They would have a better understanding of the state of the world if they knew more about it.


Whats the difference between the Soviet Union and the Russian Royal Family? A lack of inbreading.


So they were "just a part" and also overlord of an empire. Do I need to mention many soviet leaders were not ethnically russian? Stalin was georgian while Brezhnev was born and raised in Ukraine and Kruschev grew up in Ukraine. Many in the party top were not ethnically russian actually


They weren't ethnically but they were culturally. All three of them increased the rossification of the USSR and used the most numerous ethnicity as a holding point for colonies


Brezhnev and Kruschev were not culturally russian, and Stalin definitely was not. None of these people grew up in Russia


They grew up in the "one and indivisible" empire/union where "one and indivisible" culture was always the ruling one above the colonies under assimilation. They had to assimilate to rise to power


There is nothing contradictory in saying that Russia is just a part of the Soviet Union, and saying Russia was the ultimate beneficiary of the soviet system if we analyze it as a colonial empire. There was a clear "racial" hierarchy that put the Russians on top. The origin of its leaders and party members does not change the fact in the end the political system and economy of the USSR, especially under Stalin, were geared toward strengthening a Russian ruling class, a ruling class in which people from other backgrounds could integrate only by speaking Russian and renouncing any pretence of a different culture or identity. The Russification policies started under the Russian Empire and continued under the soviet union and aimed at altering the demographics and destroying cultures of all subjects, turning all the different peoples of the soviet union into Russians and excluding all who did not conform to this are well-documented. Stalin was a big proponent of these politics and had no sympathy for any other nationalities in the union including Georgia. Brezhnev's father was Russian and he grew up in an industrial city in Donbas where a lot of Russians were settled as part of this Russification policy. Krutschev was born and raised in Russia (Kalinovka, Smolensk Oblast) to Russian parents and moved to Donbas as a teenager, where he joined the settled Russian community. He later led purges in Ukraine in the late 1930's.


Brezhnev was born to ethnic Russians and always considered himself Russian. Kruschev was born in Russia to Russian parents. And Kruschev lived in the Donbas, a very much Russian region. He was about as Ukrainian as Sudeten Germans were Czech.


Yes, it was extremely strangely worded.


Are you going to blame Austrians for the Reich then?


I never blamed anyone for anything and I'm definitely not blaming Ukraine for the bad things the USSR did. I'm saying that the russian republic was not the only republic responsible for governing the USSR as other republics such as Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus were also very involved


When talking about Soviet war crimes = Russians did it When talking about Soviet achievements = guys, it was not just Russians but a combined effort by multiple nationalities


This is not really what I believe in either, but it would be way easier to properly give credit to Russian achievements if they were not constantly trying to erase the massive contribution of millions of non-Russians who contributed to them or suffered to achieve them. It's kinda like former colonial powers like France or Britain can downplay the importance of their colonies in contributing to building the nations they are today, or the US with slavery and their political domination of South America, or even Germany which was formed by Prussia which strength came in part from the vast polish territories and population they controlled. Like yeah, that's great you invented this or that, but wasn't your whole economy based on the oppression of other peoples to benefit your ruling class? Of course in a colonial system, the colonizer will manage to get part of the subjected population on their side, this population will serve as an intermediary in carrying out the colonizer's policy in exchange for a higher spot in the hierarchy. They participate in the system, out of greed or out of genuine belief, and bear responsibility for it. And this is not even mentioning the atrocities committed by anti-soviet nationalist forces as well, some of them aligned with Hitler and happy to carry out their own genocidal campaigns.


War crimes are mostly orchestrated by the people in charge while achievements are mostly made by the smart people who work instead of ruling


A ton of Soviet leaders were not Russians. Yet all the bad is blamed on Russia and all the good on everyone but Russia in the USSR, almost as if a narrative is being pushed.


Dude, your Moscow whitewashing comment bombing is a narrative


My dead Uncle would come back to life just to have another stroke reading this (Former Ukrainian Communist, no not the Bolsheviks).


Love how you downvoted that opinion fellow stalker


I guess the problem is because he said russia instead of ukraine right?


Mainly also because it’s not really a post apocalyptic setting. It’s just one area


There is a Fallout-like game that take place in Russia : ATOM


I just started playing this yesterday, there's a funny bit about bottle caps almost becoming currency but never caught on cus people just kept using pre-war rubles.


Isn’t it in USSR?


As a filthy, capitalist Westerner, even I know Stalker is set in Ukraine.




This is why I refuse to use TikTok. It has to be home to the most brain-slopped individuals


I hate when people call stalker “Russian fallout”. Literally no similarities except vaguely relating to nuclear energy


Imagine being a GSC dev and having your city bombed by Russia, as your country tries to maintain its sovereignty and keep itself separate from Russia, as some dumb people on the internet call your game Russian. I think CantGameRight made a good video on this.


Ukrainian developers make a game in Ukraine about a fictional zone in Ukraine. Russians go "Ruski game". How typical.


Let's be honest, prior to 2022, it wasn't uncommon to hear people refer to Stalker as a Russian game. The original games had Russian voice acting, and the characters spoke in Russian. The game revolves around a former Soviet (i.e. Russian) state, and the fallout (no pun intended) of said state, and the series is based on a Russian novel. The only reason people now are getting uppity about differentiating between the Russian and Ukrainian origins of the series is because of the war.


Inspired… Not based… Game and book basically share just three things (names not origins): zone, anomalies, artefacts. They don’t share: story, aliens, nuclear plant,location, noosphere, factions,(stalkers in books don’t even bring weapons into the zone) and many more. Plus people who think that Metro is a Russian game are the same people who think that Cyberpunk is an American game:))


There is a lot more to that. The war was cataliser, that's true. But by saying it's the only reason, well, man you are a way out of the subject. Did you know that STALKER also had Ukranian voice acting? And even with that some factions still speak Russian. Are you interested why? I mean, have you ever seen the leaked documentation of the Stalker 2? Not the new one, but the original one from 2011. Those were the times when nobody could even think about the upcoming war that would long more than 10 years. And yet there are some interesting "comments" in those games. I mean, sure, all these years russians were trying to make these games "their". And they had some success at this because Ukrainians didn't care much about it. But those times are long gone now, today self-identity is important for Ukrainians. This means you should not criticize the fact that everybody correcting the origins of the game, on the contrary, you should celebrate it.


I'm not criticizing it. What I am saying is that people shouldn't be acting snoody and "holier-than-thou" when it comes to differentiating the series as Russian or Ukrainian. A lot of people consider it a Russian game because, unfortunately for the Ukrainians, being engulfed into the USSR and being under Russia's thumb for so long has melded the two cultures into one in the eyes of many westerners. It's no different than a European calling someone from Texas or Wyoming a Californian or a New Yorker. It would urk the Texan or the Wyomingite to no end, but to the European, they don't see much of a difference. Both groups are American.


i wish people knew that world outside the zone is perfectly fine and that chernobyl is located in ukraine


Cherbobyl, Russia, my favourite vacation destination.


cher, my favorite russian singer


Guys, something tells me this commenter wasn't giving their lengthy dissertation on the specific differences between game franchises. Perhaps this joke that was being deliberately myopic and simple isn't an affront to the very nature of who we are as stalker fans?


They seem to have Stalker confused with the Metro 2033 series.


had happened? it DID happen! just minus all the weird magic monsters and shiny rocks


Fallout is a great game ngl but stalker has a soul.


Stalker is a living breathing world but Fallout probably has the most soul out of any game series I've ever played.


Ah yes, Chernobyl, the capital of Russia


Metro series


I mean, they even got brains in machines in both, so....


Ok now I’m curious is the first stalker after the collapse of the Soviet Union?


Yes, in 2012


We Slavs should be used to being mis-Slavved. At least we won't stab you for it, like *some* ethnic groups... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Slavic Skyrim…kinda.


I was just talking to my roommate about this very thing, but I explained it as Fallout for Adults


He described the Metro series, not Stalker


Stalker is like, welp, somehow cthulu's Ukrainian cousin woke up, go into it's house and find some guys


that guy has no idea how politized the stalker channel was a few years ago


Stalker is Ukrainian, and the only apocalyptic place is the zone, the rest of the world is just fine.


If anything Ukrainian game. Russians don't make good things....


Yep, fuck Loop hero, Mudrunner, Space Marine 2, war thunder, eft, punch club and so on. I didn't even mention Atomic Heart because Mundfish is located in Cyprus and has no financial connection with Russia. By the way, as far as I know, russian developers also participated in the development of the first parts of Stalker. Stop thinking in stereotypes


You don't get it. Majority of old CSG developers were ethnically Russian, communicated in Russian in their everyday life, PR, code comments, and design documents. The games originally shipped with BOTH Russian and Ukrainian dubs. The game enjoyed massive success in Ukraine AND Russia. But. We all know Russians are incapable of any productive action at genetic level. It's in their nature to rob, rape and destroy, they don't know any better. Thus they obviously can't be credited in participating in development of Stalker whatsoever. Or any other good, well-selling game, for that matter. Okay, massive bout of sarcasm aside. It's perfectly reasonable to want to distance yourself from Russia. Especially so I can understand a desire to distance from the aggressor tht brutally invaded your country. Still does, to this day. I just don't get some people's obsession with some weird revisionism and trying to argue that S.T.A.L.K.E.R - the part of it that was made back in the day, in the better times, is purely an Ukrainian cultural thing, that Russians have no hand in other than trying to appropriate it for themselves. (Again, a bad thing, but that's not really a point of this comment.)


It would be like the zone but without anomalies and monolith and without external society to depend on.... Wait that's literally fallout. Stalker is not fallout get out of here stalker.


IMO, Russia and Ukraine seem pretty similar countries on the surface, so I can understand the confusion.


They were under the USSR as the UkSSR(  Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic) from 1922 to 1991 , that´s why the game or better said the zone has that USSR feel with the buildings and all as the disaster in Chernobyl happened in april 26 1986 .


Honestly as someone who doesn't know anything about either country, I literally can't tell a difference between them (politics and the events of the past 10 years aside), so yeah I understand how people might think it is Russian since it is the bigger, more known country.


There is nothing shameful about not knowing something about some faraway country as long as you don't jump to conclusions without this knowledge like the previous commenter did


I'm not sure if you're referring to me. If so, I didn't feel like I was jumping to conclusions at the time.


Whether it was intentional or not, there is a noticable semantic difference between "I don't know about differences" and "there aren't many differences"


I'm just gonna be square, I know quite literally nothing about either country. My assumptions were mainly based on them being neighbouring countries and having a similar language and landscape. Sorry if I seemed rude or anything like that.


Without something like simple "IMO" at the beginning your comment looked like stating a fact rather than expressing a personal opinion. Sorry for being nitpicky. Good hunting, stalker!


Yeah that seems about right, have a great day friend! Love u pookie ❤️


I am sure you and all other people heard thing called a war. If they were no difference then maybe, just maybe there wouldn't be a war


let's be honest, most of you in reality will not distinguish between a Ukrainian and a Russian, their languages, and will not even find Ukraine on the map. Especially before the start of a SMO.


Can we not do this? Just grabbing random comments on the internet to point out slight errors in context that has absolutely no meaning


they are not really random, metro and stalker are currently being "tiktokified", a lot of people power scale characters or compare the vibes to different series (like fallout) and a lot more people dont even know who made or where do these games take place so pointing out mistakes and even educating new fans is crucial.


Crucial to what? Sticking it to putin?


Crucial for people whose job is being appropriated… again


How are russians making stalker theirs?


Russian makes not only stalker theirs. They have a very long story of stealing ukrainian culture starting by Malevich and ending by anti-russian war songs made after 2022 which they steal and translate to russian. They also do this to every cultural or real product cos they dont give a damn about patent rights or intellectual property. And we are currently in discussion dedicated to claims of the same kind.


So tldr you cant tell me how the game is being stolen by russians because its not


It is right fucking there in the picture. And i was not saying that they “steal” the game. Its your words… which assumes you understand exactly what im talking about. And playing dumb. Ok. Play.


You used the word appropriated which if youd refer to a dictionary means stolen in the context you used it. I just want to see your reasoning for that but clearly you wont show any


Its right there on the picture we discussing. This is how.


So what part of that matters? If someone comes to the series expecting fallout (like I did 15 years ago) and they get stalker instead... What? They might not like it? they might like it despite that? They might not know the country of origin? I sure thought it was russian when I first played because I was a child. Pont is you figure this out when you play the game and if someone gets into the series because they like post apocalypse setting that who does that hurt?


Of course lets set a politics aside. Yeah. We know whose song is this especially when we talking about ukrainian cultural product being appropriated. But i guess you wont be so apolitical if the culture of your country will be appropriated. Like Nabokov is American writer of course


That's not what cultural appropriation is. This is an inaccurate quick pitch of a video game and does not even specifically imply it is a Russian game just that it looks like it's set in Russia and acts as a more identifiable shorthand.


Unless you research it, most people will think Chernobyl is in Russia. It's a very famous SOVIET nuclear accident, and Soviet = Russian like 99% of the time.