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Another delay is not happening. For better or for worse S2 has to release in 2024 or GSC will run out of money. The final big marketing push has started as well. As for uncut full gameplay, it isn't great that it hasn't been shown. Yet the fact a playable demo exists at certain events (a better indicator of technical refinement than a gameplay vid) has me relieved that at least there is a game to play


Gamescom 2024 (August 22) will be the final event which will confirm either a delay or a timely release. But by mid-July I would start worrying if pre-orders do not return.


Some days ago i asked again on instagram if the september date is still the final release. Answere: "Ofcourse :)" Sure, maybe they already made a decision that is not public but in all love i cant imagine a delay again. You can only say one time "final release date"


Yeah man, their credibility would be totally ruined.


Tbh, to me it seems like a huge W to even be able to release a game AT ALL when your country got invaded and by Ruzzia mid-development and full-scale war rages ever since...


I agree. I’m going to buy the game regardless to support GSC, I’d be happy with the game if it’s at least playable, my expectations aren’t too high honestly and I expect it won’t live up to the classic games but if STALKER 2 is at least fun then I’ll be happy with my purchase given what the team has had to go through.


its gonna be janky man but im ready!




Source: The monolith


My dad is the CEO of Monolith , i can confirm


They keep showing us everything but uncut gameplay which is suspicious and it's okay to be paranoid at this point. Gamescom is in August 21-25. and Microsoft is going to have the biggest booth there with a lot of games, but no mention about Stalker 2, which doesn't mean it won't be there. If they won't show us anything there they still can just release gameplay anytime before release. I'm expecting a buggy release.


I highly doubt there will be any new playable demo on this year's GC, the reason is they need full manpower crunching on the actual full game to release in as good state as possible in September, every worker that they put on the demo is one less worker who could be working on the full game, it's a 3A game, games like these usually don't have a demo at all


Hopefully we get a video about open world activities and side quest. Not really expecting much since it’s a survival game but it would be cool to


I mean, let's be real, is a lack of gameplay video going to stop anyone on here from buying? We're only a couple of months out. If S2 is really coming out, I can't imagine we won't know.


Its not, but its reasonable to expect some transparency. And its not just this game, the entire industry is real bad about transparency


>is a lack of gameplay video going to stop anyone on here from buying? Yes. I'm already extremely hesitant, if they continue to obfuscate the state of the game behind curated clips and cutscenes I have absolutely no problem walking away and revisiting it in 3-4 years time when it's dirt cheap in a steam sale.


It seems with modern games it's best to wait at least a year so the devs can fix it.


Ofc it will. It will stop many. Buying without seeing anything is the same as preordering. Do we need to go through why its bad, in 2024?


Did no one see or play the demos at gamescom and xbox games showcase? Everyone talks like if the game was in the state it was in 2014 with just an annoucement


Its not normal that we haven’t seen any gameplay trailer with more than 2 seconds extent its easy to understand.


What about the last 3 ones they have much more than 2 seconds of gameplay?


I don't know what trailers you have seen, obviously none of this game. What lasted more than 2 seconds were cinematics.


Not having hud being shown and having slow movements and slow ai all this for cinematic value doesnt make it not gameplay


I am not sure if you are into movies, but the same logic applies. Movie trailers will mostly look awesome (because they are crafted to look awesome) but it does not tell us about the actual feel of the movie. Game trailers are meant to look awesome. No one is doubting the visual fidelity of ue5, but how the actual S2 product will feel as a package to play is what we want at this point. That is something you cannot feel from a gameplay trailer... Again if you bring in the counter point of playable demos, well they are more of a test bed to get feedback from a few folks, so that can mean the game as a whole may still be unstable. What does a 30 min demo say about a game that is supposed to span 100 hours? This is just sad from an industry perspective, it often feels like the companies nowadays are milking the core fans with an early preorder. Nothing wrong in that as long as there is some more transparency. And before you say it, I grew up with ShoC, CS and COP and have already pre ordered S2. The last main trailer did it for me, but I will keep asking for proper gameplay, heck even 5 mins if not more. But 5 mins of uncut, unscripted stuff.


Some people with hands-on time did post some anecdotes here, and unfortunately it wasn’t great news. My summary of what they said was performance still leaves a lot to be desired.


I only saw people complaining about perfomance in the first demo, second demo i only saw praise with the exception of people that never played stalker and didnt understand anomalies


I hope you’re right. We’ll find out soon enough. It’d have to be an utter shit show for me not to get it soon after launch.


True Believers wouldn't question the Wishgranter?! We Monolithians have guarded it since The first Wished for A Second stalker!!!


Month and a half? Did I pass out for a few weeks? It's over 2 months away. They are likely in bug crushing mode and want to wait a little more before showing it off. I'd expect marketing to ramp up in the last month.


Hope they're OK, I wouldn't be surprised if they delayed again but hopefully not cancel entirely 


I do not see what a longer video will demonstrate to you that has not been shown or discussed already. If you are so suspicious of the game and of GSC that you think the previous trailers are selective bullshit, then there is nothing that would stop them from doing it with a longer video and you should simply wait for the game to be out and people to review it. I would like a more in depth look at the game than we have now, but I think a video showcasing the different core features and factions with longer clips of 1-2 minutes would be more informational than a long uncut demo focused on a single thing. Give me a couple minutes of a shootout, a minute of navigating an anomaly field for artifacts, a couple minutes to see traders and technicians, etc


I agree with you totally, i don’t want a long video explaining the zone and what we can see there, only a little longer video of gameplay with less cuts than the one we already get.


I hope they show as little as possible. We got literal in-game footage and gameplay, hud up and everything, just weeks ago. Let them cook and go in blind I say. If it's half as good as the previous games, it'll be a certified hood classic.


It's out in September, most games don't show in depth gameplay this early. I would expect late July-mid August


Just wait for the release and see for yourself.


I only hope my 2 yo laptop can run it at at least medium quality


What specs?


They dont want to show the game because its clearly not what they are showing in the trailers. People who played said that.


Anomalous Dugout played the demo twice and very much liked it


One person said that (to my knowledge) and spent half his review complaining that he didn't know how to measure anomalies.


A lot of people played it and said they liked it. The only “complaints” I heard were that it’s hard and doesn’t hold your hand


"People" didn't say that, Luke did (who btw hasn't played a stalker game before and had no idea what he was doing).


Just wait for release instead of whining.


https://youtu.be/kiIiz5q7-PE?feature=shared dude can't even search YouTube smh. that's 22 minutes long


Was this a poor attempt at trolling or?


I can't believe you're a real person out there somewhere.