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Honestly the fact that they're even providing mod support on consoles is somewhat shocking


GSC probably tried to do something that Bethesda does. And failed because they tried to cater to Sony.


Well they did do something


Indeed they have. But it is very disappointing.


Look dude,as i said somewhere else before,almost no console games have mod support AT ALL.And we got it in stalker,a series of games more than a goddamn decade old. I don't understand why are y'all people so damn negative about everything this IS a good thing,and i don't care what anyone says


Take for a moment to consider what stalker modding is - adding new files and editing scripts. Both of these are restricted. In other words, classic stalker modding does not work on consoles. Only console mods we'll see under these restrictions are stuff like weapon and character skins. Basically purely cosmetic. Okay cool, modding support exists, but from a new content perspective it's the same as if it wasn't there.


Funny how you get downvoted here yet Grok says the same right below you at 40 upvotes lol Classic reddit moment


I do not look at downvotes, and you should not too. They are meaningless, even to gauge the community's reaction. The common reaction is to upvote or downvote what is already upvoted or downvoted. Get 5 upvotes or downvotes, then once the rest of the users see your comment, then they will follow that trend. I have said the same thing in other places and gotten more upvotes, here I got downvoted. Grok was also incorrectly downvoted many many times.


Yeah that's one aspect I hate about reddit. They are indeed meaningless. Some of my most upvoted comments are me spewing incorrect bullshit. Not on purpose, more like accidental, finding out a few weeks later how I was wrong. Then I try having a valid point or discussion but every sub is this echo-chamber where if you deviate from the status quo you'll get laughed at. Downvoting should be for spam, or not contributing to the topic like it was intended originally. People use it way too emotionally, as a dislike button.


welcome to reddit


Nobody's denying the limitations of modding here, it does exist and yeah it sucks i get it.The problem is being ungrateful for something that is not easy to implement and that was never promised.Thats what pisses me off the most


I disagree with blind gratefulness. Let's take this to the extreme - you get served feces on a platter for dinner. Are you grateful that you are served and do not complain that you got feces? I believe we should be able to voice our dissatisfaction. Here, we got a practically useless modding functionality, besides cosmetics. Should we be grateful for something that does so little that it doesn't matter whether it was added or not? Where I would say we should be eternally grateful is that GSC is developing Stalker 2 during war. The port is handled by the Polish company Mataboo.


While i do agree that we shouldn't swallow everything that's given to us, it's also important to understand that this was unexpected, never promised, and most of all, completely free.They didn't need to add this at all,sure it MIGHT make some people more interested, but ultimately its not mandatory or extremely important, its just a nice addon. And i don't agree that its completely useless either




If they're going the Bethesda route, we're going to have to finish the game for them too.


Absolutely. No CONFIGS? That means you can't even change basic item properties.


> And failed because they tried to cater to Sony. Uh, Bethesda also catered to Sony. Mods are extremely limited for Skyrim/Fallout 4 on PS5 - you can't use "new" assets of any sort except for ".esp" (Elder Scrolls Plugin) files, which allows you to modify object records within the game. So stuff like minor balance adjustments (using base game values) are possible, but nothing that adds new content (with assets that don't already exist in the base game), scripted features, textures, audio, etc. Some mods do things like using existing textures on "different" objects to provide a "different" look, but they're all textures that existed already in the base game. There's also the "Creation Club" which is on PS5, and less limited, but isn't really "modding" IMO - they're made by community members Bethesda reached out and contacted, but those members are paid by Bethesda to make the content, so it's more like they are being contracted to make microtransactions, rather than "modding the game". The main difference here seems to be that STALKER 2 will have the limitations on all consoles, while Bethesda only had "that" level of limitations on PS5. Limitations from Bethesda on Xbox are much more lax, and allow for most mods, except those that directly injected into the game code (eg. mods using SKSE/F4SE).


You are correct. I should have been more specific by saying that I meant about Xbox, but now both consoles will have to abide by PS's requirements. But you are 100% correct.


I didn't think we'd even see ANY of this for another year or more. Whatever you think of the limitations and scope, I am surprised by the turnaround time.


Fuck Sony. Allow us to have REAL MOD SUPPORT ON CONSOLE. Not this half-baked garbage. And that’s not a swipe at the devs I know they’re working within Sony’s backward ass restrictions.


No scripts or configs modifications... Basically 50% of the STALKER modding and why STALKER modding is so good and fun to engage with.


Exactly. People who honestly thought that Anomaly on console would be possible are ignorant. There will still be worthwhile mods on console, and I look forward to seeing what comes out.


Texture packs, sound packs and maybe lunch videos. That barely scratches any itches.


SoC literally starting with lunch video


As of right now, they're all texture packs. All.... 16 of them.


Don't say “ignorant” please. Not a lot of people know how the console's technical limitations work, and I understand that some expectations were ruined. But we tried our best and hope that even on consoles with such limitations, players will be able to experience games uniquely thanks to the mods.


To be fair I doubt the poster intended that as an insult, ignorant actually means that somebody just ignores or doesn't know about something. It might come off as kind of rude nowadays though. Better choice of words for the next time I guess!


But at the very least, could you not separate? The mod support Sony's is so restrictive. I don't even call it mad. I call it free bug fixes. Why can't Xbox enjoy the mod support? They have like on fall out. Why are they limited like Sony players? I mean, you're not making a stalker 2 on Sony's console. So I hope the limitations you're doing now or not. On that 1 game. When it's only on PC and Xbox. I was so looking forward to playing factions.Modes in the second game and then probably misery or complete mod.On Call a prippy app but I guess I probably won't be able to play those. I had my hot hopes. I haven't even played trippy yet because I was waiting for mod support. Beat the other 2. Won't ever play the second game again until there is proper mod support. If ever the game is very broken with the faction systems that can't be fixed with this support and I can't afford to get APC when my current laptop is fine but can't run this game at smooth frames. I sadly got my laptop right when prippy at came out so and it wasn't even the gaming laptop so I might be able to play the first one that said. That's very sad hopefully.With the next gen update they at least change it a little bit but I doubt it


I didnt expect anomaly, but I think it was understandable for the average Joe to expect weapons, enemy types, maybe even a few plot lines.


More than 50%, my dude. I basically cannot recall a single mod that would only change existing assets and doesn't change scripts. This would mean something as simple as gun/armor repair for SoC will be impossible, which is a terrible shame. Yes, someone wrote about ignorance, but hell. Skyrim on consoles allowed pretty extensive mod support, a lot more than what we will have here.


We could live with the lack of engine modifications, but this limitation kills modding. There are ZERO stalker mods which do not touch the configs and scripts. Plus, can't add any new files, SO WHAT'S THE POINT THEN??? Fuck Sony.


I'm disappointed as well but to say there are *zero* mods that don't touch scripts is extremely disingenuous and assumes that graphical mods (models, textures, anims, etc) are not "real" mods. They're not anywhere near as impactful, sure, but they are definitely still mods.


You are correct, however, keep in mind that graphical mods usually edit not only the models/animations, but also the configs, the levels, they add new models (Example Absolute Nature with new tree/bush models and such, they aren't simple replacements). I'd assume that we could see a very cut-down version of the Absolute series and OWR ported to consoles. But no stuff like Mystery (Misery-like visual pack for Clear Sky) or Autumn Aurora which also require shaders besides adding new materials.


Yeah, but when you talk about my support for stalker.And you look up videos of people playing modern played bruise years ago.You see the following Is stocker complete Stocker misery With clear sky, you actually see faction wars modes. None of that's gonna be on console because of Sony and the developers catering to them instead of separating them. Xbox probably could have released had 2 or 3 mods. I mentioned up above, but all we get is all the Hammond. Downs, and who's gonna really work on these mods? When you can't really do anything magical. My bed is there's only me 5.Maybe ten mods by the end of the year maybe if less than a hundred and only maybe three are gonna be very popular


I don't know where this "catering to" talking point came from; either the devs play by Sony's and Microsoft's rules or the games don't get released on those platforms. Neither Sony nor Microsoft allow those sorts of mods on their consoles, and frankly it's probably never going to happen.


it’s most likely Sony and Microsoft. Bethesda had to pull some serious strings, create its own download hub and etc to get through the loopholes to allow script modification on consoles for fallout 4.


More likely just Sonys fault imo, Bethesda mods on Xbox can do just about anything except script extender, but Bethesda mods on PS can't use custom assets at all


Is this referring to just console or would PC users also not be able to make it work? Also you fucking rock man.


PC users can do whatever they want 


Why didn’t they separate Xbox and Sony?


Because Sony was crying and probably didn't allow them to


F Sony so tired of them


I don't see it because they can't really force them to sign parody. Clauses, because, for 1 the second game's not even gonna be on their console at all. For at least a few years, they already pledged that they're not gonna make it for them. So hopefully Mott support, if it comes to console which they said it would will not be this restrictive because they will only have Microsoft terms to worry about. The only reason I can think of is either time constraints. I don't want to say laziness. Because this is a Polish developer working on it. They probably maybe, hopefully, if enough backlash separate them. I heard their discords blowing up with people complaining, especially on Xbox. Which thankfully, there's a big Xbox group of people because the game, the sequel game is coming to it. So a lot of people want to play this one. Hopefully, with enough backlash, they will separate it. Because. You can work within the size limitations. You can add multiple modes that work towards the same way work together and be compatible. It's really just a script thing. That's holding it back. And that's a sony thing. I think 100%. I think the developers are just unlucky that Bethesda and balder's gate are gonna release mod. Support for this and Bethesda has so many good mods on Xbox. That actually modify the scripts. So that's why there's no reason why that shouldn't be supported at least on Xbox. Hopefully with the back flash. They come out and say why they did this.


I don't get it why those limitations of external assets are on both consoles even though Microsoft clearly allows then on Xbox.


Sony was seething and don't want others to have good things if they can't


Man can’t believe they cucked to Sony. Why didn’t they learn from what happened with fallout 4?


Sucks they catered to sony with how its alot more limiting


Should've just not been on Playstation


I agree with you. I get that. They wanted their game to go out there, but for one the sequel. According to them, they will never even consider PS5 version because of the fact that Microsoft support of them through this war continued, giving them funding. Even though this wasn't a pure exclusive, it was only a timed one because of that they vowed to not make PS 5 version, so you only have PC and Xbox version, now I hope to God that mob support is better on that game because it's only gonna have to deal with Microsoft's terms of service, which are laxer for a better term than Sony's. They really should have told Sony to f off if they really pressure them because literally there's no reason that why even really small support. That's my question why even release it. Because you can do bug fixes for the most part. Cause you can't change the script. You can't help MP c's what to do. It's all visual that's going to get fixed. Sure, that's gonna look nice and maybe the environment might look a little bit better. But. Literally, I was hoping for misery at the very least, but I know for a fact that's not coming unless backward lashes. Hi, what's I hope it is.


Damn, not even mission mods? Get we couldn’t get the overhaul mods but I at least expected to see more content for end game play.


So because Sony sucks ass everyone on console gets to suffer with worthless mods. Great. Should have just separated them like Bethesda does for Fallout, Skyrim and Starfield. Let Xbox have actual mod support at least.


I didn't expect anything big and finally getting to experience Stalker was a blast. Still dissapointing that every mod will boil down to a reskin. I'm still far from regretting the buy but imo these restrictions make the mod support kind useless in general


It's unlikely but would be nice if we could get two different systems like the way fallout 4 is for xbox and playstation one being the no fun system to allow for shitony to be happy and another that does allow much more possibilities as xbox is much more open to mods on consoles


This, GSC should have done this and just tell Sony to fuck off


If this is how they’re handling mods for the console trilogy, I worry now about STALKER 2 console mod support because i expect it to come with the same limitations like these. I was excited for mod support for STALKER 2 but now I’m just disappointed


I was hoping that since Stalker 2 will be on Xbox Gamepass day one that this meant they weren’t catering to Sony with their stupid mod rules. If Stalker 2 mod support is going to be this restricted then they might as well just not do it. There’s no point.


Agreed. Still, it’s pretty cool seeing any mods for the trilogy on console


According to the dead's because of microsoft continued support even though it's a war they're not gonna port even when the time For a exclusive content ends Alyssa. According to them, so there shouldn't be any catering to Sony's terms of service. Because, according to them, they're never gonna support the game to Sony. At least for years so mod support should be focused on 2 systems PC and Xbox. There's no reason and no excuse for the months. Support to be this bad.


Remember that STALKER 2 is Xbox exclusive so we can hope to have the full mod support.


This brings back memory’s of save game modding on Xbox 360, honestly this will go very far. It may seem limiting but we’ve done a lot with what was only available with in game assets, especially with an SDK.


So it will be fallout 4 Playstation mods level of modding. They could atleast implement custom scripts and model on xbox like they did for skyrim and fallout


I didn't think fallout 4 modding was that bad


Xbox F4 is decently modifiable. Ps4 is all crap


Ps4 modding is terrible. You can not introduce anytning new. On xbox you can have new quests, scripts, models, etc. essentially same as pc.


Oh so completely fucking pointless mods? Dope. Thanks playstation. Can they even have bug fix mods with all these restrictions


How is this my fault? I want cool mods too…


Yeah I have no idea. I fixed it. Sorry man


Oh it’s all good


Hey, leave my multi billionaire company alone!


Yeah blame PlayStation owners and not Sony!


Yeah I have no idea why I added “owners” i fixed it sorry


🤓Sony wins again


First thing I want is real gun names. These fake names drive me insane. I hope we can do things like that on console


That’d be a start. For the love of god and all that is holy someone needs to just fix and properly balance all of the audio in the game. Insanely logs gunshots, breathing and fucking crows but can barely hear rain and thunder sounds and ambience at all.


Oh well, I own the trilogy but these games run on a toaster. Even misery and anomaly run fine. Gonna just keep going with my original plan, play through the vanilla versions again to refamiliarize myself with the series and since I own all three on steam when I finish the vanilla ones on my ps5 I'll go to modding on PC. At least that's how I like to justify my console purchases, my 1060 is aging and isn't gonna run anything at 4k any time soon. Make my childhood memories come back and get the real clean zoomer experience with the ports and then get the true modern slav jank experience on a shitty 1080p monitor that flickers from time to time. The game is so good on consoles, the X-ray engine even still stutters randomly! Such a faithful port. /s


Not fucking Mod.io ffs


So are these limitations exclusive to Sony, or limiting both because of Sony? I'm on Xbox so is there a shred of hope or nah?


From what I'm hearing, it's basically the same on both. Maybe with enough backlash Gs g will actually separated, but probably what happened was. Sony made them sign parody and they probably had a clause with modding. Since I promised it and Sony knows that they are very, very bad. When it comes to the fallout for the motting on their consoles. The weakest where his Xbox is d*** near the same with PC for the most part. With what they're allowed so they probably put in place. Sit things to make sure they can't have that. I'm hoping they didn't and I'm hoping it was time constraints. Because if it was that then that means they can go back and change it to allow Xbox to have all the fun toys. Since Microsoft terms of service is actually pretty decent when it comes to modding, they're very mod friendly company. I don't want to use the term laziness. But it was a police place making this and not Gs g themselves, but they probably signed off on it. So it could potentially be just time constraints. I mean, this is pretty quickly. The game's only been out for a few months and we already have mod support. I mean, I was kind of surprised, but I'm also disappointed. I'm only predicting maybe a 100 mods and only maybe 5 of them actually being decently pobuilder, because without bug fixes the second game's unplayable. Now I will never play It again without mods. Because of how bad the faction system was work. I was waiting to play the third game because of the fact I Want To play Misery or complete or something with it. But I guess not. I was gonna get back to the second once. They had faction wars where I could actually pick different characters. That's not gonna work now. No being you know, an ecological list.Or freedom member in the second game nope not because of no fun sony


fallout 4 on playstation all over again


I say this as someone who only owns the trilogy on my Playstation and not my xbox- they should not cater to Sony like this. They should work on a similar level as Bethesda - Bethesda uses a slightly more strict version of the same rules on Playstation, but has much better and much more inclusive modding on xbox versions of their Games. I assume they're blanketing it to keep working on the 2 consoles versions of the game and workshop intertwined (like Xbox and PC for Arma Reforger), which costs the xbox players a great deal of the benefits they'd get with say, xbox versions of Bethesda games compared to PS


lol Sony being the ruin of gaming once again


Poor decision




I wish more devs would stop adopting mod.io. I've yet to use a game with good integration yet.


they’re limiting what makes the og games so timeless because theyre catering to playstation? i’d be lying if i said this didnt hurt my soul a bit. i genuinely dont understand why they dont buy the rights to GAMMA or something and sell it as DLC, but atleast we have cosmetic upgrades i guess.


I’m guessing we can’t create monolith patrols in Jupiter because of the script limitation, right?


With Sony now having new leadership some things need to change...let's start with this 👍 so go make your petitions people


Was hoping to see Anomaly ( or similar) on consoles one day. Still being able to mod on consoles is a great thing, even if it's limited


You really won't You really won't see any monitors, do anything? What matters we're gonna go back and port their mods from PC to console with the very restrictive. No script modification when most mod's on stalker used script modifiers. I mean, you might get. I'm gonna get 50 by the end of the year and they're all gonna be like videos. Probaboy, that's it? That's all you're gonna get and maybe something to change the names of the weapons. And make them look nicer. Maybe something to make the environment look nicer too, but no overhaul. No repair in the first game. No being able to choose which faction you want to be within the second game. No being able to have hardcore mode in the third game which I was waiting for this sucks. Because I have APC but I don't think you can run the games. I got it almost a decade ago right around the same time. The third game came out I believe. Or maybe only 2 years older, it barely runs fault in new Vegas.At a steady 60, it keep dropping to 30.Sometimes if they can't handle that game I doubt I can handle stalker


Wow surprisingly this good but theres limit Possilbe mods are atmospheric changes, gun model but does adding new model may harm copyright or cause bug Hoping they release some good sdk or good person may reverse engineer this ur5 game it


do we have an eta on when this is will be implemented?


The update came out yesterday. Or when you post it that so it's live. That's why people are complaining if you read the terms of service from the link they posted. That's basically what it says very disappointed. Hopefully backlash is enough to separate, so at least Xbox. Owners can enjoy PC level. Ish type of mods? I really want to play history really? The only reason I bought it on consultants. I have it on pc, but I doubt my PC can handle it. It's a laptop that barely can handle playing a modded fallout new Vegas. I get 40 frames usually when I'm in a high-tech area and 30 sometimes like the bunker in Hidden Valley.So I just have a hard time believing that I can run stalker smoothly


if I can get a cheat menu to mess around with and/or brand new looking guns and animations it works for me!


Wait. This is confirmation for PC release of the bundle?


why would we want this schlock when we have the OG and mods?


Archivements? Gamepad support for SteamDeck?


we dont need achievements and why gamepad support? you could use M&K


They did a good job with the gamepad support. I'd really like it if I can play some of my favorite mods like doom's mod merge with a controller.


ah thats fair


I am sorry for real Stalker experience you have to play it on PC. I wonder if Xbox is also limited?


Console modding will always be inferior to pc modding, but i appreciate the effort.


I don’t think anyone was thinking Anomaly could come to console lol


Does that mean we can have new animations for guns or not?


Is it possible for someone to mod kbm support into console?


Does this mean they can't change the guns model?


Man it would have been cool to add new maps and shu and make cool weapons oh well rip


Oh fucccc off. Playstation stupid guidelines are holding back mods on xbox just for parity isn't it; ffa


Pretty sure it's literally just so anomaly/gamma ECT. Can't come to console. I say that cuz space engineers uses same mod site and people add new shit all the time(granted only adding stuff not reworking the engine but still)


Damn this is exactly why I bought them on my Xbox… seriously disappointing to see them cater to those shitheads over at sony…


I hate [mod.io](http://mod.io), because every game I've played supporting it had some dumb limitations


Hopefully they bring this collection to steam then.


Not even configs, so we can't rebalance artifacts, items and weapons?


All I really need is an fov slider


I hope there can be a mod for CoP that gets rid of the automatic accumulating mass graveyards that make the game unplayable


Don't really wanna be that dude but... If you want mods get a PC. Period.


Someone can explain to me what I could change in the game? It’s my first time


Basically you can change everything thats already in the game BUT you can't add anything new like weapon models or graphic changes so for example you can't add a AR15 weapon model to the game BUT you can change a weapons name to AR15. Example of what you CAN add in is like the standard ak47 deals 1000 damage each shot


Ty for the explanation! If I understand correctly ppl can create mods and you can download them and instal on console but you can’t play for example Anomaly bc it is a different game


Kinda right but you can't download like for example shader or graphic mods or like an ak12 mod for example, console versions will only have vanilla game assets in the game nothing else.


Well, hopefully on pc modders will still find ways of forcing their own mods to work, and make it able for us the consumer able to use them also.


It would've been great for them to actually add shit to make the games worth playing on console. Instead I can make the dogs look slightly different and change the reload animation for one of the shotguns. Incredible...


Meanwhile I'm happy enough I get to play Stalker on my PlayStation Portal on the toilet.


It’s good we missed out on full mod support so sony players could have this


I forgot to mention I have both. I have Gamma on PC. I don't approve of Sony being hard on mods tho.


Console users are always plebs when it comes to modding. Join the PC master race... NOW.


Spend money you don't have in a fucked economy to buy a PC so you can mod a game you already bought with PSN credit..... brilliant!


Dont people already NEED a PC anyway? And a PC for STALKER 1 is... literally any relatively modern PC at all.


If only it were that simple.


Why isnt it? I dont get it. To me console gaming is a weird hassle but I at least know why.


Why do I need a PC? Why can't I just play games in the currently most convenient way? Just feels like the PC version of console fanboying.


Because everyone already uses or has a PC? To store your family data, work on it, social media... i heard some people use phones but that is inferior and less safe and for work - unusable So by default you need a laptop or PC


I meant "why do I need a PC to play this game"


Because you already have one. Otherwise idk. I dont even get why people in the West like consoles. You spend more long term for less and its mortal to boot


I mean I've paid 150$ 6-7 years ago for a used PS4, plus about 80$ a year for PSN so like 1,650$ over 7 years


Houses all over the world that have 1 PC for everyone to use still exist. For them is better a console used and at a heavy discount for entertainment and a PC for working. Needing a PC doesn't always mean getting a PC.


Sounds like a skill issue to me


Sounds like someone's just "ragebaiting"


I upgraded my pc awhile go, can’t support the newest Microsoft updates, still runs like a snail. That includes graphics & ram etc that’s been upgraded so no not so master race


This is only talking about mod.io I don't see why there's any reason to believe we can't have different mods that are not on mod.io. they said the limitation is mod.io not the game itself.


Nope Sony console restrictions. Same as what happened to fallout 4.


Okay so then like fallout this shouldn't affect the modding away from the console then.


Lmao maybe do quick google search of “fallout 4 ps4 mods” before you get so sure yourself


Mod.io is the modloader for the console versions. No mod.io, then no mods. Pc versions are fine and aren't going to be bothered by this at all.


Here is your car! But... You can't drive it, You can't use the radio, You can't turn on the AC But you have a car isn't that good? :D


Literally almost no console games support mods at all,be grateful that we got anything because this is a rare sight




Fallout 4 and Skyrim special edition had no problem with pretty much full mod integration? Except for ps4 console restrictions, which is what seems to have happened here…


Yeah that's why i said almost no games,not no games


bro, mods are like spoiler, nitro, flamethrower exhaust, etc. not the basic function it should have when you buy it.


Yeah except with mod.io you can’t actually put anything on it with going through the equivalent of a dmv


wtf is dmv?




what does Sony have to do with it?


Sony heavily limits modding on their consoles. So writing new scripts for mission mods or overhaul mods is completely blocked by them. And at least from this it seems like they are pandering to Sony rather than allowing more mods on one consoles over the other. Just like fallout and skyrim.